Puzzle & Dragons |OT4| Co-op Edition: Stoning With Friends


Just did my first co-op MZeus farming session of Z8 mythical plus. It's so legit. My MZeus wasn't even evolved yet, and missing awakenings.

Insane rank xp, free MP, and super kings for fodder. Not to mention I've never skilled up my z8. I highly recommend it :).

What kind of team is good for beating Machine Zeus?
What kind of team is good for beating Machine Zeus?

I lucked in to rolling a Sephiroth, who's tailormade for that dungeon. I still needed a more experienced and stronger player to get me through it, but I got it without spending a stone. The power level of him in co-op, and the stuff you can brainlessly farm easily makes him work stoning for if you have to.

One option is if you have A. Ra, there's a guy on twitch that does carries for $5, but he's also doing free ones tomorrow. You need A. Ra lead, 3 delays (A. Orochi and even echidna work), and I think maybe Tengu.


That's the channel. I've seen him run it a few times, he's very legit and seems like a good dude.

Other than that, you're looking at probably spending stones and I don't know exactly what would be the best option. I'm sure stuff like FA Luci or A. Pandora could do it in a reasonable amount.

Edit: Forgot Sakuya. She's one of the best options. Don't know how the teambuilding works there.


I think it says a lot about the state of Green how much work I'm going to have to do to get my Kaede team up and going. The only thing I have even remotely ready is a regular Evoed and max skilled Verdandi. Everything else needed to be level, evoed, awokened, and skill. For pretty much every other color, I'd at least have some basic key subs ready to go.


Is anyone trying the Phoenix Wright ranking dungeon in JP? I'm doing it too max skill the drops for something to do.

With You Yu I can max the damage easy and finish it super fast, but my best is still only at about 15%. I assume it's very combo oriented and only average about 5ish with him, partly due to the first board absorbing fire. There is always a lot of fire orbs and my best water subs have fire sub att. Rukia might be better and I can try her, but will still have that first board issue, at least a little.
There seems to be quite a few people attempting it with some combination of Z8 and Anubis. I don't think I have the comp to try it myself so I can't speak for its effectiveness.
Me. Do I have you added? My ID is 371,242,226

What's your in game name?

Given we need an order, I guess I'll BF Jaggy, He'll BF you and you BF me if that's cool.

Already added you today just find Phones. I'll bf jaggy once the invite is accepted.

Opps, yeah, you. I'll bf you.


Already added you today just find Phones. I'll bf jaggy once the invite is accepted.

Wait, you're BFIng Jaggy? OK then, let's formalize the order so there's no question. In that case.


When we get confirmation from everyone, I'll go ahead and do it.

Is anyone trying the Phoenix Wright ranking dungeon in JP? I'm doing it too max skill the drops for something to do.

With You Yu I can max the damage easy and finish it super fast, but my best is still only at about 15%. I assume it's very combo oriented and only average about 5ish with him, partly due to the first board absorbing fire. There is always a lot of fire orbs and my best water subs have fire sub att. Rukia might be better and I can try her, but will still have that first board issue, at least a little.

I've run it a few times with my Panda team. Got up to 14% and sure I was going to drop quickly, but I've only gone down to 17. Can't seem to get lucky enough for a better score, though.
Wait, you're BFIng Jaggy? OK then, let's formalize the order so there's no question. In that case.


When we get confirmation from everyone, I'll go ahead and do it.

AHHHH. Okay, okay. We will go with this order. I am now BFF'ing Jaggy at this moment.


There seems to be quite a few people attempting it with some combination of Z8 and Anubis. I don't think I have the comp to try it myself so I can't speak for its effectiveness.

Yeah I was watching a player use ace Bastet and it was all gronia/Avalon drake subs for big stacking combos. I'll mess around a bit with Rukia, but I'll be happy with the score I got I suppose.
Yami4ct, I do have a Kaede. I may work on her a bit later on once I get some more +eggs to give her a test run once her ult gets release.


Yami4ct, I do have a Kaede. I may work on her a bit later on once I get some more +eggs to give her a test run once her ult gets release.

That's cool. Don't pay me so much mind if it doesn't work for you, but I would definitely appreciate her being up if you like her.


PADX predicting PAD Academy redux for NA/EU next week, along with yet again 3x skillups and 10x descends for how many events in a row now?


Memorial Pulls:

150: Neptune (well.. umm.. humm. That completes my first pantheon, I guess.)
250: Osiris. (UUevo when? Nice orb enhancer.)


I could use both of those bonuses. Thank you GH US.

Ok, it's official now. (Friday the 10th to Sun the 19th)

3x skillups / no xp feed modifier

Spirit Jewel invades are on. Latent invades in the Legendaries are on.

10x descends for the event.

PAD Academy revamp for a week.

*** HALF stamina for dailies (holy crap Monday dungeon Rank XP farming; also 25 STA trifruit/angelit/devlit farming; Weekend Coins at 20 STA) ***

Re-attempt at Shuten-Doki descend.

Notable urgents: PreDras on the 16th, Star Treasure on the 19th (no idea if the revamp is in or not yet).

If a godfest occurs around the 15th, gala color will be Red.


No coin bonus? The difference between Earth Insect Dragon at 1x and 2x is realistically only 5 stam/run, but still it's nice to have. Oh well.

Half stamina Weekend is going to be a good time to net some dough. Don't feel the need to grind Rank EXP right now and I'm pretty set on evo mats, so the other days don't mean much to me.


Bah, it's a shame that the weekly dungeons are on cards I don't have right now. Maybe next time that bonus rolls around


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
No Aamir is a bummer though - had hoped to Awoken Pandora...but 1/2 Stamina costs for Daily Dungeons is cool.


Is anyone trying the Phoenix Wright ranking dungeon in JP? I'm doing it too max skill the drops for something to do.

With You Yu I can max the damage easy and finish it super fast, but my best is still only at about 15%. I assume it's very combo oriented and only average about 5ish with him, partly due to the first board absorbing fire. There is always a lot of fire orbs and my best water subs have fire sub att. Rukia might be better and I can try her, but will still have that first board issue, at least a little.
It seems like most people are using combo characters like A.Anubis or the new Bastet along with four 2 color board changers, one for each floor.

Something like this: https://youtu.be/dt_rekAw9sI?t=4m1s

You do have to worry about having a red orb skyfall with A.Anubis on the first floor though.

Or this one, too: https://youtu.be/PryNb_Ot59Q


10x should let me finish Hypermaxing my XM team. Now that I have Kiriko Another max skilled she needs all kinds of plus eggs.

I tried Arena 2 yesterday since I was in the butter zone of near max stamina right before a rank up. I made it to Ilsix. Fuck that guy. It's on me for poor skill management as I was trying to bank skills for a Kali killshot. I've done the math and my team can put out enough damage to OHKO her through her shield if Arcline is up.

A. Ra was an enormous help vs both the Tamas and Predras since I didn't have to worry about them. I did have to stall at the Star Dragons to get A. Ra back up but I got lucky and had a green one I could just repeatedly kill to stall. Everything else was just slow and steady. I definitely could have cleared with this team.

I plan on running Arena 1 today at some point since I'm pretty sure I can clear it given my Arena 2 performance.


No coin bonus? The difference between Earth Insect Dragon at 1x and 2x is realistically only 5 stam/run, but still it's nice to have. Oh well.

Half stamina Weekend is going to be a good time to net some dough. Don't feel the need to grind Rank EXP right now and I'm pretty set on evo mats, so the other days don't mean much to me.

Double checked; no coin drop bonus rates.

In the "PADX sees a last second dungeon push, but doesn't know if it is real" department, Challenge Descended 13 is listed. Only 10 descends present this time, co-opable. Top floor is Sonia Gran. One set of pys, Badpy behind Journey to the West (lol?). Everyone's favorite +egg farming descends are present in the set, of course.


Here's hoping. 10x + Kanetsugu (even if coop buffed) is my farm of choice.

Is the NA Star Vault better than 5+ / 50 Stam yet? It's showing up at a really convenient time for me tonight and I'd rather burn stones there to get Kiriko to 297 than Kanetsugu.
I need 10X kanetsugu. I was pissed that the busiest day I had last event had both kanetsugu and sowilo. I wonder how fast it goes if you farm it co-op? I'm sure there's button push set-ups or something.


I need 10X kanetsugu. I was pissed that the busiest day I had last event had both kanetsugu and sowilo. I wonder how fast it goes if you farm it co-op? I'm sure there's button push set-ups or something.

I expect it would be more stamina efficient but not time efficient due to connection and just the normal progression of turns.


In the "PADX sees a last second dungeon push, but doesn't know if it is real" department, Challenge Descended 13 is listed. Only 10 descends present this time, co-opable. Top floor is Sonia Gran. One set of pys, Badpy behind Journey to the West (lol?). Everyone's favorite +egg farming descends are present in the set, of course.

PAD NA just confirmed the challenge set is in.

Dungeon is "enhanced" for a specific color, so all the monsters are buffed. Unknown if multiplayerable. There is no language in the NA PR release that says so, but in JP it apparently was.

@Yama - This was buried in the very fine print of one of the announcements.
GungHo said:
For this event, Thoth & Sopdet Descended! is available as a Coin Dungeon! There will be a board restriction in place that utilizes a 5x4 Board. This dungeon comes in Mythical and Legend Plus difficulties. Select Coin Dungeons will also have 2x Drop Rates!

That wasn't in the EU notes.

**** PAD Academy is NOT in the NA event notes. The name of the event was changed from "Summer School" (EU) to "Cosmic Getaway" (NA).
*** EDIT: PADX is still claiming that PAD Academy is still on for next week. Who knows at this point?
*** EDIT 2: More conflicting information: GH NA announcement suggest jewels would invade the descended challenge (it is not on the exclusion list). However, the announcement does specifically state that jewels will not invade multiplayer dungeons. Can a dungeon be coded like that, to have a conditional invade?


Is the NA Star Vault better than 5+ / 50 Stam yet? It's showing up at a really convenient time for me tonight and I'd rather burn stones there to get Kiriko to 297 than Kanetsugu.

Just ran it in Group B. It is the old version; 5 plus eggs and not 10 per run.


With half price Monday dungeon you can continuously rank up past 500, crazy. I'll probably just do it until I'm at 250 stamina since I'm close.


With half price Monday dungeon you can continuously rank up past 500, crazy. I'll probably just do it until I'm at 250 stamina since I'm close.

For the JP crew, was the half stamina event a one time event before 9.1 where everything became co-opable?

In other words, similar to past events (like Tengu Master on bonus drop and 10x +eggs), is this the only time where the half stamina would ever apply to a one-player run of these dungeons?


For the JP crew, was the half stamina event a one time event before 9.1 where everything became co-opable?

In other words, similar to past events (like Tengu Master on bonus drop and 10x +eggs), is this the only time where the half stamina would ever apply to a one-player run of these dungeons?

I don't remember it being more than the one time, but I might be wrong.

I just did the 297+ Zeus dungeon that you can get from padr. Holy shit at the masks armor in that dungeon... I ended up having to use 3 stones on Zeus, but I think that's worth a full 297 plus eggs. I probably could have done it with only 1 or 2 stones, but my actives were down. If I do it again I will save my actives and use a stone after his locked orbs and try to one shot him. If I can get it down to one or two stones it will be so worth it.


Ran arena today for the first time with XM. Missed the damage threshold by around 5 percent.

Need to get my dupe XM up and running. This should be a good event for that. Finish plus eggs and get the mats for evo.

May need to have sun quan thrown on as well.


How does the Zeus dungeon change compared to the original version? Can you run it co-op?

It's totally different, 5 floors, mega armor or hp on monsters. The mask floor I hit for around 20 million and didn't break the middle ones armor, had to fully activate You Yu to kill it. The rest of the regular floors I one shot. Zeus has a ton of hp, don't know how much. He locks majority of orbs first thing, then puts poison on the board. I was able to tank his first hit, but after that they were all 40k plus and would one shot me.

Oh and no co-op. When you buy it you have an hour to run it once you start and it disappears once you beat it. 25 stamina.

Edit: from that run, only floor it seems safe to stall on is the mask floor. The right and left one go down pretty easily and then the middle mask resurrects one each turn. So you can keep killing them to stall for actives.


I don't remember it being more than the one time, but I might be wrong.

I just did the 297+ Zeus dungeon that you can get from padr. Holy shit at the masks armor in that dungeon... I ended up having to use 3 stones on Zeus, but I think that's worth a full 297 plus eggs. I probably could have done it with only 1 or 2 stones, but my actives were down. If I do it again I will save my actives and use a stone after his locked orbs and try to one shot him. If I can get it down to one or two stones it will be so worth it.

I 4 stoned it and couldn't make it with Panda. Got to the point where Zeus would insta wipe me, he had just a smidge of health and I couldn't generate enough dark orbs to end it. That dungeon is no joke.


I 4 stoned it and couldn't make it with Panda. Got to the point where Zeus would insta wipe me, he had just a smidge of health and I couldn't generate enough dark orbs to end it. That dungeon is no joke.

I think Thanatos and/or Lubu might be quite effective here.


I think Thanatos and/or Lubu might be quite effective here.

The problem is, that boost there is a slot you could be using to orb change for an earlier floor. With panda, floors 3 and especially 4 require a ton of orbs to finish up. Floor 2 also does if you intend to stall. The Divine Masks don't take that much damage to kill and reset their timer, but it can be hard to get enough orbs to do so with a change.

I was trying to carry a Loki inherited on UUevo panda until the end, and I only ever successfully did it on one run. Even then, once Zeus locks orbs, it can be really tough to maximize damage.

It's a dungeon thats difficulty definitely matches its reward.


My You Yu team had 2 awoken Hermes and a Scheat so I had constant blue skyfall buff and that helped a ton. You need a team that hits hard.


Have to give props to Gungho


My alt account was returned to me in less than 72 hours.

I still think having a dedicated account with two step verification would be a better system - I still worry about my main account.

but I am happy in this moment.
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