Puzzle & Dragons |OT4| Co-op Edition: Stoning With Friends


Managed to get to floor 19. Hera-is managed to get me at just the wrong time as I was stalling for skills to kill Kali. Skyfall pushed her into "BIND EVERYONE!" mode while RRH had Chiyome's skill up. Gadius didn't make enough hearts and that was pretty much it.


Managed to get to floor 19. Hera-is managed to get me at just the wrong time as I was stalling for skills to kill Kali. Skyfall pushed her into "BIND EVERYONE!" mode while RRH had Chiyome's skill up. Gadius didn't make enough hearts and that was pretty much it.

I gave it a run today with my Yomi Dragon team. On floor 18 I was going for the kill and heal and realized I flubbed my firework and rushed to try to fix it and broke my heart combo in the process of not fixing it... It was ugly. I could of died on the next floor anyway since I don't have the dark latents.

My takeaway is that when it comes back it and has co-op, farming it with my alt should be pretty easy. I also sold all the junk on my alt that I don't use and almost have enough for You Yu, so I'll be able to co-op with him as well eventually.


The problem is, that boost there is a slot you could be using to orb change for an earlier floor. With panda, floors 3 and especially 4 require a ton of orbs to finish up. Floor 2 also does if you intend to stall. The Divine Masks don't take that much damage to kill and reset their timer, but it can be hard to get enough orbs to do so with a change.

I was trying to carry a Loki inherited on UUevo panda until the end, and I only ever successfully did it on one run. Even then, once Zeus locks orbs, it can be really tough to maximize damage.

It's a dungeon thats difficulty definitely matches its reward.

Right. Maybe a friend Lucifer leader to get rid of the Mystic Mask so you can stall a bit on floor 2?

Anyways I wonder if they will bring this dungeon over to the NA server.


Right. Maybe a friend Lucifer leader to get rid of the Mystic Mask so you can stall a bit on floor 2?

Anyways I wonder if they will bring this dungeon over to the NA server.

Keeping Mystic Mask around for a bit actually helps you stall, provided you can heal up. It revives the other masks and resets their counters. You can't take a hit from the divine masks, but if you can reset them by killing them you can stall out multiple of their timers. Mystic hits hard and a lot, but not unhealably so.

It's certainly doable with a Panda squad, but it takes a whole lot of thinking, a fair bit of luck and good skill when you need it.


I've been watching twitch players try the 297+ Zeus dungeon tonight and I feel fortunate I beat it, though they are all trying to do it without stoning.

The only no stone clear I've seen so far was a radra team, 3 dkalis and an orochi. I don't know all the inherits, but for Zeus he used dkali until he had a prong for blue, light, and dark. Took him all 3 of them. Then did a gemstone active, I assume the te one and one shotted him.

Watched some Sumire tries too, didn't see anyone clear it as the damage from Zeus outweighed the actives to keep the shield going.

I know I won't be able to beat it without a couple stones, but I don't mind spending that for the reward.
She's done. Maxed, inherited, latened etc etc. Looking for more XM friends.

333 752 218


I don't remember it being more than the one time, but I might be wrong.

I just did the 297+ Zeus dungeon that you can get from padr. Holy shit at the masks armor in that dungeon... I ended up having to use 3 stones on Zeus, but I think that's worth a full 297 plus eggs. I probably could have done it with only 1 or 2 stones, but my actives were down. If I do it again I will save my actives and use a stone after his locked orbs and try to one shot him. If I can get it down to one or two stones it will be so worth it.
Yeah, it's a tough dungeon. I had used my orbs already, so I just played the free one they let you play during this current event.

I went in blind with my YD team and died my first two tries at it. 1st try, was trying to whittle down the mystic mask and his attack power increased a lot past 50%. 2nd try I put Super Vegito sword on Anubis, but stupidly forgot to heal after a turn, totally my fault.

On my 3rd try I one stoned it. I had to use my D/L Rune Enhance early as I didn't think I could take out the Chimeras on before they attacked me, so I only had one turn left on it for Zeus. After he took me out my Escha came back up and I was able to finish him off with just her skill. Not to mention that I misread my friends secondary skill. I was in a hurry (break time at work) and thought he had Akechi's skill, but it wasn't...it was some other orb change that didn't really help me. I might've been able to take him out without continuing if it was Akechi's skill.

I wasn't so fortunate on my iPad and ended up using 3 stones with that YD team...

I also saw a video of a no continue clear using Miru although it was a bit slow and he had to use the cross on every turn to survive Zeus' attacks.

edit: I also max skilled the Yomi on my main and am close on my iPad one. Non-awoken versions with CTW/2.5x god enhance. Just need to turn them both into D/L Yomi.

Also still waiting for Saiyuki to come around again (will come with the new descend challege), so I can uevo my YY (main) and make my A.SQ. (both)
She's done. Maxed, inherited, latened etc etc. Looking for more XM friends.

333 752 218
Congrats! Although it does look like she is missing one awakening? Or is that just the pic? The Attacker Killer one.


Congrats! Although it does look like she is missing one awakening? Or is that just the pic? The Attacker Killer one.

many people aren't using the last awakening because of damage maximums (Vishnu specifically)

didn't stop me, but then again I don't farm arena

edit: oooooh rank 499.5


I don't remember it being more than the one time, but I might be wrong.

That's what I thought.

Woke up this morning for half priced Friday dungeon and.... nope. Figures. Re-read the very fine print on the news page... /sigh. Half priced daily dungeons come by exactly once, so no half priced dungeons until Monday.

So, each day next week will be a "one-time event". Why am I not surprised?. Better clear out my Monday and Thursday for next week now.


Also, co-op is disabled for the descended challenge, yet the monster stats are still buffed as if it was co-op. Consider all dungeons to be one difficulty tier higher than it normally is.


That's what I thought.

Woke up this morning for half priced Friday dungeon and.... nope. Figures. Re-read the very fine print on the news page... /sigh. Half priced daily dungeons come by exactly once, so no half priced dungeons until Monday.

So, each day next week will be a "one-time event". Why am I not surprised?. Better clear out my Monday and Thursday for next week now.


Also, co-op is disabled for the descended challenge, yet the monster stats are still buffed as if it was co-op. Consider all dungeons to be one difficulty tier higher than it normally is.

I noticed this. Tried to coop with my alt for some relatively easy pys and nope. Still I'm clearing the challenges with the appropriate teams. I really wanted to see how a light Mzeus coop team would do against Sonia Gran but I guess I'll have to wait. I'll probably just throw XM at the problem instead. I'm real short on Shynpys at the moment so I could use this one.

My light box is kind of weak. I have great subs, but Thor is my only real light leader and if I'm going to run a tank team I might as well run XM as that team is hypered.


I noticed this. Tried to coop with my alt for some relatively easy pys and nope. Still I'm clearing the challenges with the appropriate teams. I really wanted to see how a light Mzeus coop team would do against Sonia Gran but I guess I'll have to wait. I'll probably just throw XM at the problem instead. I'm real short on Shynpys at the moment so I could use this one.

My light box is kind of weak. I have great subs, but Thor is my only real light leader and if I'm going to run a tank team I might as well run XM as that team is hypered.

With a decent team you can clear them all pretty easily.

I used non enhanced teams for the lower 3 put difficulties and swept them. (Died once cause I didn't sweep and got bound 2 times in a row). If I had used a skill I would have been fine.


With a decent team you can clear them all pretty easily.

I used non enhanced teams for the lower 3 put difficulties and swept them. (Died once cause I didn't sweep and got bound 2 times in a row). If I had used a skill I would have been fine.

Yeah but what's the point of having a deep box if you can't put together specific teams for things like this?

Gran is the only dungeon I'm concerned about in this challenge set and it's because I'll either choke on Ronia's combo shield, or overkill Gran herself before hitting the resolve threshold. It happens every time this comes up in a "No Continue" challenge set. That little extra pressure messes with me every time.

EDIT: Nevermind XM is OP. Took me 12 turns to break Ronia but between 52000 HP and Valen's shield I could have stalled forever if I wanted. Gran was easy too. Her red shield combined with only a 9x 4 match twice brought her below her resolve then I Gad-->Uriel'd for the win.


Lu bu ult is a huge disappointment guess we'll just have to wait for awoken version before any major changes.

Bring on awoken Cao Cao



Tried the free one they had up, died first try and didn't stone due to not having the actives I wanted up. 2nd try I didn't clear enough locked orbs and died, used one stone and one shot him. I have this down now, should only cost me 1 stone if I fail to clear the board. I hope this comes to NA, cheapest time/stamina way to hyper a card by far.



Tried the free one they had up, died first try and didn't stone due to not having the actives I wanted up. 2nd try I didn't clear enough locked orbs and died, used one stone and one shot him. I have this down now, should only cost me 1 stone if I fail to clear the board. I hope this comes to NA, cheapest time/stamina way to hyper a card by far.

Wow. Given that it's about 10 stones per hyper if that's all I'm doing I'd gladly burn a stone or three on this dungeon. I'm really hoping we see it at some point. We still haven't seen anything that's been PAD Radar exclusive in NA yet right?
Wow. Given that it's about 10 stones per hyper if that's all I'm doing I'd gladly burn a stone or three on this dungeon. I'm really hoping we see it at some point. We still haven't seen anything that's been PAD Radar exclusive in NA yet right?
I'm still hoping we get PADR here, ever since they implemented breadcrumbs leading to treasure/dungeons I've noticed something faint showing up every once in a while. Still don't know why we got Orphelion/Seraphis in NA considering it's currently impossible for us to evolve him.


Wow. Given that it's about 10 stones per hyper if that's all I'm doing I'd gladly burn a stone or three on this dungeon. I'm really hoping we see it at some point. We still haven't seen anything that's been PAD Radar exclusive in NA yet right?

Well the padr dragons should be available in arena 3, and the 297+ Zeus I ran today was in an event and wasn't purchased through padr. So it's quite possible we might get the event dungeon at least.


I'm still hoping we get PADR here, ever since they implemented breadcrumbs leading to treasure/dungeons I've noticed something faint showing up every once in a while. Still don't know why we got Orphelion/Seraphis in NA considering it's currently impossible for us to evolve him.

I thought the parts dropped in MZeus/Hera though?

Either way having access to the uber dragons and the bonuses like 297 Mega Zeus/Hera would be lovely. Can't you also trade orbs for pys or am I imagining that?
I thought the parts dropped in MZeus/Hera though?

Either way having access to the uber dragons and the bonuses like 297 Mega Zeus/Hera would be lovely. Can't you also trade orbs for pys or am I imagining that?
Only during certain events that NA hasn't yet gotten I thought?

Also yeah you can trade orbs for piis, they're really expensive though (10x rainbow orbs plus 99x of the orb of the color you want)
Parts drop in MZeus and MHera now, pretty sure even outside of events. I know there was a post on Reddit a few days ago where a guy spent 13 stones trying to get MZeus only to have the head drop. I think it's like a 2% chance but that's a pretty terrible system.


You can make ophelion in NA, I've seen a few of him already. The parts are rare drops. I don't know all the dungeons, but machine Zeus and Hera along with deus ex are some of them.

I even saw a post on Reddit where someone used a bunch of stones to get machine Zeus and ended up with ophelions head instead. That would suck.

Edit: haha beaten and you read the same post, I cannot imagine how pissed I would be.
You can make ophelion in NA, I've seen a few of him already. The parts are rare drops. I don't know all the dungeons, but machine Zeus and Hera along with deus ex are some of them.

I even saw a post on Reddit where someone used a bunch of stones to get machine Zeus and ended up with ophelions head instead. That would suck.

Edit: haha beaten and you read the same post, I cannot imagine how pissed I would be.

Haha, yeah, I'd be furious. Getting MZeus has completely changed the game for me. Farming mythical plus dungeons co-op brainlessly when I haven't cleared them solo on legend plus. He's worth whatever stones you got to throw at him.


You can make ophelion in NA, I've seen a few of him already. The parts are rare drops. I don't know all the dungeons, but machine Zeus and Hera along with deus ex are some of them.

I even saw a post on Reddit where someone used a bunch of stones to get machine Zeus and ended up with ophelions head instead. That would suck.

Edit: haha beaten and you read the same post, I cannot imagine how pissed I would be.
Given how pissed off I was it took 10 stones to get Mzeus in the first place I'm not entirely sure either. That's some seriously fucked up bad luck.

The rage you feel when you fuck up that dungeon is very real.
Losing on floor 19 Arena didn't actually feel bad for a couple reasons:
It was my first real go at it, it didn't cost coins, I was able to level up anyway so the stamina wasn't wasted. None of the floors felt "unfair". OHKO pre-empts, preemptive skill delays, Absurd combo shields, Resolve on undelayable enemies with OHKO counterattacks.

I get that it's multiplayer for a reason and (barring Dacho method) one of the hardest dungeons in the game but man that dungeon is just loaded with infuriating mechanics. To go through all that pain and triumph and NOT get the prize at the end (especially for a first clear) is downright fucked.
I think my question already got answered, but I'll ask anyway.

Buying a coop dungeon with coins just opens it up for single player play (as opposed to multiplayer only)


I think my question already got answered, but I'll ask anyway.

Buying a coop dungeon with coins just opens it up for single player play (as opposed to multiplayer only)

Correct. The multiplayer version is always up (in the multi tab) so you never need to buy it if you're running multiplayer.


You can make ophelion in NA, I've seen a few of him already. The parts are rare drops. I don't know all the dungeons, but machine Zeus and Hera along with deus ex are some of them.

I even saw a post on Reddit where someone used a bunch of stones to get machine Zeus and ended up with ophelions head instead. That would suck.

Edit: haha beaten and you read the same post, I cannot imagine how pissed I would be.

I don't think I've ever seen a moment on PAD Reddit where everyone froze all at one and universally agreed that adding multiple drops to MZeus was a complete dick move by GungHo.


Got my dupe XM a little more ready, subbed her in for Valen and it honestly is much better.

The extra hearts and activation make things so much faster, and I don't think I would ever go to only one Uriel.

The issue now is making sure that my inherited skills aren't coming up before I use the first skill which with all the haste actives is actually a little challenging.

Need 3 more skills on the dupe and still need to evolve her (guan yin ping where are you?) but I am happy that I bought a second.


Well, I've been enjoying using my YY (although still need his uevo mats) and I've decided that I'm going to buy one for my iPad as well. My iPad already has some strong Water characters (no Scheat though), so it would be really nice to have YY on both of my accounts.

My current iPad Water team is Rukia/BValk/Skuld/A.Hermes/Andromeda (all except Andromeda are hyper). Just need to save up the 300k for him. Currently at 200k. Thinking about sacrificing my Gronia(never use her) and seeing what I can get from the next GF as my 900 day bonus is coming up soon on this secondary account.
many people aren't using the last awakening because of damage maximums (Vishnu specifically)

didn't stop me, but then again I don't farm arena

edit: oooooh rank 499.5
Oh, I didn't know that. I guess that makes sense then. I just did all of mine and didn't worry about that, heh.

Wow the JP gift dungeon I just ran gave me 5 max leveled snow globes! I hope we get that in NA.
Yeah, that's one of the rewards for the last GH Live Broadcast. Miru descend "no continue" clear with Max Murai and the Iwai guy.


In total we get 5 stones, 5 piis, 5 tamadras, this Noel Rush dungeon (so 5 snow globes) and the last one is that the person who is first in the AA ranking dungeon will become a Kounin player. Pretty much an officially recognized player who can participate in GH events and things like that.

The schedule is listed on that page:
6/6 - 6/10 was the Tamadras (1 everyday)
6/11 - 6/12 (24hrs) is the Noel Rush dungeon
6/12 - 6/17 is the Pii/stone present (1 Pii dungeon everyday that gives you a stone for the clear)


Yeah, that's one of the rewards for the last GH Live Broadcast. Miru descend "no continue" clear with Max Murai and the Iwai guy.


In total we get 5 stones, 5 piis, 5 tamadras, this Noel Rush dungeon (so 5 snow globes) and the last one is that the person who is first in the AA ranking dungeon will become a Kounin player. Pretty much an officially recognized player who can participate in GH events and things like that.

The schedule is listed on that page:
6/6 - 6/10 was the Tamadras (1 everyday)
6/11 - 6/12 (24hrs) is the Noel Rush dungeon
6/12 - 6/17 is the Pii/stone present (1 Pii dungeon everyday that gives you a stone for the clear)

I recently lost my alt account and my JPN account - I was able to get my alt account back but not my JPN account so I restarted.

I randomly lucked into the 5 globe dungeon and it ranked me enough to get into the experience of a lifetime dungeon.

in less than two hours of playing I am over rank 50. INSANE.

figured I'd roll in the june bride - got gadius first roll

of course its RNG, but the JPN server feels so much more friendly.


I'm late, but is anyone still looking for a triangle of BF + anyone wants to trade presents?

My +297 leads are Luci, A.Shiva, Sakuya and I&I. I also just got Pandora so she'll sometimes replace my Lucifer spot once she's maxed out.

My ID's 364 205 318.


I'm late, but is anyone still looking for a triangle of BF + anyone wants to trade presents?

My +297 leads are Luci, A.Shiva, Sakuya and I&I. I also just got Pandora so she'll sometimes replace my Lucifer spot once she's maxed out.

My ID's 364 205 318.

I'm holding off on a bf triangle for now but I do want to trade presents, my id is 304848218
I finally got my hands on another Ancient Green Mask and evolved my Kushinadahime, thanks to the evo carnival PAL machine.

On a related note, I now have five Jewel of Waters, six Ancient Blue Masks, five Angelits, and seven Devilits.


I'm holding off on a bf triangle for now but I do want to trade presents, my id is 304848218

Static@Gaf? Already got you in my friend list, I'll send you the present in a minute.

Edit: sent, username is Marth.

I didn't get any snow globes, but it's the first time I fail to get one in a present trade, so I don't mind.


Anyone who plan to get You Yu wanna do a BF triangle?

My current commonly used hypermax leaders are Pandora, Shiva, ShivaDra, RaDra, Kirin, Castor. A. Ares and A. Persephone whenever GH releases them.


Surprised JP took this long to figure out that that Maeda Keiji's skill was seriously OP. Heck, I even said I saw this coming a few pages back.

Now, people are complaining that players in JP have figured out how to exploit Orb Refresh in the most delightfully nasty way. This is worse than Mastering spam, because Maeda's refresh has haste tacked onto it.

Short of it is this:

1) Build a dark Dmeta team, as much haste as possible. Add an Eschamali for extra carnage. Inherit Durga onto one card, Maeda onto everyone else except Eschamali.

2) Turn 1 -> Cast Durga for HP to 1 and 2.5x spike buff, Eschamali for skyfall buff.

** DMeta team is 36x under half life, times 2.5 = 90x damage. Start chaining orb refreshes. Laugh as 0 turn clears do **not** remove either buff. Skyfall buff should ensure that at least a dark match 3 occurs on orb refresh, sweeping floors with ease.

3) Rinse, lather, repeat. (at least for short dungeons)

There are already videos (one is up on PAD reddit) of people clearing the Phoenix Wright ranking dungeon with ~230 seconds left of the clock and scoring insane totals, even when counting the 5k per floor penalty (in the 180k + range, after penalty).

This one is getting ugly fast.


I suspect we'll see a change to Orb Refresh. Make it a board change to random orbs instead of a skyfall thing. Fixes a good chunk of the issues. Forces players to make a move to trigger matches.

Either that or they somehow punish refresh clears in ranked like they did with skill clears. Orb Refresh trolling is really only super broken in Ranked. Outside of it, it's not all that much different from board clears with haste.


I suspect we'll see a change to Orb Refresh. Make it a board change to random orbs instead of a skyfall thing. Fixes a good chunk of the issues. Forces players to make a move to trigger matches.

Either that or they somehow punish refresh clears in ranked like they did with skill clears. Orb Refresh trolling is really only super broken in Ranked. Outside of it, it's not all that much different from board clears with haste.

That's what Orb Refresh already does? Making a board of random orbs is what separates it from all the other board change skills.

The problem here (and probably one that was never seriously considered) is that skyfall buffs temporarily modify the orb spawn table. Eschamali is +15% to dark orb spawn. Given a fair board, dark orbs have ~16.7% chance to spawn. Total would then be a 31.7% chance for a dark orb to spawn. Orb refresh rolls for 30 new orbs on a fresh board, which expects 9.5 dark orbs to be generated. Given variance, realistically that is between 8 and 11 dark orbs. The odds of any 3 of those orbs matching would be fairly high.

You are right, that in a standard context, any system team achieves a similar result. In any serious dungeon, Orb refresh alone is not going to be enough to clear bosses. However, in a shorter format dungeon (like many ranking dungeons) that is designed for the average person who struggles with Legends or early Mythicals, this is problematic.

In the short term, the ranking issue can be addressed by simply adding a zero to the penalty (-50k points) for skill only clears. That would be plenty enough discouragement. In terms of the AA dungeon, the question is what to do with those that are validly gaming the system. The method is legal and does not break any current rules. Do those scores get thrown out? Anyone who can pull this off gets a guaranteed crown score, so is that fair to everyone else, as such a tactic is clearly not intended to be used in a scoring dungeon? Supposedly YamaP is going to make a formal announcement on the situation early in the week.


That's what Orb Refresh already does? Making a board of random orbs is what separates it from all the other board change skills.

The problem here (and probably one that was never seriously considered) is that skyfall buffs temporarily modify the orb spawn table. Eschamali is +15% to dark orb spawn. Given a fair board, dark orbs have ~16.7% chance to spawn. Total would then be a 31.7% chance for a dark orb to spawn. Orb refresh rolls for 30 new orbs on a fresh board, which expects 9.5 dark orbs to be generated. Given variance, realistically that is between 8 and 11 dark orbs. The odds of any 3 of those orbs matching would be fairly high.

You are right, that in a standard context, any system team achieves a similar result. In any serious dungeon, Orb refresh alone is not going to be enough to clear bosses. However, in a shorter format dungeon (like many ranking dungeons) that is designed for the average person who struggles with Legends or early Mythicals, this is problematic.

In the short term, the ranking issue can be addressed by simply adding a zero to the penalty (-50k points) for skill only clears. That would be plenty enough discouragement. In terms of the AA dungeon, the question is what to do with those that are validly gaming the system. The method is legal and does not break any current rules. Do those scores get thrown out? Anyone who can pull this off gets a guaranteed crown score, so is that fair to everyone else, as such a tactic is clearly not intended to be used in a scoring dungeon? Supposedly YamaP is going to make a formal announcement on the situation early in the week.

Orb Refresh skyfalls a whole set of orbs right? That's different from a board change. A board change changes each orb and is not affected by Skyfall Boosts. They also require you to make a move manually to start a clear, even if you have a match. If you wanted to make Orb Refresh less broken, you could make it a board change style where each orb has a 1/6 chance of changing into another orb rather than just sky falling a whole board in.

The only problem with this is that it kills Orb Refresh as a counter for locked orbs.

I would say just give the rewards as is for the AA dungeon. People found a clever way to manipulate mechanics. They didn't outright cheat. If you want to do anything, just extend the rewards down to whatever % of players knocked out by these teams as well. It honestly can't be that many.


Orb Refresh skyfalls a whole set of orbs right? That's different from a board change. A board change changes each orb and is not affected by Skyfall Boosts. They also require you to make a move manually to start a clear, even if you have a match. If you wanted to make Orb Refresh less broken, you could make it a board change style where each orb has a 1/6 chance of changing into another orb rather than just sky falling a whole board in.

The only problem with this is that it kills Orb Refresh as a counter for locked orbs.

I would say just give the rewards as is for the AA dungeon. People found a clever way to manipulate mechanics. They didn't outright cheat. If you want to do anything, just extend the rewards down to whatever % of players knocked out by these teams as well. It honestly can't be that many.

I agree with you, but this ranking dungeon for JP is different. Whoever gets first place gets some special title and somehow gets to be on later streams. I don't know the exact details, but first place is a big deal. So anything they can complain about this time will be multiplied.


I agree with you, but this ranking dungeon for JP is different. Whoever gets first place gets some special title and somehow gets to be on later streams. I don't know the exact details, but first place is a big deal. So anything they can complain about this time will be multiplied.

That's tricky.

People will bitch, but in that case the best move is to give the actual title to the person who did it naturally, but distribute the other rewards normally. Disqualify them from the title, but not the rewards.


That's tricky.

People will bitch, but in that case the best move is to give the actual title to the person who did it naturally, but distribute the other rewards normally. Disqualify them from the title, but not the rewards.

The title is everything for the top players, especially in this one. I understand what you mean by naturally, but no one broke the rules, they found an exploit like the whales always do. This one just happens to have a very serious reward, and like usual they didn't see this exploit.

I understand they want to reward skill players instead of whales who use the rules to their advantage... Well, power creep keeps them off their feet. For this reward it should have been a fixed team. That way skill is fair, though the whales still have an advantage due to stoning, it's better than 6* gfe all over the place.

Edit: And for those wondering the exploit: https://youtu.be/LHUK3kl3hKY

Who has that many dmetas with maeda inherits...


The title is everything for the top players, especially in this one. I understand what you mean by naturally, but no one broke the rules, they found an exploit like the whales always do. This one just happens to have a very serious reward, and like usual they didn't see this exploit.

I understand they want to reward skill players instead of whales who use the rules to their advantage... Well, power creep keeps them off their feet. For this reward it should have been a fixed team. That way skill is fair, though the whales still have an advantage due to stoning, it's better than 6* gfe all over the place.

It's a weird situation. I honestly don't care which way it goes at this point. Top Ranking stuff in Ranking Dungeons have never been an interest of mine. I've had no chance of getting a Crown and I have very little interest in working for one. They'll have this exploit fixed for the future, so that's kind of all I care about.


It's a weird situation. I honestly don't care which way it goes at this point. Top Ranking stuff in Ranking Dungeons have never been an interest of mine. I've had no chance of getting a Crown and I have very little interest in working for one. They'll have this exploit fixed for the future, so that's kind of all I care about.

I agree. I edited my post above with the video of how whale friendly it ended up. I think they should honor the winner and do a makeup with a fixed team. It's really the only fair way for this type of reward.

Edit: I also had a good chance at a crown once, but I didn't have a rodin. I used an off color poison and came close. But to be fair I suck at the fixed team ones, so those seem the most fair.


They could also just double up on the title. Give one to who used the Dmeta strategy and one who didn't. They can probably find spots for 2 players on a stream.

I'm messing around with my planned Kaede team. Kaede/Vish/Vish/Verdandi/Parvati/Kaede.

She seems mostly useable. The fact the cross bonus will continue with a sweep is the only thing that gives this team a chance. I do think single Kaede squads will be powerhouses still. Not as possible as 2x or 3x variants, but very good.

Only problem I'm having right now is that Vish doesn't really provide enough green orb gen on his own. I'm thinking of equipping a Sasuke on one Vish, but I'm not quite sure if that's enough.


I think the orb refresh thing is no different than the other teams people were using for the top before: Anubis or Bastet Ace lead with Tengus inheriting 2 color board changers. In a 4 floors ranking dungeon with no fixed team, first place wasn't going to be skill based anyway.


Annnd +297 my Pandora which I got in the memorial pull. It was easier to farm 297 plusses than it was to get the evo mats ready. It's crazy how much easier getting plusses is now.

Specifically when Kanetsugu is here.
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