Puzzle & Dragons |OT4| Co-op Edition: Stoning With Friends


Edit: And for those wondering the exploit: https://youtu.be/LHUK3kl3hKY

Who has that many dmetas with maeda inherits...

To be fair, all those DMetas are not really necessary. The whale is showing off his collection to make a "perfect" dark/blue team for the final floor burst.

Tengu would have worked just as well. He only needed to ensure that the team had enough skill boosts to have the inherits up on Turn 1. At 3 skill boosts per sub, that is more than plenty (Ult Tengu has 4 per). Only the leader and friend DMetas are truly needed.

As far as number of Maedas, I don't know about when the last time JP had a light gala. But if people didn't sell them off here in NA, many should be swimming in them from the recent PCGF.


Annnd +297 my Pandora which I got in the memorial pull. It was easier to farm 297 plusses than it was to get the evo mats ready. It's crazy how much easier getting plusses is now.

Specifically when Kanetsugu is here.

Pluses rain like candy, and that's without the PADR bonuses JP gets. At this rate of plus egg acceleration, it will soon be impossible to get a trash egg drop that will not be plussed from almost anything that can drop a plus.


When is arena 1 meant to be around permanently?

second XM nearly done with plusses. Have all the mats to evo just need levels and some of the regular evo mats which I will farm this week.


When is arena 1 meant to be around permanently?

second XM nearly done with plusses. Have all the mats to evo just need levels and some of the regular evo mats which I will farm this week.

Version 9.1.

Given the usual once a month patch schedule, that places the timeframe somewhere around two weeks from now. (9.0 was released to NA/EU on May 25th)


Well it finally happened. I broke my phone! I dropped it at the park yesterday on the stone steps and the screen shattered. It still works although at the bottom small pieces of glass are coming off. First time I've ever broken the display on a phone I've owned. I'm going to get it replaced later today at the Apple Store.


Anyway, on the weekend I was finally able to get the evo mats for my SQ and I've made A.SQ on both of my accounts. Also picked up what I needed to uevo YY and just need the blue masks now.

Passed 950 days on my main account, too.


Well thanks to Guan Yinping I finally have my first fully hypermaxed team.
Xiang Mei, Gadius, Uriel, Kiriko Another, Red Riding Hood. I still need skill levels on their inherits but otherwise there isn't a while lot for me to do to this team to improve it. I'm curious how well it'll do against Ultimate * Rush Mythical. Being able to farm Elia/grisar skill ups is one of those things I've been wanting to do for a while.


Made a Yolo pull from Shrinacollab and got Asmodeus Another (King? wtf?). This made me rethink to get new kind of party :). Sad thing is that I dont have single Typhon user friend. Could anyone that has Typhon leveled & awoken put it up? If your not my friend, please send fr to me:
ID: 347,976,340

Reason for this is, kinda want some change to YD lead and I think I have okish Typhon party (just need levels):
Made a Yolo pull from Shrinacollab and got Asmodeus Another (King? wtf?). This made me rethink to get new kind of party :). Sad thing is that I dont have single Typhon user friend. Could anyone that has Typhon leveled & awoken put it up? If your not my friend, please send fr to me:
ID: 347,976,340

Reason for this is, kinda want some change to YD lead and I think I have okish Typhon party (just need levels):

I sent you a FR and I'll leave Typhon up in slot one for a couple days. Typhon is super fun and was my first legit team. I haven't used him much since I started running A. Pandora but I probably will try him again when my dupe Pandora is skilled because that team should be awesome.


Hey Rixa I didn't catch your post before I went to bed but I do have a Typhon I can try to keep up. Give me a heads up when you've done your test. Typhon is max leveled and skilled but not 297'ed. He's not in my normal lead rotation so i'll be switching to him when I'm done playing so he'll be up in my downtime.

ID: 359,468,351

If we're not already friends I'll free up a slot for you.


I sent you a FR and I'll leave Typhon up in slot one for a couple days. Typhon is super fun and was my first legit team. I haven't used him much since I started running A. Pandora but I probably will try him again when my dupe Pandora is skilled because that team should be awesome.
Thanks I accepted fr.
Hey Rixa I didn't catch your post before I went to bed but I do have a Typhon I can try to keep up. Give me a heads up when you've done your test. Typhon is max leveled and skilled but not 297'ed. He's not in my normal lead rotation so i'll be switching to him when I'm done playing so he'll be up in my downtime.

ID: 359,468,351

If we're not already friends I'll free up a slot for you.
Your friendlist is full :).


I did max level my Typhon and it is skill level 5, so if some of you wants to test it go ahead :p. Prolly going to fully plus it and I might be lazy & use 2 pys to max skill it. Going to test the team later today.


I need to remind myself I don't need to roll the REM anymore. Especially not Collab REMs. Especially not Collab REMs with PAD Academy's gold rates with only 2 decent cards I could use both of which are 1% pull rates.

3 rolls
Thumbelina x2
Snow White

Sasuke was my "realistic" hope.
Athena would have been phenomenal.

Rixa, Next chance I get I'll free up a slot. Like I said Typhon isn't in my usual rotation but I'll try to keep him up for the day.

Otherwise expect to see Xiang Mei, Ra Dragon, A. Pandora, and AAD Lucifer.
I need to remind myself I don't need to roll the REM anymore. Especially not Collab REMs. Especially not Collab REMs with PAD Academy's gold rates with only 2 decent cards I could use both of which are 1% pull rates.

3 rolls
Thumbelina x2
Snow White

Sasuke was my "realistic" hope.
Athena would have been phenomenal.

Rixa, Next chance I get I'll free up a slot. Like I said Typhon isn't in my usual rotation but I'll try to keep him up for the day.

Otherwise expect to see Xiang Mei, Ra Dragon, A. Pandora, and AAD Lucifer.

This seemed like the easiest collab for me to pass on. Nothing in it excites me or improves any of my teams. I think I'm saving rolls for June bride, since most of that REM seems solid to me.

Let me know if you want to run Z8 co-op. I'm pretty sure we can just bring Ama for the pirate pre-empt and not worry about skilling Ralph or Ganesha. I'm farming Kane most of this even but I'm always down for the free rank xp and super kings.


Thanks I accepted fr.

Your friendlist is full :).

Fixed. I'll accept when I see it.

This seemed like the easiest collab for me to pass on. Nothing in it excites me or improves any of my teams. I think I'm saving rolls for June bride, since most of that REM seems solid to me.

Let me know if you want to run Z8 co-op. I'm pretty sure we can just bring Ama for the pirate pre-empt and not worry about skilling Ralph or Ganesha. I'm farming Kane most of this even but I'm always down for the free rank xp and super kings.
Yeah depending on timing I'm thinking late US East time. I need my kids to be in bed before I get on anything with a time limit. It'd be awesome to max skill z8 during this event.

I have a discord we can use to communicate since I haven't done the run like this before.


Man looking at Athena, that's one hell of a chase card. What "in the meta" green teams would she fit on?

Kaede makes the most sense, inherit LMeta on Athena for bind clearing, synergizes well with K's prongs. Basically makes Ceres unnecessary (granted she's easier to get) and adds a shitload of damage.

BAcetet would let her do stupid amounts of damage and provide the bindclear with Lmeta inherit.

A TPA focused Sylvie/Freyja would let you stall and her spike (both active and TPA) would help get through annoying high def enemies.

Sephiroth (not green I know) covers up to two elements (less damage and light overlaps with lkali) , has useful awakenings, Unbindable.

She's a TPA styled swiss army knife. Basically unless you're running rows she can fit on your team.

Stupid 1% pull rates.

EDIT: this is a pretty solid Typhon Team right?
A. Panda

As an accident I managed to have 3 out of the five hypermaxed (Panda, YomiD, Akechi) and it's pretty solid. HP is on the low side compared to my XM team (what isn't?) but it hit hard, repeatedly and reliably.


Stupid ZV took like 15 tries or so before I managed to beat it :p I have never liked that dungeon, so long and so easy to fumble. SoniaG took 2 tries first try was fail cause twice in a row YD missed orb enhance with dark orb at floor 6. That 2nd try went much smoother.
Man looking at Athena, that's one hell of a chase card. What "in the meta" green teams would she fit on?

Kaede makes the most sense, inherit LMeta on Athena for bind clearing, synergizes well with K's prongs. Basically makes Ceres unnecessary (granted she's easier to get) and adds a shitload of damage.

BAcetet would let her do stupid amounts of damage and provide the bindclear with Lmeta inherit.

A TPA focused Sylvie/Freyja would let you stall and her spike (both active and TPA) would help get through annoying high def enemies.

Sephiroth (not green I know) covers up to two elements (less damage and light overlaps with lkali) , has useful awakenings, Unbindable.

She's a TPA styled swiss army knife. Basically unless you're running rows she can fit on your team.

Stupid 1% pull rates.

EDIT: this is a pretty solid Typhon Team right?
A. Panda

As an accident I managed to have 3 out of the five hypermaxed (Panda, YomiD, Akechi) and it's pretty solid. HP is on the low side compared to my XM team (what isn't?) but it hit hard, repeatedly and reliably.

Yeah, that Typhon team looks good. Really, just throw as many akechi's and panda's as you have on there, Yomi is probably good too. I'm not sure about the need for Okuninushi, since you don't really need burst. You could put another orb changer/ heart maker in that spot and make it a little less susceptible to orb trolling.

My team right now is Akechi/Akechi/A. Panda/ U. Panda, which is a luxury not everyone has, but I've used anything from Satsuki to Grape Dragon as reliable subs.


Yeah, that Typhon team looks good. Really, just throw as many akechi's and panda's as you have on there, Yomi is probably good too. I'm not sure about the need for Okuninushi, since you don't really need burst. You could put another orb changer/ heart maker in that spot and make it a little less susceptible to orb trolling.

My team right now is Akechi/Akechi/A. Panda/ U. Panda, which is a luxury not everyone has, but I've used anything from Satsuki to Grape Dragon as reliable subs.

I have another Akechi but fuck trying to skill him up. The first was a nightmare. Okuni is actually there for the delay. He's the flex spot so I can sub in Diza if I need more defense, Typhon #2 if I need more offense or even more bind protection.


I played around with him a bit more running the Monday Daily (Red Dublits refuse to show up...) and I think he's alright. I wish he had an HP modifier though. The extra wiggle room I get from XM is hard to let go of.

Getting a row of hearts and a row of dark isn't always the easiest task but the time extends on my subs help out a lot. I know I don't need a row for the hearts but it keeps me from blocking a row. I definitely see why he has his fans. His damage output is pretty great on an optimal board, and getting that board isn't all that hard.

That said I've put work in other teams that are either more survivable or easier to play.
I played around with him a bit more running the Monday Daily (Red Dublits refuse to show up...) and I think he's alright. I wish he had an HP modifier though. The extra wiggle room I get from XM is hard to let go of.

Getting a row of hearts and a row of dark isn't always the easiest task but the time extends on my subs help out a lot. I know I don't need a row for the hearts but it keeps me from blocking a row. I definitely see why he has his fans. His damage output is pretty great on an optimal board, and getting that board isn't all that hard.

That said I've put work in other teams that are either more survivable or easier to play.

There's a 1.35 HP boost for dragons, I think that's a relatively new update. Don't know if it's enough to make a difference. I think he'll get buffed eventually, since he is a *6 GFE.

I should be down to co-op tonight. Just message me on discord since I'll for sure see it. Add me on there, Dr_LawyerCop #6284


There's a 1.35 HP boost for dragons, I think that's a relatively new update. Don't know if it's enough to make a difference. I think he'll get buffed eventually, since he is a *6 GFE.

I should be down to co-op tonight. Just message me on discord since I'll for sure see it. Add me on there, Dr_LawyerCop #6284

Will do, I'm low on stones (stupid Academy REM and poor impulse control) and don't plan on buying more till June Bride so I'll only have a couple runs in me. Myth+ Z8's the plan right? I should have enough for ~12 runs.

We'll discuss Team composition since I'm not 100% sure what's best to bring out of my stable. I have enough banked Tamas to bring a couple niche subs online if it comes to that though.
Will do, I'm low on stones (stupid Academy REM and poor impulse control) and don't plan on buying more till June Bride so I'll only have a couple runs in me. Myth+ Z8's the plan right? I should have enough for ~12 runs.

We'll discuss Team composition since I'm not 100% sure what's best to bring out of my stable. I have enough banked Tamas to bring a couple niche subs online if it comes to that though.

I don't know what your rank is, but you'll probably rank up from that. It's super good XP for 25 stamina a pop, though we may fail it a time or two. We'll talk subs, but I'm sure you got enough to work with. Don't even need to worry about skill-ups since we'll have a ton of SBs between us and we'll only use a subs active once. I just want to check to see if A. Ama can heal to full after those pre-empts. If so, we should be golden.


Good runs. I'm still at the point where I can run coop Z8 Myth+ indefinitely so that's rad.

So general question: are bubpys the only way to skill up Awoken Isis? I don't know if she's in any skill up rotation. If she's not then I'm just gonna burn the Pys on her.


So general question: are bubpys the only way to skill up Awoken Isis? I don't know if she's in any skill up rotation. If she's not then I'm just gonna burn the Pys on her.

That would be correct. Awoken Isis (as well as any Egyptian 1) has no currently implemented skillup material.


So Awoken Ares and Awoken Persephone are up in the NA/EU region.

Ares needs Hephaestus and the Green Grimoire
Persephone needs Indigo and Beelzebub.

I'm thinking of making a dark TPA team.
A. Persephone leads

Sub choices:

Seraph of Corruption Luci
A. Haku

Base activation is 2.25/14/2.25

I'm thinking of running with Haku, Lumiel, Okuninushi, and Typhon.
All the orb changers guarantee activation. Okuni provides boss spike and a couple prongs. Persephone combos with Typhon for a burstable board, or Typhon plays cleric. Lumiel is mostly for the damage. I'm debating swapping her out for utility but I'm not sure who would fit that role well. Akechi is out since he converts water. Anubis maybe? No prongs but he converts garbage and wood (otherwise useless color) so he'd play well with the board conversion theme. Provides an extra second of move time (something this team is super low on) and he's unbindable too. Awoken I&I is another option since they'll spike both colors and provide a good chunk of damage.
Good runs. I'm still at the point where I can run coop Z8 Myth+ indefinitely so that's rad.

So general question: are bubpys the only way to skill up Awoken Isis? I don't know if she's in any skill up rotation. If she's not then I'm just gonna burn the Pys on her.

Thanks for the runs! Feel like we got it down pretty well. Don't know how I wasn't able to one-shot z8 through his shield.

So mad I don't have Beelz ready for A. Persephone. I bought devil rush, cleared it twice but no drop. Back to farming gold keepers all day :(


Thanks for the runs! Feel like we got it down pretty well. Don't know how I wasn't able to one-shot z8 through his shield.

So mad I don't have Beelz ready for A. Persephone. I bought devil rush, cleared it twice but no drop. Back to farming gold keepers all day :(

Maybe when you coop'ed before their M Zeus was 297? Mine's at +143 and that Saria/Apollo board was pretty close.


Not sure what to do with my only Ares I gathered all his awoken evolution materials but now I'm having second thoughts. My only fit for him is on my Shiva team, what else is he used for?


Not sure what to do with my only Ares I gathered all his awoken evolution materials but now I'm having second thoughts. My only fit for him is on my Shiva team, what else is he used for?

Each form has a specific use I think.

R/D: Only 1 row and TPA but has Devil Killer, fits on almost any red team when fighting a devil. Niche use, unless I needed to cover R/D on a rainbow team I'd probably skip it.

R/L: As a lead, pairs well with Awoken Freyr for a strong red row tank team, as a sub perfect on row based Shivagon teams. If you want to run red rows this is the evo I'd pick.

Awoken: As a lead, does decent damage, still pairs well with A. Freyr for a strong TPA tank team. As a sub, major board converter for A. Shiva teams and TPA focused Shivagon (e: forgot not a god in Awoken form) teams. If I wanted a tank TPA lead this is it. Paired with A. Freyr you get 2/15/2.5 plus access to all kinds of prongs and Freyr serves as the spike.

So long story short
Hate Devils: R/D
Rows: R/L
TPA: Awoken

This advice applies for leads or subs.


Gungho has (finally) **officially** announced that SDRs will begin invading PreDra Infestation in EU/NA, starting with the run on Thursday the 16th.
Gungho has (finally) **officially** announced that SDRs will begin invading PreDra Infestation in EU/NA, starting with the run on Thursday the 16th.

How are the rates? It'd be nice to have a couple (though not sure where best to put them), but I don't want to spend a ton of stones looking for an SDR invade.

Managed to evolve my MZeus today. That was painful. While it's on half stamina, I'll probably start working on grabbing more gold keepers for MHera. It'll all be worth it eventually, but boy am i sick of that dungeon.


How are the rates? It'd be nice to have a couple (though not sure where best to put them), but I don't want to spend a ton of stones looking for an SDR invade.

Managed to evolve my MZeus today. That was painful. While it's on half stamina, I'll probably start working on grabbing more gold keepers for MHera. It'll all be worth it eventually, but boy am i sick of that dungeon.
Reddit says 12% for Legend and 5% for Master so not great.

I'm glad the dailies are on half stamina, I'm super low on evo mats after the PCGF. Like you I plan on getting everything spun up for MHera in the off chance I lose my mind and want to get her. I have the Mech Generals at least.


Not sure what to do with my only Ares I gathered all his awoken evolution materials but now I'm having second thoughts. My only fit for him is on my Shiva team, what else is he used for?

I have 3 Ares, 2 r/l for Shiva Dragon and one r/d for no dupe dungeons and devil killer. I can't think of a reason to make the awoken one right now since it loses the god typing.

I just don't think he will be a very good leader, and unless I hear otherwise I'll probably skip him.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Will Aamir ever come back ? MY Pandora is waiting.
Gungho has (finally) **officially** announced that SDRs will begin invading PreDra Infestation in EU/NA, starting with the run on Thursday the 16th.

Finally...now i hope the rate isnt too bad, have to see what kind of units would benefit from it.


Finally...now i hope the rate isnt too bad, have to see what kind of units would benefit from it.

It is rather bad. Bad in the sense that it more a "bonus" if it shows up than something you can really plan to target.

Bladelaw's rates are the best known estimates at the moment. That would place long-term average invade rates at 1 in 8 (at 99 STA per), or 1 in 20 (at 50 STA per).

This does finally give a significant reason to run the 99 STA floor over the 50 STA floor. For an account with 200 STA, the expected rate for an SDR invade is once every 4 stones for Legend; 5 stones for Master.

So... yeah. Don't count on swimming in SDRs anytime soon.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free

The King is dead, lend of an era....sell you RaDras, DKalis etc. - he is trashy S-Rank now, basically fodder.

It is rather bad. Bad in the sense that it more a "bonus" if it shows up than something you can really plan to target.

Bladelaw's rates are the best known estimates at the moment. That would place long-term average invade rates at 1 in 8 (at 99 STA per), or 1 in 20 (at 50 STA per).

This does finally give a significant reason to run the 99 STA floor over the 50 STA floor. For an account with 200 STA, the expected rate for an SDR invade is once every 4 stones for Legend; 5 stones for Master.

So... yeah. Don't count on swimming in SDRs anytime soon.

Oh okay, thanks for putting it into perspective. Its a bit disappointing but considering you only need 1-2 or for your lead unit as a non whale its okay. If i can get 2 before Sumire UEVO hits i will be fine.

Guess this also means i will have to run the 99STA version now....hope there will be enough Ras up with SDR.


9.1 Patch for NA/EU scheduled for Tuesday the 20th.

PSA for anyone who isn't already running a MZeus team, ensure that you clear all remaining Alt Techs and old biweekly dungeons under the Multiplayer tab before the downtime as the stones for the multiplayer versions of them will be lost forever on the update.



The King is dead, lend of an era....sell you RaDras, DKalis etc. - he is trashy S-Rank now, basically fodder.

And this is what scares me about dropping 300k MP on a MP dragon / 4 Noble One.

People buy them to be crazy powerful leaders, but it is inevitable that power creep will eventually pass them by. It still remains to be seen if GungHo will give the MP Dragons a Super Ultimate in the future, or if they will simply be left to rot (aka "You paid 300k to buy your way to the top of the food chain for a limited period of time; now that time is up.")

Sadly, it is still probably **way** too early for the MP dragons to even be considered for an UUevo for at least several more months, so I don't see them going anywhere in the short term.
As long as you're not blowing 300k on Odin Dragon or something, you should be fine. For one, Ra Dragon is still very strong - it'll be a while before actual dungeon content passes it by for good (assuming no buffs, no ult ult, etc). Secondly, MP is going to be easier and easier to farm so unless Gungho raises the price dramatically, you'll probably be able to save up for another MP card by the time your purchase becomes obsolete. This is coming from a non-IAP player who just dropped most of his MP on Xiang Mei recently.


Not sure i understand fully what the jp godfest is, are the boosted rates for Colored Valks, Reject GE, and Carnival exclusives.

So its a trap right? No way pulling those 6* CE is any better pulling 6* GE during PCGF.

No Isis and no blue FB changer is really holding back my water teams on my JP Account.
It's a murakofest, not a true Godfest. The rates on the carnival exclusives are really bad, but some of them are really good monsters so people want them regardless.


Sumire system question:

I have 4 Sumires. Given the cross buff I figure I might as well make a team. The plan is
Sumire x5 (paired leads) and the flex will go to Isis for bind clearing. I could also put in Academy Snow White (True damage) or standard Snow White (more hearts).

If I go Isis I'm thinking of inheriting Sheen on her since I'll have a ton of Time Extends and while Sumire is basically unkillable her damage could use some help. This is a double bonus since most rainbow teams have lots of TE and use Isis so I might do this either way.

Other options I have available for the flex spot that make sense are
Skuld (good awakenings, strong active, minor potential for orb trolling)
Nut (good awakenings, solid active, might eat hearts)
Rukia (mostly wasted awakenings, Active maintains "system")
Andromeda (no haste, mostly wasted awakenings)
Acubens (lots of OE but jammers/blues could remove hearts)
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