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Quantum Break |OT| We'll Be Right Back After This Commercial Break


Of course 20 hours is too much, but for me it took 15 hours to complete with 94% collection on hard difficult.

People who said that the game was 6-8 hours long must have skipped everything and rushed without exploring.

I finished it last night and my clock was on 11:41 , playing on normal and finishing with 88% completion


Of course 20 hours is too much, but for me it took 15 hours to complete with 94% collection on hard difficult.

People who said that the game was 6-8 hours long must have skipped everything and rushed without exploring.

Probably the same people who described it as a cover based shooter.


I found another alan wake reference, damn Remedy



I'm still blown away by how good it looks, I am genuinely struggling to see where all the IQ complaints are coming from
I just started the game and I'm just now discovering the time powers. Is the screen supposed to turn completely white at certain camera angles? It's getting really annoying and hard to see.

I just ran into this issue in act 3 around a garage section of the game on Xbox. Couldn't even see the enemies shooting at me. Had to reload to game to get around it.


I'm in Act 3 and shit is getting so real. These emails gives you so much more insight into their world. Remedy, thank you. :)

I know I'm gonna have to go back as I know I missed stuff. The action is getting crazy. I still haven't found my combo sweet spot yet though.
Okay,game is getting hard,even on normal right now...got to get into my head that cover is basically useless in this,especially in that room in Act 2,part 2 where they tell you to stack bullets on the chrono barrels to cause stutter...not sure what that means and I keep dying there because I am one against 10 guys it seems and half of them rush me...I also lost an upgrade that I saw but opened a door and couldn't go back to it after...I hate that.

Guess I need to get gud... ;)
I wasn't the most graceful on that part on Hard, spent quite a bit of time at the start and then went downstairs.

I assume by not rushing through it. He probably has walked at certain parts, so not always running. Probably explored every nook and cranny for items, spoke with every NPC until you can't talk to them anymore and maybe died a few times. I play exactly like that as well. In most other third person shooters there's no point in exploring and looking for items because either the items are pointless or just not there. Exploring is really rewarding here and sometimes you have to look real good for a item.

I just looked in the game's hub page at achievements and it says the play time is 18 hours. That can't be right, I'm in act 3 now. I did go back to some older parts for the collectibles though, but still. How accurate is this on the hub page on Xbox One?

I think the hub accrues time spent in the game, whether in the menu or paused or actually playing. That's why I said between 15-17 hours of actual gameplay because my hub has 19h45m in there currently and I know I haven't played maybe 2-3 or those hours.


I think the hub accrues time spent in the game, whether in the menu or paused or actually playing. That's why I said between 15-17 hours of actual gameplay because my hub has 19h45m in there currently and I know I haven't played maybe 2-3 or those hours.

That's a bit stupid. The pause menu absolutely should not add to the play time metric. I leave my game and episodes on pause for long periods of time, so I guess my final time stamp won't be particularly accurate.
Part of me wishes I would’ve just went for the PC version rather than rely on the preorder bonus because I’ve beaten the game on Xbox this morning. I really enjoyed the story and will be replaying on hard and to find remaining collectibles but would’ve preferred this on PC, even hearing the various technical issues. Hoping it arrives shortly.

Was thrown off by Lance Reddick’s in-game height—he’s on par with Paul and other characters but in the real-world footage the height difference is clear. Maybe they just wanted everyone on equal eye planes?
I'm missing something obvious and can't progress.
In act 5 after you defeat the wave of guys in the garage you need a passcode to get through the door. All I see is a short rewind clip but I don't get a password from them. I've looked around the entire garage too. What am I missing to get the passcode? Thanks.
I'm missing something obvious and can't progress.
In act 5 after you defeat the wave of guys in the garage you need a passcode to get through the door. All I see is a short rewind clip but I don't get a password from them. I've looked around the entire garage too. What am I missing to get the passcode? Thanks.

After you trigger the flashback, go forward onto the second floor, the conversation will continue there.


Heads up for UK folks, PC price is now down to £44.99 same as Xbox.

Euro price remains at 69.99€.

While I went to check that, I noticed the game is still not being promoted in any way in the store. It's nowhere on the front page, it's not even in the scrolling banner on top of the page. Surely it's in featured section at least? Nope. Games front page? Nope, nowhere. Top paid games? No. New and rising games? No. The only way you'd know the game exists in the store is if you searched it by name.

Amazing marketing.


Final encounter with no checkpoints on hard is driving me up the wall. Might just give up and call it a day. It's the only achievement left to get though...


Can someone tell me how do I get Alan Wake? I pre-ordered on my Xbox but haven't seen anything about it, unless I can just download them, though in Xbox.com I can't.
Can someone tell me how do I get Alan Wake? I pre-ordered on my Xbox but haven't seen anything about it, unless I can just download them, though in Xbox.com I can't.

I don't think the codes have gone out for people who preordered it, I'm still waiting on mine too. Did they say it was within one or two weeks of launch or something like that?


I don't think the codes have gone out for people who preordered it, I'm still waiting on mine too. Did they say it was within one or two weeks of launch or something like that?

Ok so it's the same for Alan Wake. Though it was only for the QB won10 version code.
Only played Act 1 so far but haven't really been reading the e-mails and stuff, do they add a lot to the story then?

I've just got to the screenplay that everyone keeps going on about and I'm creasing up already. Based on this collectible alone, I'd say you should collect as much as you can.

EDIT: I'm having the same problem I did before where every time I aim down sights it defaults to looking over my left shoulder. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh

RE-EDIT: Might be connected to which weapons I'm carrying. It seemed to default to the left after I picked up the burst fire pistol, so I picked up the default pistol during a firefight and it's gone back to aiming over the right shoulder. I think the first time I had the problem was after changing weapons too iirc.


Unlimited Capacity
by exploring and reading the emails

I have almost 100% of the stuff I have done up to Act 3 and maybe half that time. Dunno

That said, I am going to stop searching for all this stuff. The controls outside of combat are pretty bad and I really, really, really hate to have to ping time vision all the time to try and find the upgrade stuff. Terrible idea that is just really annoying to deal with. I am good with the upgrades I have I guess lol
Just finished my first playthrough on hard here are my impressions.

I enjoyed the combat alot, using your powers to move around the battlefield is very satisfying, locking bigger enemy in place while running full speed at some other guy to punch then in the face if so much fun. i found the AI very good also always pushing you out of cover keeping you on your toses forcing you to use your powers to survive. this is a game that should never be played as a cover shooter.

Live action
These mini live action episodes were ok at best, the characters in the show i didnt really care about, as you really dont meet many of them in the game and if you do the interactions with them are very small, i wish the show focused more on the main villains paul and hatch. the choice you make at the end of each act effect the show/game, but these changes didnt seem to matter much by the time i finished the game. i wish they had alittle more weight to them and effect the end (this only my first playthrough though so i only saw one side.)

The story
I enjoyed the story/acting in game i just wished it was abit longer and fleshed out abit more in game, kinda felt some of it was missing. i wanted to know what paul saw at the end of time. why did hatch want to take over, why didnt he die? maybe alot of this is explained in email/document which there is so much of, too damn much lol (gave up reading it all on act 2, i plan to read it all on my 2nd playthrough)

Took me 14hrs to finish with 92% completion on hard, i enjoyed my time with it and looking forward to goin back to see what changes with the other choices i can make. also hope remedy keep this ip alive i would love to see more quantum break games in the furture.
Act 3 part 2

awwww, they changed that part in Doctor Sofia's office office? I remember the very first footage and where we saw the old Jack. That part was a stutter as well but that's gone?


Only played Act 1 so far but haven't really been reading the e-mails and stuff, do they add a lot to the story then?

Honestly, the important stuff gets covered in cutscenes. There have been multiple times where Jack pretends to not know something that I already know because I read the emails.


This has got to be one of the shittest boss designs I've played in a while. Can anyone give me a vague clue as to what I actually do?
After I kill Serene's goons everything just turns red and I can't seem to shoot him either. The thing telling me what to do doesn't stay on screen long enough for me to read.
Of course 20 hours is too much, but for me it took 15 hours to complete with 94% collection on hard difficult.

People who said that the game was 6-8 hours long must have skipped everything and rushed without exploring.

Where do you check completion time? I never saw it. Curious to see how long it took me, I collected almost everything, but I didn't feel the game was that long.
This has got to be one of the shittest boss designs I've played in a while. Can anyone give me a vague clue as to what I actually do?
After I kill Serene's goons everything just turns red and I can't seem to shoot him either. The thing telling me what to do doesn't stay on screen long enough for me to read.

wherever he shoots that red bomb, run the opposite direction as far as possible. You won't get hit, then can shoot him.


wherever he shoots that red bomb, run the opposite direction as far as possible. You won't get hit, then can shoot him.

Yea just beat him. Sort of soured the experience a bit. Despite being on Hard difficulty, I died more times on the last boss than throughout the entire game lol. Actually felt the game was too easy even on Hard, but that final boss. Just no. The colour similarity between vision powers and his red attack, the amount of visual noise on screen that made it difficult to see things apart, the mass number of obstacles and wonky movement and camera that made maneuvering away from his attacks cumbersome etc, just not good.

Overall impressions.

Still, I really enjoyed the game overall, but there were definitely issues. I felt there was too much repetition, especially in the environments and locales (how many University and time machine levels with the same shit do you want?), and monotonous design structure too. There was simply an over abundance of walking and button prompt segments, almost felt like there was more than even The Order 1886 at times, which coupled with the repetition and lack of reward with collectibles, made certain segments slightly boring. There was also way too much reading material, made worse by all the background muttering from Joyce and NPC's that didn't allow you to properly enjoy it.

All that said, I really enjoyed the combat, often times it was intense and quite exhilarating, if a little too easy. Also loved the game artistically. It was just cool in every sense, the effects, the time powers, the colour bleeding, the light streams, the fractures, the stutters, all of it. Though the visuals were a bit smeary and blurry, overall it still looked gorgeous. The story was also decent, and outside of some ropey writing here and there, the final three TV episodes were very entertaining.

Solid experience, but not without some issus that prevent it from being truly great or classic.
Final encounter with no checkpoints on hard is driving me up the wall. Might just give up and call it a day. It's the only achievement left to get though...

I was stuck there for hours too, it's rather difficult we know. Stay in the middle area, the bottom of the pool where you can grab the machine gun. Take cover behind the boxes. When you see the red circling you, just time dodge to the right and once danger is over, get back to the left behind the boxes. You can control the enemy waves pretty well from here and you'll have more than enough time to go shoot a few rounds into Paul when he is "suffering". Just avoid red...
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