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Quantum Break |OT| We'll Be Right Back After This Commercial Break


I finished the game this morning, and yeah, another good Remedy game here. Loved the gameplay and the story. The live action series was fun.

But seriously, fuck me, I lost my 99 % completion. I thought that I could just pick up the two Chronon sources I had missed while blasting through the game again so I started a new game on hard without a second thought. But nope, completion % went back to motherfucking 0. Now I have to collect everything all over again.
Fractured Fireworks
Just finished my first run on Hard. What an awesome story-driven experience. The first episode of the TV series kinda overstayed it's welcome, but once I started to understand the lore thanks to the copious amounts of collectibles, I REALLY started to get invested in subsequent episodes.
I really loved it. Can't wait for my W10 code to show up within the next two weeks so I can play it again with the alternate decisions.
Im thinking about getting this for PC, can anyone tell me if I can play the game with a PS4 controller?

IIRC, I've seen some people mention playing GoW:UE with DS4 so I would assume that QB works with it as well.

But I'd head over to the PC performance thread before you buy the game. It's kind of a shitty port so save yourself the $60 unless you have a kick-ass PC and/or don't mind tons of issues.

leng jai

The difficulty in this game reminds me of the Xbone version of ROTR. Even on hard it's really easy and the main difficulty is dealing with the wonky aiming.


The difficulty in this game reminds me of the Xbone version of ROTR. Even on hard it's really easy and the main difficulty is dealing with the wonky aiming.

This is the third Xbox One game in a row I've played that has weirdly imprecise or slightly wonky aiming. You notice it most when you're fighting dudes where your powers are taken away and you're forced to just aim well and essentially get headshots only. I'm starting to wonder if it's a flaw with the controller design and inherent deadzones.
You'll probably need a program for the game to recognize it, since it's Dinput and MS is all about Xinput.

Shill harder plz

I was looking it up earlier. And I saw a couple of comments around the net saying that InputMapper was doing the job with GoW. So wouldn't anything that makes DS4 work with other games work with UWP games as well (such as DS4Windows)?

Or is Xinput not in UWP? Honestly haven't been paying too much attention and I thought it had been replaced by something else (Windows Input or some such).



Xbox Elite Wireless Controller. Only $149.99.

I'm tempted to get one simply because I've read it greatly reduces the deadzone most regular Xbox One controllers have, but $150? Fudge that. Might test a few other standard controllers and see if I can get one without the issue.

Does anyone else feel any sort of deadzone, input lag or clunkiness with the aiming in this game? Sort of similar to Rise of the Tomb Raider (Xbox One) if any of you guys played it.


I'm tempted to get one simply because I've read it greatly reduces the deadzone most regular Xbox One controllers have, but $150? Fudge that. Might test a few other standard controllers and see if I can get one without the issue.

Does anyone else feel any sort of deadzone, input lag or clunkiness with the aiming in this game? Sort of similar to Rise of the Tomb Raider (Xbox One) if any of you guys played it.

You can set the sensitivity higher on elite so that you've got very little deadzone. But it looks like a lot of games are designed with the deadzone in mind.


my hard graphic balls
I'm tempted to get one simply because I've read it greatly reduces the deadzone most regular Xbox One controllers have, but $150? Fudge that. Might test a few other standard controllers and see if I can get one without the issue.

Does anyone else feel any sort of deadzone, input lag or clunkiness with the aiming in this game? Sort of similar to Rise of the Tomb Raider (Xbox One) if any of you guys played it.
What? Reduces deadzones?
Is there a proper benchmark somewhere?


What? Reduces deadzones?
Is there a proper benchmark somewhere?

Some guys on Reddit used a protractor and claim the Elite has 42% less deadzone than the standard controller. Another guy also confirmed something similar. Bit shit that you need an Elite pad to get half decent deadzones though, but I don't know if all Xbox One pads suffer from it in the same way. Having said that, I can't say I've had these issues with the DS4 or Nintendo Pro controller. It's something Microsoft really needs to look in to.


I'm tempted to get one simply because I've read it greatly reduces the deadzone most regular Xbox One controllers have, but $150? Fudge that. Might test a few other standard controllers and see if I can get one without the issue.

Does anyone else feel any sort of deadzone, input lag or clunkiness with the aiming in this game? Sort of similar to Rise of the Tomb Raider (Xbox One) if any of you guys played it.
I don't think it's like Rise of the Tomb Raider at all. That game had true input lag on the Xbox One, which the PC release fixed and actually made the game playable. It's closer to Halo 5. And I'm pretty sure it's a deadzone issue in this case, just like in Halo 5. And while Halo 5 was easy enough to remedy with the Elite, I'm still having trouble finding the proper Elite setting to fix this game's aiming problems. Fine aiming is a bitch.


Your time powers are so inconsistent. Sometimes time blast just doesn't work. Sometimes melee just doesn't work. I'm on the final boss right now and it's super frustrating when this stuff happens.


Been playing the PC the PS4 controller. Really great game. It's definitely a couch game though; I wish it had come out on the PS4.

In any case, somebody has GOT TO do a write up/thread about the engineering in this game. Its seriously insane; in some parts of Act 2+, there is just so much happening on screen, whether it be physics or not. It's a freaking spectacle. My jaw just drops.

I imagine this game is going to be a benchmark for graphics for a long time coming, like Crysis. Not sure current day cards will be able to run it at its highest performance just yet.

Lastly, this game has got to have the best cut-scene to game play transition yet, (until UC4). Remedy really knocked everything, that is technical, out of the park.
The story
I enjoyed the story/acting in game i just wished it was abit longer and fleshed out abit more in game, kinda felt some of it was missing. i wanted to know what paul saw at the end of time. why did hatch want to take over, why didnt he die? maybe alot of this is explained in email/document which there is so much of, too damn much lol (gave up reading it all on act 2, i plan to read it all on my 2nd playthrough)

Yes it is explained in the text based docs/emails

Regarding Hatch - Its revealed from the notes you read that he is a shifter but it appears the eye drops he takes were to lock him into a single form. therefore when he is killed, its just a single form - and all his other forms live. the notes elsewhere mentions shifters are so hard to kill because all their forms have to be killed, since they have many forms shifting in and out and only when all are killed is the entity dead


I just finished the game. I have to say I'm not hugely impressed. The combat was fun at times but it never really coalesced for me. The live action show was better than I expected, but with four episodes it didn't have a chance to get its footing. But what hurt most was the painful linearity. This game needed about three times as much real estate to feel like a substantive world. Searching for collectibles in a glorified hallway isn't fun.

The story was gripping and the graphics were excellent, but that's just not what I'm looking for in my games.


Someone yesterday mentioned "wait until Act 2", and they were totally right.

I'm loving this. The combat is so juicy and impactful, it's good to move around cover and find different spots, combine your skills, try different things.

My estimate of the game skyrocketed after playing some more. Hoping it sticks all the way to the end.

I'm tempted to get one simply because I've read it greatly reduces the deadzone most regular Xbox One controllers have, but $150? Fudge that. Might test a few other standard controllers and see if I can get one without the issue.

Does anyone else feel any sort of deadzone, input lag or clunkiness with the aiming in this game? Sort of similar to Rise of the Tomb Raider (Xbox One) if any of you guys played it.

Yes. Nowhere as bad as ROtTR, but it's there. It's my major complaint with the game and is an unfortunate blemish on the gameplay.


I'm tempted to get one simply because I've read it greatly reduces the deadzone most regular Xbox One controllers have, but $150? Fudge that. Might test a few other standard controllers and see if I can get one without the issue.

Does anyone else feel any sort of deadzone, input lag or clunkiness with the aiming in this game? Sort of similar to Rise of the Tomb Raider (Xbox One) if any of you guys played it.

I don't think it's to do with deadzones. I think the reticle just moves too fast when you're trying to make minor adjustments. The aim acceleration curve needs tweaking.


I'm in Act 4, Jesus this world is awesome if you read all the emails. Things make so much sense. The second screenplay is gold.
Yeah the game really consists of 3 equal parts storywise - the gameplay, the FMV and the documents

The documents contain a huge amount of story that you could otherwise completely miss. By far the best and most interesting character to me of the entire game is someone that I wouldnt even think about if I hadnt read the notes/emails etc Final chapter spoilers
Hatch, what he is, how he survived being killed, and the meaning of the name


Anyone else having bright lights flicker across the whole screen when directly in view? It's incredibly jarring and I had to stop due to it causing motion sickness. Never had this happen with a game before.

Not sure if it's just my Xbox/Projector set-up but man, it feels like it would need an epilepsy warning.
Anyone else having bright lights flicker across the whole screen when directly in view? It's incredibly jarring and I had to stop due to it causing motion sickness. Never had this happen with a game before.

Not sure if it's just my Xbox/Projector set-up but man, it feels like it would need an epilepsy warning.

Quit game.


Anyone else having bright lights flicker across the whole screen when directly in view? It's incredibly jarring and I had to stop due to it causing motion sickness. Never had this happen with a game before.

Not sure if it's just my Xbox/Projector set-up but man, it feels like it would need an epilepsy warning.

It is a weird bug. All you have to do is quit out of the game and restart it. If it continues, turn off your Xbox (hold the power button for a few seconds) and reboot the system. Everyone has been able to fix this issue using one or both methods.

leng jai

Just finished chapter 4, have to say it's pretty average for me. The enemy variety is non-existent as well as the range of weapons, aiming is straight up bad and the live action stuff is the definition of meh. The time powers are the saving grace of the combat - you can do some pretty cool stuff but they could have gone even crazier. The "puzzles" in the game are basically non-existent. Even the sound design while good, has some mixing issues. I was expecting this to be one of the best sounding games ever but it falls short unfortunately.

It's a solid game, but I was expecting better.


This is possibly the best integrated live action cutscenes to gameplay ive seen. Im loving the episodes so far, and the narration of James, from his perspective explaining his story. Its so well executed,

God damn Remedy, youve done it again. Bring on Alan WAKE 2!!!!!!


What am I supposed to do with the big chronon containers? I keep shooting them but they don't cause stutters as the game suggests.

They do. You first have to blast them with the power that engulfs it, then you fire a bunch of shots at it, when the power fades all the bullets hit it causing it to explode and cause a brief stutter. Sorry, can't remember the name of the power, but it is the one you use that freezes the enemies giving you the chance to shoot a bunch of bullets and when it unfreezes them they get hit with all the bullets.

Also, search around in that area you are in, a few hidden items in that location.
They do. You first have to blast them with the power that engulfs it, then you fire a bunch of shots at it, when the power fades all the bullets hit it causing it to explode and cause a brief stutter. Sorry, can't remember the name of the power, but it is the one you use that freezes the enemies giving you the chance to shoot a bunch of bullets and when it unfreezes them they get hit with all the bullets.

Also, search around in that area you are in, a few hidden items in that location.

Oh thank you, that makes sense. And yeah I've basically been spamming Y everywhere I get those precious upgrades.


Oh thank you, that makes sense. And yeah I've basically been spamming Y everywhere I get those precious upgrades.

I really disliked that whole system. It's like they knew the environments were too small to actually hide collectibles in, so they made them invisible unless you're like 4 feet away and you hit Y on them.
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