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Quantum Break Review Thread

Opinions and all but after playing the game for a few days now I can't fathom how anyone can play this and think the highest it's worth is 40%.


Uncharted 4 and TLOU2 will both likely get rave reviews despite being rehashes of last gen games, people obviously haven't got bored of that formula yet

And Jeff will be there to represent a different take on these trendy games. And i will be there to agree with him, unless ND can somehow break free from all the genre tropes that makes these games so goddamn stale.
I just saw gamespot video review. They mentioned you can't shoot while in cover (probably to encourage use powers). That's a poor decision. Plus instead of making live action video they should have included multiplayer (and get more cash by selling items). Remedy didn't took right decisions.


oh really ? You mean to tell me the thing i just typed ?

"Jeff however, is not easily swayed by great graphics or AAA polish"

That said, he looks for, and appreciates other qualities in 3rd person shooters. So he's not going easy on these types of games. But he still enjoys the once that aren't fucking by the book. It's a sentiment that i can get behind.
Not specifically 3rd person but Jeff enjoys guite a lot of games that I find generic and boring .. for example open-world shooters such as Far Cry 3. Over the years of following him and his views on games, I found that my tastes are almost contrary to his'. He loves instant gratification and he cares little for aspects such as atmosphere, evidenced by his complete disregard for games such as Limbo and Red Dead Redemption.

Much of the criticism put forth in all the QB reviews is surely valid (quality of level design, length etc.) but especially with Jeff, personal taste and preference play a huge role as far as evaluating games goes. And there is nothing really wrong with that but it should be taken into consideration.


Oh well, that sub-80 score is a bit of a shame. Hopefully it doesn't impact the chances of an Alan Wake 2 down the road. :/


And Jeff will be there to represent a different take on these trendy games. And i will be there to agree with him, unless ND can somehow break free from all the genre tropes that makes these games so goddamn stale.

What trend? As someone who liked those games, I can barely name one this gen.


Not specifically 3rd person but Jeff enjoys guite a lot of games that I find generic and boring .. for example open-world shooters such as Far Cry 3. Over the years of following him and his views on games, I found that my tastes are almost contrary to his'. He loves instant gratification and he cares little for aspects such as atmosphere, evidenced by his complete disregard for games such as Limbo and Red Dead Redemption.

Much of the criticism put forth in all the QB reviews is surely valid (quality of level design, length etc.) but especially with Jeff, personal taste and preference play a huge role as far as evaluating games goes. And there is nothing really wrong with that but it should be taken into consideration.

It should be taken into consideration every single time you read a review - that's why the MC score is a wash for games.

If a reviewer you like and trust loves the game then go for it, if you find yourself disagreeing with a journalist a lot then you, personally, can disregard it.


Neo Member
Here's the review of Eurogamer Portugal


Score: Recommended


Quantum Break is unique. Thanks to the combination with a TV series it manages to be completely different from other games. Both the series and the game have high production values. Hiring good actors, the well developed story and polished gameplay shows a big commitment from Remedy and Microsoft.

The game itself doesn't have anything new and in the end it shows some lack of variety, but it's a nice escape for those who are looking for something more traditional and a good story.


Right, but you could apply that argument to every genre and game. I vehemently disagree that innovation is a requirement to quality or fun factor. It is my belief that a game doesn't have to be revolutionary to be fun, it just has to do what's been done before, but really well, in a more polished, refined, better designed and delivered way. Not saying QB does that, I haven't played it yet, but just responding to the point of your broader critique.

You are correct, there is a lot of stagnation in the mainstream genres that are flavour of the month ( allthough some of these genre seem like flavours of the decade )

Fun factor and quality are not dependent on innovation. But innovation is what needed to make a game truly stand out: case in point, splatoon. An incredibly smart and fun take on the stalest of genres out there, and i feel that a review should reflect that. Now take Tomb raider for instance: a game most gamers will be hard-pressed to find unenjoyable when dissected: It oozes quality, and the mechanics are all solid. So why is the game so divisive to a lot of gamers ?

Because its the pinnacle of tested-and-tried. It hits all the genre tropes and then some.

You'll always see the AAA experiences tripping over themselves, ready to make sure they hit every gaming trend checkbox in the hope for maximum mainstream potential. QB is another example in a long string of AAA games that have production value's like we've never seen before and still fails to be truly groundbreaking.

I've been feeling apathetic to these homogenised AAA releases for some time now and i'm sure that a lot of reviewers feel the same.
Time Magazine with a 4/10 out of nowhere.


Well they score it 2 out of 5 but I guess you can say it's 4/10.

Not surprised. I could totally see how jarring the live action would be and comes across as bad television. This episodic structure also tends to highlight the gameplay parts into small section of simple mob shooting and rudimentary puzzles. It's very difficult to blend and pad out a game like this and have it come across well.


Not specifically 3rd person but Jeff enjoys guite a lot of games that I find generic and boring .. for example open-world shooters such as Far Cry 3. Over the years of following him and his views on games, I found that my tastes are almost contrary to his'. He loves instant gratification and he cares little for aspects such as atmosphere, evidenced by his complete disregard for games such as Limbo and Red Dead Redemption.

Much of the criticism put forth in all the QB reviews is surely valid (quality of level design, length etc.) but especially with Jeff, personal taste and preference play a huge role as far as evaluating games goes. And there is nothing really wrong with that but it should be taken into consideration.

Exactly. Trying to correlate some sort of deeper meaning behind Jeff's review of QB, pertaining to generic or un-innovative game design being the common thread or core criticism, is fruitless and untrue based on the review text. More so when you look at the many highly favourable reviews he's given to less innovative or more generic releases, especially sequels of popular franchises. Fact of the matter is, it's a subjective opinion and he simply didn't enjoy the game.

E92 M3

Unfortunately,I've been expecting this for the last year. The game looks very mediocre. Sad becsuse Remedy is a great stufio.


What trend? As someone who liked those games, I can barely name one this gen.

trends that oozed over from last gen:
- Forced walking sections
- trailing NPCs that offer quippy banter
- puzzling rooms ( that are almost offensively easy )
- platforming sections ( that are almost offensively easy )
- walk section > arena shootout > talk section rinse repeat.

New gen trends added for flavour ( of stale ):
- open world mechanics ( exploring lite )
- collectathons
- ability levels / rpg lite

I'm also someone who used to love the genre, but i'm seeing the same shit over and over and over and over and over and for most of the time its fine. I'm playing the Division furiously, but i'll get over it and most likely forget about it within the year. That 7.8 that the Division currently stands at is perfect. Its good fun, but nothing more then a distraction at best.


trends that oozed over from last gen:
- Forced walking sections
- trailing NPCs that offer quippy banter
- puzzling rooms ( that are almost offensively easy )
- platforming sections ( that are almost offensively easy )
- walk section > arena shootout > talk section rinse repeat.

New gen trends added for flavour ( of stale ):
- open world mechanics ( exploring lite )
- collectathons
- ability levels / rpg lite

I'm also someone who used to love the genre, but i'm seeing the same shit over and over and over and over and over and for most of the time its fine. I'm playing the Division furiously, but i'll get over it and most likely forget about it within the year. That 7.8 that the Division currently stands at is perfect. Its good fun, but nothing more then a distraction at best.

You didn't list any games


I really want to get this, but I may wait for a bit. I love Remedy's games but it's hard for me to bite at $60 if a game doesn't have much in the way of replay value. At the same time, this sounds like a good, solid, story-driven shooter, and if I get it now I can get that Windows 10 copy as well, right? Hmm...
So, is Remedy under threat? Everyone thought Lionhead is one of the Microsoft's #1 studios, part of their future. How about Remedy? Any thoughts?
Weird to think that a game with a review distribution like this:


...is generating as much concern as we're seeing in this thread.

The way I see it some low scores are to be expected, but the problem is that the low reviews are from some of my (and probably others) most trusted review sites like Giant Bomb, Gamespot and Metro Gamecentral.


Damn! Those are some crappy scores. I'm still very excited though because we've barely had any linear story driven games lately.

Finally a game where I won't have to fucking craft.


Just checked metacritic:

My game of the year for 2014: Sunset Overdrive at 81
My game of the year for 2015: Life Is Strange at 85 on PS4/XB1 and 83 Metacritic on PC
My game of the year for 2016 (so far): Unravel at 81 on PC, 79 on PS4, 76 on XB1

To me there is almost no value in the individual or even the aggregate review scores. What metacritic tells you basically is: Is the game universally criticized, is the game universally praised, or is the game divisive? I don't see the value in metacritic in helping a consumer or fan make an informed decision.

We can objectively say that Quantum Break is divisive, given the reviews that have come out. But does that tell you if you specifically will enjoy the game? To me it's much more valuable to get an opinion from a fellow gaffer, from a friend, or from a family member. Now having said that, I said pretty much the same thing regarding Batman v Superman on the off-topic side and I was slaughtered - I'm not saying I was being unfairly criticized but my points were being torn apart. So maybe I'm wrong about this - *shrug*.


So, is Remedy under threat? Everyone thought Lionhead is one of the Microsoft's #1 studios, part of their future. How about Remedy? Any thoughts?

Aren't they independent? I don't know how much own financial investment they made into QB, but I guess they will be fine (the game will sell good probably). Worst thing that MS can do is cut ties with them, but I don't see that happen at all.


Just from what I've seen of the game. Seems like it's entertaining and you'll enjoy it if you play. But there really isn't much special going on. It's seems to still be your typical tps with some time powers thrown in.
Aren't they independent? I don't know how much own financial investment they made into QB, but I guess they will be fine (the game will sell good probably). Worst thing that MS can do is cut ties with them, but I don't see that happen at all.

Are they? I thought they're MS 1st party.


I really want to get this, but I may wait for a bit. I love Remedy's games but it's hard for me to bite at $60 if a game doesn't have much in the way of replay value.
It's a short game, without multiplayer. So you should see it on sale for cheap (used, even more cheaper) soon. Just wait a few days or weeks.
Are they? I thought they're MS 1st party.
No, they are indie. MS does not own them.
Looked like another The Order game to me. Probably great fun, solid 2-3 day play-through. But not Ground-breaking enough and too linear to get outstanding reviews.

Don’t have an X1, but this would definitely be on my list of games to play, pinch of salt with these guys opinions people.
Good scores man!

Gonna pick this up!! Also I noticed some negatives surrounding game length.. Meh, I enjoyed the order so I will enjoy this as long as the story is good



It should be taken into consideration every single time you read a review - that's why the MC score is a wash for games.

If a reviewer you like and trust loves the game then go for it, if you find yourself disagreeing with a journalist a lot then you, personally, can disregard it.

While I care little for QB (just not interested in the subject matter and the look at all), one of the best games I've played last year (SOMA) also has just a 79 MC score for PS4.

I only take MC as a general orientation to quickly find out if a game is complete trash or not.

The way I see it some low scores are to be expected, but the problem is that the low reviews are from some of my (and probably others) most trusted review sites like Giant Bomb, Gamespot and Metro Gamecentral.
Those review sites also consist of several people. Brad or whoever else at GB might've given it a different score than Jeff.
And Jeff will be there to represent a different take on these trendy games. And i will be there to agree with him, unless ND can somehow break free from all the genre tropes that makes these games so goddamn stale.
I think the Story will be much better in UC4 and it’s improved dramatically mechanics wise. ND really seem to be putting out there best game and closing the series on a high note, I think even the critics tired of the formula will like it. Time will tell...
Still a lot of positive reviews and such and some of the non-review score reviews and such seem very good. Glad to hear the story is pretty good. Alan Wake is still my favorite SP game to date (though Witcher 3 is very, very close) so I'm looking forward to getting my hands on QB on Tuesday. It's a shame that scores will make some people justify a game is terrible (especially if it is a console exclusive on any system) even when they haven't tried it. Even Until Dawn which I never played but seemed to receive a lot of praise on this site only finished with a 79 overall score.

From what I see though Remedy has not let me down and I love the way they approach their stories and gameplay. The positive reviews way out number the negative it's just that some of the negative ones really try to bring it down. It seems like a game that you will either like, or not like, not really much of an in-between segment.

Can't wait until Tuesday! :D


I think the Story will be much better in UC4 and it’s improved dramatically mechanics wise. ND really seem to be putting out there best game and closing the series on a high note, I think even the critics tired of the formula will like it. Time will tell...

TLOU influence is strong :)


Expected mostly 80s for Quantum Break so these reviews are matching with my expectations.

I'm expecting the game to be around where Infamous Second Son and Sunset Overdrive is at (low 80s metacritic) once more reviews come out.
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