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République |OT| Episode 2 Now Available


That cliffhanger...ouch.

Spent more time than I thought I did on it (3+ hrs!)

Really looking forward to the rest after this though. I hope the money they spend buying the app for everyone isn't too impactful (will be more than $15000 by my completely unresearched math)
I finished Episode 1 the other day and overall I quite enjoyed it. I do have a few complaints, though:

First off, the game suffers from a severe case of boring objective-itis. It reminds me of the Dead Space series in that sense, everything is about going here to flip this switch or running there to grab that item. I know that Hope is slowly progressing towards her goal of escaping but it never really feels that way, it just feels like the areas were designed first and the story conceit that ties them all together came later. I mean, after finishing the first episode I look back and kind of wonder, what really happened? In terms of major plot points it feels like not much at all.

I also think the game is a little too simplistic for its own good, but I understand that this is the first episode so hopefully the complexity will increase as things move along. As it stands I thought all of the rooms had very simple "solutions" for progressing, and the few items you obtained to spice things up a bit were incredibly straightforward and even somewhat repetitive (pepper spray and taser, for instance). Playing a game like this I instantly think about games like Metal Gear and Deus Ex, but the stealth here never approached that level of complexity at all. I guess a big part of this also has to do with the control scheme and development philosophy of developing for a platform's strengths, but in the end it hurt the game a bit in my opinion.

Also, does the game have any sort of map? I couldn't find one but I really think it could benefit from one, especially with all of the areas that you are obviously expected to come back to at a later point.

I don't want to come across as too negative though, as I am very happy I backed the game and I'm looking forward to seeing where it goes in future episodes. The story that is there is quite intriguing and I loved all of the hidden items and collectibles that fleshed out the world. The game cartridges in particular were probably my favorite part of the entire experience, just an awesome addition that really made pick-pocketing each guard worthwhile.

In terms of other positives I felt that the controls worked very well after a brief period of adjusting, and I enjoyed the basic gameplay loop of switching between moving Hope and changing cameras. It felt quite unique. I was also very impressed with the visual fidelity of the game as well as the art direction (playing on an iPhone 5), and the music and sound in general were very impressive. Cooper is such a cool character, especially for someone who speaks through text-to-speech!

Overall I'd say this was a solid first effort and I'm looking forward to seeing where things go from here.
I bought the first episode and I've barely touched it. It's not something I can play around with at work like I would anything else I would normally play on my phone, but then when I'm home I end up doing other things I could only do at home because I have such little free time there.

This is why casual games are what's popular on iOS.
Wow, it's kind of sad how little discussion this game is generating here on GAF. I wonder if this is indicative of how the game is doing or just a case of GAF being the wrong audience?


Wow, it's kind of sad how little discussion this game is generating here on GAF. I wonder if this is indicative of how the game is doing or just a case of GAF being the wrong audience?

GAF doesn't really discuss iOS games much. Or people like to discuss them in the mega iOS gaming thread.
Wow, it's kind of sad how little discussion this game is generating here on GAF. I wonder if this is indicative of how the game is doing or just a case of GAF being the wrong audience?

personally i'm kinda hesistant to keep playing. so many directors commentary blocks that i wanna listen too but they haven't send us season passes yet :(

unless those dc stuff are spoilery...
I did a QnA thing pre-Christmas. Just now posted:


When did the original idea for République spark? The first Kickstarter video seemed highly fleshed out for a game that was, at that point, 20 months away from its eventual release. Were the core themes of the game clear from the outset, or was that something that grew and developed over time?

Ryan Payton: The original idea for République came from my desire to bring believable, high-quality character performance to mobile. I wanted République to break new ground in this territory. From there, I started to think about the role of the cameras in this facility, and then we were asked to add more action into the game. When we started prototyping action gameplay with surveillance-camera views, the game instantly started to feel like the original Resident Evil, and I knew we had stumbled upon something interesting. The 32-bit era is my favorite in the history of the industry, so I decided to double down on Resident Evil, Metal Gear Solid and Parasite Eve influences.

We had our core vision and gameplay loop nailed down early last year, and then we demonstrated it in our initial Kickstarter video. While the core gameplay loop hasn’t changed much since then, we put 18 months of development into a new Hope and guard AI system, we shifted to fully 3D backgrounds, and we went to work on delivering on the “one touch” action gameplay. I’m not exaggerating when I say that, for 500 nights on this project, I went home feeling defeated by our design. It wasn’t until the final stages of development that our camera system and one touch gameplay started to function properly,


Wow, it's kind of sad how little discussion this game is generating here on GAF. I wonder if this is indicative of how the game is doing or just a case of GAF being the wrong audience?

It's possible there's just not that much interest in the game. That was always the gamble with Republique -- iOS users would not be interested in a $5-$25 purchase, and traditional gamers would turn their nose up at an iOS game. I'm surprised how quickly the conversation died though, just considering so many people here said they backed the game.

I got stuck at a waypoint with a fingerprint reader. Someone in this thread said I had to go back to an early area in the game. I tried to backtrack, couldn't find anything. I put the game down and never picked it up again. That is the real problem with a game like this on iOS. Every game is so cheap and disposable that if somebody gets stuck on a puzzle you run a very huge risk that they will just stop playing altogether.
what is there to say really, sure there will be more interest when more eps hit ;)

It's a pretty good game, but the gameplay kinda falls apart when you need to do anything actiony like runaway or escape enemies.


details on Season Pass fulfillment have now been released. I won't post the update here as Camouflaj has requested it be kept private.

backers only link

I will say though... it's not a solution people will likely be happy with
details on Season Pass fulfillment have now been released. I won't post the update here as Camouflaj has requested it be kept private.

backers only link

I will say though... it's not a solution people will likely be happy with
Let's say it's not ideal but it's something.
I guess iOS is less than ideal for these KS projects and honestly, I wish more projects were aware of this or upfront about it.


Like these dudes, but I'd talk about it more if the whole thing wasn't such a pain in the ass. I won't bitch because I've spent little time reviewing the backer updates, but the parts I did bother paying attention to just wore me the fuck out...no disrespect to the team intended.


details on Season Pass fulfillment have now been released. I won't post the update here as Camouflaj has requested it be kept private.

backers only link

I will say though... it's not a solution people will likely be happy with

Their request is wholly unreasonable. They promised we would receive the full game, including the season pass, when we pledged. So far, they've forced us to buy the app, and now they're forcing us to buy the season pass. They have not held up their end of the bargain, so I will not respect their request.

"How to Get the Season Pass
This coming Friday (January 31st) we’ll be discounting the IAP for the Season Pass from $14.99 to $0.99 USD (or the equivalent cost to a $0.99 USD IAP in your region). We’ll drop the price for a full 24 hours. During this 24-hour window, please go ahead and purchase the Season Pass.

We can't confirm exactly when this will occur on Friday (especially across timezones) so please keep a lookout for it; this is just an unfortunate unknown about the App Store. We expect that the price should change at 12:01 AM in your local time-zone/region. In fact, if you guys & gals could post in the comments section when you notice the change occurring and which region you are in; that would be a great community resource!

We know that this method is not ideal, but it’s the best available to us at the moment. Ideally we would offer this as a free IAP, but $0.99 is as low as we can go using the App Store IAP system.

We also ask that you guys keep this information regarding the Season Pass discount private for backers only.

(For those of you who want to be refunded that $0.99 through PayPal: As with past Surveymonkeys, we’ll need your Kickstarter name & email address to link your response with our existing information for you. We’ll then need the email address associated with your PayPal account. If you do not have a PayPal account, fill out the survey with an email address you would like to open a PayPal account with; instructions on how to open an account will come with your refund. Click this link if you’d like to request a $0.99 refund: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/iOS_season_pass_refund)

If you are reading this and the 24 hour sale has passed, don’t fret; we’ll have news/a new update on a follow up opportunity soon. But, please, if this is your situation, make sure to keep a close watch on your Kickstarter/Update emails for the next few weeks."

It is done.


haha fair enough. well I went for the PC version so it's not my place to decide if the request was unreasonable or not.
Man. Bad on Ryan Payton and co. for not realizing these roadblocks would exist, but far far more bad on Apple for ridiculous app store policies. It's easier for Kickstarter project to give out PSN codes, for chrissakes. A closed console ecosystem handles Kickstarter projects better than Apple. Are you kidding me?

(I mean I guess iOS is also a closed console ecosystem in practice, but it's not competing with Microsoft and Nintendo, but Google, which doesn't even require you to go through an app store at all. So the fact that they're worse than a CONSOLE, let alone a mobile ecosystem, is damning.)

The End

It seems to be that KS is becoming/has become a potent force for funding more ambitious mobile games. Apple really needs to get ahead of this and figure out a way to allow developers to fulfill backer rewards in a way that doesn't involve all of these contortions.


Man. Bad on Ryan Payton and co. for not realizing these roadblocks would exist, but far far more bad on Apple for ridiculous app store policies. It's easier for Kickstarter project to give out PSN codes, for chrissakes. A closed console ecosystem handles Kickstarter projects better than Apple. Are you kidding me?

(I mean I guess iOS is also a closed console ecosystem in practice, but it's not competing with Microsoft and Nintendo, but Google, which doesn't even require you to go through an app store at all. So the fact that they're worse than a CONSOLE, let alone a mobile ecosystem, is damning.)

I dunno if this is all Apple's fault, I backed Buddy & Me and they were able to send out codes for backers on iOS

ironically it was Android where they had to have the game be free on Amazon Marketplace the first weekend

These guys are going to lose a ton of money when the 99 cent IAP ends up on the front page of slickdeals.

not just SlickDeals, I'm sure places like MacRumors and TUAW will post about it Friday as well

though they will have a big jump in sales of the game as well, heck I'm gonna buy it at $5 in order to get the 99 cent Season Pass


I dunno if this is all Apple's fault, I backed Buddy & Me and they were able to send out codes for backers on iOS

ironically it was Android where they had to have the game be free on Amazon Marketplace the first weekend

I think someone said that Apple limits publishers to 500 codes. So that would explain it, probably.
Nice job on not putting the information out there, people.

The distribution issues are shitty enough. But we can't cut them some slack and not spread the info they asked not to be spread?


I'm really glad I backed the PC version, Apple's policies (and/or Camouflaj's incompetence, not really sure who is to blame here) are ridiculous. I just hope we can get the PC version already.


Nice job on not putting the information out there, people.

The distribution issues are shitty enough. But we can't cut them some slack and not spread the info they asked bit to be spread?

with over 11k backers it wasn't a matter of if it would leak as much of when it would leak
I dunno if this is all Apple's fault, I backed Buddy & Me and they were able to send out codes for backers on iOS

ironically it was Android where they had to have the game be free on Amazon Marketplace the first weekend

That's true. I went back and looked at the updates Sunbreak sent out for Buddy & Me, and there are a few crucial differences. A bunch of the info is in backers-only updates, so I don't want to go into details, but basically: the problem both Republique and Buddy & Me faced was the inability to send gift codes to anyone outside the U.S. Sunbreak saw the international issue coming, Camouflaj did not. So everything, from informing their users of the problem to handling refunds, apparently went much more smoothly. The Android thing did suck, since I was one of the Android backers and the Amazon appstore is basically a form of DRM (since uninstalling the Amazon store app renders your downloads useless, unless this has changed recently). But hey, better than nothing, and I didn't have to do anything special or pay an extra cent.

So yeah, Camouflaj deserves some of the blame because other people have handled this far more smoothly. Sure, Camouflaj probably sold a lot more copies and we have to take that into account, but you'd hope that they would also have been able to throw more resources at the problem (and just generally provide a more professional response re: fulfillment times and communication) as a result.

But Apple also deserves quite a bit of blame because even if we acknowledge that region-specific storefronts with separate gifting processes happens across lots of platforms (though notably, not Steam except in certain cases!), Apple seems to have split their stores up into many, many more regions than any of the other players. With some exceptions (mainly to do with currency cards), neither Microsoft nor Sony lock game and DLC codes to a specific country, at least in North America.


formerly "chigiri"
There was another iOS Kickstarter game, which I unfortunately forget the name of now, that handled iOS fullfillment MUCH better and quite cleverly. They released a sign-up app of sorts on the AppStore a week prior to the actual release of the game, and gave the link only to backers. Backers then signed into their accounts in said app and were verified on the devs servers as having purchased the full game.

Then when the actual game came out, which was Free with an IAP unlock if I recall, the backers could just download that and hit restore purchases and off they went.

(I might be remembering some of the details of this story wrong)


I dropped iOS before this game came out. Where the hell is my PC version? Update us backers!!!

Same here im a bit worried all they seem to talk about is the iOS version and working on episode 2

Anyway ive asked the following in a kickstarter message


I backed the $30 level for pc.

Part of it was soundtrack and documentary are these parts being made available at same time as pc release?

And any ETA it was due september 2013

Same here im a bit worried all they seem to talk about is the iOS version and working on episode 2

Anyway ive asked the following in a kickstarter message

If you wanna know what's going on with the project, you have to pay attention to the updates. I've only barely been following it myself, but even I know that the PC version was always secondary (they're working on it now) and that the soundtrack is already available.


Same here im a bit worried all they seem to talk about is the iOS version and working on episode 2

Anyway ive asked the following in a kickstarter message

If you answered in the survey that you want the PC version, you can get the soundtrack and documentary via humblebundle. Use their Key resender feature with the email address you gave in the survey or used to back the Kickstarter:


The Camouflaj guys responded to people's complaints on the backer update page. It really seems like they tried their best, but it's Apple's rules that are preventing them using better alternatives.

This whole series of events is unfortunate, but in end I still support their vision and I'm not too fussed to pay an extra dollar to get the season pass. To those who are antsy about the dollar, you can get it refunded if you contact them.


The Camouflaj guys responded to people's complaints on the backer update page. It really seems like they tried their best, but it's Apple's rules that are preventing them using better alternatives.

This whole series of events is unfortunate, but in end I still support their vision and I'm not too fussed to pay an extra dollar to get the season pass. To those who are antsy about the dollar, you can get it refunded if you contact them.

It's a lesson learned for them, hopefully. I doubt most folks are overly concerned about the buck.


Subete no aware
So I guess since it's all out there, I wonder if they plan to change anything or just go through with it.

Either way, I don't know how to feel about this whole thing. It went from them talking to someone at Apple and working out a solution for everyone to manually gifting people in the US and handing out paypal refunds to international customers to now what amounts to a 99cent sale for everyone who bought the game.

On the one hand, I do feel bad for them, but I wonder if they couldn't have figured a lot of this stuff out at some point before they were so close to launch.


formerly "chigiri"
Same here im a bit worried all they seem to talk about is the iOS version and working on episode 2

Anyway ive asked the following in a kickstarter message

The soundtracks and documentary parts are (for ep1 so far) already available via the Humble Bundle for backers.


The Camouflaj guys responded to people's complaints on the backer update page. It really seems like they tried their best, but it's Apple's rules that are preventing them using better alternatives.

This whole series of events is unfortunate, but in end I still support their vision and I'm not too fussed to pay an extra dollar to get the season pass. To those who are antsy about the dollar, you can get it refunded if you contact them.

"They tried their best" at doing something that couldn't be done? If I sell shirts online and decide to deliver them with trained owls... the fact that I did my best won't magically mean it is no longer my fault when deliveries simply don't happen.

I don't know if I'll even bother buying the season pass, honestly. I know there are plenty of kickstarter horror stories out there, but this has to be my most disappointing experience with the site so far.


You know you can get your 1 dollar back as long as you apply? It's not an ideal sell, but the problem lies with Apple's policies, not Camoflaj's business practices.


I don't get why they just didn't buy iTunes Gift Cards for each backer's region. You can send the codes via email. This is just a silly way of handling this situation. So called "secret sales" to fulfill season passes? What?
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