If she were younger I would be more tempted to blame the parents, but at some point a high schooler has to be smarter than this.
If she were younger I would be more tempted to blame the parents, but at some point a high schooler has to be smarter than this.
If she were younger I would be more tempted to blame the parents, but at some point a high schooler has to be smarter than this.
Think about it though, she writes. None of the apostles were different ethics [sic]. They were all white. There was [sic] no black nor Hispanic [sic] mentioned really back when Jesus time was. All the stories we hear in the Bible are about like mainly white people. So since God knows everything that is going to happen than [sic] he would have done something about that.
If she were younger I would be more tempted to blame the parents, but at some point a high schooler has to be smarter than this.
Think about it though, she writes. None of the apostles were different ethics [sic]. They were all white."
This is the byproduct of a school? Lol maybe I need to reread.
To me it all starts with this. The whitewashing of the Bible for centuries has lead these types of people that they truly are a cut above.But everyone told be racism would die with the baby boomers...
Also, lol at the "everyone in The Bible was white" BS.
To me it all starts with this. The whitewashing of the Bible for centuries has lead these types of people that they truly ^[believe they]^ are a cut above.
This is absolutely a product of catholic schooling. I'm from Louisiana, my parents sent me to a Catholic school, and almost every place that Jesus was talked about or depicted in artwork, film, and study, he was a white guy. Without critical thought the subject, it's easy for a kid to think Jesus was white. The school absolutely did not encourage critical thought about religion, if anything the opposite. Obviously this is an extreme case, but I've known quite a few people in my high school days that had similar opinions as this student.
This is why America is probably likely to lose its leadership position in STEM subjects. If the country is going to keep immigrants out and then double down on portraying education and critical thinking as a weakness of character that only "libtards" have, then there is simply no way the country can stay ahead in a knowledge-based economy through "sheer guts and American will to power."
Unfortunately, the Trump election shows that a significant enough portion of the population really does believe that education and inclusiveness are negatives in a society, but the effects of this line of thinking will be felt a couple of generations from now.
Obviously the STEM fields are important to fund and teach, but this is why we need to push the Humanities just as hard.
Obviously the STEM fields are important to fund and teach, but this is why we need to push the Humanities just as hard.
This is why America is probably likely to lose its leadership position in STEM subjects. If the country is going to keep immigrants out and then double down on portraying education and critical thinking as a weakness of character that only "libtards" have, then there is simply no way the country can stay ahead in a knowledge-based economy through "sheer guts and American will to power."
Unfortunately, the Trump election shows that a significant enough portion of the population really does believe that education and inclusiveness are negatives in a society, but the effects of this line of thinking will be felt a couple of generations from now.
Dude... Humanities doesn't fix institutional racism.
Obviously the STEM fields are important to fund and teach, but this is why we need to push the Humanities just as hard.
God this is fantastic.
Only about 92% racist.
Would be interested in hearing about this student's parents because being this racist isn't something you just stumble upon. It is most assuredly a learned behavior.
A white American history month would be awesome. So many interesting topics to cover. I'm not sure the people asking for a white history month would actually care for most of them, though.
you know her parents are probably proud of the essay too
Also, why does she write at a second grade level in a private high school.....White supremacy got these fools out here gassed up.
We is happy of are raceist dawter
We is happy of are raceist dawter
I think the most dangerous thing we can do is portray racists as dumb. On the surface I get it. Just mocking them for their dumb beliefs but many virulent racists are far from stupid.
These motherfuckers get degrees and doctorates or complete other training thag allows them to gain powerful positions in society.
These are judges, lawyers, project managers, school administration, law enforcement, politicians....people that seem to go out of their way to make life a living hell for Black people.
That's very true. But this girl is an idiot.
But I thought the bigots were gonna die out?
I love how she says she isn't totally racist. Like what the fuck she even goes on to say we should have slavery. Like holy shit.