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Radio Free Nintendo | A Nintendo Podcast for Grownups

As always thanks for the show guys, I really enjoyed this week's episode as usual. Keep up the great work!

As a pretty big fan of Darksiders II I was sad to hear about Jonny and James' feelings on the game. Most of what they said I can chalk up to personal preference but I do think the game deserves at least a slight defense in some instances. First off, Jonny mentioned that Death was slower than War when in actuality the opposite is true. Death's relative quickness and agility was actually one of the big selling points for DSII, and the effect this has on the gameplay is shown pretty heavily by DSII's exclusion of the block button from DS (in DSII you can only roll). Everything is much quicker in DSII compared to the original, from the combat to movement to the platforming.

While a little less based on fact, I also found James' comment about the platforming to be kind of odd, as I found Death to be very quick and agile when it comes to traversal. Compared to something like a Prince of Persia game James is probably right, but compared to just about anything else with that style of platforming (Assassin's Creed, Uncharted series, God of War series, Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, etc.) Death gets around very quickly.

I was also surprised to hear James quick dismissal of the combat, as this was actually one of my favorite aspects of the game. Jonny is right in that the game gets better as you go though, so maybe the combat just starts off a little on the easy side. It never gets diabolically difficult or anything but compared to other character action games I thought the combat held up exceptionally well, primarily due to the great variety in weapons as well as enemy types. If nothing else maybe James could try switching to a harder difficulty to get that nice challenging feeling going.

As far as the dungeons go I think the important thing to think about is that they aren't always supposed to be as large and monumental as dungeons in a game like Zelda. In fact, some of the smaller dungeons are completely optional. As the game goes they become larger and more complex though, so don't let the small ones at the beginning give you the wrong impression.

I disagree with most of the other complaints personally but they are more understandable. I love the art-style and direction of DSII but I get that the world isn't as grounded as what's in DS, and overall the story is pretty lacking and uninteresting. I came away from DSII loving it because of the fantastic combat, fun puzzle solving and exploration, well designed dungeons, and incredible environments, but I know I'm in the minority with some of those opinions.

Anyway, sorry for the defense force rant but I just thought I'd throw that out there since obviously no one on the podcast thinks very highly of DSII. I do hope James comes around on the game if he sticks with it though, I think there's a lot to love if you give the game a chance to really get going.
Another great episode.

Shadows of the Eternals looks interesting and I'm willing to give Dyack a chance to wow us again.

There should be three more episodes before E3 and I'm psyched for their predictions, discussions, and I'm sure they have a question or two about the E3 shake up news in their e-mail backlog.
Best I can remember, I first came up with "A Nintendo Podcast for Grown-Ups" for our second live panel at PAX East. I thought it was a succinct explanation of our show's content and tone -- focused on Nintendo gaming, but made by and for adults. The use of the childish term "grown-ups" also made it seem playful. It's one of those things that just fell out of my fingertips while typing up the panel description, and I've liked it ever since.

OMG Aero

I was only half paying attention to the podcast when Guillaume was talking about Aquia and when he started talking about drowning and his body washing up on the beach while this weird heartbeat sound played in the background I thought he had literally gone insane.


I was only half paying attention to the podcast when Guillaume was talking about Aquia and when he started talking about drowning and his body washing up on the beach while this weird heartbeat sound played in the background I thought he had literally gone insane.

Eternal Darkness couldn't have done a better insanity effect! Great work, Gui. :D


Having edited a similar podcast now: Greg and Guillaume are nuts
Downloads: AAC | MP3
Time: 2'00"34
This week's show gets an unusual start, as Billy jumps in for the first half-hour or so, Gui shows up a bit late due to technical problems, and for no reason in particular, we shuffle the order and do Listener Mail first. The first couple of questions are perfect softballs for Billy's rants on how to enjoy Wii U (Monster Hunter) and the cancellation of Nintendo's E3 press conference (he is opposed). The rest of the gang is also quite verbose on these topics, describing our current outlook on the console, picking apart recent development news from EA and such, and looking ahead to how Nintendo can make the upcoming convention work for them in a year when most of the general attention will be focused elsewhere. Then Billy has to drop out so he can support the NWR Community Night (next chance to play with him and other NWR peeps is Monday night, May 20), and the rest of us soldier on with another question about the next 3DS revision and some fan mail for James.

It definitely felt weird to do New Business after the break, but there's no hit to the quality of the games we played or what we have to say about them. Jon is first with Nano Assault EX, the 3DS eShop version of a game that some of us loved in other forms -- yet he struggles to find the appeal. Gui checks out a recent big digital release, Mario and DK: Minis on the Move, which increasingly sounds like a game we should all buy. James has a follow-up on Darksiders 2, which he powered through despite severe technical glitches (that will never be fixed, thanks to THQ's demise). Jonny concludes both this episode and another game on his priority list with Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon, a charming but flawed revival for the franchise.

E3 is fast approaching, so we'll have our show predictions soon and would also enjoy seeing your own thoughts, expectations, and questions about the biggest event in video games.
esrevinu rorrim eht ot emocleW


Will QA for food.
Before playing Dark Moon I thought breaking up the game into missions would hinder it, but I really don't find that to be the case. It helps keep the player focused on a goal, rather than wandering aimlessly.

I think there is more exploration than Jonny gives credit for as well, if you're trying to find the Boos, gems and gather enough money to get triple stars. There are plenty of optional secrets to be found by poking around with the dark light, vacuum and flash light. If you're only concerned with making it to the end of a mission, it'll have a lot less to offer. But the same is true for many games.

Repetitive combat I'll agree on, although I didn't feel like it was kill room after kill room and the base gameplay for the combat is fun enough to keep me going after 18 hours of playing.

Also, I've been playing with Billy during the two Monhan community nights. I wish he expanded more on his Monster Hunter experience. He really had to learn how armour sets, skills and the general game mechanics worked when we played the first time, because he didn't know (and the game does a horrific job at explaining these things). But now he says he finally 'gets it', that it that keeps people playing the game for a few hundred hours. Maybe he'll delve into it another time.


I have Luigi's Mansion 2 sitting here, but one of the things I loved about LM 1 was that the mansion was all interconnected, and I could wander wherever I wanted. I feel like that feeling is lost if they're split up between different mansions but it could change when I actually crack into it.
Also, I've been playing with Billy during the two Monhan community nights. I wish he expanded more on his Monster Hunter experience. He really had to learn how armour sets, skills and the general game mechanics worked when we played the first time, because he didn't know (and the game does a horrific job at explaining these things). But now he says he finally 'gets it', that it that keeps people playing the game for a few hundred hours. Maybe he'll delve into it another time.
I need to get into this RFN Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate online group XD, when I get more free time =P


The oddest thing about this week's episode wasn't the order of the segments but hearing Lindy talk about a game on a Nintendo platform. :p Gui, you tease! I was expecting some Mario & Donkey Kong music after your praise!

Leave James alone, Internet! He's great and I really appreciate his contribution to the podcast.

Yes Boss!


I love the way they read the email about less Bongo talk and then right after go on a ten-minute discussion of Urban Champion!

Got Urban Champion last year with points. Interesting enough, just to see how they adapted it for 3D, I feel.
Here's the quote about the reason the Wii U advertisment got banned in the UK due to one complaint and unfortunately Nintendo did not put a disclaimer like: "Available to selected titles" or something =/
The Advertising Standards Authority said:
The ASA considered that it would be clear to consumers that many of these features would not be available in all games. However, we considered that the option to switch gameplay to the GamePad controller could be available on all games, and as this was a new console consumers would not have an awareness of whether this was something specific to individual games or a general feature of the console. We considered that, in this context, the ad should have made clear that this feature would not be available on all games. Because it did not, we concluded the ad was misleading.


Oof, I didn't expect the crew to read my James Jones complaint email on the air.

I hope I wasn't too harsh.

Great show though!
I like James Jokes, I mean James Johns Jokes. If somebody doesn't find him funny that's your opinion but you can't claim that the whole crew and listeners are thinking similarly.
To the whole crew Thanks a lot, your really a big part of my Monday mornings, especially while driving to work.


Man I just picked up Darksiders 2 on Amazon ($17), and then I just heard james ragging on it :( I hope I still picked up a decent game :(
"The worst thing you can do as a press conference...is make a press conference that plays into all the most cynical jokes about you as a company."


Full werewolf off the buckle
These dudes are fast becoming a favorite of mine, and I can actually listen to back episodes because of the chemistry. I can't do that with many podcasts!
I think James still enjoyed Darksiders 2 (as did I, at least the first half or so that I played). The fact that he kept playing through severe glitches, which he usually has no tolerance for, is a very good sign.


Death Prophet
James is a highlight of the show.

I don't hate James, and I think he's actually gotten a lot better recently, but there were a few episodes a few months back where I would honestly become angry listening to the podcast and nearly unsubscribed.

But like I said, I've been enjoying him being on recently.


Ooooh Darksiders 2 talk? Let me give my opinion that nobody wanted. Played on the PC by the way, with most of the DLC and a wired 360 controller.

-Very, very good combat, shines on higher difficulty (though Apocalyptic can be really brutal which is what I played). Great combat flow with delayed inputs, air combos and just timing (i.e. sweet spot with hammers and axes). Blink Strike is an excellent ability that is thankfully limited by wrath to prevent spamming. The only downside is the dodging, or more specifically dodging with the camera facing perpendicular to you. Often times I wanted to dodge backwards or forwards only to be pigeonholed into dodging straight to the side. It's like the directional input to dodge sideways is 120 degrees on both sides. It could easily be solved by removing the canned sideways dodge and implementing a fluid 360 degree dodge ala Bayonetta.
-Spells are... okay. The aforementioned Blink Strike is probably the best, but summons are a bit too weak to invest into unless you're going full spellcaster. There are a couple of others, nova spells I think, that break your flow if you use them which isn't a good thing.
-Itemization. I don't really know what I expected, but I found it good-ish. Possessed weapons are cool, affixes are okay, effects are pretty generic except when you get elemental damage on your weapons, that's pretty cool. Also props for having armour change the way you look.
-Dual scythes is a cool combat style, fast and relentless and absolutely forceful when combined into a giant scythe. As for secondary weapons I can't really say much besides swinging around a giant mace adds some nice risk/reward over whether you can get the shot in or not. Maces/axes was all I really used.
-I don't really remember much about the items, but the Devil Bringer is great for the same reasons it is in DMC4. Allows enemy control and painful juggling if you;re agile enough.
-Dungeons aren't very good. They just aren't memorable aside from the one in the Heaven place with the giant waterways.
-Death is a delivery boy. Booooo!
-I think I prefer the apocalyptic Earth setting, mainly because seeing Angels and Demons and Makers and whathaveyous inhabiting a desolated city is much more novel than another fantasy realm. That said...
-The Earth section sucked balls. Aiming is not one of the game's strong suits, so devoting an entire section to aiming AND moving (as opposed to the on-rails part in 1) was tedious and painful.
-Final boss is laughable in every possible way. I thought he would have a second form because he was so easy to beat. Nope.
-Already possess a horse? Good choice.

Overall I really liked it, but mostly on its combat and partially on its itemization. However it was trying to do way too many things, it lacked focus and that really took away from the general flow of the game.


Ahh, it's always entertaining listening to an episode where they say stuff which is almost immediately overturned by later developments. :p


Full werewolf off the buckle
I believe in the return of Greg Leahy.

When I first quit listening because I sold my Wii and DS (Damn money issues!) I missed his leaving entirely. I was beside myself because I missed his insightful, gruff British voice. Luckily I've come to appreciate Guillaume just as much!


Guillaume is pretty nice and he almost cut down his use of the word "like" to zero (;-)), but I really miss the European view on some topics.
From Connectivity...

I thought the whole basis for using nuclear bombs for acceleration wasn't to lift off, but to accelerate once you were already in space? Would fallout even be an issue at this point?
They would provide plenty of thrust to lift off, but you are correct in that most concepts for it assumed the vehicle would be launched on chemical rockets, assembled in orbit, and only activated far enough from Earth to avoid contamination.

By the way, we are recording a show right now that I hope to post tonight. Please understand if it gets delayed until tomorrow, though. There are five dudes staying in my apartment all weekend, so it's hard to be productive.
They would provide plenty of thrust to lift off, but you are correct in that most concepts for it assumed the vehicle would be launched on chemical rockets, assembled in orbit, and only activated far enough from Earth to avoid contamination.

By the way, we are recording a show right now that I hope to post tonight. Please understand if it gets delayed until tomorrow, though. There are five dudes staying in my apartment all weekend, so it's hard to be productive.
Speaking of lift off, weren't the original tests for this done with conventional explosives?

Good episode though. I enjoyed taking that quiz, surprised that I got an 8/9--you should post those more often. You should do more segments dedicated to space, or an entire podcast dedicated to the subject matter, I'd listen to it.
So glad to be employed again and have this to listen to during my workday. My only problem is there isn't enough, but I figure there's Connectivity (which is cool) and I'll restart from the early ones.

Guillaume is pretty nice and he almost cut down his use of the word "like" to zero (;-)), but I really miss the European view on some topics.

Eh, I just need a not-American viewpoint and Guillaume fills the bill.

Ahh, it's always entertaining listening to an episode where they say stuff which is almost immediately overturned by later developments. :p

Heh, I'm presently at why the Wii U will do great and 3rd parties will like it more than the Wii. To be fair they are right in their reasoning but this industry...


Eh, I just need a not-American viewpoint and Guillaume fills the bill.
They get the same releases and are under the "reign" of NoA too. The only difference between the US and Canada seems to be that Quebec doesn't allow games which are primarily in English and don't have French text. This was quite interesting, but regarding the most gaming related stuff it seems to be not very different from the US.


Full werewolf off the buckle
Hold up guys, I feel like a dumbass here. I've only been listening to the main podcast and occasionally to the Famicast. I'd assumed Connectivity was a mini-podcast that was only a few minutes but evidently it's like this whole thing?

Damn, you guys create more content than just about any website ever :O Downloading a bunch of back episodes now!

OMG Aero

They get the same releases and are under the "reign" of NoA too. The only difference between the US and Canada seems to be that Quebec doesn't allow games which are primarily in English and don't have French text. This was quite interesting, but regarding the most gaming related stuff it seems to be not very different from the US.
Yeah, for all intents and purposes America and Canada have the same releases with only minor differences. So although Guillaume gives a non-American viewpoint it's still about the same games at the same times as everyone else.
The thing I miss most about when Greg was on the show is you'd get to hear about games as they are released in the UK/Europe. For Nintendo systems, this can often mean that he'd bring up games as I was playing them but long after the rest of the crew had finished talking about it because it was released later in Europe, or he would sometimes talk about them long before anyone else in the rare cases where a game came out early in Europe (the last time I remember this happening was with Rhythm Thief, and I imagine this probably happened with the project rainfall games too but I wasn't a listener back when they were coming out in Europe).


Hold up guys, I feel like a dumbass here. I've only been listening to the main podcast and occasionally to the Famicast. I'd assumed Connectivity was a mini-podcast that was only a few minutes but evidently it's like this whole thing?

Damn, you guys create more content than just about any website ever :O Downloading a bunch of back episodes now!

Please be excited.
They would provide plenty of thrust to lift off, but you are correct in that most concepts for it assumed the vehicle would be launched on chemical rockets, assembled in orbit, and only activated far enough from Earth to avoid contamination.

By the way, we are recording a show right now that I hope to post tonight. Please understand if it gets delayed until tomorrow, though. There are five dudes staying in my apartment all weekend, so it's hard to be productive.

Jonathan, I don't know if you know anybody at Scaled Composites, but I left you a brief comment about them in the comments of the Connectivity Podcast.


Why does the the podcast team spend so much time on the editing, anyway? They sound great, don't get me wrong, but I remember Greg saying before he left that he would spend 12+ hours a week on the editing. That's bananas. I know the Player One Podcast guys also use Skype to do their cast and I'm pretty sure they barely do any editing at all. Maybe I'm wrong or missing something. I love the podcast, I just wish it didn't have to be such a time sink for Gui or Greg or anyone else who is editing it.


By the way, we are recording a show right now that I hope to post tonight. Please understand if it gets delayed until tomorrow, though. There are five dudes staying in my apartment all weekend, so it's hard to be productive.

Will the aac version contain pics of beers and ales that have been drunk by anywhere from tens of thousands to millions of people beforehand? ;) Glad you guys are having a great time. :)

— MASB is drinking a Classic Black Tea by @tetleyusa —
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