[1]The game doesn't tell you about the D-pad shortcuts. Since I read about that on Twitter, I've been using it constantly. It definitely helps.
[2]Now, what's the input shortcut to skip dialogue in the shops/museum? ;-)
The manual tells you that you can use the d-pad to equip, change, and put away tools. I have the digital copy but it's the third page that list all of the controls. Sadly you can only speed up dialogue by pressing B.
Kid Icarus is just different strokes. We are fully aware that people love that game, but both James and I gave it a fair shot and still couldn't enjoy it much.
There seems to be a chronic inability among the western press to adapt to the controls. The game is perfectly designed for the speed and precision the touchscreen controls afford, and the suggested alternatives just wouldn't work. Two sticks or a wii-style bounding box are simply not fast enough. Your assertions that the game is fundamentally poorly designed and that Sakurai is so arrogant/up his own ass seem born of that inability to cope with a new control scheme rather than an actual critique of the game's design.
As for the chatter, even if you don't like it, at least it never stops the gameplay like in a Naughty Dog game or something.
I've had a villager tell me about the D-pad shortcuts so the game definitely does tell you about them.The game doesn't tell you about the D-pad shortcuts. Since I read about that on Twitter, I've been using it constantly. It definitely helps.
The issue is that you have to get lucky and have a villager say that to you rather than any of the other hundreds of things they can say.
In a game where the owl tells you how to donate items every single time you visit the museum, complete with bad jokes and wistful musings on the charitable spirit of townsfolk across three or four pages of text, you can see how many players would expect Animal Crossing to explain itself.
Now, what's the input shortcut to skip dialogue in the shops/museum? ;-)
[2] Sadly, that is a chronic illness that Nintendo games have been suffering from ever since they started using a lot of text. I believe that is not curable![]()
I'm new to the podcast (I discovered it through this thread a couple months ago), and I'm already feeling like I need to drop it because of James.
I actually agree that he did a good job hosting that episode. I wish that's how he was on normal episodes, where he typically seems "off his meds".Have you listened to the E3 episode which James hosted? I think he did an absolutely fantastic job! In my opinion, he complements the crew perfectly. There are quite a lot of games which wouldn't get covered if it weren't for James (e.g. Project X Zone).
Episode 342 "China Don't Care" said:This week's RFN begins on a melancholy note, as the crew mourns the untimely passing of Giant Bomb's Ryan Davis. We offer our thoughts on a podcasting legend who was gone all too soon.
But as always, there are games to be discussed. Thanks to the Fourth of July break we're all full to the gills with Freedom Fries, and whatever type of celebratory cuisine they enjoy up in Quebec. Speaking of Quebec, Guillaume returns in full force and kicks off a tour of Japan with his thoughts on the demon-taming mayhem that is Shin Megami Tensei IV (3DS). Jon follows up with a discussion of Kokuga (3DS), the highly anticipated shooter brought to us by the creator of Radiant Silvergun and Ikaruga. James then makes all of that look positively sane by comparison with 3DS tactical crossover RPG (yes, that's a genre) Project X Zone (3DS). Just when things are threatening to get a bit too Japanese, Jonny takes us back to the West side (arguably the best side, according to several rappers) with the Renegade Kid-developed titles Mutant Mudds Deluxe (Wii U) and ATV Wild Ride 3D (3DS).
We also hit the mailbag and discuss Nintendo's relationship with third parties, use of the Wii U Gamepad, eShop game prices, and relaunching Wii U. It's a jam-packed show that you won't want to miss!
You can't post this without a link or explanation.I hope John and Guillaime bring their Twitter argument from yesterday into this week's show![]()
You can't post this without a link or explanation.
Taking advantage of Gui's absence to bashKIU?GOTY 2012
Get Neal on some time to balance it out.
I don't own a Wii U at the moment, correct. James, Jonny, and Gui all own the system so there's plenty of coverage there. I'll pick one up soon enough, when Nintendo releases certain games I (and many others) have been waiting on.
Thankfully, between 3DS eShop and a massive back catalog there's always something Nintendo-related to discuss.
I hope you won't let my lack of a Wii U turn you off from the podcast; I'm sure if you stick with it you'll find something you like about it. Thanks for listening.
I quite like having a person on the show without a Wii U, it gives a good balance.
A wild Lindy appears! I always thought Jonny was the only Gaffer.
Agreed! I always think of Jon as a "lapsed" old school Nintendo fan. It's very interesting to hear his thoughts on the company.
I really don't understand what arguments these guys are trying to make.
ZombiU had too much development and too much marketing? ...What?!
"I buy all my 3DS games digitally even though they're $39.99 same as retail, but I can't recommend anyone buy SMT4 digitally because its priced the same as retail. It's a really raw deal. I just want parity."
Huh? I get that it'd be nice if Atlus didn't charge the same as the premium physical copy, but if you don't have a problem with Nintendo and other companies still charging the same amount as the physical copy with box, art, manual, shipping, etc etc then how is the $10 difference warrant such an extreme attitude shift?
I miss Greg.
ZombiU was retooled way more than normal, which added to development costs. That's why "not making back it's development" is a bit deceptive because it's similar to the cost of two B-level games rather than one.
But do we know how far they even went with the other concept?
I think they shown a playable demo at a E3 in 2011.Dunno, but I think it was in a semi-playable state?
I really thought I would enjoy this podcast but the first one I heard they were discussing the big nintendo direct with all the wiiU reveals like yard yoshi, etc. The host and I believe one other said that they havent even bought the WiiU yet. How am I suppose to take them seriously if they cant even shell out 300 bucks on the main console?
Episode 343: Steam Punk'd said:It's business as usual for only half of the show this week, as Jonny has to cut and run to make some prior commitments that almost certainly have something to do with the exploration of outer space (with Jonny, they always do).
However, that doesn't stop us from discussing new business, and Guillaume starts us off with his raw, uncut opinions of the new StreetPass games on 3DS. Yes, he bought them all, but he'll let you know which ones YOU should buy. Jon had a chance to (finally) check out Wii U and New Super Mario Bros. U at Best Buy, giving us his fresh hands-on perspective after hearing about the system for so many months. Jonny dissects The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages, and James talks about the successes and failings of the strange retro RPG Evoland.
For the second half, James, Jon and Guillaume go over the news from the latest Nintendo Direct and completely ignore some game called Earthbound (total lie). They then move on to their main topic, which is the impact of what has now become a summer ritual for gamers of all types: the Steam Sale. What can Nintendo learn from it? What can we, as gamers, learn from it, and how has it taught (or trained) us? It's a fun, Metts-free discussion, and you can't beat that with a bat.
ALSO: Be sure to check out the poll for our next edition of Retroactive! Cast your vote here.
Episode 344: Attack of the Literal Lyrics said:James couldn't join us this week, so we bring back TYP as one of our favorite substitutes/guests. New Business carries an odd batch of games, starting with Jon's first impressions of Shantae for Game Boy Color, the cult classic. Three of the four guys have been trying it this week, and they all agree that the game has a rough start but great potential. TYP then checks out Darksiders... 1, which is well-worn territory on this podcast but still a game worth checking out, especially for 3D Zelda fans. Guillaume has an actual new release with Guild 02's Attack of the Friday Monsters. It seems like a very charming game, though not quite as exciting as you might hope for in the wake of Pacific Rim. He also spent some time observing his girlfriend play A Link to the Past, which gives us all a chance to heap adoration on the SNES classic. Jonny wraps up the segment with a long-brewing follow-up on Ni no Kuni, which he's finally about to complete.
A diverse edition of Listener Mail kicks off with thoughts on Earthbound and future prospects for Mother 3 in the West. We continue with Wii U as part of the tablet fad, and whether it should have been launched a year later (or even a year earlier). Then we have corrections on the topic of eShop credits, and a witch hunt for the person most responsible for recent troubles at Nintendo. Finally, the perennially popular subject of Virtual Console returns to this segment. Please help us keep the show filled with great conversation by submitting your own questions and ideas for Listener Mail!
There are only a couple of days left to vote on the upcoming, Wii-themed RetroActive, so be sure to do that right away!