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Radio Free Nintendo | A Nintendo Podcast for Grownups


So yeah, that happened. We are getting old school. Like, 2006 old school.
Nintendo Pirate Radio: RetroActive Fridge Raid said:
This episode is a major departure from the usual format, as the show is hijacked by the original gaming podcast pirates, Karl and Stan, as co-creator Mike Sklens and innocent bystander Jon Rind look on. Jonny is there too, compelled to host or else walk the plank right out of his own window.

The first main topic is an overview of Wii U from the perspective of three guys who are playing it for the first time this week -- in ideal conditions, no less. Impressions are strong, and despite some reservations about the current lineup, there is considerable hope for the unveiling to come at E3 in just a couple more weeks.

The second half of this episode is spent recounting our exploitation of Jonny's SD Card in Wii Mode, which is chock full of obscure Virtual Console games (from nearly every platform supported) and even more obscure WiiWare exclusives. It's an all-you-can-play buffet, and the list of games is just too long to recreate here, but you can follow the related game links on the right sidebar for more information about most of them.

The normal RFN crew will be back next week, with highly (or morbidly?) anticipated E3 predictions, plus all the actual new games they've been enjoying over a week off from the show.

Time: 1'05"22
Downloads: mp3 | AAC
On the list: I'll give you one game - MUSCLE MARCH.


I've been listening to the RFN's back catalogue
Hi Karl!
and was pleasantly surprised to hear the old crew on a new episode! It's a shame Evan couldn't make it, though! I found it quite interesting to hear what lapsed Nintendo fans have to say about Wii U and the GamePad. Great episode! :)
They get the same releases and are under the "reign" of NoA too. The only difference between the US and Canada seems to be that Quebec doesn't allow games which are primarily in English and don't have French text. This was quite interesting, but regarding the most gaming related stuff it seems to be not very different from the US.

Well, in actuality he's a pretty good replacement since Greg is an Anglo-European and Guillaime is a Franco-American. I don't mean to push such distinctions too much, I just like the different type of gamers who they have on the podcast. I have little to no interest in playing TG-16 shooters or the latest PS360 dudebro shooter but I still enjoy hearing why some (reasonable) gamers like them.


It's Electronic Three time! GET EXCITE!
Episode 339: Ninstrodamus said:
Most of the RFN crew just had a week off, and with this being our last normal episode before E3, we're all eager beavers for Nintendo right now. Even in the usually dull period before that big event, we have some new games to discuss.

Gui is up first with a summation of his review for Lego Batman 2, the long-delayed Wii U port of last year's well-received adventure. It seems to be a good version of the game, but our editor is even more impressed by Lego City Undercover after playing this earlier game in the franchise. Jon has clearly been busy of late, but he does sneak in a few thoughts on the Marvel Pinball demo for 3DS -- noting that you may be better off just buying the full game. James glosses over his review copy of Murder Mysteries: Jack the Ripper (why-oh-why can't that be as cool as it sounds?) and instead pours confounded adoration over Asura's Wrath. Jonny joins the choir on Mario and DK: Minis on the Move, a fully loaded eShop puzzle game with enough modes to circumvent any specific frustrations. We then head back around the lineup so Guillaume can express his severe disappointment with The Starship Damrey, our first Guild 02 title, and Jonny gets a chance to characterize the rote experience of Uncharted: Golden Abyss on PS Vita.

The second part of this episode is all about E3 -- of course! We begin by rounding up the recent information on Nintendo's surprising effort to bring E3 demos to Best Buy stores around the continent. While everyone thinks it's a great idea, the actual implementation of this plan is considerably underwhelming. More importantly (based on the numerous requests from our listeners), we get into our annual E3 predictions. As James notes, it feels harder to pin down the possibilities this year due to Nintendo Directs and the Wii U's dismal performance so far, but we still manage to cover key topics like 3D Mario, Wii Fit U, Mario Kart, hardware announcements, and yes, Retro Studios. Everything we say will be proven wrong, but at least you only have to wait another week to see just how wrong we were.

The next time you hear from RFN, it will be E3 week. Expect multiple, shorter episodes with a rotating cast of NWR staff members and special guests. The home team might even answer some emails, so hook them the eff up, man! And if you'd like to hear more from the pirates of last week's show, check out the recent podcast episodes over at Crosstawk.

Time: 2'02"40
Downloads: mp3 | AAC
My Starship Damrey rating: Profitable / 10

OMG Aero

James glosses over his review copy of Murder Mysteries: Jack the Ripper (why-oh-why can't that be as cool as it sounds?) and instead pours confounded adoration over Asura's Wrath
Can't wait to give this a listen tomorrow. But Guillaume didn't like Starship Damrey? I thought it was a neat little suspense title, but whatever.

I'm ready for the E3 excitement scooter!


Can't wait to give this a listen tomorrow. But Guillaume didn't like Starship Damrey? I thought it was a neat little suspense title, but whatever.

I'm ready for the E3 excitement scooter!

Unfortunately it seems disappointment seems to be the most common response here on GAF as well. Made me reconsider getting it right away... I'll probably wait for a sale. I think most people just thought that, while it was a great idea, the execution was a little half-baked.

big youth

The idea of combining Wii Sports with Wii Fit is quite brilliant in a lot of ways. I'd give it low odds of actually happening, but props for the well thought out idea. It had never occurred to me.

I completely agree that the basic Wii U will be phased out and the Deluxe will be $300. I've been saying this for a while now after talking to numerous retail employees. It's insane how many chains are selling the Wii U below MSRP in a desperate attempt to push units. A (quasi) price drop needs to happen for retailers sake.

I think you guys are too gun-shy about predicting Retro's game. Based on who they hired over the past 2 years I think we can narrow our expectations down to a fps or tps set in an alien or futuristic world, with a decent focus on online play. Star Fox is possible but I think we'll see a new IP from them.
It's funny to be called "gun shy" about predicting Retro's new game. If anything, we've done it so many times in the past three years that I just felt like sparing the listeners from yet another shot in the dark. I'm honestly sick of thinking about it -- I just want to know, dammit.


I remember Guillaume talking about some mods for mario games a while back.
I though he may also want to comment on the recently released newer super mario bros wii after e3 is over.

It might be an interessting topic for a discussion regarding the franchise, because the mod made me realise how much of a step nsmbu really was. Or maybe you see it the other way around? Whatever it is, I think it could be interessting.


First E3 podcast is up, I'm having to do this with NWR on my phone. Thanks for not blocking GAF, work! *laughs*


To kick off RFN's coverage of E3 2013, we experimented with Nintendo's new format by turning on a recorder while most of the NWR crew jammed into a hotel room to watch a Nintendo Direct at 7am. Things did not go well. Even if you're completely satisfied with the content (most of us were not), the viewing experience was abysmal. Still, we kept up our commentary the whole time, and now you can hear what it's like being Nintendo-centric-media at E3, shut out of even the most biggest announcements as they happen. Thrilling!

Also included in this episode is a brief interview with Pwnee Studios from the show floor. They're the guys making Cloudberry Kingdom, which is coming out soon on WiiU eShop (and other platforms, thanks to Ubisoft). Learn about why this 2D platformer is so different from others you may have played.

There's much, much more RFN coming soon from at the show and back home as well.

Time: 1'06"34
Downloads: MP3 | AAC
Podcasting about E3 2013: Apparently cursed


And here's what James and Jon thinWARNING BRITISH MAN APPROACHING

It's E3, so while Jonny and Gui are at the show - and misappropriating the Radio Free Nintendo label - Jon and James are at home getting the work done for the site. Well, James is.
Just because they aren't there doesn't mean they don't have thoughts on the show. And of course, longtime friend and former RFN member Greg Leahy is equally opinionated, so it only stands to reason James should get the band back together.

Alas, international time zones are once again a cruel mistress so we were forced to record Jon and Greg separately. That does mean you get two uninterrupted hours of James hosting, so you'd be forgiven for skipping this episode.

That said, I wouldn't recommend it. Greg and James lead off by reviewing the news and reacting to it announcement by announcement. A fair bit of speculation accompanies mostly rational reactions. In the second segment Jon and James plumb Nintendo's involvement with E3 in light of their use of the Nintendo Direct and their Best Buy demos. They combine their years of experience covering the show in person and from home to speculate where this will lead. Hint: Make E3 about having the media engage with the people making the game and less about playing them.

Also, don't miss a Now Playing segment conducted entirely by James. It's a mix of exhaustion and desperation. Enjoy!

Time: 2'40"24 (!!!)
Downloads: MP3 | AAC
Greg: Is kicking my ass in Runner 2, apparently


It was so good to hear Greg's balanced analysis of the E3 Nintendo Direct among all the negativity on the internet. I really hope he finds time to either write for NWR again or at least to do more guest appearances on their podcasts. James deserves praise for being an excellent host, too!


wait a sec...
just listend to the first half of the 2 hours (the greg part) and you didn't even talk about X and Bayonetta? WTF?
I don't get it.


The episode and especially the conclusion that James and Lindy had reached in the second part is pretty much how I feel about it: There weren't any "duds" but due to Nintendo firing a lot of big shots (mainly because of some sort of panic they were in) – and us sort of knowing what will come – in advance it didn't have any megatons or surprises, except maybe DKC:TF, which wasn't exactly what most people were hoping for. But I can arrange myself with its existence, because it gives me plenty of reason to ditch NSLU since I'm more of a fan of the monkey gang than Mario.


Full werewolf off the buckle
I was disappointed at first but I realized that it wasn't fair for me to judge their upcoming games by all the crazy fantasy games I'd hoped for.
Mario, Mario Kart, Bayonetta, and Donkey Kong were great looking games to me, and so I'm ordering a Wii U tomorrow since I've found a great bundle.
Thanks for the wicked coverage, guys! Awesome hearing Greg again, also.


finally listened through the whole thing...
interesting impressions overall, but still not enough X (and bayo2) talk :p

btw: why was the nintendo direct at 7 am?
easy answer:
because the world doesn't consist of america alone, I know, it's hard to believe.

I also love jon's short anecdote about the guy in the train.
Was so great to hear from Greg. His analysis was pretty incredible, showing great understanding and he was able to touch on positives and negatives in a very even-handed way instead of flying off the handle. Miss him on the show. James was great throughout, too. I find myself usually disagreeing with Jon but he made for good conversation, as well.

There may have not been that 'killer app' shown (according to them) for 2013 but I would argue that building a very solid lineup in the second half of the year consisting of very stellar games is just as good, if not better, than one singular game.


This went up earlier, but when you're four time zones from Cali...
At the end of a very long first day, the E3 away team gathered at TYP's home to discuss the biggest games from Nintendo. As much as we were frustrated by Nintendo Direct early that morning, playing the games themselves is naturally a more satisfying and exciting experience. We did observe some pitfalls, though, and there are some overall evaluations of the lineup as well. Nevertheless, if you're lacking for positive perspectives on Nintendo at this year's show, our comments on Super Mario 3D World, Pikmin 3, Bayonetta 2, etc. will surely help.

Following that roundtable of impressions, we've got a brief interview from the floor with Jack Mathews of Armature Studios. They are bringing the Arkham series to 3DS, complete with non-linear, exploration-based, ability-gated gameplay and the hard-hitting combat that recent Batman games have made famous. In short, it's a 2.5D Metroid-style Batman game on Nintendo's handheld, created by some of the top minds behind the Metroid Prime series. Keep an eye on this game!

Time: 56"56
Download: MP3 | AAC
Did NWR interview Kamiya: Next week in gaming magazines.
We will have one more E3 episode going up on Sunday, then back to the normal schedule with the usual format and an E3 hangover show next weekend.

If you haven't heard it yet, I hope you'll check out the latest Weekend Confirmed, where I got to hop on and talk about Nintendo for a while. And you can thank Billy for telling Garnett that he really needed some Nintendo presence this year!


Final show from E3 2013 now go!
For our last episode recorded at E3 2013, we have a string of short clips, most recorded on the final day of the show. But first, there's an interview with Samu Asada and Tyrone Rodriguez, the developer and publisher of 1,001 Spikes. It's coming to Wii U and 3DS later this year, and this super-difficult, retro 2D action game might be worth keeping on your radar. The remainder of the episode consists of Jonny's E3 wrap-up chats with Jared, Neal, Andrew, Justin, Guillaume, Alex, Kimberly, and TYP. Find out what these NWR staff members thought of E3 in the final moments of this year's show.

We'll be back next week with the regular format and your trusty RFN crew. Help us pick apart the true meaning of E3 by sending in your own questions and analyses!

Time: 44"10
Download: MP3 | AAC
Weekend: Confirmed


Just finished listening to the home team episode. It was great to hear Greg again, and also nice to hear some positive things said about Pokemon!
There was a typo in the XML for that show; some feed readers will ignore it, and others won't. I fixed it while posting Sunday's show, so try refreshing the feed again or downloading it within your podcast reader, if you see the listing. Otherwise, you may want to unsubscribe, then resubscribe. Sorry, some feed readers are very unforgiving of syntax mistakes.


This week in E3 hangovers, a large mailbag appears.
Episode 340 "This Happened In My Time said:
It's our first show back from E3, and the gang of four is all here to welcome you to a post-E3 world of Nintendo. We kick off with games games games, many of them quite new. Gui has very early impressions of New Super Luigi U, while Jonny tries Animal Crossing for the first time with New Leaf on 3DS. Lindy catches up with the recently virtualized Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages, and James is utterly delighted by the wacky Project X Zone demo. On the second round of New Business, you'll hear Guillaume's interesting comparison of Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon to Wario Land 2, while Jonny takes a look at The Denpa Men 2, an eShop sequel that goes far beyond its recent predecessor.

We originally tried to get Billy on for Listener Mail, but he was pulled away by work at the last minute and will hopefully be back for a full show very soon. The regular crew take on some pretty heavy questions about Nintendo's performance at E3, and what can be done in the aftermath. The emails indicate a wide range of reactions to this year's Nintendo lineup and E3 strategy, and you'll hear some disagreements among us on the show, too. Whether we plan to swim in a pile of 2D platformers or a puddle of our own tears, one thing is clear: it's summer (in the northern hemisphere), and we all want to go swimming.

Help fill the pool with your own questions and comments, and you can be part of the summer fun on a near-future episode! All the cool kids are doing it. And in case you missed the link last time, do check out Jonny's E3 discussion with some of his podcasting heroes over at Weekend Confirmed.

Time: 2'10"02
Downloads: mp3 | AAC
Animal Crossing: Why would I want to live there?
I'm listening to the Weekend Confirmed podcast w/ Johnny right now and seriously great job, man.

You represented Nintendo fans very well by giving some legitmiate praises of Nintendo without coming off as an apologist.

Extremely articulate as well, always a pleasure to hear your thoughts.
I don't think so. Cloudberry Kingdom was at both Nintendo and Sony's booths, about 100 feet apart. Nintendo just wasn't set up to demo more than a handful of 3DS demos this year. Not a single thing from Square Enix or Level 5, who are owning the platform in Japan. It's really odd.
I don't think so. Cloudberry Kingdom was at both Nintendo and Sony's booths, about 100 feet apart. Nintendo just wasn't set up to demo more than a handful of 3DS demos this year. Not a single thing from Square Enix or Level 5, who are owning the platform in Japan. It's really odd.

Square Enix and Level 5 are too chickenshit to release their own retail games in the west.

Speaking of which, did you ask anyone about DQX? I think you mentioned that before E3, maybe?
It'll come up on 341, but yes, I did ask one or two people and got nothing but blank looks.

By the way, thank you tanooki for the kind words! I will also describe the whole Weekend Confirmed recording experience on 341, because I found it pretty interesting and so different from what we do on RFN.


Plan B is called into action when the normal editor has laptop issues *and* international moving day...
Episode 341: Breaking The Fifth Wall said:
Guillaume is out with laptop problems this week (don't worry, we still talk about 2D platformers). This means we did a shorter episode to help Jonny edit, but also that we had an open seat for Billy Berghammer to occupy. He was actually on for a little while last week, but... things happen. Now Billy is on the show for real, launching us into a quasi-free-form New Business show with PS3's The Last of Us and Animal Crossing: New Leaf. Jon follows with a return to Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, and for once, he has someone on the show to share in the conversation. James somehow finds a way to draw comparisons between Fable 3 and Kid Icarus: Uprising. As far as we can tell, the only thing they have in common is that James dislikes them. On the other hand, Jonny absolutely adores New Super Luigi U, and Billy has been trying it too. We then jump back to Jon and his attempt to resume Dragon Quest IX after a few dormant years, which also leads us into whether and how Dragon Quest X could ever be released outside Japan. The show wraps up with a few observations from Jonny on what it's like to do a podcast in a professional recording studio.

We plan to take a vacation for the 4th of July next week, but hopefully you'll get a recording of the Famicast Live event that just went down. Help make our eventual return more successful by filling up that there email receptacle with questions, comments, and RetroActive game nominations!

Time: 1'32"08
Downloads: MP3 | AAC
The pool: Is actually bigger than Gui gave it credit for. And the water's great, too.


Greg's is on the new Radio Trivia episode! Yay! :)

Edit: Oh wow, the new RFN episode is pretty hard to listen to. So much negativity and misinformation (especially in the Animal Crossing, Kid Icarus & Dragon Quest X discussions). :/

By the way, a PC port of Dragon Quest X was announced a week ago. It shares the servers with the Wii / Wii U versions, but I think its mere existence makes it very unlikely that NoA is going to translate or publish the game.


Wow! The Kid Icarus Uprising hate was brutal and misguided. The game is excellent, the banter is genuinely funny and has real laugh out loud moments. One of my favourite reboots since Metroid Prime.

Controls take some getting used to sure, but even my 11 year old was able to finish the game on the harder difficulty settings. He and I regularly play online too. Even this 33 year old with the reflexes of a dead cat had no troubles with the controls after a couple of missions.
You know, Billy and I are both really enjoying Animal Crossing...

Kid Icarus is just different strokes. We are fully aware that people love that game, but both James and I gave it a fair shot and still couldn't enjoy it much.


You know, Billy and I are both really enjoying Animal Crossing...

Kid Icarus is just different strokes. We are fully aware that people love that game, but both James and I gave it a fair shot and still couldn't enjoy it much.

Not enough to try out what the d-pad does ;)
The game doesn't tell you about the D-pad shortcuts. Since I read about that on Twitter, I've been using it constantly. It definitely helps.

Now, what's the input shortcut to skip dialogue in the shops/museum? ;-)
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