We finally made it, after seven long years Radio Free Nintendo finally turns the page on episode 350, and while it ended up being a little more eventful than we would have liked we first had the little business we call New Business to take care of.
James kicks things off with his purchase of a PS3, his distaste of the hardware, and his unsettling enjoyment of
Way of the Samurai 4. Jon subjected himself to the trials, tribulations, and asshole birds, of
Ninja Gaiden II on the 3DS Virtual Console. Coincidentally Gui also has been experiencing
Ninja Gaiden II, although on the Wii. Gui then takes us into the world of Hong Kong gangs and undercover policing with
Sleeping Dogs. Jonny wraps it up with a long overdue update on
Fire Emblem: Awakening before blasting us off with the 360 reboot of the Genesis/SNES franchise
Rocket Knight Adventure and providing us a look at, in his words, the only good iOS game:
The Room.
After a break we kick off the RFN Celebration with a slightly somber note. Jonny was to host a special reunion of RFN alumni, but he was unfortunately unable to join us due to the flooding in Colorado reaching his home. While our thoughts are with him and all those affected, the show must go on. In his stead Gui ably hosts guests Evan Burchfield and Greg Leahy along with James in a strange reunion of RFN Editors, leading to a comparison of editing war stories.
In the final segment, the core four finish the show with a collection of listener mail from you, our fans, congratulating us on the milestone episode. We even put our long-recognized powers of prediction to work, speculating where we'll be in seven years.
It's amazing we've made it to Episode 350, but we wouldn't have done it without our loyal listeners. So to all of you, thank you.
Just a programming note: we will resume our retroactive of Pandora's Tower in Episode 352 so it isn't to late to start playing and contributing to the
talkback thread in our forums.