perineumlick said:
It's not fair to compare the two, but Gears 3 is the most recent graphics powerhouse out now, and just based off of the lighting and textures it looks better to me. Rage has larger environments to render, but for what it is it still accomplishes a lot technically. Rage looks marvelous, but I can't help but be distracted by the textures loading in after almost every turn of the camera. It will bother some more than others, but for me it breaks the immersion a bit.
I concur with this assessment. The textures on RAGE do not hold a candle to Gears 3, but this is on 360 (installed), and specifically close up.
The draw distances and skybox are AMAZING - shit looks good from far away. But a rusty gas can right at your feet? blech.
What it lacks in environmental clarity, it makes up for in the character modeling in spades. I said elsewhere that it's almost the yin to Deus Ex's yang: superb character modeling and animation, not the greatest environment design.
It's very much like Borderlands as far as structure goes: go to location X, acquire item Y, return to me for reward Z.
The gameplay is tight though, great gunplay and the AI is pretty effing amazing. Judging this game solely on graphics nitpicks would be a disservice.