Mercenary Edition here (Puerto Rico/US), and regular/english trophies.
Reading around, there are a couple of reports:
1. That it seems that the trophies will pop in japanese only if you have your system languange set to anything other than english and 2. that it's a glitch on ther server (that was apparently fixed, but your pics are recent, so that might not be the case).
Here's a post from Gamespot's forums about it.
My game only arrived on Wednesday so I haven't had a chance to play very much yet, but I'm having the same thing with mine. EU/UK system, US PSN account, US Mercenary Edition, Japanese Trophies both in game and on the Trophy list.
As a result, I have no idea what trophies I'm getting, but I'm not a big trophy person, so I'm not overly bothered - it just seems rather strange.
I wondered if it was because I had the Japanese demo and a save on my memory stick when I started, but I'm not sure if, why, or how the two would attempt to communicate (and going by the thread you linked, it may be a coincidence anyway, as people there are having the same problem with no demo).
I guess the reason why my trophies are in Japanese is because I'm playing the game on English (United Kingdom) Vita language settings. Once I get home, I'll see if turning the game into English (United States) will solve the trophies problem.