R6 is two totally different games on PC and PS4. PC is really slow paced peeking inch for inch into the smallest holes in barricades. The precision of m+k provoces a totally different playstyle.
PS4 is much more about tactics and not so much aim-skill. I definitely prefer this version.
But the bonus points/no points after round bug is really annoying...
I agree with this, I had a go on the PC version recently and have the same sentiments. I'm glad that pre-release Ubisoft were demoing this on the console versions of the game, else I don't think I would have bought into the hype.
On PS4 if you make the right play, you can create scenarios where your kills are determined by your intelligence and strategy. On PC, where gameplay is much, much more twitchy, this focus on strategy is often circumvented by tactile ability.
Flanking and player movements are in turn, much more influential on the console iterations of the game, which makes kills and wins feel more satisfying, in my opinion as they are the result of intelligent gameplay rather than reactions and control. Of course dexterity is still a hugely influential factor on console too, but I feel it's more balanced across and strategy, than on the PC version of the game where the experience is skewed towards dexterity and reactions.
Overall though, it's not worlds apart, but this game is great on console for the same reasons games like TLOU Factions are great on console. The control schemes allow the experience to emulate the realistic capacity of human beings (most humans wouldn't have much luck spinning around, and attempting to headshot someone) and that places emphasis on strategy and intelligence.