So, haven't played the game in a week and a half or so - was busy with the holidays.
Got on tonight at rank 24 for some casual. Even lucked out and got a team full of cool guys with mics. Still ended up losing 4 out of 5 games. I just don't get it. But even then, wasn't having a terrible time, as two rounds in a row I got 4 and 3 kills, respectively - and then got a helluva drop on the enemy to plant the bomb.
Anyway, though... I love this game. But gotta say - and I hate admitting it because I do love it so much - but the netcode is going to fucking ruin this game for me.
I now have AT&T Gigabit internet, with - I fuck you not -
1-3ms ping on speedtests. In game, I'm typically the lowest latency in the game - typically sitting at about 40ms. Factor that with my 165hz ROG Swift monitor, and I really can't think of any reason why I should be experiencing any delays.
But, man, just tonight there were three occasions where I wondered how the ever-flying-fuck someone got the drop on me around a corner. I mean, I'm just sitting on defense, all their drones are dead, and I'm waiting around a corner with a shotgun. INSTANTLY, the moment I see them I pull the trigger - and yet they kill me. Killcam goes... and from their perspective, they were already 4 feet fucking past the entry way and had a full second to find me.
Is it the tickrate I heard about earlier? I don't know - but since the game is so heavily reliant on "getting the drop" on someone, it is extremely frustrating.