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Rainbow Six: Siege |OT| Idris Elba sold separately

So i heard that Glaz could break castles walls down. I tried it before but it never worked. Yesterday I was able to do it and could see through the door ways while my team mates couldn't. I also couldn't go through that particular door way until a team mate was able to break it. Its similar to the glitch were you would blow up a wall and see through it yet couldn't vault or move through it. Heres a video of it in action. https://youtu.be/jdKwIVGEAOk
So i heard that Glaz could break castles walls down. I tried it before but it never worked. Yesterday I was able to do it and could see through the door ways while my team mates couldn't. I also couldn't go through that particular door way until a team mate was able to break it. Its similar to the glitch were you would blow up a wall and see through it yet couldn't vault or move through it. Heres a video of it in action. https://youtu.be/jdKwIVGEAOk

I experienced this earlier too, my friend did it and he said it 'takes about 3 shots'.

I play Glaz quite a bit, on and off, so I didn't really believe him, to be honest, as in the past, I've shot castles barricades 5+ time when fishing for penetration kills. He did do it though, he stripped castles barricade down in 3 shots, watched it on his camera.

It didn't go down on my screen, but he jumped through the barricade all the same.

Man, this game is a hot mess right now.


Just picked this up on ps4. Downloading patches now, would like to get a game going at about 6:15 EST. If anybody is up for it, username is same as here.


Try turning v sync off in options if you don't mind a little tearing and FPS dips.

IMO it has been better than the locked 30 (even with the downsides I just mentioned).

I'm surprised how much smoother it made it. Now I can definitely finish situations and get those trophies.

Surprises I haven't seen people talk about it in here. Or maybe they did a couple pages back.

Thanks. It does make T Hunt much smoother.
Is the Black Jesus bug random or is it triggered by something specific. Ive gotten it more than a few times today. The body overlays the sight/reticle so its difficult to aim.


Actually doing pretty decent in the ESL cup. Hopefully we can make it to the quarters before possibly getting slaughtered by Empire.


Just watched some tournament games run with the spectator cam.

the spectator mode is AWESOME. it's so damn good to look at.

and this game is crazy watchable.
Just watched some tournament games run with the spectator cam.

the spectator mode is AWESOME. it's so damn good to look at.

and this game is crazy watchable.

The game should be a lot bigger. I hope it grows

I feel like going f2p down the line would be great too
Headshots can be terribly annoying. Just headshot by a guy who fired one bullet, off the hip, through a wall.

I don't know what possessed him to fire one bullet there, but he did it. He was randomly running, stopped, tapped the trigger, fired one single bullet, immediately reloaded, and then I was dead.

I really do wish the headshots were removed from hipfire. I love the fact that headshots reward skill, but anything earned via RNG (hipfire) is not skill.

Edit: Just put 5-6 shots into a mute player with Glaz, he survived and killed me. One of the worst nights I've had on Siege. Absolutely losing motivation to play. It seems almost every good game is confounded with bullshit now.


Headshots can be terribly annoying. Just headshot by a guy who fired one bullet, off the hip, through a wall.

I don't know what possessed him to fire one bullet there, but he did it. He was randomly running, stopped, tapped the trigger, fired one single bullet, immediately reloaded, and then I was dead.

I really do wish the headshots were removed from hipfire. I love the fact that headshots reward skill, but anything earned via RNG (hipfire) is not skill.

Edit: Just put 5-6 shots into a mute player with Glaz, he survived and killed me. One of the worst nights I've had on Siege. Absolutely losing motivation to play. It seems almost every good game is confounded with bullshit now.
Yeeeep, had a game where it was me vs 4 and I took out the first three no problem. Encountered thermite in the hall, shot him 3-4 times in the head, and he ended up killing me. I was Rook with full health. The entire lobby was dumbfounded after viewing the killcam.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
I'm out until patch. Might play a random game here or there, but that's probably it. And I love this game. But this last patch, jesus christ.


Had a decent run at that cup. Made it in the top 16 with a team that had formed a day prior so not bad.

I actually expected the usual top teams to make it into the final but that was a surprise.
Friendly fire should be banned from games. I see no benefit, beyond explosive, and even that is debatable. It has only ever caused headaches in the games it has been featured in.

I dare someone to find 5 objective benefits that friendly fire has ever given. Authenticity is it. Fuck authenticity.
Friendly fire should be banned from games. I see no benefit, beyond explosive, and even that is debatable. It has only ever caused headaches in the games it has been featured in.

I dare someone to find 5 objective benefits that friendly fire has ever given. Authenticity is it. Fuck authenticity.

My favorite was being teamkilled then vote kicked in my first game yesterday.


Stormy Grey
Friendly fire should be banned from games. I see no benefit, beyond explosive, and even that is debatable. It has only ever caused headaches in the games it has been featured in.

I dare someone to find 5 objective benefits that friendly fire has ever given. Authenticity is it. Fuck authenticity.

Intentional friendly fire is unfortunate, but as a mechanic, it serves to set the pacing for play by making sure that team members can't just run around and open fire like they're competing for a Quake 3 invitational without there being some sort of punishment. It helps create 'lanes' and staggered formations, which requires a bit more effort than just unloading half a clip into the back of the head of the guy in front of you.

Granted, you can unload a whole clip into an enemy and still not have anything happen, but~
Friendly fire should be banned from games. I see no benefit, beyond explosive, and even that is debatable. It has only ever caused headaches in the games it has been featured in.

I dare someone to find 5 objective benefits that friendly fire has ever given. Authenticity is it. Fuck authenticity.

It should be banned for the first ten seconds after a round begins, but other than that, no. Friendly fire is there to punish players for being inattentive.


friendly fire is god damn hilarious

my friends and I approach a window. I shoot inside at the guy in the room.
as I shoot, my friend primes a frag and runs in front of me. I headshot him, he drops the frag, it explodes and kills me and two others and gets kicked from the game,while our last guy panics and jumps down the roof and dies.

It was....pretty good :D
I'm pretty sure those team killers have mental health issues or are totally retarded. I just had a team with two team killers. They only killed one guy (sometimes they killed me) and you couldn't vote kick them (because nobody knew what the hell was going on).

Really makes me want to quit the game and sell it. It's tiring.


I'm pretty sure those team killers have mental health issues or are totally retarded. I just had a team with two team killers. They only killed one guy (sometimes they killed me) and you couldn't vote kick them (because nobody knew what the hell was going on).

Really makes me want to quit the game and sell it. It's tiring.

Is this some console thing?

it seems a lot of you guys have some really bad luck with people.

play with GAF or with friends, it'll stop that quickly.


I'm pretty sure those team killers have mental health issues or are totally retarded. I just had a team with two team killers.
Never happened to me in roughly 20 hours. I killed once a team mate because he carried the defuser and haven't react to my request to defuse in a enemy–empty room while time was running out. He literally just sneaking around. Guess he haven't even realised he had the defuser. We would have lost that round.


Neo Member
Is this some console thing?

it seems a lot of you guys have some really bad luck with people.

play with GAF or with friends, it'll stop that quickly.

it happens on XBone casual games a lot, i made the switch to ranked games just to avoid it to be honest.
Now my k/d sucks but at least i don't get teamkilled anymore.
Also a lot of players in ranked invite you to their party so you can communicate better.
All in all the community is a lot better in ranked imho.

FYI none of my friends play Siege and i don't think there's a EU X1 GAF group so solo ranked really is my only option at the moment and i'm pretty sure there's more people out there like me.
I honestly doubt I would have played this game beyond the beta if friendly fire wasn't present. It adds a significant amount of tension to each scenario while ensuring attackers have to make a cautious approach through choke points. It reinforces coordination and punishes the lack of it, and that's what the game is all about.

Imagine the strategies if friendly fire wasn't present. You could people bursting through windows while fuse was hitting charges all around the room, with no risk to allies. It would create extreme disorientation and harm to enemies, while allies could run around the exploding rooms unscaved. Things like fuse's charges are only balanced by friendly fire.


I honestly doubt I would have played this game beyond the beta if friendly fire wasn't present. It adds a significant amount of tension to each scenario while ensuring attackers have to make a cautious approach through choke points. It reinforces coordination and punishes the lack of it, and that's what the game is all about.

Imagine the strategies if friendly fire wasn't present. You could people bursting through windows while fuse was hitting charges all around the room, with no risk to allies. It would create extreme disorientation and harm to enemies, while allies could run around the exploding rooms unscaved. Things like fuse's charges are only balanced by friendly fire.

Sledge and Thermite throwing 4 frag grenades in the room while Fuze and IQ with their LMG run in spraying everywhere and buck shoots everything with his shotgun.

Is this some console thing?

it seems a lot of you guys have some really bad luck with people.

play with GAF or with friends, it'll stop that quickly.

Furtunately those will be the first ones to quit playing this game. I'm at about 150 hours on Xbox and haven't seen too many people TKing. It does anger me when I'm clearly engaging through a door or a window, a few feet back like I should be, and a teammate runs and puts his face in the window and gets shot. Then I get TK'd the next round in retaliation.


I played too much XCOM 2 this weekend and didn't get any of my Rainbow Six time in. Gonna have to play some Ranked tonight.


it's funny you guys talk about friendly fire since yesterday was my first time playing an online match and I got shot on the back by a teammate while I was defending him. Absolutely no enemies around. I guess he got scared. We still won the round so whatever.
I'm pretty much done with this game until they patch it. Last night was the least fun I've had on this game, with many issues both old and new rearing their ugly head. While the devs have done a good job fixing matchmaking issues, problems are becoming more apparant and more frequent, and it feels like these are just piling up on the developers.

I feel that these issues are the result of a bad foundation, in terms of development and the technology used. Whatever system Ubisoft have in place for the games netcode is inadequate by modern standards, everything from the minor details like the fact that the game does not display a live ping, but instead refreshes your ping every minute or so, to the more serious such as hit detection and positioning issues, really sully an otherwise great experience.

It feels apparent that there's clearly something wrong with the development perceptive, something fundamentally going wrong within the studio, preventing them being able to maintain a triple A title, at the standards of quality that people should be able to expect, and that isn't something that changes overnight. I'm not sure if that problem is rooted in their QA process, their human resources, or perhaps issue with the technology used in the game, but it feels like it's a battle for the developers to maintain this game. If the experience was going to be like this, maybe they should have taken an early access approach like Dirt Rally, that seemed to work for codemasters, enabling them to escape a lot of criticism they would have received if the game launched with some of the issues that the early access went through.

  • People still clip through walls, getting shot as a result
  • Glaz can break down walls with his sniper, but the broken door isn't consistent across screens
  • If you destroy a door while ash is also destroying it with a charge, then the door doesn't register as destroyed (some instances) and becomes an impenetrable force field
  • Smoke still isn't consistent across perspectives
  • They buffed stun grenades and broke blitz shield in the process, Blitz is now the worst character in the game, because of a bug
  • Black Jesus
  • People still have a chance of teleporting when downed

Interestingly, almost all of these issues negatively affect attackers, so it breaks the meta between the two sides pretty substantially as a result. Unfortunately, due to the sheer number of issues, last night it felt as though I couldn't play a single game without one of these issues confounding the experience. As a result, for the first time, I found it hard to enjoy myself. I don't play games in order to fail to enjoy myself.

I will be keeping both copies of Siege on PS4 and will play with people if invited, otherwise I'm done as far as this being my 'main game'. I don't know if I will be back, as Street Fighter V, Garden Warfare 2 and Overwatch are out soon, and I'm sure V and Overwatch will have a competitive following on PS4, meanwhile Ubisoft chose to snub the PS4 community, partnering with Microsoft for ESL support.

It hasn't helped that the DLC is insubstantial either. One map is not enough, it does not appear in the rotation frequently enough to cause the game to feel different, playing it once or twice within an 8 hour session is not enough to give the overall experience a feeling that I'm playing anything 'new', unlike major expansions in other games, which feature multiple maps and become the focus of gameplay for a short while after their launch. The new operators are okay, but they do not change the meta in a manner that is at all interesting, Frost offers 'more of the same' with a stationary trap, albeit slightly harder to detect than say, electric barb wire, while buck doesn't really bring anything new to the table. His ability is interesting and he is fun to use, but I don't feel as though he influences the overall meta in any way.

Invite me if you want to play, but I'm unlikely to be starting up parties anymore. I'm playing Helldivers, Witcher 3 and Project Cars till these other games come out.
We were breaking through a window on the house map and I accidentally bounced the frag off the barrier. No one died but it was hilarious. One of our guys was down and crawling as fast as he could as everyone sprinted away.
We were breaking through a window on the house map and I accidentally bounced the frag off the barrier. No one died but it was hilarious. One of our guys was down and crawling as fast as he could as everyone sprinted away.

I'd rather not say how many times I've done that trying to take the boathouse... And died because the windows are a few feet off the ground.


I've never seen black Jesus or many other glitches on the Xbox one. I got the blue screen once, and a jet black gun a few times.

Is anyone experiencing wide spread glitches on the One?
I've never seen black Jesus or many other glitches on the Xbox one. I got the blue screen once, and a jet black gun a few times.

Is anyone experiencing wide spread glitches on the One?

On PS4, if you have a black gun then there's a good chance that you are the Black Jesus in the lobby.
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