Unconfirmed Member
Love all the spawn changes. Never even been killed on spawn except for Plane, sometimes House, but it's good they're taking it seriously. We'll probably still get people leaving the plane though.
Is the report button only for suspicious behaviour? Every so often I get stuck in the room with a ten year old shittalker that I would love to report.
Edemonster was primarily PS4 but he's doing PC and XBone as well now on Siege.Any good console streamers? Everyone I watch is PC but the game plays so much faster, it's not quite as useful if you're trying to watch someone for their habits.
BOPE confirmed. Map in the Favela. Seems like there's going to be another trapper defender, and what is suspected to be a ladder or grappling hook for the attacker. All the info I could gather.
Edemonster was primarily PS4 but he's doing PC and XBone as well now on Siege.
OMG OMG OMG PRIMETHIUS! I don't have my cellphone so I can't post my mind being blown on our chatgroup. But holy shit omg.I haven't been able to listen, but leaked Brazilian operator audio is out:
From reddit:
Grappling hook is...curious. Seems very situational. Indoor rope climbing/access to upper floors?
EDIT: Oh man--being able to climb up blown trap doors could be a game changer, too.
EDIT 2: I know nothing about these headphones, but Amazon has Siege "free" with HyperX Cloud II headphones for $70 total.
Ugh when are we gonna get an operator that has a rocket launcher or something, call him "blaster"
Or an operator that uses his fists, that would be cool too.
Fuck it, let's just have a dude that can fly, call him "plane"
Oooh indoor grapple could be nice. Currently there's no way to get the "drop" on someone from the bottom the way you can from the top. You have to go up the stairs and come at them on level. Maybe have it attach to the ceiling so you can breach charge trap doors through the bottom.
I'm excited to see the possibilities it opens up, I can already think of a few scenarios where it would be useful.
also Buck's marksman rifle is amazing, I finally got around to using it yesterday and fell instantly in love.
Having an indoor grappling hook for trap doors would mean that the operator has to be teamed up with Ash.. or an op with a grenade who knows how to throw it correctly.
You could go with an operator with a shotgun but why play with a shotgun as an Attacker?
This sounds like another operator that I'll buy just to have it, but never play with it. Looking at you Buck.
One of the American attackers is rumored to have Nitro.
That, Ash, 2-3 shotgun blasts, or maybe even the BOPE attacker will have Nitro, too.
Often, as a defender, I'll use trap doors to drop below and sneak up on/surprise the enemy. I'd think twice about that if there was an op who can pop in from below.
I think this Operator will be more easily "useful" than someone like Buck.
True for the nitro, but would you really use your only nitro (If you weren't the OP with the hook) to open up a ceiling hatch where only one player can go up? I'd rather use it to open up a certain wall that my teammates can use.
Is there any reason they decided to add nitro for attackers? Rather have 2 nades than 1 nitro..
Well, it remains to be seen if the grappling hook/ladder can only be used by one OperatorI bet it is something you set up for your team to use.
Not sure about Nitro--like I said, its a rumor based on sound files found for the new American attacker op.
Which one? The flying guy? Ludicrous.I don't like you.... please leave this threadLol just kidding but if something like that got added I'm sure people would start leaving the game lol
It's very bad. There's no client side anticheat and supposedly Fairfight only works on kill and hit statistics.Hows the hacker situation these days on PC? Reading about ESP hacks has me all paranoid to double dip.
EDIT: man I think I'll stick with PS4 for now... https://youtu.be/JgTxL13FguQ
Really? I haven't noticed that.Why the fuck does Montagne's shield make the framerate drop still?
It's been months holy shit.
What optics do you guys like, if any? I don't like the red dot sights very much, for all but the Russian variant of it. (I think that's what it is.)
What optics do you guys like, if any? I don't like the red dot sights very much, for all but the Russian variant of it. (I think that's what it is.)
What optics do you guys like, if any? I don't like the red dot sights very much, for all but the Russian variant of it. (I think that's what it is.)
Yeah I've grown to hate castles as I've played more. It punishes roamers pretty hard. And most castle players box everyone because they are fuckfaces.
The patch is coming tomorrow for consoles.
Source? Was supposed to be PC today and consoles next week.
@Rainbow6Game Update 2.2 will be released on 2MAR2016 for consoles. We were able to get it approved for an earlier date after this tweet.
Yeah, Castle players that board up any door in sight right next to the objective are annoying. Also annoying is when a Rook player doesn't drop armor until after the drones are done and 15 seconds after offensive team spawns.
Speaking of Rook, does anyone know if you can actually block the little drone ducts with the armor bag?
When I play Rook I try to lay it immediately but not right next to the hostage, so people can lay traps and things there. And since that's so quick I just go the room above to reinforce the floor and also barricade doors that are further away from the objective.
you can block the ducts, yep.
Really starting to love the game. So goddamn tense! However, one critique is that I need to be fucking level 20 for ranked play! I'm level 7 atm and it's Gna take a while to get to level 20. They should've made it level 10 something. I get that they want people to learn how to play the game before they jump into ranked games but level 20 is stupidly high. I've put about 4 hours jn and I'm level 7. Don't they know people have jobs?
Really starting to love the game. So goddamn tense! However, one critique is that I need to be fucking level 20 for ranked play! I'm level 7 atm and it's Gna take a while to get to level 20. They should've made it level 10 something. I get that they want people to learn how to play the game before they jump into ranked games but level 20 is stupidly high. I've put about 4 hours jn and I'm level 7. Don't they know people have jobs?
So what are the chances funko does some pop operators from this game?
Really starting to love the game. So goddamn tense! However, one critique is that I need to be fucking level 20 for ranked play! I'm level 7 atm and it's Gna take a while to get to level 20. They should've made it level 10 something. I get that they want people to learn how to play the game before they jump into ranked games but level 20 is stupidly high. I've put about 4 hours jn and I'm level 7. Don't they know people have jobs?
What's the story with this thread being in Community?
I honestly feel like it stifles a lot of activity in this thread.
No idea--how obscure do they usually get?.
Really starting to love the game. So goddamn tense! However, one critique is that I need to be fucking level 20 for ranked play! I'm level 7 atm and it's Gna take a while to get to level 20. They should've made it level 10 something. I get that they want people to learn how to play the game before they jump into ranked games but level 20 is stupidly high. I've put about 4 hours jn and I'm level 7. Don't they know people have jobs?
Really starting to love the game. So goddamn tense! However, one critique is that I need to be fucking level 20 for ranked play! I'm level 7 atm and it's Gna take a while to get to level 20. They should've made it level 10 something. I get that they want people to learn how to play the game before they jump into ranked games but level 20 is stupidly high. I've put about 4 hours jn and I'm level 7. Don't they know people have jobs?