Anton Sugar
Fucking hilarious, man. I'd be lying if I didn't say I haven't done the same thing, or had at least yelled (post-death) "FUCK! I thought that was a teammate!"
Pulse seems to be a more popular character these days and he's really frustrating me. That ability to know where I am and come out quickly when I'm repelling and then run back inside is annoying.People here know how much I hate Castle.
He hurts your entire team and should almost never be chosen unless you play ranked with a mute and pick your spot. Even then, he hurts your team because the enemy can just break it in about 15 seconds and your "advantage" is gone.
You don't even have a nitro cell.
Im on the anti-castle train through and through. If you like his guns, pick pulse or something.
Pulse seems to be a more popular character these days and he's really frustrating me. That ability to know where I am and come out quickly when I'm repelling and then run back inside is annoying.
Patch 2.3 notes:
Releases on March 30th for PC and (tentatively) April 5th for consoles
Hit Registration Improvements
While we do have longer-term plans, which we’re already working on, for improving on hit registration, we had some advancement with this latest patch.
We’re glad to share that lag compensation has been improved in order to give the advantage to lower ping players vs. higher ping players. This means that the "peeker’s advantage" has been reduced and players who are hidden behind cover playing with a low ping will be less vulnerable to high ping players.
We also have improved monitoring of hit registration so that we can better track and diagnose what to improve on further.
Finally, several bugs related to hit volumes on characters, shields and barricades have been corrected. What this means is that from now on, what the players see and experience should more accurately reflect what actually happens on the servers.
Ranked matches will now only start if there are 10 players in the lobby.
Our intention is that Ranked matches should be fair. Having matches start without having two full teams of 5 goes against the promise of this playlist. Therefore, we have altered the flow of Ranked matches so that if a players leaves during match countdown, the countdown will now reset. The lobby will stay open with the remaining players and the matchmaking will proceed to find new players to refill said lobby.
We do anticipate a problem with this flow: because players can see the rank, K/D ratio and W/L ratio of other players in the lobby, there tends to be lots of “dodging” during this phase. Because of this, we’re currently investigating two other elements that we might revamp in the future:
UI: we will most likely hide some players information in the lobby, as we don’t think they’re necessarily relevant for this specific portion of the match flow.
Abandon system: we’re investigating making it so that abandoning a lobby that is full will count as an abandon – there is additional development needs for this, which is why we couldn’t have this feature in time for this update.
Damn i dont want that.Ranked matches will now only start if there are 10 players in the lobby.
Damn i dont want that.
Patch 2.3 notes:
Releases on March 30th for PC and (tentatively) April 5th for consoles
I think I played you over the weekend. You were carrying your team, if I remember correctly.
It's the most uniform and simplest way to solve complaints about 3v5 matches. I mean, in Ranked, there's really no good reason to play with a team imbalance.
Like I said, though, this new change REALLY puts all of its eggs in the "matchmaking will work perfectly" basket...herewego.gif
Nah the guy we played was BruceLeeRoy-1? something with the number 1.
If you've sat in matchmaking for 10 minutes then I think you wasted 8 minutes of your time. From what I've seen, if it doesn't find a match within a couple of minutes, you'll eventually get an error.Surely the simplest way would be to only allow a game to begin if the teams are even?
I've sat in lobbies for 10 minutes while the game hopelessly tries to find a 5th player and was hoping they would fix that shit.
Surely the simplest way would be to only allow a game to begin if the teams are even?
I've sat in lobbies for 10 minutes while the game hopelessly tries to find a 5th player and was hoping they would fix that shit.
People here know how much I hate Castle.
He hurts your entire team...
If you've sat in matchmaking for 10 minutes then I think you wasted 8 minutes of your time. From what I've seen, if it doesn't find a match within a couple of minutes, you'll eventually get an error.
As long as the party leader cancels the search then it should bring you all back to the main menu without the need to reform.Sometimes we quit out and search again. Sometimes it finds a game, sometimes it doesn't, casual is usually more successful than ranked, which has been shite for matchmaking lately. There's also the hassle of your party being disbanded when you quit out of a search and having to re-invite everyone. I still can't believe that hasn't been fixed all these months later!
Patch 2.3 notes:
Releases on March 30th for PC and (tentatively) April 5th for consoles
As long as the party leader cancels the search then it should bring you all back to the main menu without the need to reform.
I would like to come back and play this with you guys tomorrow and be a regular on PC. I feel so bad when I am the team's weakest link and I fuck it up though.
Would anyone let me in, even if I'm still a scrub trying to get much better? I need to work long and hard on my game.
Stepped away from this game for a while due to The Division, but my friends and I have been back over the past few nights and it sucks that everyone uses ACOGs now. Game has a different feel because you just get your head popped from outside windows all the time now.
I feel like the ACOG changes the dynamics of the game from CQC to ranged combat. That, with the ability for defenders to go outside (which also seems like more people do than when I was last playing) all fucks up the way the game is played. Wish they'd not allow defenders to go outside, or at least immediately say one is outside and locate them, rather than the 2 second window they have now. I'd also like ACOGs to be gone, or have some sort of penalty for using them. I don't like them, but I have them on all my guns now just to be competetive.
Still the best MP shooter in years, those complaints aside.
Are these experiences really that common? I've never had problems like this. A few times the opposition team all kill each other which is equally frustrating when you e been waiting ages to get into a game. I haven't played for a couple of weeks and I'm hesitant to jump back in because it seems the place is getting worse with this sort of stuff.Im so fucking tired of teams kicking me for no fucking reason.
Just played a game where I eliminated three enemies as last man standing, only to get kicked by asshole teammates
Such fucking bastards
Two days ago, I got kicked twice by assholes who decided that theyd all rather teamkill, teabag, and vote me out. Im so sick of this bullshit and hate that Ubisoft does nothing about it
And they want to even increase penalties for getting votekicked
This community is dogshit. Rarely do i get a proper 5v5 in ranked without someone teamkilling and causing chaos. Why isnt there some kind of way to report players like this
Are these experiences really that common? I've never had problems like this. A few times the opposition team all kill each other which is equally frustrating when you e been waiting ages to get into a game. I haven't played for a couple of weeks and I'm hesitant to jump back in because it seems the place is getting worse with this sort of stuff.
Shot the guy
Somehow missed the knife
Watch him get revived by another enemy
Same enemy you shot and downed goes right past you
Enemy who helped revive does the same.
Im not sure but it looked like you tried reviving that Frost aswell :x
I think I played you over the weekend. You were carrying your team, if I remember correctly.
Nah the guy we played was BruceLeeRoy-1? something with the number 1.
Fucking hilarious, man. I'd be lying if I didn't say I haven't done the same thing, or had at least yelled (post-death) "FUCK! I thought that was a teammate!"
Are these experiences really that common? I've never had problems like this. A few times the opposition team all kill each other which is equally frustrating when you e been waiting ages to get into a game. I haven't played for a couple of weeks and I'm hesitant to jump back in because it seems the place is getting worse with this sort of stuff.
Man it's common enough to drive me crazy
Sit in matchmaking for 5 minutes.
Get into a game. Someone teamkills sometime in the game. Match becomes a throwaway. Others quit or teamkill back.
Im going to start keeping a track of my ranked solo games
I know youre supposed to play with a party but that doesn't excuse anything. Ive had friendly solo games full of dolid communication. It also doesnt help when people teamkill on the opposing team
It's such an annoyance when parties intentionally kick just for the fun of it
Hasn't happened to me either but I know it does happen.This is happening to you on PS4?
I have actually never been kicked from any game outside of the first day I got the title and found out the hard way that Team Killing was possible.
Hasn't happened to me either but I know it does happen.
They need to add some kind of scope shake when moving like CS:GO does because there's not reason not to use the ACOG on any gun that can equip it. Adding some kind of aim penalty when moving would be a decent way to balance it and make red dot sights/iron sights more viable for quick peaking around corners.
I would say Team Killing is the worst thing going on with the game right now.
Team killing could be easily fixed if they did just ONE thing. If you team kill it automatically boots you and blocks you from playing multiplayer in the same way if you leave a ranked match it apparently makes you wait for a bit before coming back in.
I swear no one would team kill if they knew they couldn't play online for 10-15 minutes.
This would really fucking suck for accidental TKs, dude. Which happen.
If people TK to ruin games reflective friendly fire would just result in some players purposely trying to get in front on your gun fire.I'm surprised that no one mentioned reflective friendly fire, which would punish the shooter instead of the target. It should be enabled in Casual at least..
I recall a funny moment in House when I heard someone running around on the top floor and suddenly charged down the stairs. It freaked me out so that I instantly unloaded a clip into this poor Kapkan.
I'm surprised that no one mentioned reflective friendly fire, which would punish the shooter instead of the target. It should be enabled in Casual at least..
I recall a funny moment in House when I heard someone running around on the top floor and suddenly charged down the stairs. It freaked me out so that I instantly unloaded a clip into this poor Kapkan.
I'm surprised that no one mentioned reflective friendly fire, which would punish the shooter instead of the target. It should be enabled in Casual at least..
Ok, so it happens if you kill 2 people in a match. The first could be an accident.
As a general sentiment, I agree that Ubi could do a lot more. Any teamkills within the first 15-30 seconds=instant boot.
X number of teamkills within a certain amount of period=boot (perhaps penalties is more depending on number of kills).
I thought a punish/forgive system might be nice, but considering how vengeful players are already with accidental teamkills, I don't think that would work![]()