Valkyrie's cameras are freaking insane
Insane in what way? Are there too many or..?
Valkyrie's cameras are freaking insane
Insane in what way? Are there too many or..?
Session not found error
After. Every. Match.
Theyve somehow made the op selection screen a little laggy
Probably because of the added customization option
That crap is still there! I guess my enthusiasm to try the patch has almost died.
Theyve somehow made the op selection screen a little laggy
Probably because of the added customization option
Say what now? It's always been laggy to me. Choosing an operator and outfitting them has always been bogged down to me.
It would happen every now and then pre-patch but its constant now.
I don't play this often anymore but I check this thread every few days to see what the latest technical hurdle plaguing Rainbow Six Siege is.
I feel bad for you guys still playing regularly. Game is great but the support really isn't there. Ubi just want to sell you another round of MT before they drop support and ask you to buy another $60 rainbow six game, or some other nonsense in the coming year.
I hope I'm wrong though. I still hop on from time to time and a lot of my buddies are trying to persuade me to help them build a ranked team for the new season. Sounds like fun.
Why oh why do Attackers still rush into the buildings.
Other than beefing up the anti-cheat on PC I feel you are pretty wrong about this. There are certainly some major issues plaguing the game, but they have been making improvements with every patch which shows they are supporting the game.
Please Chrono
I suppose so, but I feel the game shouldn't be suffering from any major technical issues at this stage. We shouldn't have people complaining about matchmaking in the OT on a daily basis.
Overwatch, Uncharted 4, Battleborn, all run better in beta than this game does 6 months down the line.
Everyone that wants to play is American though and that's kind of why I don't want to play in that capacity. I sit on 150ms ping in US lobbies and have to worry about getting peaked by bad players while my US teammates can run around headshotting bad players for free. On EU servers I feel empowered, on US I feel like I have to adopt a more defensive playstyle to compensate for the latency. Even if I can successfully compensate latency with strategy, it's less fun. With that said, sometimes it doesn't feel so bad, and I think part of the issue is in my head.
I might play though since my buddy told me my flawless ranked win loss is going to be reset anyway. Is that true? Finally, the weight will be lifted and I can play without having to worry about losing a flawless ratio, haha.
I'm also a bit worried about how I can stay competitive at Siege while playing Uncharted 4, Overwatch and Battleborn too, y'know? It's a real first world problem.I only play Overwatch and Battleborn casually but I want to see if I can get a fragged nation team going for Uncharted 4. That would be sick. I guess Siege doesn't have any true competitive play on PS4 though? Since ESL is XBOX and PC only or whatever.
I suppose so, but I feel the game shouldn't be suffering from any major technical issues at this stage. We shouldn't have people complaining about matchmaking in the OT on a daily basis.
Overwatch, Uncharted 4, Battleborn, all run better in beta than this game does 6 months down the line.
Everyone that wants to play is American though and that's kind of why I don't want to play in that capacity. I sit on 150ms ping in US lobbies and have to worry about getting peaked by bad players while my US teammates can run around headshotting bad players for free. On EU servers I feel empowered, on US I feel like I have to adopt a more defensive playstyle to compensate for the latency. Even if I can successfully compensate latency with strategy, it's less fun. With that said, sometimes it doesn't feel so bad, and I think part of the issue is in my head.
I might play though since my buddy told me my flawless ranked win loss is going to be reset anyway. Is that true? Finally, the weight will be lifted and I can play without having to worry about losing a flawless ratio, haha.
I'm also a bit worried about how I can stay competitive at Siege while playing Uncharted 4, Overwatch and Battleborn too, y'know? It's a real first world problem.I only play Overwatch and Battleborn casually but I want to see if I can get a fragged nation team going for Uncharted 4. That would be sick. I guess Siege doesn't have any true competitive play on PS4 though? Since ESL is XBOX and PC only or whatever.
How's the new characters?
Great, not OP but completely meta changing. It's a massive improvement over Black Ice.
Once I get my hands on Valkyrie that would probably be the only operator that i'll choose, besides rook cause no one picks rook..
Putting cameras outside to see where the enemy is rappeling is gonna soooooooo good!
Damn let me take your spot lol I've been looking for some people to play ranked with haha
Game has always run fine for me. I never got all the complaining
PS4 <---
You're telling me you haven't encountered this at all -[img][/QUOTE]
I wouldn't be surprised, those errors are server-specific and maybe don't effect some regions.
I wouldn't be surprised, those errors are server-specific and maybe don't effect some regions.
First game I actually choose Valkyrie: kicked before even loading in.
Second: team killed immediately.
Done. This game's community continues to be somehow more toxic than CoD even two months later.
Holy shit, did flashbangs get a buff?
More than one user on reddit reporting that Blackbeard's shield IS destructible, contrary to initial reports. Maybe it was disabled in the early preview match? Serenity17 said they unloaded with Tachanka into the shield and it didn't get destroyed.
That's good, though.
You're telling me you haven't encountered this at all -
I managed to play earlier today with Manhack, and he instalocked the new operators a few times and ask if I wanted to play as them. :3
Playing PC with 2-3 man groups this afternoon and the remainder of people have been absolutely great to play with. Some of the best pick-up games I've seen.
Maybe PC community is small enough now it is just the hardcore.
Patch actually brought so many people back that for a time the concurrent users on Steam (no uplay numbers known) were twice of what they usually are
lol thought you were talking bout me for a sec
I'm starting to think it's an EU specific issue
I'm EU (UK) and I get it after every single match. I sometimes get it immediately after trying to find a Terrorist Hunt match too.
Why is it so hard to play the new maps when they come out? Border is set as my only preferred map in the settings and I can't get it in neither ranked nor casual...
So Valkyrie's cameras are amazing.
I don't have the season pass so I can't play as her yet, but they help tremendously.
This is a list of changes that reddit users have found in game that are not officially documented by Ubisoft in the patch notes. (I'll update as we get them):
- Tachunka's turret is silent when rotating
- switching to blackbeard's secondary weapon increases movement speed even with the shield equipped on the primary
- Sledge destroys both layers of a floor when using breaching hammer
- Not all skins/charms/head gear is available now and will be release over time during season 2
- IQ cannot see the outline of pulse's cardiac sensor in the way she sees the outline of other gadgets
- Season pass holders get a free charm & head gear (smoke)
- Black beard's shield gadget significantly reduces vertical recoil
- All operators move slower
- You cannot vote to kick in ranked play (known bug)
- Compared to normal cameras, Valkyrie's cameras have a wider field of view (fisheye), glow blue when in use, display video in colour and are named "Black eye 1-4".
- Some skins can now be bought with renown or R6 credits that were previously only available with R6 credits
- SMG-11 recoil has increased
- Daily missions now involve selecting any operator from a specified counter terrorist unit rather than a specific operator. Wins are no longer required just game completion.
- Nitro cells and grenades fly faster
- Some furniture is no longer destroyed with one bullet
- Operators lose their rook armor after you are put in a DBNO state and then revived.
- Frost's voice no longer sounds male.
- Blackbeard's shield can be destroyed eventually (if under fire)
- Icons for all the various ranks have changed
- The front iron-sight on Buck's C8 was removed when a sight is equipped
- The R6 Siege website UI has been significantly improved including the player profile page containing player stats.
- The valentines day and st patricks day skins have become unavailable for some eligible players (known bug)
- Changes to recoil patterns across various guns
- Compensator and flash hider attachments work slightly differently
- pulse's gadget display has changed slightly
- the information about who is the host on terrorist hunt has been removed because the team is not kicked anymore when the host leaves
- mutes jammers have shiny metal components instead of being all black
- drones have new overlay visuals with the twitch drone having a unique HUD