Hyped for patch, disappointed with Blackbeard.
Way, way too versatile. In a game where instant headshots spells game over, he should not have the abilities he does.
Window peeking advantage, general peeking advantage, assault rifle...come on.
You can't expect to magically flank him, since he has teammates around the map too. You are pretty much forced not to confront him, which is fine for a shield like Blitz or Montagne who are slow. But stalling on him is too dangerous.
I wish they went with his original design, where he had an opaque shield, which looked to reduce his vision. Seemed much more balanced.
I.Q becomes a pretty great counter to Valkyrie. Wish she could temporarily mark electronics for her teammates though.
Thatcher needs to be toned down, as he's too easily the counter to too many operators at once. Tone down the radius, or reduce EMP count.
I feel that Jammers should also be placeable on walls, like Jager's magpies.
Twitch drone should have a much bigger range for electronics, so she can target things like jammers and magpies on walls. This would also be a good way to reduce Thatcher's importance, while offering Twitch as an alternative anti-electronic attacker.