Lots of cool stuff in this update! Loving the end screen now.
Blackbeard looked op in that official video.
I may just play IQ for shits n giggles now. Still reeling over the frost nerf thoughThere have been a few vids that show he is still vulnerable--there is a small sliver of his head hitbox that can be shot above the shield.
I was starting to worry more about Valkyrie, honestly, with her cams and great weapons. However, IQ's huge buff may make her a go-to for attackers, especially with Thatcher's nerf.
There have been a few vids that show he is still vulnerable--there is a small sliver of his head hitbox that can be shot above the shield.
I was starting to worry more about Valkyrie, honestly, with her cams and great weapons. However, IQ's huge buff may make her a go-to for attackers, especially with Thatcher's nerf.
Still reeling over the frost nerf though
What's strong about IQ now?
Frost is so OP as is, good thing she will at least don't have nitro anymore, shields can actually work as a counter to that shotgun now.
Because shields needed more help being OP.
Shields aren't OP.
Have they said at what time does the patch goes live?
Here you go.
1-2pm UTC/GMT
9-10am EST
8-9am CST
7-8am MST
6-7am PST
11pm-12am May 12th ACT Australia
2-3pm UTC/GMT
10-11am EST
9-10am CST
8-9am MST
7-8am PST
12-1am May 12th ACT Australia
3-4pm UTC/GMT
11-12pm EST
10-11am CST
9-10am MST
8-9am PST
1-2AM May 12th ACT Australia
Shields aren't OP.
Some easy questions:
1) PS4 still have a good player base?
2) $35 for regular version or $45 for gold version?
OK, whatever y'all say.
You ever wonder why they're not go-to Operators for most ESL teams?
Maybe you're referring to the exploits/macros related to ADS/aim?
You ever wonder why they're not go-to Operators for most ESL teams?
Maybe you're referring to the exploits/macros related to ADS/aim?
You don't necessarily need a macro to abuse how shields currently work. On PC its just alternating clicking both mouse buttons quickly. On console you do the same thing but with both triggers.Those shield macro guys are scum of the earth. Actually all of those macro users. I laughed hard when Orbit and VwS got destroyed, no real strats and too reliant on macros.
I don't even bother with pro leagues.
Yes, that's partially the problem. I know they're "fixing" it. I won't believe it until I see it.
You don't necessarily need a macro to abuse how shields currently work. On PC its just alternating clicking both mouse buttons quickly. On console you do the same thing but with both triggers.
Like you said, there's no strategy or skill to it.
Any moment now!
My first impressions: First impressions. The Siege addiction will definitely return. Everything feels smooth, new graphics look amazing, more customization options, new map is awesome from what I've played so far. New operators are awesome and the riot shield gun attachment for Blackbeard I'm liking more than I thought I would. Let's me know what you guys thinks.
Charms: When I logged on I got 2 charms for free, season pass holder so that may vary. As far as prices there's some really cheap gun specific wins for 750 renown each then there's the universal charms which are a lot more awesome looking and they're all 30K minus a unicorn one which is 15K
Headgear: there's 3 options for each operator the first 2 usually around 5K some are 2.5K and the third is either 30K or can only be gotten with R6
How so? Like, what exactly happens? They fixed the "instant ADS accuracy" exploit a few patches ago, where you could get ADS-like accuracy even when in the middle of ADS-ing (simply place crosshair on enemy when behind the shield, then immediately ADS and fire for a laser accurate shot). That was fixed a while ago.
I heard there is a semi-invulnerability exploit now that happens with some kind of fast-switching or macros, though. Hoping that's fixed.
Reddit says the patches are deploying for PS4 and X1 now.
Fixed Player can have ADS accuracy before being fully in ADS.
Not sure about the shield fix being fixed before. This is from 3.0 patch notes.
Oh damn. I could have SWORN they mentioned fixing having ADS-like accuracy when initially firing from the hip. If not, my mistake, sorry.
They did and then broke it again.
Session not found error
After. Every. Match.
Welp....not surprised. Hopefully they can fix that server-side and its not a client issue.
I don't play this often anymore but I check this thread every few days to see what the latest technical hurdle plaguing Rainbow Six Siege is.
I feel bad for you guys still playing regularly. Game is great but the support really isn't there. Ubi just want to sell you another round of MT before they drop support and ask you to buy another $60 rainbow six game, or some other nonsense in the coming year.
I hope I'm wrong though. I still hop on from time to time and a lot of my buddies are trying to persuade me to help them build a ranked team for the new season. Sounds like fun.
So really that means sometime late August
There is no missing headgear. All headgear that was intended to be in the shop at the time of launch is in the shop.
If you are referring to things that we revealed but are not currently available in the store, you may see them at a later date.