Saw an impressive new tactic on Hereford on PS4. Anybody know how this one is done?
Having fun with the game and not letting the occasional glitch ruin their lives?I wonder where everyone that has nothing but praise for the devs is.
Having fun with the game and not letting the occasional glitch ruin their lives?
Right, I'm the one with delicate sensibilities... Everyone wants the bugs fixed. But you've gone broken-record-mode, and then on top of that you get mad when people stop engaging you on it.Ah,ok. My bad for wanting it fixed. My apologies to your delicate sensibilities.
Right, I'm the one with delicate sensibilities... Everyone wants the bugs fixed. But you've gone broken-record-mode, and then on top of that you get mad when people stop engaging you on it.
Saw an impressive new tactic on Hereford on PS4. Anybody know how this one is done?
No prob, I get that the shit can get frustrating. I've run into the Hereford floating thing only once. I've seen the Thermite thing happening a bit lately, but definitely not as much as you. I think there's a good chance that stuff will be cleaned up a bit in a patch in the next couple of weeks.I agree with you on the broken record. Sorry. I just feel some act like everything is fine. I'll stop commenting.
I don't know, I think PC is worse. That easy access chat button that lets you conveniently harass the other team. I love Xbox hate mail. You can bait them a bit, and as soon as they cross a line you can report them to harassment, and they WILL get a 24 hour communication ban once Microsoft gets to it.Xbox is full of sore losers. I played to level 60 on ps4 and never once got spammed with hate mail. Half the amount of time on Xbox and I've had to block so many people lol.
Saw something similar on House on Xbox One.
Report them with the in game feature and the console report system.
Well, maybe I was a bit hasty. I did watch one of them in the next phase and they didn't escape. However 3 of them are all waiting just outside a broken door to run out and shoot.
I hate griefing in any multiplayer game, i usually just leave or cope with it, but i too wish that every MP game had only good intentionate and willing people to play the game with.
Also i would like to say that we, the everyone playing the game, are the comunity. So every time you get team killed and respond with more teamkill, remember, you are also part of the problem.
Lose a match. -80.
Win a 4 v 5 because our team had an afker?
Pulse needs a redesign not so much a nerf
Literally seeing players through walls was a strange design choice. Let pulse have strong range but make him work through sound. Let him hear the heartbeats which become louder based on proximity and where the crosshair is pointed.
That way its kind of a buff in that he can know the location of others easier with strong range, but a nerf in that he can't literally know their exact position.
I feel like anybody with a average headset can do just that, tho. I've played with 10 dollar skull candies and managed to hear at surprising distances. Shuffling, leaning, even crawling. The sound in this game is already advantageous if you're really paying attention.
I feel like anybody with a average headset can do just that, tho. I've played with 10 dollar skull candies and managed to hear at surprising distances. Shuffling, leaning, even crawling. The sound in this game is already advantageous if you're really paying attention.
Yeah, that's a pretty great summary of teamkilling in this game.I love this game:
Edit: This video shows what's wrong with the community:
Why should it?
I hate when you have the lead and that one douche TKs the whole team to make us lose a tie match.
dude i don't have any money but i wanna play this game
It was just on sale for 20.
You guys think this will ever go F2P?
Did they reduce the intermission time between rounds and matches since the first 3 months that the game was out? That kinda kept me from playing more than 2/3 rounds at a time.
You will have the occasional slow matchmaking, but for the most part, matchmaking/finding matches is MUCH better than it was the first three months.
Might be differences in your NAT type.
I've came to the conclusion that picking a recruit or Thermie w/ M10 combo is the only way I can counter Pulse players. I've managed to win a decent amount of firefights using the same shotgun against the defenders.
IQ is your best and only friend in that regard besides the fighting fire with fire tactic that you have adopted.
Shitty matches paired with server connection issues weren't fun this evening.