I always link this one from Serenity17, "5 tips to improve your skill". He has a bunch of other videos that are worth checking out!
Thanks for this!
I always link this one from Serenity17, "5 tips to improve your skill". He has a bunch of other videos that are worth checking out!
Thanks for this!
I still think Blackbeard is a lot easier to counter than people make him out to be, but yeah that shield health was insanely high I'm glad they dropped it.
How they did it is kind of stupid to me. I get what they were thinking, but they should've just halved his shield instead. Having two insanely weak shields to cycle through just seems pointless. Like I get the idea of having to manage damage to make him more challenging to play, but that seems like artificially creating a challenge that makes little sense.
Claymores seem like a no-brainer, in hindsight, to help protect against roamers and breakout defenders.
I've notice recently more defenders breaking out of the buildings and going straight for the kills.Claymores seem like a no-brainer, in hindsight, to help protect against roamers and breakout defenders.
The game that keeps on giving! You can really tell how passionate the rainbow devs truly are about this game. All these changes could've been packaged in a $60 sequel, but instead they keep on adding new things every big update. I really need to buy the season pass at this point. I have pored countless man hours into it lol. Outside of the network hiccups, this is Definitely my favorite MP game this gen.
Is the patch hitting consoles tomorrow too, or just PC?
That's a great fucking patch!
Still waiting on that Tachanka buff, though. Worst character in the game by far. I think it'd be cool if they made his helmet really strong akin to what Blackbeard's shield is (was) but massively reduced his vertical vision in accordance to how his helmet looks.
I think that'd be a decent change.
This is nuts.
I've been wanting to play Blitz more but it was impossible with the amount of C4 on defenders so hopefully this will help.
Looking forward to this.
Pretty excited about the new patch. Interested to see how this will change things and it seems like a lot. Claymores impact grenades.
It kinda seems like Thatcher is useless now with Twitch's shock drone being buffed.
Also, I still think I will pick Rook over Doc everytime. He is better but still situational.
We really need C4 removed from at least 2 more of those defenders.
Never understood why people want the C4s out. They are really easy to avoid, even with shields. I actually hate that they took the C4 away from Frost since shields know I don't have one so they get more ballsy when pushing.
Never understood why people want the C4s out. They are really easy to avoid, even with shields. I actually hate that they took the C4 away from Frost since shields know I don't have one so they get more ballsy when pushing.
Is the patch out?
I too am surprised at how many people here think Shield operators needed help.
On PC, a lot of the time as soon as you bring that shield down to ADS you get headshotted immediately.
Shields are completely useless on PC
How many heals does Doc have post patch?
Never understood why people want the C4s out. They are really easy to avoid, even with shields. I actually hate that they took the C4 away from Frost since shields know I don't have one so they get more ballsy when pushing.
What are the impact nades for? Instant murder holes?
What are the impact nades for? Instant murder holes?
Never realised Doc can boost teammates life from 100 to 120 for a small period.
Have no idea if this is new or not.
Its new
Never realised Doc can boost teammates life from 100 to 120 for a small period.
Have no idea if this is new or not.
That's what the GIFs ubi posted lead me to believe, which I think is great.
Total shot in the dark: Any PC players with mics who know what they're doing? I have a couple buddies who play almost every night for a few hours and we're looking for another player or two to fill our team. Our general attitude is that while we very much like winning, we do not get too upset when we lose and we have a pretty good base knowledge of the maps and general do's and don't's of Siege. US/Canada players.