Get on the siege discord with your group we always have 1-2 groups playing with overflow people looking for groups. Everyone is a regular since the game came out and is chill. We are all high silver/gold rank now iirc.
Here is the link:
What's the general reception of the new patch?
That's what the GIFs ubi posted lead me to believe, which I think is great.
Total shot in the dark: Any PC players with mics who know what they're doing? I have a couple buddies who play almost every night for a few hours and we're looking for another player or two to fill our team. Our general attitude is that while we very much like winning, we do not get too upset when we lose and we have a pretty good base knowledge of the maps and general do's and don't's of Siege. US/Canada players.
What's the general reception of the new patch?
Found it pretty good.
But the meta changes so much after every patch, it makes the experience pretty exciting.
The twitch drone is pretty hard to deal with on consoles compared to before.
It's awesome.
You do realize they "fixed" the C4 issue by allowing some defenders to have 2! Impact Grenades, right? I think this kills you easier.
That's a great fucking patch!
Still waiting on that Tachanka buff, though. Worst character in the game by far. I think it'd be cool if they made his helmet really strong akin to what Blackbeard's shield is (was) but massively reduced his vertical vision in accordance to how his helmet looks.
I think that'd be a decent change.
Just for the record, I'm an NA (Canada) player that's been looking for an arranged team for awhile. I communicate and several months experience with Siege. We could discuss more via PM/ventrilo if you want to share uPlay details.
So with the patch.. How is the hit reg now? Netcode and bug fixes? Hearing about everything but this
So this fucker who stole my Uplay account and put 2 step verification on it renamed my username toooooo
I fucking bet my account is cheatbanned in Siege now...
So can anyone tell me the best way to use barbed wire? I didn't think people would be upset about rook losing it but I guess I must be using it wrong.
Didnt notice any difference last night. It was a placebo patch for that, they didn't actually change anything.So with the patch.. How is the hit reg now? Netcode and bug fixes? Hearing about everything but this
So this fucker who stole my Uplay account and put 2 step verification on it renamed my username toooooo
I fucking bet my account is cheatbanned in Siege now...
What's the general reception of the new patch?
I can't even pick Twitch anymore because all these scrubs want to pick her after Blackbeard got nerfed
I feel blackbeard is still a good choice. His main rifle is great as well.
He can still window fuck pretty good though. I was beasting with him and fuze last night. Fuze lmg still has some insane recoil though.I can't even pick Twitch anymore because all these scrubs want to pick her after Blackbeard got nerfed
^If they can fix shields for the next patch, Ill be so happy. I swear I get shot through Blitz' shield way too much.
So I just saw Siege was on sale on PSN. I know this must be asked a billion times so I apologize but how is the online community on PS4? Is it decently alive? I don't want to buy a game that's going to die in the next 3 months. Thanks
So I just saw Siege was on sale on PSN. I know this must be asked a billion times so I apologize but how is the online community on PS4? Is it decently alive? I don't want to buy a game that's going to die in the next 3 months. Thanks
Is it decently alive? I don't want to buy a game that's going to die in the next 3 months. Thanks
It's active. It's more active now than at launch even.
You're welcomeWhoever said Buck was the most lethal, thanks.
Was losing 0-3 and decided to try something new, went ham with Buck and helped us win 5-4.
Shields are completely useless on PC
Rainbow Six: Siege |OT2| Yes, it's still active.
Shields are completely useless on PC
You would think after getting outplayed 3 times as caveira you'd pick a different operator on defense. The dream is dead breh. You suck with her.