Maybe ricochet damage.
you shoot/dmg a friendly ,you take the damage
But hey, maybe they knock it out of the park and everything works.
Nope, they are gonna fail. Hard.
Maybe ricochet damage.
you shoot/dmg a friendly ,you take the damage
But hey, maybe they knock it out of the park and everything works.
Those patch notes make me incredibly nervous.
New Technology, might rollback to 4.2 if there are problems. Worried about risks.
But hey, maybe they knock it out of the park and everything works.
Ill give them credit for being honest/transparent that the are worried/excited about some things in this patch.
Nope, they are gonna fail. Hard.
Every patch they release seems to break something, so I don't expect that to change this time around.
Let's predict what goes wrong this time then.
Frost traps and bandit batteries are unable to be destroyed.
Let's predict what goes wrong this time then.
Frost traps and bandit batteries are unable to be destroyed.
Restarting the game usually fixes thatAnyone's NAT change from Open to Moderate post patch?
Restarting the game usually fixes that
I was playing this match and at the very last round this Sledge on my team turned to face me when were going towards the objective, i should have known right there that he was gonna kill me but i gave him a chance and just started to run the opposite way, he started shooting and i got killed. I think the lesson here is that i should have killed him first without hesitation, sometimes you just know.
Anybody else getting error code 2-0x0000C003 whenever the game attempts to create a squad? I tried restarting the game and I'm still getting the error. I'm on PS4.
Yes I'm in the same situation. Very frustrating that I can't even launch the game.
Hey guys I've been wondering? What exactly happened to the game that it went from 31k peak players back down to 18k?
This game sucks so hard now. The community is total garbage.
This game sucks so hard now. The community is total garbage.
I learned a valuable lesson today, and it's that backseat gaming is the worst.
I learned a valuable lesson today, and it's that backseat gaming is the worst.
This game sucks so hard now. The community is total garbage.
I learned a valuable lesson today, and it's that backseat gaming is the worst.
The lack of respawn makes this game so ripe for backseat driving. I was the last person alive on a team recently, and all 4 teammates were telling me to do different things at the same time. One person was telling me when to reload. Then I got shot and one of them said "I would have killed all of them". The only reason he was watching me was because he had just failed to 'kill all of them.'
I love it though, because it allows for Counter Strike style dramatic clutch victories.
This game sucks so hard now. The community is total garbage.
Between this thread and the subreddit, it seems like the vast majority of the toxicity is on console.
Eh, ignore Alpine he hates the game he plays so much. Secretly he loves the pain.
Regardless, if they can ever fix the hit detection issues or maybe get the kill cams showing what actually happened then life would be great, until they break something else.
I had to share this Glaz clip. I don't play as him often, but after pulling this off I may reconsider...
Yes, ignore me. After you post a lot of what proves my point. 😉
Booted up Siege on my PS4 because I was getting sick of Infinite Warfare and I was too lazy to switch to PC. Get kicked 7 seconds into character select. Presumably because I picked Jaeger. Lol.
They should at least make it so they have to wait for the round to start before they can kick you, so they lose out on their precious operator for a round when they pull that shit. Really stupid that they didn't put in some matchmaking ban exceptions.
Saw on twitter that the 4.3 console patch is going to be pushed back to the 27th. No reason given.
Are the servers down? Because it says Ubisoft Services aren't available.
Btw. are there any other content updates planned for this game? New operators or maps?
Saw on twitter that the 4.3 console patch is going to be pushed back to the 27th. No reason given.
Are the servers down? Because it says Ubisoft Services aren't available.
Btw. are there any other content updates planned for this game? New operators or maps?
A new map and two Japanese operators should be out next month.
Yes. November. 2 new Japanese operators and 1 new map.
I don't necessarily mind that. He's newly buffed, people want to play something new. And it's not like he has no team function. I do a lot of roaming and more often than not, healing up from 50 health when I return to base ends up being more useful than being able to tank one more hit over the course of a round. But yeah, Rook and Doc are best used as a pair.To be honest, I've been most annoyed recently by the trend of people selecting Doc before Rook (especially in ranked play). I mean, if you like his guns just use Rook and give everyone on the team armor too.
Okay, after the patch on PC my game gets stuck on "Creating Squad..."
Been waiting for ages with no luck. Anyone else?
Get on the siege discord with your group we always have 1-2 groups playing with overflow people looking for groups. Everyone is a regular since the game came out and is chill. We are all high silver/gold rank now iirc.
Here is the link:
I really don't understand how people can get so hooked onto a single operator. Typically when I play I just wait until others select their operators before I pick mine, and I just fill the last role. The funny thing is that I always notice that the first 3 picked always seem to be selfish-ish, solo-style classes that roam (ie. Caviera, Pulse, Valk). Meanwhile I'm selecting Rook, Jaeger, Mute/Bandit, etc as it's needed.
To be honest, I've been most annoyed recently by the trend of people selecting Doc before Rook (especially in ranked play). I mean, if you like his guns just use Rook and give everyone on the team armor too.
I wouldn't describe any classes as selfish since they all make it harder for the attackers in one way or another, and a good flank by Caveira or Pulse killing someone that's placing a breaching charges is extremely helpful, but I really wouldn't describe Valkyrie as a "solo" class because anybody can use her cameras and help improve a team's information.