Soapy Wooder
11. Rogue One

11. Rogue One
So why come in this thread lol.I don't think I can. I'd have to like them to rate them in order.
Considering most "SW" fans shit on 2/3 of the series I thought I could fit right in!So why come in this thread lol.
^This. I pretend the others don't exist.1. Empire Strikes Back
2. Star Wars
3. Return of the Jedi
What’s the deal with Rouge One? seems all over the rankings? also gets some extreme hate. How can it be worse than the prequel trilogy?
Rian Johnson should be tried at the Hague and hanged for crimes against humanity.I wish i knew. It's one of the worst movies I've seen in a theatre. I know the backstage drama is responsible but the pacing, character work, and editing are bloody awful. It only gets by on the droid and fan service and even then the latter is not handled all that well anyway.
Like the way people feel about the last jedi is how I feel about rogue one.
I liked it. Made bugger all sense and tonally clashed with all the other movies, but I had a good time sitting through it.Wow man u really got sold on that whole premise didn'tcha?! well good for you!
You're a bad person.11. Rogue One
It's still shit. Vader carnage is the most "I MEMBER THAT" moment. Total cringe. This movie is like Battlefront CGI trailer, it has no reason to exist whatsoever.You're a bad person.
Rogue one is easily the best thing Disney put their grubby mitts on, everything after RO is utter shit.
The Vader carnage at the end easily ranks this movie above any of the most recent tripe.
Total cringe is anything to do with Rey .. or should I say Mary SueTotal cringe
A New Hope will always be the GOAT. It is the only one that serves as an amazing standalone movie
That's a damn fine point. I always give the edge to Empire just for feeling gutsier overall but the original is just as timeless, if not moreso.
God I love star wars
This answer is good for any "Why would George Lucas...." related question comes up.
Terminator Dark Fate has probably killed any future Terminator film for at least the next decade, but that was the cinematic equivalent of a heart attack brought upon by sudden violent diarrhoea, but only after you'd already had a solid month of having the shits anyway.Has there ever been a movie that single handedly destroyed a saga? I am talking about TLJ.