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Rapist gets 6 months because prison sentence would have a severe impact on him

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Also """"""remorseful"""""" Brock Turner who took """"""""""""responsibility"""""""""""" is appealing his conviction....


of course

he is just remorseful enough not to want any responsibility. do you not see? he has already self-imposed snacks-related self-punishments and that is clearly very remorseful enough



NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
But he was convicted, I could see that meaning that the threshold for charging him is higher, but the jury seemed to think that he was guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. If the Judge felt that the evidence wasn't sufficient, I think he would have specifically noted that.

I was responding specifically to a question about the difference in charging between the two cases. (Haven't got to looking at the convictions and evidence in detail yet).

The point here is, yes, Turner was convicted. But it isn't rape that he was convicted of.
Could this bite him in the ass? Like getting a higher sentence after the appeal?

I've seen this happen in the Netherlands.

It seems the US with Double Jeopardy laws only allow defendant appeals. So probably not.

Clearly the goal here is to get him off the registry.


It seems the US with Double Jeopardy laws only allow defendant appeals. So probably not.

Clearly the goal here is to get him off the registry.

In the Netherlands we do not have Double Jeopardy laws I think.

A defendant can appeal to a higher court once convicted, but there is a possibility the judge of the higher court not only also convicts him, but actually gives a harsher sentence then the judge from the 'lower' court.


This case makes me ill.

If there's no justice from the legal system then I wouldn't lose any sleep over him getting some other form of justice

If I was a close friend or family member of this young woman I'd do something that'd land me in jail for longer than 3 months


every time i open this thread i hope for some justice




I want him to admit to the victim what he did. It must be absolutely horrible having what he did to her denied, especially if he's actually appealing it.

I can imagine she even has moments where she starts doubting herself, or feeling some kind of guilt, all sorts of twisted shit that rape survivors go through that would probably at least begin to dissipate if he showed genuine remorse and actively tried to rehabilitate.

That fact he did this has condemned her to live with it for life, the fact he's not making amends is very likely preventing her from moving on entirely.

He was monster enough for the "action", but this makes him something even worse.


my ex was raped and then had things twisted up and used against her

my sister was raped

i know other girls who were raped

just the doubt and fear about men in the future might last forever, self doubt anxiety, shame... everyones different but those are some things that i have discussed with them.

the girl is being brave by bringing this into the public... and this guy, the dad, the judge are fucked. And they're appealing! fuck! i'm glad to read about the swim ban and the increased media pressure but it's not enough obviously


the girl is being brave by bringing this into the public... and this guy, the dad, the judge are fucked. And they're appealing! fuck! i'm glad to read about the swim ban and the increased media pressure but it's not enough obviously

What the dad said in his letter was disgusting but on the flip side I think most parents would want their child spared from a lengthy prison sentence.
Could this bite him in the ass? Like getting a higher sentence after the appeal?

I've seen this happen in the Netherlands.

Might be possible? Not sure. That Texas state senator who used to be a judge made it sound that way. I think he said something to the effect of because this arrogant defendent is appealing we can correct his sentencing.

Edit: "Poe also said he is “glad this arrogant defendant has appealed his case,” adding that this appeal will give the court an opportunity to give the former Stanford swimmer a harsher sentence.

“The appeals court must make this right and overturn this pathetic sentence,” Rep. Poe said."


So sounds like it is possible...


Also """"""remorseful"""""" Brock Turner who took """"""""""""responsibility"""""""""""" is appealing his conviction....

Of fucking course. The way he and his family talk they basically view this as sticking their fingers in their ears and going "lalalalala we don't hear you we need our business relationships to keep going"

Could this bite him in the ass? Like getting a higher sentence after the appeal?

I've seen this happen in the Netherlands.

I believe he can be resentenced, yeah. Just can't be retried for the same crime, but the sentence can be changed upwards.


I was wondering why or how you would even appeal what's effectively a 3 month sentence, but then I remembered about the sex-offender registration. I hope the next judge just looks at him and says "dude, really?" Because I don't know what else you can say here.


I don't know what he's hoping for. There's absolutely no way he'll have the sex offender title revoked, and 6 months isn't getting any lower.

There are two possibilities:

1. He truly thinks he's the victim here, which will likely be re-enforced by those close to him.
2. He knows he's guilty as fuck and wants to make it look like he believes he's innocent.

Either way is alarming, and I really hope it backfires.
1. He truly thinks he's the victim here, which will likely be re-enforced by those close to him.
I don't get shit like this. If anyone I know did something like this, I'd never want to have anything to do with such a scumbag. If a family member did this, I'd cut ties. I don't want to hang around people like this and don't know why others want to protect him.

ITT: people can't separate someone being remorseful and that same person protecting themselves from a legal process.
By having the victim to through the trial again. Fuck this guy. He got of very, very light, yet still wants to inflict more hurt on someone and drag out the process this way.


He is legally entitled to an appeal. It's sad that the victim has to go through it, but the same thing happens in things like murder trials. Due process is an integral part of the justice system. Are you proposing that rape trials be subject to a different process?
He is legally entitled to an appeal. It's sad that the victim has to go through it, but the same thing happens in things like murder trials. Due process is an integral part of the justice system. Are you proposing that rape trials be subject to a different process?
He can legally do it, and we can legally think he's garbage because he is.


If you think he's garbage for appealing a conviction, I sincerely hope neither you nor anyone you know ever have to appeal a conviction.


If you think he's garbage for appealing a conviction, I sincerely hope neither you nor anyone you know ever have to appeal a conviction.

he tried to get sentencing leniency by expressing remorse

then it turns out he only regretted drinking around sluts

then he appeals

it's not hard to understand why people are mad at him
I don't blame him for appealing. It's his right. But I hope it fails miserably and he gets the long ass sentence he deaerved in the first place because he's trash.


No, you're pissed at him because he's doing what he is legally entitled to do. You have to separate what he may personally feel (I'm not going to decide if he is actually remorseful or not) from legal procedure.

I guess you'd just not appeal your convictions if you were in the same situation (regardless of crime). After all, you'd be unrepentant assholes.

\/\/\/ not related to his appeal.


^^^^ I have no problem with that argument.

'We're pissed at someone for using the legal system as intended.'
A judge accepted the argument that alcohol magically turns normal men into predators.

Yes, people are pissed about that, and for good reason.


No, you're pissed at him because he's doing what he is legally entitled to do. You have to separate what he may personally feel (I'm not going to decide if he is actually remorseful or not) from legal procedure.

I guess you'd just not appeal your convictions if you were in the same situation (regardless of crime). After all, you'd be unrepentant assholes.

\/\/\/ not related to his appeal.

Your not getting it. He's legally entitled too, and we are legally entitled to be pissed at the whole situation, the rape, the light sentencing, the judge, the appeal, all of it. Its a joke in this case and people are rightfully angry at the rapist, of course they are.
No, you're pissed at him because he's doing what he is legally entitled to do. You have to separate what he may personally feel (I'm not going to decide if he is actually remorseful or not) from legal procedure.

I guess you'd just not appeal your convictions if you were in the same situation (regardless of crime). After all, you'd be unrepentant assholes.

\/\/\/ not related to his appeal.
What you are legally entitled to and what is the right thing to do are sometimes two different things. He got a very light sentence. He should be happy with that. But hopefully he gets more because of the appeal.

He's a scumbag for making someone else suffer more because of this appeal. Do the time and think of someone else for a bit.


No, you're pissed at him because he's doing what he is legally entitled to do. You have to separate what he may personally feel (I'm not going to decide if he is actually remorseful or not) from legal procedure.

I guess you'd just not appeal your convictions if you were in the same situation (regardless of crime). After all, you'd be unrepentant assholes.

\/\/\/ not related to his appeal.

you don't get to tell me what i'm feeling. if i said you're only posting this way because you think rapists shouldn't go to jail how would that sound?
^^^^ I have no problem with that argument.

'We're pissed at someone for using the legal system as intended.'

I mean yeah people are pissed at him using the legal system as intended because the legal system totally blew him kisses and he isnt satisfied. I mean to me, you do what you gotta do for yourself in a situation like this so I dont blame him. He's a piece of shit but rights are rights and getting mad that he has them is pointless.

But on an actual moral level you raped someone and you still wanna drag this on despite the fact that by every metric of sanity you got off with a sloppy kiss instead of an actual fitting sentence? It comes across as fucking douchey.

But personally I like this. Maybe this is a chance for a real judge to get it right where his fuckboy collegue shit the bed.

To the rest of the thread. Dude raped a girl then stood up and talked about alcohol and promicuity while hos dad and friend down played raping an unconscious body. Dude doesn't give a shit about what right or decent. Its court, at this point why not go all the way if you have a chance to get off? Its not like you had any dignity at any other point in the process.


The number of posts in this thread either outwardly hope for or alluding to Mr. Turner being either raped or roughed up in prison is disturbing on its own. It's unbelievable that people literally wishing rape on someone haven't been banned or even called out.

Sometimes the legal system fails. In this case at least the defendant was convicted.

edit: to note faceless007's comments below are acknowledged.


The number of posts in this thread either outwardly hope for or alluding to Mr. Turner being either raped or roughed up in prison is disturbing on its own. It's unbelievable that people literally wishing rape on someone haven't been banned or even called out.

this shit is awful and i wish it would get a harsher responses here than it does

Sometimes the legal system fails. In this case at least the defendant was convicted.

in rape cases the legal system fails the overwhelming majority of the time. most rapes aren't reported, and most convicted rapists don't ever see the inside of a prison.
The number of posts in this thread either outwardly hope for or alluding to Mr. Turner being either raped or roughed up in prison is disturbing on its own. It's unbelievable that people literally wishing rape on someone haven't been banned or even called out.

That behavior is explicitly against the rules and I and other mods already banned several posters in this thread for it. If you see any that we've missed, please report it to a mod, rather than engaging in meta-commentary about what should or should not be bannable.


The number of posts in this thread either outwardly hope for or alluding to Mr. Turner being either raped or roughed up in prison is disturbing on its own. It's unbelievable that people literally wishing rape on someone haven't been banned or even called out.

Sometimes the legal system fails. In this case at least the defendant was convicted.

I don't wish rape upon him. I wish justice. I wish for him to do his time, the -real- time a crime of this magnitude deserves, not the complete mockery to the legal system that he ended up getting, that slap to the victim's face delivered with official hands.

People are tired of settling for one "at least" at best in cases this severe. We can be better than this by far and I see nothing wrong with people demanding it so.


this shit is awful and i wish it would get a harsher responses here than it does

in rape cases the legal system fails the overwhelming majority of the time. most rapes aren't reported, and most convicted rapists don't ever see the inside of a prison.

It actually does. A few people have been banned in this thread.


That behavior is explicitly against the rules and I and other mods already banned several posters in this thread for it. If you see any that we've missed, please report it to a mod, rather than engaging in meta-commentary about what should or should not be bannable.

thank you, they may have been banned after I read through the comments.
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