I decided to wait on the update to start Jet force, just tried it out. Screw this game, how does anyone play this. All I do is lay on the ground, spend 5 minutes killing 2 guys, this is impossible to play.
Ok judging by the replies above me, I have not received the update.
The update is for Rare Replay as a whole, try closing it and opening.
Weird, sounds like a problem with your hard drive. If it's not, have you tried hard rebooting your Xbox?I just turned on my Xbone, and what the hell happened? I had installed the Rare Collection last night, but a ton of the 360 games had interrupted installs. I downloaded the rest of them except Viva Piñata 1, which I set to insta and went to bed.
Now I turn on my console, and it has uninstalled almost all my games except master chief and forza horizon. There are a ton of gereyed out 360 rare games, including the rare collection. I hit install on the rare collection, and it takes out a huge chunk of my 1.5 TB of storage. It almost looks like all the space for all the games is taken even though the console seems to think nothing is installed. So now I have 2 games that are not greyscale out, it's installing the rare collection, and I have 100 gigs left!!
What is going on??
It some how glitched me to level 5 after I did the "car" mission in Battletoads. Replay feature really helps.
Banjo is awesome too
Viva Piñata is so good! I can't believe I missed out on this through the entire Xbox 360 generation. No lie, it was the game I was most excited for with Rare Replay. I can't wait to get back to my garden~
Any changes outside of Jet Force?
Knightlore is probably my least favorite game in the collection. The perspective is interesting for the time it came out but the framerate is so bad. In one room it's a steady 60 FPS but in another with two enemies and a spike pit it's less than 5. Gross.
Yeah I legit was having fun the frame rate made me stop after I got the 1st jiggyThe Nuts and Bolts framerate is making it kind of difficult to play. Maybe I'll wait and see if it gets patched.
Weird, sounds like a problem with your hard drive. If it's not, have you tried hard rebooting your Xbox?
I am kinda new to One updates; how do I download the patch? I wasn't prompted.
wanted to play through Rare Replay today but i had to install so much shit which took forever.
If it doesn't prompt you when you launch the game and you're connected to the internet, you probably already have it installed.
I kinda wish that they weren't unlockables, or at least make it so you only need rank 15 or so to get everything. There's stuff locked behind rank 30 that I know I will never ever unlock myself (and that's some of the coolest content - music from Project Dream and Conker 64 among others!) I know that I will never see anything past a certain rank unless I look it up on Youtube. I'm too weak.The dev interviews make this package truly shine
It's not released worldwide yet. I'm in Sweden and there is no patch here.
Which should I play viva pinata or trouble in paradise? They seem like the same thing
Yeah it is a bit redundant wtf.. guess im playing TIPTIP is really just the first game with more content and improved everything, it was more of an expansion pack than a sequel. The only real perk to the original game is that it was a bit less feature rich which in turn made it a lot less busy.
Still having both in one package is a bit redundant imo.
It's weird. The Rare Replay banners would only show up for me when a 360 title was installing/updating. Once fully installed it wouldn't have a banner.Yup, the Rare Replay banners are definitely gone from the 360 titles.
Just played the original Jetpac within Jetpac Refuelled within the Rare Replay
Added new options for Jet Force Gemini (Invert aiming on/off and a modern control scheme option). Maybe some other things I'm forgetting or don't know aboutanyone know what the 224mb update was for?
Oh shit, you can do this? I didn't even think to try, and my daughter loves the game.
I'm totally doing it with PD0 too.
Has anyone confirmed if that Banjo FPS is indeed worse than it was on 360? Because damn it feels rough on XB1.
For a second I thought you were talking about a Banjo FPS game and thought you were crazy. xD
Has anyone confirmed if that Banjo FPS is indeed worse than it was on 360? Because damn it feels rough on XB1.
Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts (2008)
Nuts & Bolts suffered from a negative fan reaction on release, not because it was a terrible game but because it wasn't a platformer like the previous two Banjo games. Instead, Nuts & Bolts introduced vehicle-based gameplay and the ability to customize vehicles LEGO-style. Unfortunately, the version included in Rare Replay has significant frame rate issues that weren't present in the original game.
For a second I thought you were talking about a Banjo FPS game and thought you were crazy. xD
just started up Knightlore
How in the world do I even play this? I managed to fumble my way through a few rooms and picked up some items. I tried to watch some videos, but I guess the layout is random?
holy shit, the controls in Underwurlde are so fucking bad.
The jump and the way you can get ping ponged all over the room is damned annoying.
Yup, the Rare Replay banners are definitely gone from the 360 titles.
just started up Knightlore
How in the world do I even play this? I managed to fumble my way through a few rooms and picked up some items. I tried to watch some videos, but I guess the layout is random?
No idea. It seems like it's got a lot going on (platforming, item collection), but it's but it's so basic that just moving accurately with the isometric view makes the game harder than it would be otherwise. I don't know that any would help for Knight Lore, but sometimes the vertical slice of gameplay you get from a snapshot can teach you about the game. Like in Lunar Jetman, I thought the car was useless because it can't drive over potholes. One of the snapshots tells you to use the car's supplies to fill in potholes, and drive a total of 15 meters.