Thanks!Right trigger.
Thanks!Right trigger.
I now have every milestone in all of the pre-N64 game and I've completed every snapshot and playlist!
I just finished Grabbed by the Ghoulies. First time playing it and its an instant classic for me. Such a charming game. A bit repetitive but yet, I couldn't stop playing it.
My favorite enemies are the Zombies, especially when they fart, and the Pirates. I love it when I knock out the pirates and they scream aaarrgghh! lol.
I am very surprised with how many people like GbtG after playing it for the first time in Rare Replay.![]()
Is it better or worse than Sabre Wulf? I'm already dreading it.Underwurlde is...quite a game I'll say.
Worse I'll say.=pIs it better or worse than Sabre Wulf? I'm already dreading it.
Though I do love that Sabre Wulf ends with you entering the Underwurlde - but I couldn't tell you exactly why I find the idea of "hey cool, video games had the concept of narrative sequels in the early '80s!" so adorably quaint.
Underwurlde is...quite a game I'll say.
Worse I'll say.=p
Launch him in the air with a combo.How the FUCK are you supposed to beat fucking Gargos?! Jesus christ holy fucking shit he gets to zero health and still lives, I keep attacking him and he still lives, then he goes bonkers and one shot kills me like its fucking nothing and its pissing me the fuck off FUCKKK
Cheated the hell out of KI Gold. The only fighting game I have any skill at is Smash.
Almost done with Blast Corps. I've gotten so mad at that damn red truck, especially when Backlash is involved, or the final part of Oyster Harbor. I still have a few levels to unlock before I can try for a platinum.
Conker or Ghoulies, which should I do next?
Maybe this is a general X1 question, but all these games are just sitting in my Games and Apps queued up... how can I make them all install?
The swimming in Banjo Kazooie. Fucking hell. I am down to 0 lives now because of the fucking god awful swimming.
My enjoyment of this game has plummeted after getting to Clanker's Cavern. What happens if I die with 0 lives. Have to restart the entire thing?
You just have to go back to the level from Grunty's Lair. You don't actually lose any progress.
Hold down the right bumper when swimming or flying in Banjo Kazooie. Controls exceptionally better and yet they never tell you to do it
Does he? I skipped his tutorial in the beginning this playthrough so I wouldn't know for sure. Maybe he did... hmmI'm pretty sure Bottles tells you to do it in the beginning of the game, does he not?
Does he? I skipped his tutorial in the beginning this playthrough so I wouldn't know for sure. Maybe he did... hmm
Either way that's info that should be spread around more often, I've seen that complaint about swimming a few times.
sitting here on turbo tunnel with the game paused right before the pillar hell right at the end. I have never done this successfully, im scared to continue lol
anyone have any tips at all for this part? All I have seen is that it comes down to rhythm
This video suggests to time your pressing of the D-pad with the sound of the walls as they pass and imagine that you're playing the bongos.
Hey guys , when I start Viva Pinata: TIP I get this message:
"You do not have an active gamer profile. To create or load a profile, please press the Xbox Guide Button
If you continue without a profile, your game will not be saved! Please press a to continue."
I'm really not understanding what's going on here, when I hit the Xbox button it just takes me back to the home screen. Has anyone encountered this?
If it's the same issue I had, hit both the select and start button (or whatever they are) and see if that brings up the right option.
Is there any difference in buying a disc versus digitally? I know you can launch the Xbox 360 games separately from the collection, can you also delete them separately? Do they appear as different games in your download queue if you buy it from XBL?
Yeah you can install/delete whatever 360 games you want
If you refuse to listen to Bottles at the beginning, HE will refuse to clarify things if you ask, arguing that you said you had this on your own, so tough nuts.
I love that. Such a Rare touch.
But I mean like, if I were to buy Rare Replay on XBL, it's not actually giving me the Xbox 360 copies of those games, right? Like I can't go sign into an Xbox 360 and download Banjo?
Yeah nope, you cannot do that, even with the digital version.
Ok, so then if I buy it on XBL, how many different separate games get added to my "Ready to Download" list?
You're missing the secret stage that can only be played when fighting another human player. Hit up and B on both controllers to go there.
The Ai can be cheesed with Sabrewulf. Jump + FK then Crounch + FK. Keep repeating that until you win. This can also be used to get supreme victories.
The Ai can be cheesed with Sabrewulf. Jump + FK then Crounch + FK. Keep repeating that until you win. This can also be used to get supreme victories.
Worse I'll say.=p
I think Underworld is the best of the three
I'm surprised Wizards & Warriors didn't make the cut.![]()
MS/Rare doesn't own the IP.
You're missing the secret stage that can only be played when fighting another human player. Hit up and B on both controllers to go there.
The Ai can be cheesed with Sabrewulf. Jump + FK then Crounch + FK. Keep repeating that until you win. This can also be used to get supreme victories.