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Really not enjoying Metroid Dread - does it get better?

I just bought Metroid Dread and started playing it. Sure, you always need to give games a chance and play for a while before judging them but so far all my impressions are bad unfortunately. I have probably played less for an hour so there's still plenty of time for the game to grow on me - but I'm kind of worried.

Background: I've played pretty much all previous Metroid games except for Other M and my favourite is without a doubt Super Metroid. I also really love Metroid Prime.

My biggest gripes so far are:

- The music ranges from bad to just non-existent so far. Does it get better? It usually sets the mood for the game (and gives each area a distinct feel) and creates a great atmosphere but so far - just nothing that feels Metroid-y at all.

- You seem to need to rely on timing enemy attacks to parry them. This is one of the worst mechanics I know and it's enough to put me off a game - is this a common thing throughout the game?

- It's super stressful. Being chased by E.M.M.I robots kills all enjoyment for me so far, to me Metroid is about exploring everything really slowly (at my own pace), and being chased is another game mechanic that I absolutely hate.

- Lots of unnecessary and slow cutscenes that interrupt the flow and gameplay (minor complaint, I could live with it if the game gets amazing otherwise...)

So can I expect the game to be different later on, and that I just need to get into it more? Or is it unlikely that I'm going to start enjoying it?
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I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
So can I expect the game to be different later on
No. Music is the weakest part of the game, the parrying is a core mechanic to the action, and the EMMI are designed to be stressful.

I loved the game btw, but if those things are a turn off for you, then I'm sorry but that's how the game is.


They introduced the parry mechanic in Samus Returns and I felt they introduced it gently so the player could see the benefit.

I hate parrying systems generally but the Metroid one is fantastic if you just bear with it for a while.

Yes, the music is the weakest unfortunately. The cutscenes are pretty rare though I think.

If you haven’t played something like Resident Evil 2 remake or Alien Isolation, the EMMIs may be a lot for a first timer.

Think of it like the SA-X. It’s supposed to be creepy and scary. The atmosphere of this particular Metroid is supposed to be one of fear. But like the other games I mentioned, it teaches you how to stay on your toes. The goal is to be nimble or invisible. When you’ve attained this, it won’t be as bad.

It does get better. And it’s a better game than I thought it would be. I also had a negative first reaction.
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I wasn't crazy about it either. I think poor music and EMMI's did me in. I got about halfway through. I was also kinda frustrated by how obtuse the map system is, despite reading the map in every other genre game just fine, IDK this time I was just going stupid I guess.

I think better music would have helped immensely. You need it while doing all the wandering, backtracking, or re-doing things after falling to an EMMI.

There are strengths to the game too, like the insane bosses. Also I did not mind the parrying. The control scheme was very tight and completely thought-out, but you mostly got the opportunity to take advantage of it in boss fights. Not a bad game, just one that lost me in a crowded space.


I just bought Metroid Dread and started playing it. Sure, you always need to give games a chance and play for a while before judging them but so far all my impressions are bad unfortunately. I have probably played less for an hour so there's still plenty of time for the game to grow on me - but I'm kind of worried.

Background: I've played pretty much all previous Metroid games except for Other M and my favourite is without a doubt Super Metroid. I also really love Metroid Prime.

My biggest gripes so far are:

- The music ranges from bad to just non-existent so far. Does it get better? It usually sets the mood for the game (and gives each area a distinct feel) and creates a great atmosphere but so far - just nothing that feels Metroid-y at all.

- You seem to need to rely on timing enemy attacks to parry them. This is one of the worst mechanics I know and it's enough to put me off a game - is this a common thing throughout the game?

- It's super stressful. Being chased by E.M.M.I robots kills all enjoyment for me so far, to me Metroid is about exploring everything really slowly (at my own pace), and being chased is another game mechanic that I absolutely hate.

- Lots of unnecessary and slow cutscenes that interrupt the flow and gameplay (minor complaint, I could live with it if the game gets amazing otherwise...)

So can I expect the game to be different later on, and that I just need to get into it more? Or is it unlikely that I'm going to start enjoying it?
The emmi chasing comes to an end about half way through. The parry system annoyed me too but honestly you learn to get on with it.
Keep going. It’s really good.
I recently finished it. Hate to break it to you but:

-Music is weak, unmemorable.

-Requires you to get good. A lot of boss fights/ EMMI chases will come that will halt your exploration.

-Map is too big and complex for its own good. After obtaining all abilities, I didn’t even bothered getting all missiles/ energy tanks. Just cumbersome.

-Different areas don’t have any defining features. Map is just arbitrarily chopped in different regions.


With all this said, I think mechanically game is exceptional. I think I liked it, but isn’t my favourite game on the system, something thats never happened with a Nintendo system before.
No, pretty much everything you mention is a core aspect of Metroid: Dread.

I love the game personally, but the OST was definitely a letdown.
OK, that's too bad. I guess it's just not for me then and not what I'm after in a Metroid game. Whatever 🙂
The worst part about this one is goddamn forced stealth sections with fuckin E.M.M.I. Just play the game on the easiest difficulty and enjoy.
No, im not going to waste my time on a game that contains aspects that I absolutely hate, and a Metroid game that's lacking stuff that I love about Metroid.. 🙂

It's no big deal, I'll just sell it. Every game can't be for everyone.
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John Bilbo

The Emmi sections are mostly fast paced obstacle courses you run through in maybe half a minute.

I suggest hanging on for a tad longer and try to understand the purpose of the game design overall. But if it doesn't click it doesn't click.

For me the game was like a love letter to Super Metroid with the emphasis of making different game systems more smooth and streamlined and adding some of their own ideas on the top.


I may be missing something here but isn't the nature of parrying all about timing enemy attacks?

I think the E.M.M.I levels are supposed to be stressful, I mean the game is called MetroId Dread ....
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If the list of things in the OP isn't to your liking, I don't think it's gonna get better the longer you play. The parry mechanic, while usually somewhat optional, allows for exploiting the bosses to get some free big damage on them via special attack opportunities. A few I think outright require parries. EMMI is recurring throughout the game and not skippable. Music doesn't have any tunes you'll be humming, it's mostly ambiance and for setting the mood.


No, pretty much everything you mention is a core aspect of Metroid: Dread.

I love the game personally, but the OST was definitely a letdown.

I really think the music is what tipped the scale from pretty solid to meh this time. It puts the cherry on top. I also thought it was a mistake to have almost no music during actual gameplay in BOTW...I get the quiet stuff but it was overboard and contributed to how boring the game got grinding away.


The Emmi sections are mostly fast paced obstacle courses you run through in maybe half a minute.

I suggest hanging on for a tad longer and try to understand the purpose of the game design overall. But if it doesn't click it doesn't click.

For me the game was like a love letter to Super Metroid with the emphasis of making different game systems more smooth and streamlined and adding some of their own ideas on the top.
The emmi sections are incredibly dumb trial and error sections that get much easier the more you know what layout of obstacles pay ahead. Bad game design.


One of the green rats
It's not. It's a downgrade in every way to proper metroid ganes. Maybe you're the one with bad taste?



This was an amazing game and of the best this generation. If you don’t like it, move on. These threads of “does it get better”… I don’t get them. You’re expecting some major twist on the mechanics and overall flow? Every game should tell you what is about in the first 30 minutes.

Move on.
This was an amazing game and of the best this generation. If you don’t like it, move on. These threads of “does it get better”… I don’t get them. You’re expecting some major twist on the mechanics and overall flow? Every game should tell you what is about in the first 30 minutes.

Move on.
Some games change after the first level, section or whatever? You might get a new ability that makes the stuff I hate redundant - I don't know. Maybe the music would get better later, but apparently not.

I'm not expecting anything - that's why I asked because I had the feeling I would just be wasting my time playing something I don't enjoy.

So yeah, I'm moving on. No big deal, thanks to all the comprehensive replies to this thread!
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It's ok. I actually thought EMMI was its standout offering, but otherwise it's a pretty unremarkable and competent 2D Metroid. The environments lack personality, the presentation is cheap, music is non-existent, and the game itself is extremely linear despite appearances. You couldn't get lost if you tried. But it's fun to play and well-designed for the most part.

Mercury Steam's Samus Returns was the better game imo.
It's ok. I actually thought EMMI was its standout offering, but otherwise it's a pretty unremarkable and competent 2D Metroid. The environments lack personality, the presentation is cheap, music is non-existent, and the game itself is extremely linear despite appearances. You couldn't get lost if you tried. But it's fun to play and well-designed for the most part.

Mercury Steam's Samus Returns was the better game imo.
Hmm no, I think the original is great as it is. I'll just play that one instead 🙂


- You seem to need to rely on timing enemy attacks to parry them. This is one of the worst mechanics I know and it's enough to put me off a game - is this a common thing throughout the game?
You can ignore parries with the exception of a handful of bosses that require it to finish them off, against regular enemies you can simply shoot them down. Even so parrying in Dread is extremely forgiving so I don't see how that could be an issue for anyone.

For the rest I can't help you, the music is objectively the game's biggest flaw but the EMMI chase sequences are a key part of the experience and if you don't enjoy them you're in trouble. The only advice I'd give you is try sequence breaking so you get access to more movement abilities earlier to deal with late game EMMIs more easily.
You can ignore parries with the exception of a handful of bosses that require it to finish them off, against regular enemies you can simply shoot them down. Even so parrying in Dread is extremely forgiving so I don't see how that could be an issue for anyone.

For the rest I can't help you, the music is objectively the game's biggest flaw but the EMMI chase sequences are a key part of the experience and if you don't enjoy them you're in trouble. The only advice I'd give you is try sequence breaking so you get access to more movement abilities earlier to deal with late game EMMIs more easily.
Yeah, then the game is 100% not for me and absolutely not what I'm looking for in a Metroid game. It doesn't make it a bad game or anything, many people enjoy it obviously so good for them - I'll just play something else 🙂


Gold Member
OK, that's too bad. I guess it's just not for me then and not what I'm after in a Metroid game. Whatever 🙂
Probably. The EMMI’s are likely a one-time gimmick though. But I personally think the counter system is here to stay going forward, for both new games and remakes/remasters of 2D Metroid games.

But hopefully the OST will get improved in the next one.
I really think the music is what tipped the scale from pretty solid to meh this time. It puts the cherry on top. I also thought it was a mistake to have almost no music during actual gameplay in BOTW...I get the quiet stuff but it was overboard and contributed to how boring the game got grinding away.
Yeah, I agree, albeit more with Dread than BotW/TotK. A great OST adds a lot to the overall experience imo. In the Zelda titles I can at least understand why they wouldn’t put music in constantly when it’s such a big world. That said I hope the next 3D Zelda has a lot more iconic tunes. Wouldn’t mind if we got to use an instrument again tbh.

Dread definitely could’ve used a better OST though.


I just bought Metroid Dread and started playing it. Sure, you always need to give games a chance and play for a while before judging them but so far all my impressions are bad unfortunately. I have probably played less for an hour so there's still plenty of time for the game to grow on me - but I'm kind of worried.

Background: I've played pretty much all previous Metroid games except for Other M and my favourite is without a doubt Super Metroid. I also really love Metroid Prime.

My biggest gripes so far are:

- The music ranges from bad to just non-existent so far. Does it get better? It usually sets the mood for the game (and gives each area a distinct feel) and creates a great atmosphere but so far - just nothing that feels Metroid-y at all.

- You seem to need to rely on timing enemy attacks to parry them. This is one of the worst mechanics I know and it's enough to put me off a game - is this a common thing throughout the game?

- It's super stressful. Being chased by E.M.M.I robots kills all enjoyment for me so far, to me Metroid is about exploring everything really slowly (at my own pace), and being chased is another game mechanic that I absolutely hate.

- Lots of unnecessary and slow cutscenes that interrupt the flow and gameplay (minor complaint, I could live with it if the game gets amazing otherwise...)

So can I expect the game to be different later on, and that I just need to get into it more? Or is it unlikely that I'm going to start enjoying it?
I get the emmi complaint, tbf i found those bits rather boring and take a huge amount of time out of the game, but parrying is one of the best mechanics which was added on samus returns remake


Parrying isn't as crucial here as it was in Samus Returns but it's still pretty important. Personally, I like it because it reminds me of one of my favorite series: Punch-Out!! But I'm okay if it doesn't return in future games as well.

The EMMI sections are there mainly to shake up the gameplay and give quick, dangerous action bits in between the exploring. I think they work okay since the EMMI areas are clearly sectioned off on the map (they have this white/gray look to them) and you're generally not supposed to explore while being chased so it's different than the Resident Evil style of unkillable enemy. I don't really find them stressful, just exciting because of their brevity.

The music is a real limp noodle though. They're going for atmosphere or something but it's so muted and so uninteresting that it barely adds at all to the mood.
So can I expect the game to be different later on, and that I just need to get into it more? Or is it unlikely that I'm going to start enjoying it?
When I saw the first trailer for Metroid Dread, I decided it was time I got into the Metroid series.

So I purchased Switch Online and played through Super Metroid - one of the best games I've ever played. Immediately entered my top 10 all-time favorites. From the moment that opening music hits, to the end credits, the game is an absolute banger. Holy fuck that game is so fucking good and I played it at a time when I was really feeling jaded about video games in general. I was absolutely pumped for Dread after this.

I fired up Dread the night it released, and after several hours it became apparent to me it wasn't going to be nearly as good as Super Metroid. No big deal, they can't all be classics, right? Several days after that, I ended up dropping it due to frustration with the map and just a general lack of motivation to continue.

A year later, I picked it back up and finished it. Maybe playing it so soon after I played Super Metroid was a mistake. It's a decent game, but it's trash compared to Super Metroid.

It sounds like you are a fan of the series and have played multiple titles so I think you should skip this one. Personally, I'm glad I played it since I'm new to the series and it's balanced my expectations. I plan on playing Prime remastered as my next entry.
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No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
Aside from the disappointing OST, Dread is almost a perfect game imo. Definitely a 9/10. The fluidity of the gameplay, alone, is something really special and addictive.


i'd say the worst thing about it is ...it was a little too 'follow the yellow brick road.' And the pacing was uneven. Sometimes they throw a lot of bosses/mini-bosses together in short period of time. Sometimes not. Sometimes you get a bunch of upgrades fairly quickly. Other times not. ...

The EMMIs were a pain. For me it took awhile to figure out how to deal with them. Definitely frustrating. But I don't mind some of that. But it's worse when you feel the designer knows something you don't about how to deal with them. And you're left doing trial and error. Maybe that was just me.

I don't even recall the music.

Overall ...it was refreshing to play a new 2d Metroid game with responsive controls and nice visuals. But I wouldn't say the game design was stellar or anything.
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Astral Dog

Metroid Dread is a solid game(im replaying it at the moment!) but its not up there with Fusion or Super in my opinion, they played it too safe for this entry, i thought the EMMI sections don't necessarily add much to the experience, and end up annoying, the ',level design' incentives you to follow a linear path until you have all abilities so although the map looks like Super Metroid, the pace is going from point A to B and so on, you can 'break' this sequence a little but the reward is not worth it

As for your concerns, there is an awesome atmospheric track at the water level, and a few others but overall Metroid Dread soundtrack is not catchy like the other games, not even like Fusion.
The small cutscenes thing gets better once the turorials dry up, the parry mechanic i kind of like tbh, its a small thing but once you get used to using it adds a little to the combat , like on Samus Returns.

I would say keep playing it, and make your own opinion, i think Dread is a little overrated among fans, because i wish it was more ambitious than it is,but its still a good game worth a playthrough


No, all four of those things are going to be constant through the game and get even more pronounced:

  • The music in Dread is garbage (which is weird because I have played other Metroid games and the music in those is great). it will not improve, sorry.
  • The parry is an awesome mechanic, and most encounters in the game, including almost every single boss fight, expects you to use it. If you do not like it now, you are not going to change your mind, and you will only get more irritated as you keep playing and it comes up more and more.
  • The EMMIs are designed to be stressful and to rush you through an area. You're supposed to explore at your own pace once you've dispatched with them, but again, if you're not a fan of this concept, I do not see you changing your mind on it
  • There seem to be more story cutscenes in Dread than in any other Metroid game I have played. if you don't like it yet, again, it only continues through the game
It's a great game, I love it, it is the reason I got into the Metroid series and discovered masterpieces like Prime and Super. But if the basic design elements aren't working for you, then they aren't working for you. Bummer, but what can you do.
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