Really not enjoying Tears of the Kingdom - does it get better?


The nicest person on this forum
Well, the research I did around the internet suggested it was arguably the best game ever made in the history of gaming. Soooo......
I mean did liked BOTW? Did you saw what gameplay loop is gonna be like it did you just saw big number scores?


Gold Member
Well, the research I did around the internet suggested it was arguably the best game ever made in the history of gaming. Soooo......
And this is why you should ignore reviews and youtubers alltogether and just watch gameplay videos or listen to feedback of people that like the same things as you.

What is a 10 for someone, can be a 6-7 for many others.
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Resident Crybaby
And this is why you should ignore reviews alltogether and just watch gameplay videos or listen to feedback of people that you know like the same things as you.

It's tricky, as I try to avoid watching too many trailers or too much gameplay of games I'm interested in because it's fun to go in as blind as I can. So I try to stick to either A.) reviewers that I find tend to align with my tastes, or B.) games that are so revered and so universally praised that they seem to be deemed a must-play for virtually anyone that enjoys videogames.

Funnily enough TotK fell into both those vetting categories for me, but it's still falling short. Oh well, can't love 'em all.
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Gold Member
It's tricky, as I try to avoid watching too many trailers or too much gameplay of games I'm interested in because it's fun to go in as blind as I can. So I try to stick to either A.) reviewers that I find tend to align with my tastes, or B.) games that are so revered and so universally praised that they seem to be deemed a must-play for virtually anyone that enjoys videogames.

Funnily enough TotK fell into both those vetting categories for me, but it's still falling short. Oh well, can't love 'em all.
Well, many videoreviews are spoilerous as fuck so you always take a risk.

And many high mc games are highly controversial, just look at stuff like rdr2, tlou2 or even tokt, being universally praised by journalists means nothing nowadays.

I just can't deal with probably unskilled activists who have to rush a game to write a review in time and probably play for work and not personal enjoyment, almost zero value in their opinions, at least for me, i only read reviews to get precise details like number of weapons or levels or enemy variety but half the time they manage to get even that shit wrong.
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The nicest person on this forum
B.) games that are so revered and so universally praised that they seem to be deemed a must-play for virtually anyone that enjoys videogames.
That shouldn’t matter you have your taste others have theirs, what other people enjoy doesn’t meant you are going to enjoy as well.

People praising games like BG3 as greatest game ever made but I didn’t bother with the game because I know my taste and despite what others say I never going enjoy that type of game, so I didn’t waste my money and my time.
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Gold Member
Still better than most open world i think, and the artstyle is great

I find combat, rewards for exploration, story, characters, boss and enemy quality vastly inferior to many other open worlds and yeah the character art design is nice (i mean some of them at least) but the locations are way too low res and lacking of details to wow me, this is how zelda should look in 2024


Because this low res shit doesn't cut anymore


The grass looking nice can only delight me to a certain point.
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TotK is absolutely an expansion pack for BotW. It takes BotW's world and tweaks it and adds new content. But the amount of new content added is insane. Was there ever some cheap DLC expansion pack for some other game that offered this much new shit, same scale as TotK? Some WoW or FFXIV expansion maybe? Pressing X to Doubt.

I loved BotW and replayed the shit out of it over the years. Must have done at least six or seven full play throughs. I don't 100% it, hell I've never gotten all of the korok seeds and I've only 100%'d the shrines twice. I never got tired of BotW's Hyrule. The day they released that first TotK gameplay demo Direct, I came home from work that night and started a new BotW. I finished it like two days before TotK released. Then I played TotK literally every day for the next six weeks until I finished it. Loved every second of it. But that's just me. One man's TotK is another man's Balan Wonderworld.


If you don't like it, don't keep playing

EDIT: Also curious, why is it that negative threads on some games are closed with no explanation provided by mods, but others are allowed to continue? Is it just that games that mods like aren't allowed to be criticized?
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I played it for maybe 15-20hours before I put it away, not because I disliked it. I just kinda drifted away and I think I burned out grinding temples rather than following the story. It's either that or getting bummed out because the bitch took my house in Hateno.
Currently replaying BotW and will take another stab at it next.

As for all the people still calling it an expansion, don't. Your ignorance is on display for everyone to see.
I dropped it after arriving to the Zora Temple, having already beaten 3 temples. I lost the motivation to continue and don't plan on returning.


Resident Crybaby
I played it for maybe 15-20hours before I put it away, not because I disliked it. I just kinda drifted away and I think I burned out grinding temples rather than following the story. It's either that or getting bummed out because the bitch took my house in Hateno.
Currently replaying BotW and will take another stab at it next.

As for all the people still calling it an expansion, don't. Your ignorance is on display for everyone to see.

I think it's wrong to call it an expansion, but at the same time, it certainly didn't re-invent itself the way most Zelda entries do.

Look how different Majora's Mask -> Wind Waker was. Or Majora's Mask -> Twilight Princess was. Or Twilight Princess -> Skyward Sword. Or Skyward Sword -> Breath of the Wild.

There is definitely a vibe of "the same, but more" with TotK compared to other recent Zelda sequels.
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zelda hasnt really interested me since wind waker.

OoT was cool, majora's mask was alright, wind waker was alright... should i even bother with BotW?


Well, the research I did around the internet suggested it was arguably the best game ever made in the history of gaming. Soooo......
If you don't like it now, I doubt you'll like it later because you've pretty much experienced the core gameplay loop. Personally I didn't like BOTW, so I didn't bother with this. I don't like most open world sandbox style games and prefer a more guided experience, so I stopped trying to force myself to enjoy something I know I don't care for.


I liked the game but the depths region and lack of rewards for exploration was really draining my enjoyment out of it unfortunately, if not for the depths I could see myself enjoying the game 10x as much since the sky islands were magnificent (imo) and the building system was amazing as well but the depths just didn't do it for me.
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For example, having to build a raft or roam around endlessly to find a bridge every time I want to cross a large river is just annoying to me, not fun. It also doesn't help that the game is ugly as shit on a technical level and despite what I've seen many say, it does feel like a retread of BotW in many ways, just "more"...
because it is. it's an inferior version of botw, with the addition of a construction mechanic...


It was my GOTY and essentially a 11/10 until it was not. Never experienced that before. I absolutely loved it until the 3rd temple, after that I was bored tbh. Might go back to finish it some day but for now I’m over it.


Gold Member
I agree with the OP.
First part of the game was solid, but after that it quickly lost its shine.
BOTW is still 10/10 but TotK really isn't doing it for me anymore.
At this point I'm just going to wrap it up and call it a day.

EDIT: To be clear, if you're not liking it, then it's not going to get better.
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My peak interest was during the opening hours on the sky islands.

I really thought that there would be many like these else where on the map but I believe it's the biggest. So it was disappointing nonetheless.

Still a very good and absolutely unique game to play. You need to be in a certain mood to enjoy TotK imo. Not the best choice if you are stressed the fuck out and have 22 minutes to play 😮‍💨


No... If you played through BOTW and still feeling any fatigue from it like me, TOTK will make you want to slit your wrists while you contemplate how much you paid for this glorified DLC as you fall into eternal slumber of boredom and death.


Is this gonna be the new thread spam?

I'm really not enjoying living in my country. Does it get better?

I'm really not enjoying pancakes. Do they get better?

I'm really not enjoying this hooker. Does she get better?

I'm really not enjoying breathing. Does it get better?


That shouldn’t matter you have your taste others have theirs, what other people enjoy doesn’t meant you are going to enjoy as well.

People praising games like BG3 as greatest game ever made but I didn’t bother with the game because I know my taste and despite what others say I never going enjoy that type of game, so I didn’t waste my money and my time.
Same. Passed on BG3 as well. Not my style of games. I'm happy it did well though, it's enough great stuff out there for every gamers taste.


Favorite game of all time, which beforehand was BoTW. If you aren't finding enjoyment in solving these environmental puzzles, I question if this game is for you. Different strokes for different folks.


I bought this a couple weeks ago on a nice sale and I enjoyed the opening hours on Great Sky Island well enough, but once I completed that section and landed back in Hyrule it's lost it's luster. I'm about 10 hours in now and I've been bored as shit.
Great Plateau was BotW's peak for me. Not surprising if it doesn't get better.


I played it a ton. I wasn't able to get around to playing botw as much I wanted so I'm sure that helped.

But just wandering around, fighting enemies in so many different ways, gathering inventory ad nauseum, questing, just exploring, was a gift that kept on giving for a long time.

the building stuff was hit/miss off/on for me. sometimes I didn't bother because it too tedious. other times it was fun and interesting.

I learned about the autobuild capability later in the game than I think I was supposed to. ONce I got that I used building more often and it was more fun to do so.

I was also in love with how polished the game was and the mechanics were. Even something simple like picking apples from the tree was still fun for me at the end. I experimented a bit with different ways to do that. Arrows. Boomerang. Cut down the tree. Using your grab power whatever it was called. ...

Also helped my enjoyment by playing only so much a night. Not over playing it and burn out too easily. And almost always leaving myself something to look forward to the next time by, for example, discovering a cave and then quitting before I entered it. And I really got into trying different things. Mixing it up in combat. All the different weapons. Attachments. Powers. TActics. And then mixing it up on how to get around the environment. Horses. Build. WAlk. OR how to escort many different ways to go about that.
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I enjoyed every minute of my 70 hour Breath of the Wild play through.

Tears on the other hand had me worried from the opening area which I found really boring boring in comparison to the Plateau. I did try to play through my doubts about the game and some of the early shrines were certainly enjoyable but I lost interest about 20 hours in.
BOTW was unique enough to feel exciting

TOTK felt like DLC that only created more gameplay issues rather than addressing the flaws of BOTW

Very disappointing. I still enjoyed it because Zelda is one of my favorite series but definitely doesn’t top my list

If you aren’t enjoying now you won’t e joy later. Underworld is horrible and sky world is copy pasta


Gold Member
You get more tools to build stuff but if it's not clicking with you now I doubt they'll change your view on the game.
I thought it was fun, with some really cool physics and interactivity that I wish we got in more open world games. But it runs into the same issue as the original: A lack of character progression, boring loot, an annoying durability system, bland sidequests and a lack of enemy/boss variety make much of the side content feel really unrewarding after a while.

After 20-25 hours I just started focusing on the main quest and I enjoyed the game way more that way.

Rat Rage

Same situation.

Breath of the Wild is true to its name. The perfection of the open world wilderness. Give you a few tools and let you discover everything organically. Nothing lacking nothing overstaying its welcome, just pure perfect balance throughout. Pure unadulterated gameplay, nothing is just easy but it isn't artificially complicated.

Tears of the Kingdom, so far, is irritating to say the least. What could perfectly be ONE step, it's dragged into several steps depending what you have or not. What broke me is having to do at least 6 steps just to be able to fight a rock armored base fucking goblin which would have taken just one step, which turned just seeing it and go rape it into a 5 min search for s fucking rock to fuse with anything.

Having more story it's very welcome, but all that fusing and building it's just screaming to me 'GTFO old boy, this shit is for the Roblox/Minecraft/Sandbox next generation retardos, the princess gameplay you're looking for is in another century castle'.

While BOTW was, in Eiji Aonuma's words 'see that up high? You can get there' simplicity, given you have Stamina, TOTK is the same but with an irritating mechanics/gameplay twist drag 'see that? You can get there...but not before searching for, then glueing together the three near logs together several tens of meters apart, then, go to that platform over there with your contraption and glue it on top, then bring that rotten monstrosity to that lame ass hill to climb the logs and at the platform at the top, swim up to it' 🤷🏻‍♂️

This isn't our Zelda. This is the Zelda for the newer generations.

Too good of a pöst, 100% true. I hope this fucking annoying Minecraft/Lego bullshit crafting mechanic never comes back in a mainline Zelda game.
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Neighbours from Hell
It's essentially the same game as BOTW so if you enjoyed BOTW not sure why you wouldn't enjoy this. The only real difference is the building mechanic.

But if you don't like it 10 hours in you probably won't like it unless you really get into building stuff and shrines and exploring.


I dislike Zelda-open world. I hated the stamina depletion, the weapons that break, the choppy sub 30 frame rate. The open world creates so much randomness and so little story continuation that in my opinion does not fit in story heavy game like Zelda.
I know the last 2 Zeldas are godsent to many people but they are not for me.
FYI i generally dont enjoy massive open world games, with World of Warcraft being the big exception. Semi open, like God of War is my sweetspot

Zelda, story heavy? Are you serious?! WTF
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