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Really spot-on Fable review

That's a very fair review. I, myself, would give the game a 8.5 (or equivalent.) It'll be interesting to see if the game has any legs (in terms of continued sales) considering the 'backlash' witnessed on the 'net...

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
Can some GA’ers give us some dot point impression, I was thinking about getting this game for my Xbox but I might wait for the price drop. Because I could get KOTOR and Morrowind Game of the year edition for about the same price!


+Nice customization
+Visible changes to your character occur as the game progress (through aging and growing fat or buff, good or evil)
+Visuals can be great at certain parts of the game
+Music is fucking awesome
+Fair amount of sidequests

-Story is plain
-NPCs (relating to the story) have no depth
-Load times are plentiful
-Interaction is limited

My opinion:
I'd personally go for KotOR + Morrowind, just for KotOR, really. KotOR shares a few of the same flaws, but I believe is an all-around better package.

As far as the gameplay, the swordfighting is just hack and slash, but I never tired of it. You can use magic and crossbows too, and I never found either of them to get in the way *too much*

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member

I think i will pick up KOTOR maybe after Paper Mario and Pikmin come out or with Pikmin 2 on the 4th of november! (Australian release of Paper mario is in 10 days)

THe Baldur's gate saga is my fav game of all time so it should be a no brainer to pick up KOTOR!!!!


The hacking and slashing is fun, so that helps. There are a fair few neat innovations in Fable (the boasts thing is cool, character changing visually based on your actions, etc), and the attention to detail and freedom (become a landlord, trader, marry, slaughter, pillage, etc) is great. But what really bugs me is that for such a big adventure a good 95% of NPCs are "nothing" NPCs -- random people with a canned phrase that you interact with in very superficial ways (maybe they'll shudder from your evil presence, or you'll fart or flirt etc). It annoys me because there's a lot of "character" in the locations -- they're VERY atmospheric -- but it's wasted when all the NPCs in a town say the same things as NPCs from other towns. No local flavour, no big characters to interact with, etc.

It's still a pretty damned fun game, and I do applaud the ambition, but between Fable and Morrowind/KOTOR I'd go with the latter for KOTOR alone.


The only thing good about the game is the combat (which gets old because of the lack of enemy variety) and the music. Everything else is either half-done, wasn't implemented, or done better in another game


The game has a lot of cool features and nice touches, but they're integrated pretty poorly into the main game. Because of the total lack of any challenge, you never need to do most of them (I'm not just talking about boasting, buying a house, or getting, even hunting for treasures or visiting a shop to buy weapons and potions is unnecessary), and a lot of the other features don't really affect the game (like being good vs evil).

The core game is pretty simple, usually consisting of you pointing your character towards the yellow dot on the map (the game is pretty linear), until you reach some weak boss that you have to beat.
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