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Red Letter Media |OT| of Movies, Murderers, and Pizza Rolls


Haven't seen Space Cop but Jay always saying "bad movies that are bad for the sake of being bad aren't good" and then what I've seen of Space Cop eehhh.. practice what you preach..
Intentional or not, I've never seen any of the appeal of Birdemic as good bad movie. I'd rather watch an intentionally bad movie than whatever the hell that was. It's pure shit with zero charm which is what people usually say these bad movies have. Not even Rifftrax could save that one. The Room is a masterpiece though.


I'm a little conflicted. One of the hand I love their reviews, the Plinkett stuff, and the weird experimental things they sometimes do (dissolving the VHS of The Jar, watching all of the Transformers movies at once, etc). But their actual movies are something else.

Gorilla Interrupted is... Passable. There's not a lot of funny moments in it aside from Rich Evans' boobery. But considering it was made by four 19-20 year old kids at the time, it's fine. I'm not going to criticize anyone for that. I made a few short films years ago that I mostly cringe at. But it's an okay amateur film. There's far, far worse out there when it comes to that particular niche (trust me) so it's got that going for it. I've seen the Making Of docu multiple times over though.

The Recovered I haven't seen fully. I watched the beginning but never finished it. It looked okay. I'd actually like to see them do a non-comedy again.

Feeding Frenzy has it's moments. I think a few actors were miscast but there's enough funny moments to make it worth watching, maybe.

I've never got the vibe that they were deliberately trying to make a bad movie. I got the impression that they try to make OTT absurdist comedy movies. Kinda' like a Troma movie. If you've ever seen Toxic Avenger or Tromeo and Juliet or Terror Firmer, they're different from intentionally bad movies that try to capture that nostalgia from a particular era. I guess it's hard to describe, you just have to feel it.


Just watched a random vid on Porn Hub that used a same royalty free music track as RLM. My mind is in a real weird place right now :-O
Rewatching the Best of the Worst with The Jar, and I think it was Rich who suggested they make a movie about a guy trying to escape from an artsy college film project. I would love it if they actually made that, I'd watch the heck out of it.


Rewatching the Best of the Worst with The Jar, and I think it was Rich who suggested they make a movie about a guy trying to escape from an artsy college film project. I would love it if they actually made that, I'd watch the heck out of it.

Wouldn't that be Beyond the Black Rainbow?
Rewatching the Best of the Worst with The Jar, and I think it was Rich who suggested they make a movie about a guy trying to escape from an artsy college film project. I would love it if they actually made that, I'd watch the heck out of it.

if people want to watch a fantastic satire/mocking of artsy indie films, do yourself and favor and go watch the American Dad episode titled 'Independent Film'. Regardless of your feelings for the show (which is the best Seth MacFarlane show anyways) it's only 20 minutes and it has some great moments.

It's on Netflix and Hulu I believe. On one of the two latest seasons on them.


if people want to watch a fantastic satire/mocking of artsy indie films, do yourself and favor and go watch the American Dad episode titled 'Independent Film'. Regardless of your feelings for the show (which is the best Seth MacFarlane show anyways) it's only 20 minutes and it has some great moments.

It's on Netflix and Hulu I believe. On one of the two latest seasons on them.

Seth MacFarlane wasn't really heavily involved in that show outside of voice acting as it got good I think, which might explain how it got good.


Subete no aware
Rich demanding a refund for The Witness on the stream was kind of weird, given that he's a creator too.

That ending though. lol
Rich demanding a refund for The Witness on the stream was kind of weird, given that he's a creator too.

That ending though. lol

That whole 'creator' thing is way overblown. Just because you made something doesn't make you special or entitled to anything. You're not five anymore.
It's also a very American thing since I don't know anyone here (North-West-Europe) who would proclaim to be deserving of special treatment on the merits of being an artist (though to some degree they still get it regardless, since there's an unwritten contract of respect to some degree. Americanism has been eroding it, but it's still there for now). I get that it's a survival tactic in a cold, uncaring environment where it's not respected but every time I hear someone say something like 'I'm a creator' I just mentally vomit a little. You're a producer, yes, and you have something to sell. So sell me, and if you can't, better luck next time.

It's like one of those promotion cliques that forms on communities and particularly those related to the platform where the stuff is sold. Like an indy forum where everyone 'supports' each other only because they're there or a writing forum (the Amazon boards, dear god) where everybody buys each other's just because. And not as a kindness (that's just being nice), but as a requirement of being part of that community. That's just desperation, not selling on your own merits.
What you can do, is that Len Kabasinski thing of dealing with overzealous critics where you can say 'well at least I fucking made something'. That part of saying 'I'm a creator' I'm okay with, because that makes sense. But that's a very specific situation and doesn't go to merit, but to unreasonable criticism.



Why did Jay have to result to steroids...


Subete no aware
That whole 'creator' thing is way overblown. Just because you made something doesn't make you special or entitled to anything. You're not five anymore.
It's also a very American thing since I don't know anyone here (North-West-Europe) who would proclaim to be deserving of special treatment on the merits of being an artist (though to some degree they still get it regardless, since there's an unwritten contract of respect to some degree. Americanism has been eroding it, but it's still there for now). I get that it's a survival tactic in a cold, uncaring environment where it's not respected but every time I hear someone say something like 'I'm a creator' I just mentally vomit a little. You're a producer, yes, and you have something to sell. So sell me, and if you can't, better luck next time.

It's like one of those promotion cliques that forms on communities and particularly those related to the platform where the stuff is sold. Like an indy forum where everyone 'supports' each other only because they're there or a writing forum (the Amazon boards, dear god) where everybody buys each other's just because. And not as a kindness (that's just being nice), but as a requirement of being part of that community. That's just desperation, not selling on your own merits.
What you can do, is that Len Kabasinski thing of dealing with overzealous critics where you can say 'well at least I fucking made something'. That part of saying 'I'm a creator' I'm okay with, because that makes sense. But that's a very specific situation and doesn't go to merit, but to unreasonable criticism.
Well, I just mean, if someone was unhappy with Space Cop, I wonder if they would offer refunds to someone if they decided to send the Bluray back to them?

I think Jack was much more rational about it, considering he admitted that the stream raised several donations over the course of the 4 hours that they played it. I have no idea if they made more than 40 bucks, but I wouldn't be surprised.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Well, I just mean, if someone was unhappy with Space Cop, I wonder if they would offer refunds to someone if they decided to send the Bluray back to them?

I think Jack was much more rational about it, considering he admitted that the stream raised several donations over the course of the 4 hours that they played it. I have no idea if they made more than 40 bucks, but I wouldn't be surprised.

One person donated $63.xx. They made plenty.


Finally got around to watching the special features on my Space Cop bluray and they were great. It really makes you wish there was even more behind the scenes footage.

I'm waiting to watch the commentary, but I'll get to that soon too.
Is anyone in here listening to the We Hate Movies podcast? It's a weekly audio podcast with three losers talking about bad movies in a comedic fashion, kinda similar to Best of the Worst. The difference is that they do mostly known movies (although, the did an episode on Killer Workout as well) and the movie has to be at least ten years old at the time of the recording (they do exceptions on listener request months and the worst of [the previous year] month in January).

Again, this is audio only, so it might not be as enjoyable for some, but I figured that there could be some overlap with the audience of RLM and it's quite able to fill the gaps, when the hack frauds at RLM are slacking off.
Finally watched the Revenant HitB.

As others said, exactly my thoughts over the movies.

Technically competent
Worth a watch
Leo doesn't deserve an Oscar over it
Struggle/gimmick =/= Oscar worthy for actors
Tom Hardy stole the show anyways

Is anyone in here listening to the We Hate Movies podcast? It's a weekly audio podcast with three losers talking about bad movies in a comedic fashion, kinda similar to Best of the Worst. The difference is that they do mostly known movies (although, the did an episode on Killer Workout as well) and the movie has to be at least ten years old at the time of the recording (they do exceptions on listener request months and the worst of [the previous year] month in January).

Again, this is audio only, so it might not be as enjoyable for some, but I figured that there could be some overlap with the audience of RLM and it's quite able to fill the gaps, when the hack frauds at RLM are slacking off.

I'd give it a listen but between Redlettermedia and "How did this get made" I think I have my fill of non-critics talking about movies.
I got a chance to watch Space Cop the other day and again today with the commentary and I guess I will share my thoughts here.

Spoiler free thoughts.

I cannot say I would recommend this film to anyone who isn't a RLM fan already. The concept is very sound and if more care was taken in the writing department it could have been a a good movie considering the limitations. They ad-lib a lot and it kind of trails off. Although Jay is credited as the editor, I am surprised Mike didn't get a crack at some scenes since he seemed to always value editing more than the other guys. I know they wanted to make a schlocky comedy (it is even called that on the back of the box), but I think I saw some potential here that could have elevated it to something with a bit more ambition. Colin from Canada did a great job with the special effects as did Jim with his matte paintings. It added air of "legitimacy" to the film. The masks were actually really well done too considering their budget.

The editing stuff kind of showed in the Patton Oswalt cameo. They mention in the commentary they wanted to stretch that out since he was the big celebrity cameo of the film, but it was barely funny when the joke started and just went on and on. The sexual innuendo scene was almost where it needed to be but could used a bit more work on the timing.

Mike's character had a lot more potential than what they used. The racist/sexist angle could have been a bit more honed as it was great in short bursts (you can't smoke in a police station, confusing the CEO for the help, you can't punch a suspect) but it went on too long in the power transfer scene in the end.

The angle of Space Cop killing the kid who would grow up to be his wife's killer had a lot more potential than what we got. I understand you are probably limited by using a child actor, but the concept itself is so damn hilarious in my mind.

I understand that they are using that warehouse they use as a studio, but they really need to find a way to change up/hide the cement block wall. It really stands out every time it shows up in a scene.

It was weird they cast an actor to play the living version of the evil scientist in the 80's, but used Mike for the brain voice. It really sticks out as I think Mike was also a voice for an Alien right before the brain starts talking too.

They should have kept the ghost scene in the cryo tube lab. Just improve the special effect a bit and it would have worked.

Is Jessi gone from RLM? She hasn't shown up in over a year and I was really surprised to not see her as an extra in any of the scenes like the bar or the celebration at the end. It was cool to see Jesse again (Jay's friend from the Plinkett review thumbnail).

It is funny to see that Jay is the one with the most credits on the box (Co-director, Actor, Editor, Packaging Design and Co "A Film by" credit). He also has a credit on the disc or packaging design as well.


Well, I just mean, if someone was unhappy with Space Cop, I wonder if they would offer refunds to someone if they decided to send the Bluray back to them?

I think Jack was much more rational about it, considering he admitted that the stream raised several donations over the course of the 4 hours that they played it. I have no idea if they made more than 40 bucks, but I wouldn't be surprised.

I think there's room for both of them to be right.

Steam has a "satisfaction guaranteed or your money back" policy, because people were starting to get upset with Steam's lack of quality control, as they felt like they were getting ripped off by paying good money for shit games. The policy lets customers feel confident buying games again, without sacrificing the level of freedom developers have to make what they want without Steam breathing down their necks and trying to define "fun" for them.

Rich was bored and checked out after fifteen minutes, and was clearly miserable after two hours, while Jack dragged it out to three hours, banging his head on the wall waiting for it to somehow get better. Rich got so bored he said "fuck this stream" and abandoned everyone to their misery so he could play FTL by himself (best part of the stream, IMO). After Jack finally quit, Rich noticed the price, as they had bought the game on hype and name recognition and didn't care what it cost, and they both got sticker shock.

Rich was entirely in his rights to demand his money back after realizing that he paid $40 for three hours of misery (although Jack blew their refund chances by playing it for so long). Jack refused to take a Steam refund based on some sort of principle. He said it was for the fans, but as Rich pointed out, the fans hated watching Jack think, and Rich had to carry the stream. So I don't even know which principle Jack was clinging to. And even while shooting down the Steam refund, Jack looked the price up for himself and said "This is forty bucks. Holy shit." From their reactions, it entirely qualifies as a candidate for a Steam refund (or would have if Jack hadn't played it for so long). Jack said "We took a bullet for our audience", but refusing to accept a Steam refund is more like refusing a trip to the hospital after taking a bullet for someone. Just because you get shot, doesn't mean you have to go the distance and bleed to death on the pavement.

And no, not everyone who ever takes anyone up on a "money back guarantee" offer is required to offer money back guarantees on their own work, lest they be labelled a hypocrite.

Rich was perfectly justified in wanting a Steam refund. And it's okay for Jack to feel uncomfortable taking one.


It's a little odd to be that unaware of what you're buying, though. This would be like me buying a copy of Madden and saying, "WTF? I paid $60 for a football simulator? I want my money back immediately."


I do think they played it wrong, or it was designed wrong, in that the puzzles seem more like something that would work best in short bursts, like a cell phone game, not a marathon streaming session.

It was kind of neat to see how Rich was super-positive about the game to start (gushing about the art style), and then his opinion started going downhill as soon as he had his fill of the game. He had enough of the puzzles after fifteen minutes so he passed the controls to Jack, and then Jack pointed out a new trick and Rich's like "Oh, that's neat", and then it moves on to "Now they're just being cruel" and finally Rich stopped paying any attention to the game at all.

There's definitely a point where you have to put the controller down and come back later, and Rich's experience suffered greatly by being forced to stick around past that point.


you can't put a price on sparks
It's a little odd to be that unaware of what you're buying, though. This would be like me buying a copy of Madden and saying, "WTF? I paid $60 for a football simulator? I want my money back immediately."

I think they do a lot of blind buys, whatever is new or popular.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
Honestly, that Witness stream was the weirdest one I've seen them do, I agree with them that it's way more repetitive with the line puzzles than you'd expect it to be, but they were acting like this was some travesty worse than The Order or something, and just dogpiling on it in this sorta forced way. Like, it's a glacially-paced puzzler and they were acting like that alone made it inherently garbage. Don't stream puzzle games is more like it.


Honestly, that Witness stream was the weirdest one I've seen them do, I agree with them that it's way more repetitive with the line puzzles than you'd expect it to be, but they were acting like this was some travesty worse than The Order or something, and just dogpiling on it in this sorta forced way. Like, it's a glacially-paced puzzler and they were acting like that alone made it inherently garbage. Don't stream puzzle games is more like it.

These fucks have some honestly garbage opinions about video games. The Witness is great, and the feel of repetition goes way. It's one of the most clever and creatively designed games out there.


These fucks have some honestly garbage opinions about video games. The Witness is great, and the feel of repetition goes way. It's one of the most clever and creatively designed games out there.

Yeah it's pretty damn good. I can see that it's not for everyone, but I do not understand why Rich hated it so much so quickly. That was just odd. I turned the stream off when they started going to areas I hadn't gone to yet, so I missed the stuff about Rich wanting a refund and his reasons for why it was a bad game.
As much as I appreciate their opinions over movies, yeah I never pay attention to their opinion over video games. Rich seems like one of those guys who has VERY VEEEEEEEEEEERY particular tastes and if the game doesn't satisfy those it's shit.


Yeah it's pretty damn good. I can see that it's not for everyone, but I do not understand why Rich hated it so much so quickly. That was just odd. I turned the stream off when they started going to areas I hadn't gone to yet, so I missed the stuff about Rich wanting a refund and his reasons for why it was a bad game.

Rich was doing great with simple mazes, but then when they started introducing new rules to turn the puzzles into real brain-teasers, he lost his enthusiasm. He did a few of them, and he complimented the new rules as clever, and even watched and helped Jack solve one or two of them, but after a certain point he just didn't want to look at another puzzle. Jack: "Hey look Rich, a new twist on the formula." Rich (doesn't even look up this time): "Shocking news."

Now add two hours of painful disinterest.

Rich: "Hey Jack, are we done yet?" Jack: "Yeah, I'm just about sick of this game."

Then they noticed the $40 price tag, and they both got sticker shock, they just disagreed on the concept of getting a Steam refund for an overpriced game that you hate.

If Rich had walked away once he started to get bored and came back on his own terms, I think he would've had a much more positive experience with the game, but because it's a stream they had to marathon it, and that made it a chore.

As much as I appreciate their opinions over movies, yeah I never pay attention to their opinion over video games. Rich seems like one of those guys who has VERY VEEEEEEEEEEERY particular tastes and if the game doesn't satisfy those it's shit.
I remember he said once that he hates JRPGs, and that people told him to try one once because they told him it was good (it was apparently Lufia 2), and he liked how it started with Maxim and Tia, but then he flipped the table and quit the game after those two broke up and Maxim hooked up with Selan.


I remember he said once that he hates JRPGs, and that people told him to try one once because they told him it was good (it was apparently Lufia 2), and he liked how it started with Maxim and Tia, but then he flipped the table and quit the game after those two broke up and Maxim hooked up with Selan.

But that was the best part of the game!
Anybody who purchased the digital version of Space Cop care to make any comments regarding the video quality/bitrate/resolution?

Can the movie and extras be downloaded an played in your media player of choice? DRM?


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
Anybody who purchased the digital version of Space Cop care to make any comments regarding the video quality/bitrate/resolution?

Can the movie and extras be downloaded an played in your media player of choice? DRM?

Haven't had a chance to watch it yet but I did download it.

The files are DRM free. Everything is a separate video you can stream or download, for a total of 9 video files. (So, for example the commentary video is the movie with commentary track as the only audio option. I used mkvmerge to merge them together into one file with two audio tracks).

I can't speak too much to the video quality in practice without having watched it, but know that the 1080p is a little over 4gbs, which isn't huge for the length. I'd have expected a 1080p file to be closer to 8gb.


Haven't had a chance to watch it yet but I did download it.

The files are DRM free. Everything is a separate video you can stream or download, for a total of 9 video files. (So, for example the commentary video is the movie with commentary track as the only audio option. I used mkvmerge to merge them together into one file with two audio tracks).

I can't speak too much to the video quality in practice without having watched it, but know that the 1080p is a little over 4gbs, which isn't huge for the length. I'd have expected a 1080p file to be closer to 8gb.
If you don't mind asking. Is that hard to do, i would like to do that also.


I enjoyed Space Cop, watched it last night with my wife we are both RLM fans so this was a delight. Think I'll watch it again with the commentary track in a few days.


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
If you don't mind asking. Is that hard to do, i would like to do that also.

It's super simple and doesn't require reencoding video files. I am very familiar with the program, though.

I'll put up a little guide a little later.
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