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Red Letter Media |OT| of Movies, Murderers, and Pizza Rolls

I thought the first one was mildly enjoyable.

The church scene with the motorbike and the jumps in 2 is where that series lost me. Horrible, just horrible.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Even by stupid action movie standards, the Resident Evil series is pretty deplorable. Milla has no charisma, only being there because her husband likes watching her jump around in skin tight leather (you just know he's banging her in the suit). I don't get what the fans see in her, or the movies in general.


In the third resident evil movie there is a scene where you can see cars driving by on a highway, its really far back so its kinda hard to miss.


::dodge bullet:: ::dodge bullet:: ::dodge bullet:: "Oh crap! A slow moving knife! My only weakness! Ha, I survived that... oh no! A flintlock pistol! My other weakness!"


That shower scene blew my mind

Especially that shot where there was no water coming out but they still added the water audio.
The Resident Evil series is astounding to me. They managed to take one of the cheesiest and most terrible plots in all of video games, basically ignore it, and come up with an even worse plot instead.

I just have no idea what they were even thinking, by the third movie they had completely done away with even the bits that were relevant to the games. And in the fourth movie they tried to introduce some elements of the games again, but they chose all of the worst things about them and mixed them with the worst things in the movies.

I heard the new one adds a lot of characters and concepts from the games, but what's even the point now when the terrible OC Alice character takes up most of the screen time anyway.

Hey, you're not lame space...


Heheh, I was absent from this for a month and just now watched the recent fan expo footage. Mike's physical comedy is at its best. I need to go back and find that unenthusiastic photo montage he did at a previous conference.

Fox Mulder

The Resident Evil series is astounding to me. They managed to take one of the cheesiest and most terrible plots in all of video games, basically ignore it, and come up with an even worse plot instead.

I just have no idea what they were even thinking, by the third movie they had completely done away with even the bits that were relevant to the games. And in the fourth movie they tried to introduce some elements of the games again, but they chose all of the worst things about them and mixed them with the worst things in the movies.

I heard the new one adds a lot of characters and concepts from the games, but what's even the point now when the terrible OC Alice character takes up most of the screen time anyway.

I'm amazed these do well enough to keep shitting them out.


This was one of my favorite episodes in a long time. I am a huge fan of Rich's laugh though. I just also love watching these guys tear apart bad movies (and these look BAD).

When they all start losing it during a Wesker teleportation scene, I was losing it too. And when Mike got to the part of his idea where the series would be on the moon and the zombies would wear space helmets and Milla would break the helmets with her swords, I almost pissed my pants.


They should just hook up a camera on rich's face while he watches some terrible movies.

Its kinda crazy though, that the movies have worse stories then the games >.> (Although I guess that always happens, Mario movie!)


So I had a pretty awesome day at work today actually because Rich Evans actually came into the store I work at. At first I wasn't sure it was him, but I asked if he had ever been on the internet, and he said yep he is Rich Evans. It wasn't too surprising, cuz I live in the Milwaukee area which is where they are from, but it was still so cool. He told me he was with Mike and Jay at the restaurant next door. So bummed I couldn't have met them too, but it was still reallly cool to meet Rich.

I shook his hand, and told him I just loved their stuff, and they were all really funny. Loved Rich's laughter during the Resident Evil Marathon, lol. Most people wouldn't know who these guys are I think, but because I get most of my entertainment on the internet, I totally acted like a silly fan.

Anyway, that was the highlight of my day ^_^


So I had a pretty awesome day at work today actually because Rich Evans actually came into the store I work at. At first I wasn't sure it was him, but I asked if he had ever been on the internet, and he said yep he is Rich Evans. It wasn't too surprising, cuz I live in the Milwaukee area which is where they are from, but it was still so cool. He told me he was with Mike and Jay at the restaurant next door. So bummed I couldn't have met them too, but it was still reallly cool to meet Rich.

I shook his hand, and told him I just loved their stuff, and they were all really funny. Loved Rich's laughter during the Resident Evil Marathon, lol. Most people wouldn't know who these guys are I think, but because I get most of my entertainment on the internet, I totally acted like a silly fan.

Anyway, that was the highlight of my day ^_^

You should have asked him for a picture!


y'all should be ashamed
Weakest episode in a while, though that probably has to do with me being indifferent to both films.

I was really interested in both films and also thought it was kinda weak. I'm glad they pointed out Jay was buzzed pretty bad, hah.

Also loved the ending at least. :p


The only thing I don't like about them reviewing new movies is if I haven't seen them yet. I wouldn't care about spoiling Dredd since it looks like a piece of shit. But I'm actually interested in Looper.

Fox Mulder

The only thing I don't like about them reviewing new movies is if I haven't seen them yet. I wouldn't care about spoiling Dredd since it looks like a piece of shit. But I'm actually interested in Looper.

but Dredd isn't a piece of shit, even they say so. It's a great action movie with a simple and functional plot. It bombed in theaters though, and is already getting pulled. My 20 screen theater never even showed it in 3d.
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