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Red Letter Media |OT| of Movies, Murderers, and Pizza Rolls


I just watched Ghostbusters for the first time, followed by the re:view episode

felt pretty good! Without the nostalgia factor i'd still give Ghostbusters a solid 8/10, it's a fun movie


Is it me or was Rich continually trying to take digs at the new Ghostbusters while Mike preferred to play it more diplomatically? lol. In the end it seems they had a relatively healthy outlook for it, especially Mike, unlike most crazies. The thing already has 3.7 on imdb, hah.

IIRC, someone asked Rich in one of the PreRec streams if he was going to see the new Ghostbusters, and he said that he didn't care, that he was probably going to see it because his girlfriend wants to see it, and that if it was up to him he wouldn't bother. He doesn't care to see any movies anymore, but he has no objection to watching movies if someone else wants to drag him along.

He thought the trailer looked bad but... *shrug*, it might be funny. Rich don't care.

You could also tell that he's watched the movie altogether too many times during the part about the Dean line reading.
I just rewatched Ghostbusters a couple days ago because it was on TV (with a bunch of ads for the new movie), and I actually had a bit of trouble understanding what Aykroyd said in that scene, until I did about one repeat of the line in my head and thought "Ah, he said Dean Yeager." I just immediately dismissed it though.

Same with the Thorazine scene. I thought to myself "Well, Peter's a doctor (of sorts), but he wasn't carrying a medical bag. Where'd he get the prescription meds? Doesn't seem like the sort of thing Dana would have lying around (and if she did it would've been too convenient), and he didn't have time to run to the pharmacy." And then I just ignored it as one of those allowances that you give to fiction. I hardly spent two seconds of thought on it. But I should have realized, in this post-Cosby world, that Peter, being a sketchy college-age doctor, brought some "date enhancers" to the party. Although I doubt he would've gotten too rapey, since he declined Zuul-Dana's invitation.


Damn man black really don't crack.


With a shaved beard he even looks better than in 1984, wtf.


IIRC, someone asked Rich in one of the PreRec streams if he was going to see the new Ghostbusters, and he said that he didn't care, that he was probably going to see it because his girlfriend wants to see it, and that if it was up to him he wouldn't bother. He doesn't care to see any movies anymore, but he has no objection to watching movies if someone else wants to drag him along.

He thought the trailer looked bad but... *shrug*, it might be funny. Rich don't care.

I guess that explains why he doesn't show up in HitB too often. :p

The Real Abed

Man, Winston is looking pretty good. They should have gotten him to cameo in the new one. (Or did they?)

I like that the Ghostbusters review ended up being about all three movies and the unmade sequel. Was refreshing. Plus the whole thing about "No judgement until it's out" was nice to hear after all the wacko (Sorry James) reviewers putting their feet down about something they haven't seen yet while trying to reiterate that it's "not because they're women". I would have liked to see a James Rolfe honest review of the new movie. Even if he absolutely hated it, he should have never just outright said no months before it even came out.

Anyway, I loved the WOTW episode too. Especially Mike talking to no one at the beginning, and when Jay disappeared and got replaced with the other guy during the end parts then them all saying the wrong names during the end.


So who were they dissing on the opening. I assume it's just obnoxious you tubers but anything special about it?
The one on the right is Chris Stuckmann. He's an internet movie critic who's also an RLM fanboy and by all appearances is a pretty nice guy.

Chris Stuckmann's Phantom Menace review
Chris Stuckmann's "Plinkett-style" The Force Awakens review

I suspect that RLM was calling him an "asshole youtuber" or "that huge prick" in the same sort of way that we call RLM hack frauds. Mike-sempai and Rich-sempai have finally noticed Chris. Maybe Jay-sempai noticed him too, with the way he was making fun of the mid-sentence editing that Chris (among others) uses.

Jay parodied their sentence splicing editing style in his Ghostbusters trailer video



Early PreRec stream this afternoon.

Early Streaming today at 2:00pmCDT. Rich & Jack will wander into the real world for some Pokemon Go!
Early PreRec stream this afternoon.

Early Streaming today at 2:00pmCDT. Rich & Jack will wander into the real world for some Pokemon Go!

I hope they start at some nondescript location or a well known public location so they don't reveal their own homes or studio to the public.

Just watched the Ghostbusters re:View episode again and have to say it was a step down from the Eraserhead one. I was not a fan of Eraserhead, but they were discussing the film the whole time but in the Ghostbusters talk it was a lot of the remake which neither of them have seen yet.

That discussion should have been saved for the Half in the Bag episode.

The GB2 commentary track was overall a better discussion.


I agree with them about the original Ghostbusters kind of being a perfect storm / happy accident. I'm also happy that they emphasized how well the movie handles the escalation of the ghost crisis - first by starting off very grounded with the library ghost and then progressively ramping it up to Stay Puft.


This is fantastic. The Pokemon rig is a huge success.

edit: or not. the Baby pushchair powered streaming system seems to be experiencing problems. But for a short wonderful moment this was my favorite thing they have ever done!
Oh my god. I just started watching the archive of the stream. I have no interest in Pokemon Go, but this is setup fascinating. Do they eventually show it?

Edit: There's pictures of it on their twitter. Hooooly shit.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Watched the Re:View and really enjoyed it.

I've always thought of Men In Black as sort of the '90s Ghostbusters' very different sense of humor but it always felt like the closest thing to a successful parallel. Replacing ghosts with aliens and going for more of a buddy cop humor than the Ghostbusters stuff but all the cool gadgets and sort of casual approach to these weird, other worldly beings.
Watched the Re:View and really enjoyed it.

I've always thought of Men In Black as sort of the '90s Ghostbusters' very different sense of humor but it always felt like the closest thing to a successful parallel. Replacing ghosts with aliens and going for more of a buddy cop humor than the Ghostbusters stuff but all the cool gadgets and sort of casual approach to these weird, other worldly beings.

Agree with this, it even went though a similar pattern where it's sequel was a disappointment outside of seeing J and K back together.


Every now and then RLM mentions Phil Tippett in their commentaries (Star Wars, Jurassic Park) etc. He's the wizard behind the mechanical prop creatures in Star Wars / Robocop / Jurassic Park. Also he did LSD and designed Jabba the Hut as
a cross between a bear and a potato.

Here's a good video about him by Vice. Really interesting and lots of cool footage.


They put up their really short 40 minute "Pokémon Go! Clusterfuck yourself" stream on YouTube.



Ha, Rich explained the "asshole Youtuber" joke.

Rich was just doing a voice, because they didn't script anything to start the video and Rich felt like he had to do something to break the ice, and then Mike joked that he sounded like a Youtuber. Rich ran with the joke and made it about the red curtains, and then Rich was trying to remember which Youtuber he thought of having red curtains (it was Jeremy Jahns), but he couldn't remember the name, so he quickly improvised it into "that prick" and pretended to hate him. Then Jay (or someone) turned it into a game of "which Youtuber did Rich just call a prick?" The internet answered "Trick question, it's all of them" but the correct answer was "None of them, it was kind of Jeremy Jahns, but Rich likes Jeremy Jahns."


I watched the Ghostbusters last night and absolutely hated it. Just horrendous, IMO. I would say I'm just as fanatical as Mike and Rich

I suspect Mike and Rich will hate it across the board. The spetical of the effects will turn them off. The crude jokes will not land for them-- I rolled my eyes when every lowbrow joke landed with huge laughs with the audience. The villian wasn't interesting-- aren't good heroes made by great villians? That's what makes the hero interesting? cinematography was flat and boring. They may like the chemistry between the busters, but I never felt like their banter reached the original's level of greatness. I think the only thing Mike will enjoy is that it ended and that the originals still exist for him to love and watch... And perhaps a certain cameo by a certain actor that he clearly cares for.

Jay... Yea... It's hard to say what he is going to think. I think it will be more or less along the same lines as Mike, but maybe a bit more forgiving.

I enjoy GB2 and have never understood the hate that film gets. I would like the believe that they will both have a greater appreciation for that film now, but I won't hold my breath. I suspect that they will say despite all its flaws, at least the reboot attempted to do something different.

I want to see a Plinkett review of this and if Mike feels the way I do about it, I fully expect to see one after The Force Awakens.
This Pokemon Go thing is hilarious. I love that they streamed it.

I was around the lakefront the other day too, would've been hilarious to walk upon this.


This one struck me as really odd considering the villains in the previous Ghostbusters movies.

Good review, though.

Gozar was interesting just because of the nature of him. A God from another dimension that visits Earth occasionally to destroy civilization. Ivo Shandor and his Gozar cult constructing the apartment building to channel the spiritual energy. Zuul and Vince acting as key master and gatekeeper to the coming of Gozar. All of it coming to a head with a giant marshmallow man. There was a lot of stuff going on there that all seemed interesting.

Vigo was just a hateful and spiteful man looking to return to spread evil across the world. His background in Carpathia seemed dark and twisted. A tyrant and powerful magician that learned dark witchcraft to extend his life while inflicting pain on others. People find the likes of Saddam, Hitler, and Stalin facinating, yet cruel. Granted, they didn't dive too deeply into his motivations and how he became such a twisted monster, but he was quite menacing.

Rowan just seemed burned at the world for reasons never quite explained. Regardless, an outcast with a chip on their shoulder isn't that interesting. He seemed like more of a mass shooter type with a mental problem, rather than a powerful personality that could rally people to his cause or suppress people with his fear.

The neat thing about the video game is that they sort of retcon Vigo and the river of slime aspect. According to the game, the slime rivers were created by Ivo Shandor and his followers to help amplify the psychokinetic energy to draw Gozar back to Earth. Vigo just happened to be in the right place at the right time to take advantage of this slime network.


Ughhhhhhhh. At least Mike was being rational. Even if the trailers for GB sucked, wait to be personally offended until you've seen the movie. Only thing that irked me was when he mocked the "women should be able to have fictional occupations too" thing. Motherfucker, it's a movie. That kind of hand waving of criticism reflects an oblivious double standard. Even if a job doesn't exist, if only men are doing it it still has symbolic importance.

Sure, it's a cash grab. That's not the reason most men are angry.

The Real Abed

I really am looking forward to them reviewing it indeed. It's such a polarizing film. I won't even wait to see it before I see the review either. Hell I might just go home and watch Brad Jones' Midnight review of it that he just put up a few hours ago.

Personally I think James should see it just so he can make a review of it. It'd get so many views. It's basically printing money for him. It's silly to write it off but whatever.


The Pokey-man stream was hilariously awkward. I never "got" the original GB games when they first arrived and I feel the same about the Go app (too old, man), but I live vicariously through Rich Evans so that experience was enough for me!


Personally I think James should see it just so he can make a review of it. It'd get so many views. It's basically printing money for him. It's silly to write it off but whatever.
I get why James Rolfe doesn't want to watch the new Ghostbusters. Just the other day at work, someone was commenting to me how they found it morbid that Ghostbusters 3 was stuck in development limbo for decades, and then it gets rebooted right after Harold Ramis dies. It's like... they only approved it because he died, because Hollywood is fucked up. That's sort of the tone I got from James' rant, and I get it.

Everybody has these movies that bother them (for me it's Bayformers), and you watch them and they're terrible, just like you knew they would be, and you ask yourself how Hollywood can keep on doing it, and then you realize that you're part of the problem because you watched it. And then you think "maybe it will stop if I just look away" (as James advised others to do), but then you try staying away and nothing changes, and your faith in humanity is destroyed just a little bit more.

James is currently at that point where he's covering his eyes and trying not to look. If he peeks, it will ruin his attempt. He needs to follow through, and then see how futile it is, and then lose faith in humanity.

Although I suppose with the storm in a teacup that erupted around James after he took this stance (because obviously he hates women), this movie doesn't fit the formula, and he should give up and try it again with a different movie. Maybe he should give in to the pressure, watch the movie, and then make a gigantic rant about how terrible it was.



Something Rich mentioned in the Mighty No 9 stream, which he repeated in this Pre Rec (I had assumed he would have looked into the situation a little more before repeating it), is that he feels that Inafune was only ever obligated to deliver an ugly-as-shit $900,000 game, since that was the Kickstarter minimum, and breaking $4,000,000 means "Profit. Inafune is allowed to profit." But that's actually wrong.

The Kickstarter says that $900,000 is the minimum bar needed for them to deliver a "triple-A" PS3/X360/WiiU-era 2.5D sidescroller. Although the budget for that isn't exactly $900,000, because Inafune/Inticreates are supposedly capable of self-funding a game like that, and they would be contributing in a bunch of their own money, so the Kickstarter money is just a partnership sort of thing. And it specifically says that anything raised beyond the $900k minimum would go directly into inflating the budget for the game, minus whatever it costs to make the stretch goals, with the stretch goals being yet another confirmation that the budget of the game should be way higher than $900k.

Rich suggesting that Inafune is allowed to deliver a $900k game and pocket the remaining $3.1 million, is essentially Rich endorsing Inafune stealing the Kickstarter money and running away with it.

As for "Inafune is allowed to profit", part of that budget includes Inafune paying himself (which is apparently part of why some labor-of-love indie games can look so good for so cheap, because it was unpaid work that consumed all of someone's free time), and after a successful crowdfunded game, the creator owns a successful IP and is allowed to generate more sales by pushing the game into Walmart and Steam or whatever. Crowdfunding lowers the potential market for your game (by milking your hardcore fans dry well in advance), but it also lowers the risk of making your game (by letting your hardcore fans absorb the brunt of those risks).
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