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Red Letter Media |OT| of Movies, Murderers, and Pizza Rolls


That was a really good HitB episode. I've watched it twice, which is rare for a movie I haven't seen yet.

I'm not really familiar with RLM reviews. Are they reputed to be unbiased and honest to goodness reviewers?

Their taste can be questionable sometimes (mainly because Mike loves schlock) but the reviews are usually honest, informative and filled with hilarious moments.
I'm not really familiar with RLM reviews. Are they reputed to be unbiased and honest to goodness reviewers?

I'm sure they have some biases but they have their opinion, they give it without giving a fuck what reactions are and they explain and back up what they think.
That was harsh.
Too bad, was getting curious with the commotion going around, but with the all the Sandler comparison I don't think this movie worth satisfying my curiosity.

I'm not really familiar with RLM reviews. Are they reputed to be unbiased and honest to goodness reviewers?
They definitely have biases, but oppose to every other movie reviewer I've seen, their opinions are normally backed with well thought arguments.
I'm not really familiar with RLM reviews. Are they reputed to be unbiased and honest to goodness reviewers?

Some of the best in the industry and they often don't completely agree and go to town unless it's a truly awful film the last time they did this was pixels. They watch a shit load of movies from direct to dumpster schlock to art house
I'm not really familiar with RLM reviews. Are they reputed to be unbiased and honest to goodness reviewers?
There's no such thing as an unbiased reviewer.

The RLM crew at least is self-aware of theirs and are able to back up their opinions with decent arguments.
Every now and then a special HitB comes around. This is one of those times. I couldnt contain my laughter two or three times while watching this one.


I'm not really familiar with RLM reviews. Are they reputed to be unbiased and honest to goodness reviewers?

Just watch Mr Plinkett's 90-minute Phantom Menace review. It's like the most definitive review of anything ever.

Then watch Half in the Bag's "Jack and Jill" review. It seems to have been pretty much the tipping point where everyone got onto the same page that Adam Sandler is a lazy con-man.

Then watch them review something they like, like their initial re:View episode, Tremors.

I don't get the joke.
Helmsworth asked (in his job interview) if he could bring "my cat" to work with him. They say he can't bring cats to work with him. But then he says he never said anything about cats. He asked if he could bring "Mike Hat" to work with him (because "my cat" and "Mike Hat" are pronounced almost exactly the same). Mike Hat is the name of his dog.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
When I saw the reviews for Ghostbusters and the people around here(not this thread) going 'See?! See?!' I kind of had the same suspicion I did when Jurassic World got good reviews. That people were just dying for a good new Jurassic Park movie and let the hype cycle cloud their judgement.

The humor is so unfunny and erratic it's completely nonsensical. Fucking every 'gag' with Hemsworth or Jones fell on their face with how cornball and blatant they were.
Just watch Mr Plinkett's 90-minute Phantom Menace review. It's like the most definitive review of anything ever.

Then watch Half in the Bag's "Jack and Jill" review. It seems to have been pretty much the tipping point where everyone got onto the same page that Adam Sandler is a lazy con-man.

Then watch them review something they like, like their initial re:View episode, Tremors.

Helmsworth asked (in his job interview) if he could bring "my cat" to work with him. They say he can't bring cats to work with him. But then he says he never said anything about cats. He asked if he could bring "Mike Hat" to work with him (because "my cat" and "Mike Hat" are pronounced almost exactly the same). Mike Hat is the name of his dog.

He has a dog called Mike Hat, they think he says my cat.

I get that part but why is that supposed to be funny is what I don't get. I had the same problem with The Simpsons' Spider Pig joke.


Where do these guys live? It would be so fun to go see a movie and shoot the shit with them lol

It's never going to happen :(


Where do these guys live? It would be so fun to go see a movie and shoot the shit with them lol

It's never going to happen :(

Don't take my word for it but somehow I doubt the whole "Hey guys I'm your biggest fan can we be like real friends and hang out?" thing is going to go real well, but I know what you mean :-3

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Also, if Chris Helmsworth is anything like he is in that movie as an actual person with his 'sense of humor'

He might be the lamest mother fucker on the planet. I actively despised that fucking character and I already couldn't stand when they had him try to do the lame little jokes as Thor.


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
I get that part but why is that supposed to be funny is what I don't get. I had the same problem with The Simpsons' Spider Pig joke.

It's a dog but they think he is talking about a cat. Dogs aren't cats. It's hilarious when you think about it.
Just be glad the dog wasn't called Mike Hunt


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
I get that part but why is that supposed to be funny is what I don't get. I had the same problem with The Simpsons' Spider Pig joke.

Those are fundamentally two different types of jokes, though.

Mike Hat sounds like "My Cat." The joke is that it sounds like he's asking to bring his cat to work, a request they shoot down because they don't want a cat around. He's confused because he never mentioned anything about a cat, revealing that his dog has the name "Mike Hat." The misunderstanding is the joke. I'll add here that I haven't seen the movie, so I don't know exactly how this joke is delivered but it sounds like it would have been better if they actually played it out, with Hemsworth asking for permission for Mike Hat, being told "no cats," and then showing up to work the next day with his dog. If they didn't do that, then they really, really missed a basic opportunity to make it a complete joke instead of a weird non-sequitur.

Spider-pig as a joke exclusively leverages familiarity with a pop culture reference as the joke. "Look how silly it is that the Spider-Man theme song has been repurposed for an animal' is the joke. It's not even a setup for a better joke where Homer sings the Batman theme song for his pet bat, Bat-Bat nananananananana Bat-Bat.
Also, if Chris Helmsworth is anything like he is in that movie as an actual person with his 'sense of humor'

He might be the lamest mother fucker on the planet. I actively despised that fucking character and I already couldn't stand when they had him try to do the lame little jokes as Thor.
I'm sure he's a fine human being.

Improv acting/comedy obviously isn't for him though.
Isn't the entire gag that a good-looking and serious-ish actor is portraying a total loon?

Sort of like Tom Cruise in Tropic Thunder but without the jokes?

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
If you are gonna watch a RLM review for the first time I would suggest their Half in the Bag episode for Jack and Jill over their 90 minute review of The Phantom Menace. It's more easily digestible and it's a better example of the type of discussions their reviews encompass.
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