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Red Letter Media |OT| of Movies, Murderers, and Pizza Rolls


Bleh, what a disappointment that was. Some good parts marred by weirdly unprofessional points and arguments that sometimes contradict. Im okay with some padding but 55 minutes to get to the actual review was a bit much.
Hopefully now, people will stop asking for Plinkett reviews and watch their better stuff.

Like I've argued, this is their Springtime for Hitler. Whether it actually works where Springtime for Hitler did not is up in the air.

Or maybe they just sucked because TFA isn't a good movie for a Plinkett review and all of the points made (save for really weird ones) had been done to death already


Haven't watched it yet, but i am not that surprised.
The major problem of TFA in the first place is how much of a safe retelling of ANH (point for point) it is, and then factor in that Mike even liked it, probably more than most.
Although they did positive reviews like Star Trek and Titanic, in the first case there was probably a bit more to talk about, because it was a bigger departure, and in the second case, it was clearly a movie that was close to Mike' heart.

Anything really controversial about TFA beyond the copy/paste job, is just internet idiots getting "triggered" by female and black protagonists, which isn't worth a review.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
TFA over the Matrix trilogy seemed like a huge waste.

The movie's so boringly inoffensive or exceptional that what exactly are you going to rip on it for?


Out of curiosity was it ever suggested that they would do a Plinkett review of Matrix? It seems like a popular thing for people to bring up and it definitely seems like it'd be fit for a detailed breakdown.


Out of curiosity was it ever suggested that they would do a Plinkett review of Matrix? It seems like a popular thing for people to bring up and it definitely seems like it'd be fit for a detailed breakdown.

In one of the other Plinkett reviews he talks about all of the other movies he has to review and I remember the Matrix movies prominently appearing on screen. While I'd watch a review of the Matrix trilogy by Plinkett, I don't think either of the Matrix sequels are remotely as bad as the Star Wars prequels or Indiana Jones 4 (I think they get over-hated, personally). So I don't think they'd make the best reviews.

Now, a Plinkett review of the Hobbit Trilogy would be something
Looking back at the original teaser with "The Emperor" it's obvious Mike was hinting at taking on Prequel apologist. It's too bad he didn't just make it a separate video to lead into TFA. It's also too bad he didn't wait to reply specifically to that "The Prequels Strike Back" documentary that just came out. You can see he wanted to specifically go after the ring theory, but it was not an interesting subject.

As far as TFA review itself goes, anyone who saw the Half in the Bag review would know this wouldn't have the bite the original Plinkett reviews had. Mike should have done an Into Darkness review a couple of years ago.


Into Darkness should definitely be the next one reviewed

Honestly his little line about Into Darkness in the Episode 7 review makes me a little hesitant to want a Plinkett Into Darkness review. It sounds like Mike is firmly in the "it's a Wrath of Khan remake" camp even though the two movies are pretty different aside from literally one scene in the movie.


Honestly his little line about Into Darkness in the Episode 7 review makes me a little hesitant to want a Plinkett Into Darkness review. It sounds like Mike is firmly in the "it's a Wrath of Khan remake" camp even though the two movies are pretty different aside from literally one scene in the movie.
Yeah, Into Darkness has plenty of problems (but I still really liked it), but that's the one common complaint that doesn't hold any water. In fact, it's a lot easier to break down than even the "TFA is a retread of ANH" argument. I was disappointed when he said that.


I'm pretty sure the first 55 minutes was him beating to death the stupid ass "At least the prequels TRIED to be different!" argument that has become prevalent since the release of TFA.

It was long winded, but god damn if someone ever brings up that bullshit argument at least I have this video to link to.
They should have cut the ring theory shit because it was completely fucking boring. And they should have rolled the part where they shoot down the pro-prequel revisionism into a segment contrasting it with what TFA does right.

The gags were good, but the analysis was really too bloated and unfocused. The actual good points didn't need to be hammered in that much, let alone mentioned when it came to the ring thing. The first part was great, but during the ring theory all I was thinking was ,,what does this have to do with anything?".

In one of the other Plinkett reviews he talks about all of the other movies he has to review and I remember the Matrix movies prominently appearing on screen. While I'd watch a review of the Matrix trilogy by Plinkett, I don't think either of the Matrix sequels are remotely as bad as the Star Wars prequels or Indiana Jones 4 (I think they get over-hated, personally). So I don't think they'd make the best reviews.

Matrix 1 also didn't age all that well.


Subete no aware
Honestly his little line about Into Darkness in the Episode 7 review makes me a little hesitant to want a Plinkett Into Darkness review. It sounds like Mike is firmly in the "it's a Wrath of Khan remake" camp even though the two movies are pretty different aside from literally one scene in the movie.
Their problem is that it uses Khan for no reason other than because it's a reference to the older film. It doesn't make sense why it's Khan, other than the fact that people know who Khan is instead of whatever the villain from ST Beyond is called.

East Lake

Thought the review was fine. Ultimately it wasn't going to be similar because the prequels were so ridiculous the material was fun to pick apart, where TFA's biggest crime is playing it safe.


you can't put a price on sparks
Honestly his little line about Into Darkness in the Episode 7 review makes me a little hesitant to want a Plinkett Into Darkness review. It sounds like Mike is firmly in the "it's a Wrath of Khan remake" camp even though the two movies are pretty different aside from literally one scene in the movie.

i agree with you but at the same time... it kind of is a remake. way too much pandering in that movie.
Thought the review was fine. Ultimately it wasn't going to be similar because the prequels were so ridiculous the material was fun to pick apart, where TFA's biggest crime is playing it safe.

That's the thing though, if TFA plays it safe, why even bother? I think the Ring Theory thing could have been a fine video on its own - don't even market it as a TFA video really - but for some reason, they felt it important that the video stretch things a whole lot, and retread things discussed to death. I would have much rather seen them do either a kid's movie again, or do something off-script, like Titanic or Avatar.

East Lake

The ring theory stuff wasn't all that interesting to me.

I'd also rather see something else but I do think there's some value in pointing out what "safe" is, why the decisions are made, and ultimately why it's sort of a degrading way to approach a movie. Maybe not prime plinkett material but I was ok with it.


I said it in the other thread: Plinkett needs to review the current crop of DC movies. They are gonna become the prequels of this decade when the dust has settled down.
Oh god yes I would love this.

TFA is an odd choice but I guess he's the Star Wars reviewer guy now, they probably got 900k requests.
The ring theory stuff wasn't all that interesting to me.

I'd also rather see something else but I do think there's some value in pointing out what "safe" is, why the decisions are made, and ultimately why it's sort of a degrading way to approach a movie. Maybe not prime plinkett material but I was ok with it.

Yeah, but the issue is that they already talked about how safe it was. It's just retreading old ground in an old character.
I said it in the other thread: Plinkett needs to review the current crop of DC movies. They are gonna become the prequels of this decade when the dust has settled down.

They aren't that bad, are they? Last one I've seen that I can think of was Dark Knight Rises and it wasn't thaaaat bad.


They aren't that bad, are they? Last one I've seen that I can think of was Dark Knight Rises and it wasn't thaaaat bad.
DKR was pretty bad...

But he means the burning garbage pile that is the current universe, Man of Steel, Batman 5 Superman and Suicide Squad. They're very much like the prequels in the way they are poorly conceptualised and fail basic filmmaking rules, are thematic and structural messes, and are so clearly a massive missed opportunity.


DKR was pretty bad...

But he means the burning garbage pile that is the current universe, Man of Steel, Batman 5 Superman and Suicide Squad. They're very much like the prequels in the way they are poorly conceptualised and fail basic filmmaking rules, are thematic and structural messes, and are so clearly a massive missed opportunity.
I feel that Man of Steel or the DC universe in general would be a perfect subject for a Plinkett-level takedown! I just don't think Mike is very interested in any of that stuff like he is with Sci-Fi, so I don't know if they'd actually do anything. Have Rich help him and maybe they could get something great. There's more to talk about than all of their HITB's on those.

Dark Knight Rises is certainly a step down from its predecessors but I think it'd be a waste of effort to review because it's pretty harmless.
I'd like a Plinkett review on a subject he's passionate about, not pandering to get views. Asking him to do DC films would fit right into the video on folks asking to review The Matrix sequels, Dragon Ball Z movies, and The Hobbit.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
The sad thing is, at the end of the day I can go back to any other Plinkett if I just want something to play in the background and laugh at.

But not this one.

At least Auralnauts' Star Wars Ep. V will be out soonish. I can still look forward to that for my dumb Star Wars humor.


I haven't seen it. I'll smoke dank weed and watch it Friday.

I just never really figured why the hell he'd do it? He seemed to like TFA. Also the other Star Wars Plinkett reviews came out so much after the fact that this one coming out so fast just makes it seem like a cat grab.
That's the question though yeah, what movies does Mike get passionate about?

I think this may be part of why Re:View exists - it allows him to talk about movies that he's not passionate about enough to do huge productions over, but cares about/is interested in enough to talk about them.


This is really weird, Rich is looking straight at Josh for the past few minutes while he talks to him, and it looks Josh is REALLY huge, like a giant. Maybe that's why they call him the wizard, cause right now he looks like how big Gandalf was next to Frodo.

It's a different camera, as just shown on RLM talkshow stream.

edit: aww, Terry Jones dementia talk. :(
(in a decent manner though)

edit: Jay on ISHTAR! It's happening!
him talking about it that is. Also he doesn't think it's terrible, it was just a joke. Noooo
Did they respond to any criticisms of the TFA review?

Not that I heard, but I didn't see the entire thing. More like half to 75%, of which most was at the end. That first game with the 'curvy robot' priced at 15 bucks can go to hell though. Like, really, that's what games are now? Rich is convinced it's meant as a joke, but personally I'm not so sure.


Did they respond to any criticisms of the TFA review?

Jack hasn't seen the latest Plinkett review. He got 15-30 minutes into it and then he got bored so he stopped watching and did something else. He couldn't understand or follow what was going on in regards to Ring Theory, and he didn't think Mr Plinkett should be commenting on these other people's crazy views of the Prequel Trilogy because these other people are trash and Jack doesn't want to hear from them, not even secondhand through Mr Plinkett.

Rich Evans says "Eh, whatever". Mike wanted to go in-depth and destroy a crazy theory, so he went in-depth and destroyed a crazy theory. Mr Plinkett is whatever Mike feels like doing. BTW, Rich hasn't seen the final version of the Plinkett review, Mike showed him a rough-cut of it several months ago and Rich half-remembers what was in the rough-cut.

Jack saw an article online complaining that we had to wait so long for something underwhelming, and Jack dismisses the notion that the wait has anything to do with anything.

Jay wandered in and he apparently saw the same article that Jack did. Jay LOLed because the article claimed that previous Plinkett reviews were timely.

"Star Trek Generations is the stupidest movie ever made. It ruined everything. And not just Star Trek movies, but everything. Why made a video review of this movie after it's been out for like 14 years? Well the truth is I've got nothing better to do."

Rich says he wouldn't review The Force Awakens. It was fine. Not great, not bad. It was fine. Whatever. Who cares? Guardians of the Galaxy was more fun than TFA and it's ending was worse than TFA, so there are two more reasons to talk about GotG right there.
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