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Red Letter Media |OT| of Movies, Murderers, and Pizza Rolls

Wow, I'm surprised they liked Skyfall. I mean, I liked it too, I just had a bad feeling they'd get hung up on the plot nonsense. Suppose not.

This was one of the reasons I stopped watching the Spooney Experiment vblog movie reviews. Way too much of the focus was purely on plot and sometimes his complaints were caused by simply missing things that were in the movie. Sometimes the nit-picking could be funny (loved the Amazing Spiderman one he did) but overall it put me off.

I guess I can be more forgiving of plot nonsense sometimes (Tron Legacy was dumb, but I still had fun with it), but sometimes people go a little overboard.
ya RLM really knows what to focus on and what not to. plot not picking had a point to make in the star wars reviews because it emphasised the total lack of effort put into the film generally, but they usually know what type of film is supposed to do what and criticize them accordingly.


It seems like they expected people to believe they'd get hung-up on the nitpicking stuff, with the "Skyfail" talk.

I think it's a little unfair to excuse Skyfall's ridiculous plot just becase any other number of pre-Craig Bond movies were also ridiculous. I thought that the point of the reboot was to make things a bit more grounded. I haven't seen Casino Royale or Quantum of Solace, but this movie seems to be veering hard into the land of silliness.

Clearly if you had no problem with Pierce Bronson surfing on a tsunami then you shouldn't complain about all the hacker nonsense in Skyfall....but plenty of people did have a problem with tsunami-surfing.

If Star Wars Episode 7 comes out and is full of camp bullshit and kiddie-pandering, you can't simply excuse that by playing a bunch of Jar-Jar clips to point out how Star Wars has always been a campy kids' movie.

Davey Cakes

I was debating whether or not to watch this review before seeing Skyfall. I'm glad I waited. Saw Skyfall earlier today and watched the review a little while ago.

Another good one. The first part was funny and sarcastic. I'm glad the entire review wasn't like that though. The "skit" bits were enjoyable too, with Plinkett's senility.

Now I'm holding out patiently for the new actual Plinkett review!

Don't watch until you've seen the film.
Yeah, this. The review is beneficial to watch after seeing the movie, in more ways than one. The "Skyfail" stuff is more enjoyable when you know what they're talking about.


I think it's a little unfair to excuse Skyfall's ridiculous plot just becase any other number of pre-Craig Bond movies were also ridiculous. I thought that the point of the reboot was to make things a bit more grounded. I haven't seen Casino Royale or Quantum of Solace, but this movie seems to be veering hard into the land of silliness.

Clearly if you had no problem with Pierce Bronson surfing on a tsunami then you shouldn't complain about all the hacker nonsense in Skyfall....but plenty of people did have a problem with tsunami-surfing.

If Star Wars Episode 7 comes out and is full of camp bullshit and kiddie-pandering, you can't simply excuse that by playing a bunch of Jar-Jar clips to point out how Star Wars has always been a campy kids' movie.

Most of the complaints I've seen about Skyfall feel asinine or silly though, which I think is the big point they were making. If the plot without holes? I'm sure it's not. But you'd be hard pressed any story, let alone any Bond film, that didn't have any. But Skyfall seems be plagued with criticisms that cater to a subset of viewers that just enjoy nitpicking.
Twilight Breaking Dawn 2 is the 1,002 worst film ever made. I haven't been this disappointed since the birth of my son. Leave a comment in this webzone if you want a pizza roll.
They did a Half in the Bag for the new Twilight movie if anyone cares.

They cranked this one out in a hurry. It's only been 6 days since the Skyfall one came out. I loved it because this is one of those movies where they are absolutely, 100%, unequivocally right about everything they are saying, even their cynical edge. The Twilight movies are crispy fried puke right down to the fucking bone marrow.


I feel like I should watch these terrible movies just to get what they are saying about them.

Haven't even touched any of the Twilight movies.
Holy shit that Twilight ending sounds like hot bullshit.

My sister (a fan) talked to me about the latest movie. Apparently in the book,
the fight doesn't happen at all. They just run out into this field, have a discussion, and go home. So when the fight starts and all these characters start dying, the audience is going nuts. My sister said people started to get riled up in the theater, losing their goddamn minds as whoever gets eaten by wolves or something. Then the fakeout is revealed and it's just like the book again.

I have to admit. That's a pretty funny way to screw with a fanbase that's so emotionally attached to the series. Mike and Jay's theory that the crew were snickering behind the cameras the whole time makes a lot of sense.

The Real Abed

That Guy With the Glasses just did a review too in the debut of their new series "Sibling Rivalry". It was pretty good too and they talked about the
bullshit ending
which blew my mind. I didn't realize it was a
dream cop out until they explained it. (Somehow missed that during RLM's review.) "This is what will happen to you if you don't turn around now." "Okay. Bye." WTF? I know it's completely made up for the movie and isn't in the book but if I were a Twilight fan I'd be pretty confused and pissed off now. They needed to put some action in the movie because the books were so boring? Is that how it was? Studio says "the book will make a terrible movie, but we want the money anyway, so put some epic finale in there."

It's the 9th season of Dallas, or the entirety of Super Mario Bros 2, or the climax to the movie NEXT starring Nicholas Cage, or that Y2K episode of Family Guy, or the entirety of Roseanne. But mainly NEXT.

You can tell they wanted to get this one out fast because there was no Plinkett stuff at all in it. They were just there with absolutely no filler. I kinda liked it, but will be happy to have the filler back next time. (I love their purposely bad acting) I'm just glad they tackled this movie even though they never touched any of the others. But I think it would have been better if they just did an entire Plinkett review of the whole series in one long 80-minute review. It would be glorious... but then they'd have to actually watch Twilight so, I'll take what we can get.

Edit: Spoiled just in case someone actually was interested in the movie.


My sister (a fan) talked to me about the latest movie. Apparently in the book,
the fight doesn't happen at all. They just run out into this field, have a discussion, and go home. So when the fight starts and all these characters start dying, the audience is going nuts. My sister said people started to get riled up in the theater, losing their goddamn minds as whoever gets eaten by wolves or something. Then the fakeout is revealed and it's just like the book again.

I have to admit. That's a pretty funny way to screw with a fanbase that's so emotionally attached to the series. Mike and Jay's theory that the crew were snickering behind the cameras the whole time makes a lot of sense.

It's a good thing they did it then, as they said,
if they all just showed up and went home the whole movie sounds like it would've been hilariously pointless. So it sounds like they were at least having fun with the fight scene.

The Real Abed

It's a good thing they did it then, as they said,
if they all just showed up and went home the whole movie sounds like it would've been hilariously pointless. So it sounds like they were at least having fun with the fight scene.
And then they rewind it all and press the reset button so everyone who died can still come back in the next book/movie,
which there will probably most definitely be because Stephanie Meyer likes money and Twilight fans like schlock.
My sister (a fan) talked to me about the latest movie. Apparently in the book,
the fight doesn't happen at all. They just run out into this field, have a discussion, and go home. So when the fight starts and all these characters start dying, the audience is going nuts. My sister said people started to get riled up in the theater, losing their goddamn minds as whoever gets eaten by wolves or something. Then the fakeout is revealed and it's just like the book again.

I have to admit. That's a pretty funny way to screw with a fanbase that's so emotionally attached to the series. Mike and Jay's theory that the crew were snickering behind the cameras the whole time makes a lot of sense.

the whole time I was thinking it was sort of interesting they had the balls to kill those characters, but it was just a bs premonition. Can you imagine what bullshit it would have been if they had just stood there and talked?
I wish I could have seen nuttymadam's reaction. In any case, I feel it's a slap in the face of the viewer that they took it back.

I said it in the other thread, but I'll say it here too. Being a vampire in Twilight must be so boring. They rarely use their powers, most of the time can't take part in history/society because they must hide, they can't sleep (I wonder what they do when they run out of things to do), they don't even drink human blood (so tame), most of what they do is stand around and talk, immortality like that doesn't seem worth it. Bella went from an utterly ordinary human to an utterly ordinary vampire, it's not like society will ever know how special she thinks she is anyways :p


WTF? I know it's completely made up for the movie and isn't in the book but if I were a Twilight fan I'd be pretty confused and pissed off now. They needed to put some action in the movie because the books were so boring? Is that how it was? Studio says "the book will make a terrible movie, but we want the money anyway, so put some epic finale in there."

Actually, the studio says "this fragment of a book will make a terrible movie, but we want the money anyway".

Remember, the logic from a few years ago said that a book-turned-movie had to present a solid and complete movie-style story in every movie. Tolkien decided long ago that LOTR could work as three books, so logically the movies had to be presented as three movies. Even if they were each three hours long (four or five or six hours long after the director's cuts), and neglected important details.

The Harry Potter movies were similarly grinding against the compromise of being too long (in excess of two hours) while also neglecting important details.

The Twilight movies have all pretty evenly clocked in at around two hours, and I don't think they were crushed down to that time, because (from what I've unfortunately seen) they're boring as shit.

Then for the final Potter movie, they realized that yes, you can slap a "to be continued" sign at the end of a movie and continue it in a second movie, provided you have enough action and plot and pacing to put together two passable movie experiences. It was a serious risk when they proposed that idea, but the studios quickly realized "that means... OMG... DOUBLE MONEY!" Then it stopped being a risk.

The Twilight producers are totally in favor of the "double money" idea, even though their books can't fill single movies.
I love HITB but I didn't really get much out of this one.

Maybe it's because I've watched 3 (?) of the Rifftrax on the Twilight flicks.


Rodent Whores
Plinkett is an academic review, so you need to watch a movie first to get the full effect of it. Siskel & Ebert is a journalistic review, so it's almost useless after you've seen the movie.

Don't Ebert's reviews spoil story elements all the time? I seem to remember that this was one of the reasons I don't read them anymore.


Don't Ebert's reviews spoil story elements all the time? I seem to remember that this was one of the reasons I don't read them anymore.

I don't know. I only ever watched Siskel & Ebert on TV because it was on at a convenient time. That was several years ago though.

In theory, he shouldn't be doing that.


Rodent Whores
They drink animal blood because they're good vegan vampires. That's what I mean by being utterly ordinary amongst other vampires. They just stay in their home staring at each other for eternity.

Animal blood, huh? Humans are animals too. It's just a conscious choice to not feed on humans? Kinda lame.


If the poster is the actual movie and not a trick, it seems to be Double Team. Just flip it over.

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