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Red Letter Media |OT| of Movies, Murderers, and Pizza Rolls


I watched the beginning of Last Crusade the other night. Was it a Plinkett review that talked about how goofy it was that Indy would get his hat, use a whip, and become afraid of snakes all in the same day? I feel like it was in a review, but it's no where in the Indy 4 one.
They aren't. Just saying a good movie will immerse you regardless of the fluff surrounding it.

Exactly. Magic Mike is a prime example of this. The lead actors are bad, the script is paltry, but the wry direction of Soderberg, his interesting framing and cinematography, and a raucous performance by Mathew McConaughey elevate the movie to something fun and special than it has any right being; see also Silver Linings Playbook, a movie that somehow transcends itself.


They aren't. Just saying a good movie will immerse you regardless of the fluff surrounding it.

Sure, but i don't think anyone in the history of cinema has every negated that.
I just don't think adopting these technologies will necessarily imply devoting all your creative interest to them, disregarding everything that makes a film good, just because the movies pioneering these techniques are mediocre or shitty.

Sounds like a strawman they're building.
Yes, some people not that interested in the medium will go on and spew some hyperbole on the latest gimmick or technology, but that happens every fucking time for every fucking thing, it's not even worth taking into consideration.

Exactly. Magic Mike is a prime example of this. The lead actors are bad, the script is paltry, but the wry direction of Soderberg, his interesting framing and cinematography, and a raucous performance by Mathew McConaughey elevate the movie to something fun and special than it has any right being; see also Silver Linings Playbook, a movie that somehow transcends itself.

That doesn't even address the issue (nor does it make sense).
Acting and script are "gimmicks" a good film can easily do without? Aren't we talking about 48fps and 3d?
Because a format that only allows a small part of the theater to get a great experience is crap.

I'm pretty sure any experience at that seat would be crap.

But I'm also pretty sure HFR is also crap so . . . I'd like them to have a second viewing just to affirm their current opinion on it in ideal situations so those who disagree can only say "well, they just didn't like it" instead of leaving the whole thing open for debate.

(If they see it again and like it, that is ok too, I guess; I just don't expect it to happen.)

Davey Cakes

When they said they were in the front corner, that was a bit of a red flag that told me to enjoy their opinion but to also take it with a grain of salt. I agree that those seats are terrible no matter what.
I had to bump this to vent my nerd rage somewhere. I was check up on Dr McNinja author Chris Hastings twitter feed to find out why the hell he's completely failed to update on time for the last couple months and was treated to this post by Ryan North:

It feels crazy that I have to say this, but I would pay good money for a version of Red Letter Media’s reviews that didn’t feature all those added scenes where, you know women get kidnapped and murdered.

It’s like you sit down in front of these feature-length reviews of Star Wars and Star Trek films and you think, hey, wow! Here is some really well-thought-out commentary on the structure and content of narratives that’s incredibly entertaining, insightful AND funny, I’m gonna share this with my mothe— oh wait, no, here’s a scene where we watch the reviewer gas a kidnapped woman to death and here’s one where a prostitute tied up in the basement begs for her life and here’s one where he shows us how he murdered his wife.

There’s some great filmic insights here, all baked together with scenes of women (it’s always women) about to be murdered that do absolutely nothing except to maybe make you laugh? Because look that one woman is begging that her life be spared and saying she’ll do anything! Hah hah hah that IS a good one!!

It’s so frustrating because the actual review parts verge on brilliant, and I keep thinking “oh, they’ll definitely cut out the violence towards women played for laughs in the next video” but noooooooooooope.

tl;dr: internet, what is wrong with you

Someone doesn't get dark comedy.
I also wonder if he saw the bits where Nadine comes back to exact her revenge on Plinkett before they kind of retired Stoklasa's version of the character for a good while.

Half in the Bag doesn't have any of that stuff. Evans' Plinkett is more of just a weird old man than a creepy homicidal murderer.

I dunno, it kind of made me a little uncomfortable for a little while but I think the guys at RLM realized how kind of over the top it got in the Attack of the Clones review and it was subsequently dialed back a fair bit.

The Na'vi bit in the Titanic review was just so absurd I couldn't help but laugh.


I had to bump this to vent my nerd rage somewhere. I was check up on Dr McNinja author Chris Hastings twitter feed to find out why the hell he's completely failed to update on time for the last couple months and was treated to this post by Ryan North:

Someone doesn't get dark comedy.

The level of idiocy of his "critique" is so abysmal that i am shocked he's the author of those dinosaur comics.
I have read only a bunch of them, but they were pretty decent.
If the only thing he can see is "They're showing a woman getting comically murdered, must be the misogyny agenda!", ignoring all the rest of what goes on with the character (not even considering the whole Nadine arc), my "fishing for controversy" alarm starts flashing.
This is no different than asking George Carlin "can't you be funny without using the F Word so much?", no, fuck off, i'm sure grandma is able to take some dark humor in, if she's interested in a Star Wars review.
Alternatively, go look for the other thousands of good and insightful reviews around the internet, that approach it with a different flair.

Then again, i shouldn't really give a shit what a random person on the internet thinks, so i'll go back to not give a shit in 5.. 4.. 3.. 2.. 1..


I never liked those parts of the review either, but being bothered because it's "violence towards women" is fucking dumb. They just get in the way of what you are there to hear, nothing else. If your mom can enjoy the other bits of criticism I assume she is smart enough to understand those short scenes too.

I always skip them anyway, and I skip the story bits in HitB too. There, problem solved.


I always skip them anyway, and I skip the story bits in HitB too. There, problem solved.
You miss out bro..

I personally like their skits for the most part, but i can understand this.
I actually used to skip the HitB skits until eventually I just developed a taste for them. I don't know why exactly. At first I thought they seemed awkward and unfunny, but now I can't get enough.
You miss out bro..

this post just made my day.

At first I thought they seemed awkward and unfunny, but now I can't get enough.

I think they're not only funny but really clever, too. sometimes there's even a more direct approach going on, like in the jack & jill episode, where the "story" bits really support the review's criticism. in my humble opinion they are genius


I actually used to skip the HitB skits until eventually I just developed a taste for them. I don't know why exactly. At first I thought they seemed awkward and unfunny, but now I can't get enough.

Maybe I'll re-watch them someday and see if this happens. I certainly find the guys funny enough. I just think that some long winded ones with guests like the paranormal investigators stuff was kind of dull.

How do these shlubby guys acquainted with all these cute girls

The girl who played the Navi in the Titanic review is pretty darn cute as well:


Maybe they just hire them like that :p


Guess they're starting a new off-and-on series: Best of the Worst

Eheh, pretty good.
Not too fond of the destroying shit part, but the discussion was interesting and funny anyway.
How do these shlubby guys acquainted with all these cute girls

They (the girls) seem fairly normal people to me, they probably are into cinema in some way (acting, doing props etc) and so they all end up aggregating anyway, it's not like they're in LA, and there probably aren't a thousand places to go, if you're interested in this sort of things.

Davey Cakes

How do these shlubby guys acquainted with all these cute girls
They're all just regular people whose interests have aligned in some way, regardless of shlubbiness or cuteness.

Anyway, I enjoyed Best of the Worst. It's kind of like an extension of HitB episodes where the guys would have a guest critic, but now it is its own thing and has more people involved. I don't watch any of these "good-bad" movies myself, so I have a fun time watching these reviews and seeing a bit of that world of cinema. It does kind of make me want to get my friends together and do a similar thing, as in watch a funny-in-its-crappiness movie and discuss it.

So, good job at keeping my attention, RLM!

Davey Cakes

I've enjoyed both episodes so far. I'm okay with Mike not being at the discussion table. As long as one of (or two of) Mike, Jay, or Rich is at the table I'll find the segment enjoyable.

I do feel like having a female voice helped the first episode a lot though. That kind of diversity is nice.
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