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Red Letter Media |OT| of Movies, Murderers, and Pizza Rolls


Everything about Cumberbatch backstory is kinda messy how things are established. Stuff is mentioned and then ignored.
I like how Lindelof himself said it didn't make sense upon summing it up. But then again, "war is silly", he said. And more importantly, he's a terrible, lazy writer.
Aww, fuck yes! I just saw it last night. So does this mean there won't be a full Plinkett review? Especially since they seem to have done most of the rest of them.

what else could plinkett say about the franchise? both movies have been flashy cash grabs, and all of that was covered in the star trek 2009 review.


Seriously what's up with the "bad guy behind glass who got caught on purpose" thing? Hollywood is amazingly unoriginal.

It seems like they were kind of confused by the plot.

When does Khan ever say he was promised that working for Marcus would mean his crew would be revived? My understanding was that Marcus was pretty much holding his crew hostage, and that he would kill them if Khan didn't do what he said.

EDIT: Yeah, they should have watched it twice before reviewing.

Yes, always watch a poorly-written movie twice to make sure you didn't miss out on every poorly-written bits.

Davey Cakes

I saw the movie earlier tonight and then watched the review.

Their analysis seems quite spot on, but I definitely enjoyed the movie much more than they did. Probably had a lot to do with it being in IMAX 3D.

Anyway, I'm really big into TNG and DS9 so I'm completely on board with "that side" of Trek and less so with the rebooted Trek, but still found some enjoyment in Into Darkness.

Oh, and I definitely agree at how useless the references were. Too much forced fan service.


I watched the Star Trek review but I didn't comment on it. I guess there's nothing new to be said. They nailed it. I had fun in the theater, there was some good action and good acting (and a very good looking female in her underwear), but I also had most of the same issues they had with it. Too referential for referentiality's sake, moves too fast, doesn't feel any different than the previous one, incompetent script, etc.

And the second you see Peter Weller you know he is going to be involved in the plot in some nefarious ways. Seriously, the casting immediately gives away his role. Still, it's good to see him there.

Benedict Cabbage Patch =D
Man, I can't stand their video player any more. :\

They already have banner ads, merch, and video ads, but the huge pop-up ads DURING the videos piss me off the most.
"The Mooples" :jnc

Oh, Rich Evans.

I loved him in this episode. Mike and Jay look like they're on the edge of laughter at all times when he's describing the plot. Amazing.


They've had connecting story lines before, but is this the first explicit "Previously on..." intro?

The Amazing Spiderman episode during the "Mike and Jay are making their way back to the VCR repair shop" storyline started with a "Previously on Lost" voiceover and a recap of the last few seconds of the previous episode.


So not worth it
Finally watching the last HITB.

They are really giving Will Smith the business. GOD DAMN!

They should, Will Smith is a talented guy. His kids aren't. At all. They're not even bending the truth with their comments, it's spot on. Kinda terrible if you think about it.


I cringed hard when Will did that dance number on the Graham Norton show. He overplayed it and using the kid ruined the entire thing.

RLM guys are spot on with their observations of how Will Smif is basically whoring his kids at this point, using them as another example of the unlimited nature of Will's 'awesomeness'.


By the looks of it, to think the movie is good you gotta be a stage 5 Superman fan. All they wanted was to see Superman smash shit up.

Man of Steel is a cinematic masterpiece. Words can't even begin to describe the beauty in this movie. From the religion aspect to the philosophy to the depth reached through the characters, it's all pretty much perfect. Anyone who digs for flaws is clearly biased as a Marveltard or a Richard Donner cock sucker. Mike, Jay, and Rich Evans seem to be all three which is a shame. Guys, don't review Man of Steel 2. Or any other CBMs.

Man Of Steel is not only the best movie of the summer, it is the best movie EVER MADE of any genre. I am not joking, it's true. It is exhilirating, visceral, full of action and heart and emotion... There were so many philosophical and political themes brought up that most superhero movies wouldn't even dream of being able to do justice to, including the absolute TRASH Marvel keeps churning out. I have no idea why critics, including RLM, can't see this. It is one of the deepest superhero films ever made. I think you guys are just too cynical and heartless to see it, and I'm not trying to be cute with that comment. I think anyone who dislikes this movie is a fucking dick or a biased Marvel fan, which is what RLM seems to be a bit of both.

Now... people can enjoy the movie all they want but to say it's the best of any genre and all times?

Edit: Maybe they're just joking


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
God damn they eviscerated it, wow.

I actually enjoyed MOS but I couldn't find fault with any of their arguments. It really should have been a Hulk movie.
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