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Red Letter Media |OT| of Movies, Murderers, and Pizza Rolls


you can't put a price on sparks
everyone in twitch chat is saying dumb things. "have you read Y the Last Man??" who cares!

i never played Dark Souls, so at least i get exposed to it now. it doesnt seem very much like a kind of game i'd like to play too much from this, though.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol

Rich is broken.


Really enjoying their PreRec stuff, both the reviews and streams. Though I do think the streams need a bit of quality work. The audio was much better this time than the Crazy Taxi episode though.


What the fuck, Jay has never seen The Godfather II.


you can't put a price on sparks
I think he was commenting in the videos page too. He said he works IT in Fortune 500 company now. If that's even him for real.
I really hope one day they do a live stream while watching some BotW quality movies.

I think he was commenting in the videos page too. He said he works IT in Fortune 500 company now. If that's even him for real.

The full comment:

I hope you guys don’t mind, but I’m going to answer all of these questions with one long post.
First off I have to tell you that by reviewing this tape you guys kind of rocked my world. 2 days ago I had 2 people order my tape (if you’re here please raise your hand we need to talk). I’m like… WTF? The only way to order that tape was to go to the OLD version of my website and I only ever sold like 2 copies anyway.
Then I get an email from one of my oldest Xbox friends…in HOLLAND… saying you have to check out this RLM link. I didn’t get to it because I was at work. Then I get home, I get on Xbox, and this kid from out of the blue (Chong are you here?) sends me an Xbox message saying, “Are you the guy that made “ Tales From Genesis Space? Cool!” … WTF… am I being hacked? Has TFGS gone viral or merely become a virus?
So here I am…
I really appreciated Luke Brubaker’s kind words and want to answer his and Jay Stein’s questions together. What CG was used and why did I put my work out there for everyone… to… see.
Way backin the mid to late nineties (which is like yesterday for me) there was nothing out there for CG that was affordable. I’m not sure if you guys have heard of the video toaster and/or lightwave, but thatstuff was and still is very expensive. I didn’t have that kind of scratch to throw around. There was freeware called POV (persistence of vision) but it was very clunky at the time and not well suited for animation.
One of my best friends (who would love this site) introduced me to Bryce 2.0, Poser 2.0 and Raytrace (I think that’s what it was called its called Carrara now). To give you some perspective Poser is at version 10 now. All the stuff you guys take for granted now in terms of CG did not exist back then. When I saw what I could do with my little 386 PC running Windows XP my eyes popped out. Back then this stuff was REALLY cool.
Side note: Machinima did not exist back then.
In the, “This guy must really like pain” category, here is an 18 minute animated short I made called “The Seed”
The Seed [2]
Luke made an observation about effort. Sometimes a 3 second segment from ”The Seed” (90 frames) took an entire weekend to render and if I lost power (I live in the sticks and I used to lose power all of the time) I had to start all over.
“Why oh why did he make this thing…”
Well for most of my career I’ve worked in the IT departments of various insurance companies. The small COG in the big machine (get the reference BOTW Boys?), Metropolis for real… When faced with this kind of drudgery I needed an outlet for my imagination. That outlet? Writing…
I’ve been writing Sci-Fi since 1969. That’s when I wrote my first Sci-Fi short story for my social studies teacher Mr. Fulton (who will always remember me as the kid that jumped out of the second story window with a mouse in his pocket). I totally ripped off Alfred Bester’s “The Stars My Destination”, but Mr. Fulton gave me encouragement and I have been writing ever since.
In 1991 I switched from short stories to screenplays. This may shock and awe you guys, but not only have I written something like 24 screenplays, but some of them have actually made it pretty high up the Hollywood food chain. Alas not sales or options.
So by the late nineties, after NOT selling any screenplays I decided to produce my own work. One of my favorite screenplays, “Keepers in the Frost”, opens with a little boy who has a floating smiley robot as a toy. The video short “Keepers: The Genesis of Smiley” (that’s the animated short with the… uh… floating smiley and the brain in the bucket) is supposed to be an explanation of how human minds were integrated into the internet (one of the main tropes of the screenplay, BTW this was done a few years BEFORE the Matrix).
So that long winded response to WHY boils down to I was making a business card for myscreenplays. Evidently I failed miserably…oh well… that which does not kill me makes me stronger… You guys are turning me into a fucking superman…
Side note: The brain in the bucket was made of watermelon Jell-O. When I finished the production I didn’t want to throw all of that Jell-O out so I took the brain to my place of work, the fortune 500 insurance company, placed it in the men’s room with paper napkins and forks and knives next to it and a note that read, “Help yourself… because a mind is a terrible thing to aste…” (that’s actually a reference to ad campaign done back in the sixties about educating young black men… see… I am dense).
Sidenote: Genesis Space is an evolution of my very first website which was on the internet via Prodigy (if you don’t know what it is google it… it predates… uh… google) Genesis Space Station. Genesis Space Station was my attempt at an interactive, multimedia, fan participating, website. Remember this was 10 years BEFORE broadband. We were using dial-up modems (if you don’t know what those are… oh just fucking never mind) back then to get at the internet. Back in the late nineties Steven Spielberg opened up a fiction based website (I forget what it was all about). It collapsed a few years later. Genspace exists to this day… Ha! I got that going for me… (reference to Caddy Shack… very dense).
I also want to thank Jonah Falcon for his keen observations. He is dead on. He also asked “How many mediums have you experimented with?”
Too many? Good at many, master of none? ADD? TFD (Too fucking Dense)?
Last month my sculpture and mixed media was presented in a Gallery in NY City near Chinatown and was well received. Two years ago I was commissioned by Yale University to produce an animation which was projected on a huge scree while the Yale concert performed Costas Dafinis composition “Parliament“ (a Parliament is a group of owls like a murder of crows… who comes up with this shit?)
You can check that here (ow… more pain…)
Parliament [3]
My novel “The Sorcerer’s Song and The Cat’s Meow is available on Amazon.com and got great reviews (no not by my family and friends… well yes by them, but the review on Amazon is not by them). I am working on three video games right now for the Ipad.
Jonah also asked how many copies are out there and how did the RLM guys get it. Well… much to my embarrassment I had 1,000 copies produced. Just last year I took the rest of them and put them in a “put and take “ at the dump. Maybe someone got one there and sent it to BOTW boys?
Side Note: One thing that always gives me a chuckle is how I get slotted into the “Geek” or “Nerd” category for doing this stuff. One of the BOTW boys made the comment, “See he’s got a goatee, but he’snot fat.” Well… do my multiple black belts, and numerous other multi colored belts from 6 different martial arts styles exclude me from this category? I lift to this day and can bench 300lbs (I only weigh 165). I married a beautiful blonde Saxophonist (the real artistic talent in the family). If I’m a geek then being geek gots all kinds of perks..
So now for the kicker and the ultimate self-inflicted pain… I did a totally amateur feature length video entitled, “The Shadow Left Behind” which was sent to cable companies all over the country… did you see that masterpiece?”
In summation and if you will allow me to wax poetic, we, the creators of stuff… do this because we want to share our imagination with others. In world that has become jaded, cynical and intellectually stunted I would submit that we need anyone and everyone sharing their imagination… otherwise the culture gets defined by… reality TV… God save us all.
A. A. Roberts Alias Lord Caine... but that's another story.


you can't put a price on sparks
He's pretty interesting, gotta admit. I wonder if they could have him on somehow to interview him like Len


I saw that Machinima has some HitB episodes on Youtube and put a giant Machinima watermark on them. I don't know Machinima, so are they doing this through RLM or did they simply steal it?


The green-screened beer bottle labels (there's no way that was intentional, is there?) were funnier than every clip they showed of Million Ways to Die in the West.


Drunky McMurder
The green-screened beer bottle labels (there's no way that was intentional, is there?) were funnier than every clip they showed of Million Ways to Die in the West.

Absolutely not intentional. Jay noticed it when he was editing during the Dark Souls stream. He was in the background and said something about the brand of drink being a bad idea in front of a green screen, hypothetically.


you can't put a price on sparks
i hadn't even HEARD about million ways to die in the west until like a day before it was out or something? seemed like it was going to be bad, but "looked" okay... obviously not
i hadn't even HEARD about million ways to die in the west until like a day before it was out or something? seemed like it was going to be bad, but "looked" okay... obviously not

Shame. Unlike most people (it seems) I thought the trailer made it looks really damned funny. I really liked the idea of the movie but it seems too bad.
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