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Red Letter Media |OT| of Movies, Murderers, and Pizza Rolls


you can't put a price on sparks
Well.. No? I mean yeah if it's worth playing, sure, but if I took my time to read/watch a review of a game, I'd want more than "it is/it's not worth it". I want to know if it's worth it the whole way through. The game's quality could plummet in the latter half for all we know. If the first half of the game is 10/10 and the second is 6/10, the game shouldn't get the 10/10 review it would because the reviewer couldn't/didn't finish the game.

I understand some reviewers don't finish the game just because they're super time constrained, and that's fine. But if we're talking about a review that's coming after the game has already released, I think the reviewer should finish the game before reviewing it if they want the review to have any weight - they're clearly not in a hurry to push the review out.

That said, I doubt Rich and the bald guy (forgot his name lol) care and really, neither do I. I'm gonna watch the review purely for my own entertainment, so I'm not gonna argue about this further.

its frankly unrealistic to expect every game be finished before they are reviewed. they are writing reviews, not a thesis on game design. the last half of the game might suck more than the first half, but that's besides the point. the game is the game and it doesn't ever change appreciably enough to matter after a certain point once you have an opinion about it.

also, what about optional bonus content and roguelikes that pretty much never end? how would you expect anyone to ever review a game that never actually ends?


you can't put a price on sparks
Muntu, what it comes down to is simply this:

Reviewers frequently don't finish games they review. My only problem is that they're never open about how little they finished.

Previously Recorded obviously has reviewed games they haven't finished, they reviewed a game that itself wasn't finished. Necrodancer is still early access and they had that review up months ago.

the problem is more that they aren't open about how little they finish, but you can review endless games, unfinished games, etc. No one needs to wait and beat a finished game to have an opinion about anything anymore, let alone an unfinished one

you're expecting:

I'd want more than "it is/it's not worth it". I want to know if it's worth it the whole way through.

I don't know what more you want out of a review other than "if it is worth it." That is what a review is for. You're expecting "more" -- what is it that you are expecting, exactly? Most people will not go and spoil games in their reviews since most people like to play a game and see it for themselves.

Rarely ever will you see a reviewer spoil a game and talk about what things mean or symbolize, and whether the last boss of the game sucks, etc. Why would you want to know who the last boss of the game is, or that there even IS one? It ruins the game for people at a certain point if you are trying to sell a writing/video piece as a review and not a deconstruction of the game as a whole.

Thesis was an embellishment, but it isn't far off from expecting a higher level of criticism than a standard review.

But if we're talking about a review that's coming after the game has already released, I think the reviewer should finish the game before reviewing it if they want the review to have any weight - they're clearly not in a hurry to push the review out.

which is fine IF that is what they are going for. Most reviewers who try to push out a multitude of reviews will move on to the next game when they have an informed opinion and call it. They are trying to have some sort of regularity in their reviews, otherwise you have someone who updates very infrequently.

You missed my point

My fault, should have worded that better

your point seems to be that since Bloodborne has an "end point" it should be played to completion, but since Tetris doesn't have an "end point' it doesn't need to be. Seems like an unequal expectation since most people understand the mechanics of both games at a certain point and then can write a review when they deem necessary.


You're joking if you think "most if not all" reviewers do. Do you think they always do?

Mostly, yeah. Unless they actually write it in the review (like Polygon did with the recent Codename S.T.E.A.M. review) I have no reason to believe that reviewers review games without finishing them. I'm talking about sites of a certain size here, I'm sure there's a lot of random blogs that don't. I would like to see some evidence that reviewers don't finish the games they review without actually admitting to it in a review, because I've never been presented with any.
Mostly, yeah. Unless they actually write it in the review (like Polygon did with the recent Codename S.T.E.A.M. review) I have no reason to believe that reviewers review games without finishing them. I'm talking about sites of a certain size here, I'm sure there's a lot of random blogs that don't. I would like to see some evidence that reviewers don't finish the games they review without actually admitting to it in a review, because I've never been presented with any.

There are certain games where I can assume/expect that the reviewer never "finished" the game when it comes to something like Animal Cross or Sim City


There are certain games where I can assume/expect that the reviewer never "finished" the game when it comes to something like Animal Cross or Sim City

Obviously, if the game has no real end point it's not something you can "finish" in the traditional sense.


you can't put a price on sparks
Mostly, yeah. Unless they actually write it in the review (like Polygon did with the recent Codename S.T.E.A.M. review) I have no reason to believe that reviewers review games without finishing them. I'm talking about sites of a certain size here, I'm sure there's a lot of random blogs that don't. I would like to see some evidence that reviewers don't finish the games they review without actually admitting to it in a review, because I've never been presented with any.

Well, no one is going to come out and admit it is the norm as a site-wide policy but they do like the allure that people just "assume" they complete the game. They are almost always ambiguous about it IMO, so it is sort of nebulous to say you want proof when it doesn't benefit them to admit it.

The only thing I can offer you is experience because I worked at a medium size game site for about 6 years and I would play a game until I got a good enough idea and wrote the review.

I was unpaid and had no real pressure to get reviews out other than to keep the games flowing and the site content updated. Imagine how it would be for someone who is paid a salary. They're not going to be worth the money if they can spend a fraction of the amount of time it takes to fully complete before reviewing and have the same opinion in the end if they spent the full time to complete it.

May as well email ign, polygon, and gamespot, etc and see what their policy is since they don't clearly state they have to finish a game before they review it from what I read on their policy


I remember reading an official Players Guide written for an RPG that the writer didn't 100%. They didn't know there was a difference between common drops and rare drops. I saw that X monster dropped an amazing Y item, and thought "Ohmigosh, that's amazing. I should kill a couple of these things until I get one." Then... a lousy potion. WTF? How did the guide get that wrong? Soon the guide was "wrong" so many times, I was convinced it was useless. Then I got a rare drop for myself, and when I tried for another... I got a potion. That's when I realized I was dealing with rare drops, and that the guide was just relating one person's playthrough experience. I thought it was so cheap. Useful, once I knew what was going on, but cheap.

Some years later, I joined GAF and realized what kind of pressures ground-level videogame journalists are under. I don't blame the writer. If anything, I've come to realize that the writer's skill and talent for being an entertaining guide is more important than the number of times this guide has been up this particular mountain. I'll take a good guide who knows a bit more than me, over a lousy guide who knows the terrain like the back of his hand.
They should do a best of the worst for popular bad/campy films

Like Plan 9 from Outerspace or Bloodsport

Well they've already mentioned The Room before in conversation. And I don't see them doing it since they watch bad movies for a living and for some reason I feel that as a group they don't hold those films in high regard. Don't know why


Kills Photobucket
Wasn't he in another one? He had a beard? Am I imagining this? Have I made up parts of Robert Z'Dar's career?

He had a beard in Samurai Cop, so they may have shown a scene or image when discussing it, but they haven't featured it on the show.


It is a masterpiece but I want to hear them talk about it.

I get you. :)

It would be kind of fun to see the guys watch movies that aren't necessarily "best of the worst", but are a little cheesy/silly yet beloved and highly watchable in their own ways...kind of like Bloodsport.

Kickboxer > Bloodsport

I can't argue against that. The Kickboxer training scenes are fantastic, and the fights are just as good as Bloodsport.


Anyway, I haven't checked in with Pre-Rec for a week or two. Bummer there's no stream tonight!


you can't put a price on sparks
Yeah, but they already posted it.

they put it on the youtube, but not on the main site because they've been putting out more content than the other shows. so they finally decided to add it as a post probably to make it seem like there's something new for people to watch.


you can't put a price on sparks
Yeah, haha. I do want to see them play games they will hate though since those are kind of more funny to watch rather than informational.

The order review was their best review but its about a game they hate.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Seriously tho when are they going to watch Time Barbarians


Kills Photobucket
I had no idea their viewing room was so small. I figured they were in a corner of their warehouse, as I remember the sun being seen in a few shots.

The Real Abed

Ha. Amazing. I had a feeling it wouldn't be possible to just reverse the tape. For one thing it's not film. You can't just flip it over and have the light shine through the other way. You'd have to rotate it 180º which would then put all the important settings tracks in the wrong place and misalign the video data. I'm surprised it still caught the audio... in whatever form it did at least.


you can't put a price on sparks
Their screen turned blue because their VCR is smart enough to detect video errors. If they got an older, dumber VCR, they could see what's actually happening to the video, for better or for worse.

What do you figure they would actually see? Probably not anything that looks like the original video, I would guess
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