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Red Letter Media |OT| of Movies, Murderers, and Pizza Rolls

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Jay thinks Assault on Precint 13 is amazing.

I can never trust him again. That movie is so fucking boring outside of the score. My Dinner With Andre is twice as exciting as that movie.


Jay thinks Assault on Precint 13 is amazing.

I can never trust him again. That movie is so fucking boring outside of the score. My Dinner With Andre is twice as exciting as that movie.

It's certainly not an amazing movie. I didn't think it was bad, but I disagree with these guys a lot.

But I'm also one of the weirdos who thinks Man of Steel is pretty good.
I feel like people always react this way when reviewers don't agree with their opinions, especially when the critics are somewhat well-known personalities instead of just a name under a score. Just read any review thread on gaf whenever a game gets mediocre or bad reviews: there will always be plenty of posters coming out of the woodwork to lament about how much they used to enjoy X or Y reviewer but can't anymore because of how out of touch they are.

RLM's strength has always been presenting their criticisms and opinions in entertaining and self-aware ways (hence why Mike created the Plinkett character for the original reviews), and I think I always enjoy their content even if I don't agree with their final verdicts.

The Real Abed

I feel like people always react this way when reviewers don't agree with their opinions, especially when the critics are somewhat well-known personalities instead of just a name under a score. Just read any review thread on gaf whenever a game gets mediocre or bad reviews: there will always be plenty of posters coming out of the woodwork to lament about how much they used to enjoy X or Y reviewer but can't anymore because of how out of touch they are.

RLM's strength has always been presenting their criticisms and opinions in entertaining and self-aware ways (hence why Mike created the Plinkett character for the original reviews), and I think I always enjoy their content even if I don't agree with their final verdicts.
Agreed. I mean it's the same reason I watch the Nostalgia Critic even though he likes to tear my favorite movies to shreds. It's entertainment.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Watching the Dead Rising stream from April with Jay, Jack, and Rich and god damn the Last of Us shit just reminds me of when it came out the first time and every gaf thread had people trying to turn the thread into a Last of Us thread. Like holy shit dude, it's not a religion.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Watching the Dead Rising stream from April with Jay, Jack, and Rich and god damn the Last of Us shit just reminds me of when it came out the first time and every gaf thread had people trying to turn the thread into a Last of Us thread. Like holy shit dude, it's not a religion.

TLOU fans have ruined TLOU for me forever.
ehm, isn't that because that question is generic in itself?

I mean: "why can't anyone write a proper video game review" ultimately comes down to "because either you like it or you don't", and movies, despite being credited as an art form much sooner than other mediums, have exactly the same problem.
"I like thing!"
"Why do you like thing?"
"I don't know!"

Because really, the point when someone can actually do a formal analysis of something they like, is also the point where they stop being able to like it on a casual basis. It just becomes math at that point. Which can be fun to do or listen to (mr Plinkett and Best of the Worst), but it's not what a casual audience in interested in hearing about when they opt to watch a review. So their main show has to remain casual and fun to watch to a significant degree, I think.
They both look very differently at movies 'as pro's' then when they do HitB, is what I'm getting at.

And really, does anyone even follow a specific critic these days?
They all point to rottentomatoes and the only thing that site does is change a review into 'yes or no' and put into an algorithm. And it's because of that structure that movies can rate 0%, which in ANY other review system is impossible. "no stars for you" just makes a reviewer sound petty, and we all know 'how to read' a review like that: "don't fucking go", whereas the other end is simply 'go if you want'.

This whole 'critic' business has bothered for a great while, so please excuse the 'random' aspect of this post.

You can like or dislike something and do your best to acknowledge its strengths and weaknesses independently. There is pretty much no level on which Independence Day can be said to be a good movie, not even any level on which it is an entertainingly bad movie, but I still enjoy it for whatever stupid reason and watch it every time it's on. A good critic is someone who, rather than simply saying "go" or "don't go", can get to the heart of what a movie is and render a reasonably intelligent and intelligible judgment of whether that "is" works or doesn't.


Watching the Dead Rising stream from April with Jay, Jack, and Rich and god damn the Last of Us shit just reminds me of when it came out the first time and every gaf thread had people trying to turn the thread into a Last of Us thread. Like holy shit dude, it's not a religion.

I'm looking forward to the Uncharted 4 review thread. If there's even one site that gives it a score below a 9/10... oh man.
From the stream.

Not gonna disagree that Mad Max was the most entertaining movie I've seen so far. Ratings for films of the year for me now stand as

Mad Max: Fury Road
Ex Machina

The Real Abed

I've never seen any Mad Max movie in my life. Well, parts on Cable as a kid. So I have no problem watching a spoiler filled review.

Can't wait.

The Real Abed

the Spoilers are for fury road.

Sorry if that's what you meant.
It is what I meant. I don't really have any investment in the franchise. So knowing what is going to happen in the newest one won't matter to me. By the time I get around to watching it, I'll have forgotten what they said anyway.


Oh nice, that should make for some good listening even if I don't watch the movie along with the commentary.

I don't think I've ever watched along with an RLM commentary. I don't think I'm missing out either, they are still damn entertaining.
I try to watch them once with the video, and then after that I don't care.

Hardest one to do was Alien Resurrection. I rented it from Netflix, and I got the Director's Cut version, and I had to search online to find some streaming Russian site that had the original version.

That, and it turned out my copy of Halloween was a director's cut too. Never knew it until I compared the runtimes.

Director's cuts suck and are mainly marketing ploys with some very few exceptions.

Edit: And, like the Alien review, they spend so much time talking about the third film that I wish they just watched that one instead... Especially Alien 3. So much of the commentary is talking about it and not the original one.

That, and I really wish they did Howard the Duck since they've supposedly tried it a few times.


I usually put the movie on in the background if it's one I've seen before just so I can watch whenever they refer to it directly.
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