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Red meat triggers toxic immune reaction which causes cancer, scientists find

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Nobody in my family never had even a slighet hint of cancer. Doubt any ammounf of read meat will be able to make one happen for me


If they found the mechanism that triggers the response, then a way to deactivate it should be a high priority. More meat, more science!
L'essere red meat?
Doable.. No red meat?
Frankly i already risk tumor from so many questionable source that for a tumor to steam from a passion of mine, i consider it a minor loss.. Take passive smoking for example..


Hear different line from a different scientist weekly.

Its bad, then it's good and so on.

Drives clicks for stupid websites this kind of nonsense.


Breaking News: Scientist finds yet another thing out of the everything else in the world that gives you cancer. More news at 11.


I'm pretty sure that every living animal on earth would develop cancer if they lived long enough and that stuff like smoking or eating red meat just speeds the process up


Time for a new vaccine that has...the opposite effect of the rest of them! This vaccine will inhibit your inmmune system from reacting, and will turn your kid into a genius!


To me, being able to figure out what sugar causes it means they should be able to find a way to treat it eventually! Then it's beef all day every day for everybody!
The #TeamBeef tears in this thread are soo goooood. I have been waiting for this day when their grossness would be proved scientifically. Now that they have been proven wrong scientifically, it is time for #TeamChicken to take their rightful crown.

#TeamLamb and #TeamMutton were always disgusting, don't tell me anyone ever took them seriously, it looks like diarrhea sometimes.

#TeamPorc is the only acceptable red meat team, but even then it's "every now and then" food, y'know? I wouldn't eat it every meal like you can with #TeamChicken.

What's the point of eating meat if it has no taste?

No taste is better than YUCK
OK . . . let's see if I can do this.

I've pretty much eliminated steak. Expensive, not healthy, and causes cancer? No thanks. But I do eat it when I get offered it for free. That should be rare enough to be almost no risk.

I do buy ground beef but I'll eliminate by buying ground turkey instead. Should reduce E. Coli risk as well. They make good burgers, tacos, burritos, etc. My home-made chili is very tasty when made with ground turkey and chicken breasts.

This also has great climate change effects since beef is a very bad industry for the climate.

The occasional fast-food stop will be tough but most places now offer very tasty chicken sandwiches. Love that Wendy's spicy chicken sandwich.

We shouldn't be eating our brother mammals anyway. But poultry? They are dinosaurs . . . literally. Fuck them!



I had a test in a college English class around 1989 or so, and the professor included this extra credit question: "Who is the lead singer of 10,000 Maniacs?" I had no idea so I answered Charles Bukowski. I got double extra credit LOL.
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