Yeah, camping is where it's at. If you can't get the drop on your enemy in this game you're already dead 90% of the time. You shouldn't move through open spaces, you shouldn't stand up, it's advisable to let the enemy come to you rather than the other way around.subversus said:My friend came to my place today and he played this game for the first time. He loves shooter (mainly COD in SP) but he is also a WWII geek and played Operation Flashpoint back in the day.
He was better in this game than me in the first hour. It was very natural. He didn't mind camping, he actually embrace it as the only actual strategy like there is no other shooter on the market. He was looking for spots deliberately moving around the map and he found some really good ones. He flanked Vermacht on Fallen Fighters and picked out like 12 dudes from behind. It was glorious and VERY tense.
After he left I sat and played the game like it was new. I mean I was camping before that, but I felt a bit ashamed given my experience in other games. Now I'm not. This game is not a twitch shooter.
Also I like cinematographic filter, it hides UE3 flaws very good.
That's what makes it so good when you actually make a successful assault.
I had this... thing, on Grain Elevator (as a German with a semi-rifle) the other day when I was showing it off to a friend. I wanted to display some action! I went towards the right flank of the main building (that usually has a mounted MG in it), first I crawled along the tracks, inching my way forward, exposing the windows little by little. I caught one Russian peeking out, so I shot him, another one popped out in front when I had to reload. I crouched and ran towards the concrete train thingies, knowing I was well covered. As a diversion I tossed a couple of nades (not thinking that one was a smoke) over the left side of my cover towards the russians and moved out, crouched and pinned to the right side. I shot one guy as he ran by left to right in-front, trying to avoid my nades. As I waited for more another kill popped up from the blast. I started to move forward, the left flank (and windows of the Grain Elevator) was covered in smoke, I caught a machine gunner trying to set up at the edge of the smoke and shot him. Then my ammo ran out. I could hear footsteps in the small house as well as gunshots (obviously) in the GE. I went to the right side of the house (where there's a tiny hiding space). By this time I had killed the same guy in that area twice, so I knew he'd be coming back. Not having any ammo I just stood there with my melee charged up, listening to the sounds. All of a sudden, that very guy ran out in-front, pistol at the ready and aiming right for me, I clocked him with the rifle and it didn't seem to do anything, so he shot me. After a while I saw that he had died a slow death from my melee attack.
It didn't really help the team that much, besides keeping a couple of guys occupied. But goddamn it was one of the most tense gaming experiences I've had. And it all felt so natural, when you die from one shot, you have to act realistically, that's where this game really shines.