Originally Posted by [TW]Ramm-Jaeger
I'll reiterate and expand on what Yoshiro said. The ability to adjust the FOV between 70-90, as well as the ability to set different FOV zoom for ironsights were features that were added very late in the dev. Mostly I did it as a personal favor to Zetsumei, and I stayed late one nite and worked til almost 2 in the morning one evening to get those features added into the game (unplanned and unscheduled features). Both of the features ended up causing a lot of bugs. We spent a LOT of time trying to fix the bugs (too much time to be honest) and decided to pull official support for these last minute features.
The game was developed for 5 years with a default FOV of 70 (on a 4:3 monitor, which is actually 80+ FOV on a widescreen monitor, which is pretty close to the FOV of Ostfront). After testing with 90 we discovered it caused a lot MORE clipping issues (yes there are a few remaining clipping issues at 70 degrees, but they are FAR worse at 90). They were bad enough we felt we couldn't officially support them for shipping, and there wasn't time to fix bugs in an unplanned feature. The ability to set an FOV up to 90 will likely return post release after we fix the clipping issues with it. It will also include an "are you sure you want to do this, you may get bad performance" warning when you set your FOV that high.
Regarding the weapon zoom settings, those don't have any exploitative benefits, but they also don't work 100%. So we took them out of the settings menu, but left the functionality in game. So those of you that still want to use them, feel free to set them up in your ini, they will still work. But because of the issues with them, we can't officially support them right now. And as this was an unplanned feature, we didn't have time to fix ALL of the bugs with them. Essentially, if your monitor is set to certain resolutions (5:4 for example) it could still cause your aim to get off. Now those of you that are willing to take the risk, feel free to edit the inis. In the future we'll likely fix the remaining bugs with the system, and add the settings back to the menu.
In summary, these were last minute features that I BUSTED MY REAR to try and get it. They just didn't quite make the cut for tommorow, but will be back in the future.