That's actually pretty sweet.His whole point of his ST was that the Force was stronger than a bloodline. He based it on raising two daughters he adopted.
That's actually pretty sweet.His whole point of his ST was that the Force was stronger than a bloodline. He based it on raising two daughters he adopted.
Yeah, this could've been actually pulled off with good, heartfelt characters and writing, instead of stiff, Disney/Kennedy committee "she needs to be perfect, and she needs no men and to have no emotions and be an universal role model, and the old hero needs to be subverted and deconstructed to spite the nerds" nonsense.That's actually pretty sweet.
„What do you mean?Yeah, this could've been actually pulled off with good, heartfelt characters and writing, instead of stiff, Disney/Kennedy committee "she needs to be perfect, and she needs no men and to have no emotions and be an universal role model, and the old hero needs to be subverted and reconstructed to spite the nerds" nonsense.
Except that's not what people were saying when the ST was released. The internet DEMANDED that Rey be a Kenobi, Skywalker, Solo, or something. So JJ Abrams gave them it.That's actually pretty sweet.
I don't know why you need to paint what actually happened with all this overly bitter & angry attitude.Except that's not what people were saying when the ST was released. The internet DEMANDED that Rey be a Kenobi, Skywalker, Solo, or something. So JJ Abrams gave them it.
Having the next Star Wars movie be a direct sequel to the ST, starring Rey and having it be about her restoring the Jedi Order, has got to be one of the most arrogant and insane Double Downs I’ve ever seen.
Nah, TLJ was the movie that started with "the first order reigns" (already? so fast?) and went hard on keeping the rebels vs. empire angle. It had a few interesting ideas that could have taken the franchise into a new direction, but it never fully committed to them (the Rey/Kylo partnership, for example, which was dropped in 2 minutes to go back to good vs bad).One thing that struck me about TLJ is at the end of the movie both sides had lost. (Neither was a functional entity anymore after they had beat each other into oblivion.) Given that you're right, they had some room to do something new and interesting with the aftermath of that war. I never saw TRoS but I guess we didn't get it.
That's not necessarily the next movie. Filoni's Heir to the Empire could be next or Mangold's Dawn of the Jedi. Both of those seem further along than New Jedi Order.
Whoa, I dindn't realize we had such badasses on this board!You're probably just outgrowing it. 13-14, starting to think about girls and cars. The signs of a healthy young man, I think you have a bright future.
Whoa, I dindn't realize we had such badasses on this board!
Hot take: I'd argue that the magic started leaving around SW Episode 2 Attack of the Clones.TFA was a global event. I remember the excitement I felt knowing there's a star wars movie coming out, I didn't sleep the night the before, I couldn't.
Fast forward to TRoS, and holy shit the amount fucks I gave during and after, with pretty much anything SW related, is in the negatives.
Yup, as a ten year old RotJ's release was indeed special and exciting. 16 years later The Phantom Menace cured my SW nostalgia.Return of the Jedi came out in 1983 and it's been downhill from there. Quit doing this to yourself.
ruined so much......The Last Jedi was a mistake.