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remember how magical, special, and exciting a new star wars movie release felt?


Gold Member
Never cuz I was never a big Star Wars fan. Last movie I was excited for was the second avatar it was very special 10 years a new avatar a new James Cameron film amazing to have witnessed the buildup and actual movie. I imagine the sequels will give the same feeling as well. avatar franchise is the king on the throne now. The Mario movie gave me a special feeling as well and I imagine the Zelda movie movie will too because Nintendo doesn’t miss everything they shoot are straight buckets that’s just how it is


That's actually pretty sweet.
Yeah, this could've been actually pulled off with good, heartfelt characters and writing, instead of stiff, Disney/Kennedy committee "she needs to be perfect, and she needs no men and to have no emotions and be an universal role model, and the old hero needs to be subverted and deconstructed to spite the nerds" nonsense.
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Yeah, this could've been actually pulled off with good, heartfelt characters and writing, instead of stiff, Disney/Kennedy committee "she needs to be perfect, and she needs no men and to have no emotions and be an universal role model, and the old hero needs to be subverted and reconstructed to spite the nerds" nonsense.
„What do you mean?
Resourceful, daring, beautiful, self-sufficient?!“


Except that's not what people were saying when the ST was released. The internet DEMANDED that Rey be a Kenobi, Skywalker, Solo, or something. So JJ Abrams gave them it.
I don't know why you need to paint what actually happened with all this overly bitter & angry attitude.
I don't remember people DEMANDING IT while frothing to the mouth or something, they were just speculating about it because TFA's mistery boxes seemed to hint at something like that, Star Wars fan have been trained to expect that kind of soap-operish reveals after all.
If Rey's character was actually liked/likeable, with also the story actually achieving in having some kind of well-earned heartwarming moral, no one would've cared about her being just some random girl.
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Gold Member
Having the next Star Wars movie be a direct sequel to the ST, starring Rey and having it be about her restoring the Jedi Order, has got to be one of the most arrogant and insane Double Downs I’ve ever seen.


The problem with Star Wars is that it's become a mass-produced franchise.
There's just nothing artistically interesting or special about it anymore, it's simply a corporate product now. At least, that's my perception of it.

The original trilogy is arguably the sole exceptional and timeless Star Wars narrative. Everything since then feels merely derivative, and the seemingly endless string of spinoffs only further erodes the mystique of Star Wars.
Repeated plot structures, narrative tropes, familiar iconography, and the recycling of characters for nostalgic appeal have become tiresome. I also think that nostalgia loses its emotional potency when the subject remains a constant fixture in pop culture.

However, every once in a while some creative minds get ahold of the IP and make interesting creative decisions, but they never truly escape the long shadow cast over by the original trilogy.


Gold Member
Having the next Star Wars movie be a direct sequel to the ST, starring Rey and having it be about her restoring the Jedi Order, has got to be one of the most arrogant and insane Double Downs I’ve ever seen.

That's not necessarily the next movie. Filoni's Heir to the Empire could be next or Mangold's Dawn of the Jedi. Both of those seem further along than New Jedi Order.

Lady Bird

Matsuno's Goebbels
One thing that struck me about TLJ is at the end of the movie both sides had lost. (Neither was a functional entity anymore after they had beat each other into oblivion.) Given that you're right, they had some room to do something new and interesting with the aftermath of that war. I never saw TRoS but I guess we didn't get it.
Nah, TLJ was the movie that started with "the first order reigns" (already? so fast?) and went hard on keeping the rebels vs. empire angle. It had a few interesting ideas that could have taken the franchise into a new direction, but it never fully committed to them (the Rey/Kylo partnership, for example, which was dropped in 2 minutes to go back to good vs bad).

Ultimately, TFA was a generic movie with a lot of untapped promise (what is the role of the knights of Ren? Who's Snoke and what kind of new lore will he bring to SW? What will old Luke do, now that he's getting involved? Finn as a former stormtrooper and a co-protagonist that may potentially turn into a force user...), and TLJ, while trying hard to be "different", pretty much dropped nearly every interesting idea and ended with the most generic sequel hook possible (who's going to win, Rey and the good guys or Kylo and the bad guys? *yawn*)
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You're probably just outgrowing it. 13-14, starting to think about girls and cars. The signs of a healthy young man, I think you have a bright future.

Edit: 2/10 shit post. I've done worse though!
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Whoa, I dindn't realize we had such badasses on this board!

You do. I think I've knee jerk done this for star wars before and I got lit up pretty bad lol. That one was on era so it made me a misogynist because unfunny just isn't good enough.

Sorry! I'ma own up to it and I'll even put in an edit.
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TFA was a global event. I remember the excitement I felt knowing there's a star wars movie coming out, I didn't sleep the night the before, I couldn't.
Fast forward to TRoS, and holy shit the amount fucks I gave during and after, with pretty much anything SW related, is in the negatives.
Hot take: I'd argue that the magic started leaving around SW Episode 2 Attack of the Clones.


Then they used a bunch of cool fights to cover up weak storytelling/dialogue in Episode 3. Some were really bad though.


That pivotal moment between Sheev, Anakin, and Mace Windu was supposed to be dramatic and meaningful, like something out of LoTR, but instead it was extremely goofy and laughable.


It doesn't matter if Star Wars fans finally came around to forgiving the prequels and Hayden's performance, the prequel trilogy simply wasn't that good and it's what started this giant downhill slope.

By the way, Filoni and Favreau being tasked to try and write around all of this, like a teacher correcting a high school research paper, should be seen as embarrassing for all parties involved.
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I remember the night in late 1993 in a bar in Long Beach called Fern's, my buddy Ken Ramsey wheeled his chair up to me and said, "Dude! Didja hear?!" No, hear what? "GEORGE LUCAS! NEW STAR WARS MOVIES! PREQUEL TRILOGY! YOUNG OBI WAN AND ANAKIN AND SHIT!!! EPISODE 1 IN 1997!!!" That was as magical as it gets, and the next 12 years were magical. Prequel haters can suck it.

But after Ep 3 in 2005, Lucas said he was done. And I was OK with that. So when Disney announced they bought Star Wars and were making a new sequel trilogy without Lucas' involvement, I didn't give the slightest shit. It was just more fanfiction/EU product as far as I was concerned, and I've never been the least bit interested in any of that.


John Candy No GIF by Laff

Star Wars was never a major player in my entertainment. Slightly before my time with the OT so I didn't really care about the games, the prequels or the eventual disney sequels. I was much more of an Indiana Jones kid.

In my mind Harrison Ford is Indy, Mark Hamill is The Joker and Carrie Fisher is the hairy bush nun Jay went down on while hitchhiking to Hollywood.


People don't remember but The Phantom menace hype for a pre internet movie was massive.

I remember a bunch of people buying tickets for the Wing Commander movie and leaving before the movie begins just to see The Phantom Menace trailer.

Force awakens is not a bad movie per se. It isn't ground breaking but it was a safe play from Disney. The problem was that they didn't laid the groundwork for a trilogy before shooting the entire thing and RJ (and to some extent Carrie's death) shat on their entire "plan."

No director or screenwriter could have saved the trilogy in the third film.
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Pegasus Actual

Gold Member
Was excited for Episode 1. That came out I think right after I turned 18. Effectively killed my childhood and ushered me into the cold cruel world that is adulthood.
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