â Narayan
Holy crap!wwm0nkey said:Hey guys Seraphs are pilotable!
Guess the whole space battle MP that got cut was originally Human vs Covenant.
Holy crap!wwm0nkey said:Hey guys Seraphs are pilotable!
Guess the whole space battle MP that got cut was originally Human vs Covenant.
Yeah when the challenges are that dumb I just don't even bother.Gui_PT said:I have 1 assist. Really Bungie?
I'm not even going to try.
This might help a bit, but I don't think a cR bonus would do the trick for everyone. There are probably a large number of people playing the game that don't give a shit about armor unlocks or rank, and thus couldn't care less about credits. You mention MW2, but this isn't like COD games where you have to complete games and rank up to get the weapons you want ultimately, rank doesn't matter. And those people who feel this way (the more casual players, and probably not anyone in this thread) would just continue to quit.Foxy Fox 39 said:The problem with Bungie is that they need to give people an incentive to play, not a deterrent to quit. (and they don't have jump in gametypes where people can join mid match, so that creates the problem of people leaving but not joining therefore empty space is made)
Give people a completed match bonus that actually is worth something. For every match you complete in MM you get like a 1500 cR bonus or something along the rewards line.
MW2 was really good at dangling the carrot in front of people.
Devin Olsen said:A couple clips from the customs last night...
Gunner Escape
360 Splatter (this one really isn't impressive, I just thought it was fun when I did it...)
vatstep said:This might help a bit, but I don't think a cR bonus would do the trick for everyone. There are probably a large number of people playing the game that don't give a shit about armor unlocks or rank, and thus couldn't care less about credits. You mention MW2, but this isn't like COD games where you have to complete games and rank up to get the weapons you want ultimately, rank doesn't matter. And those people who feel this way (the more casual players, and probably not anyone in this thread) would just continue to quit.
All you have to do is watch the list of players when a specific gametype is voted upon, and you'll start seeing people quit. BTB is particularly divisive because of the varying gametypes in the playlist if a few people want to play Slayer, but 1-Flag wins the vote, you know what's probably gonna happen.
It all goes back to the Halo games not really letting people play exactly what they want to play at that moment... I know it creates variety and encourages players to learn other gametypes, but a lot of people just don't want to do this. I never quit, but I would ultimately prefer it if, when I wanted to play Stockpile, I could go and play Stockpile, and not just hope it pops up as a voting option. I'm pretty sure most people feel the same.
Darkshier said:and Cr for completing objectives (grabbing/scoring flag, planting bomb, etc...).
wwm0nkey said:Hey guys Seraphs are pilotable!
Guess the whole space battle MP that got cut was originally Human vs Covenant.
DLC Bungie. DO ITwwm0nkey said:Hey guys Seraphs are pilotable!
Guess the whole space battle MP that got cut was originally Human vs Covenant.
It's a gamesave you can download from a modding site.Demoncarnotaur said:Wow, how do you do that? Looks like a blast.
It made me so sad when I heard that they had cut space MP. I know they never announced it, but after seeing space in e3 it really seemed like a great route. It seems the basics are there, I would really pay a lot for a Space MP expansion DLC. Just like one or two maps, its own playlist, and like 2 or so gametypes. It looks like all they would need to do would be make a map that supported the vehicles, the code seems to be there in full force.
Please Bungie? It would be such a missed opportunity not to. Whether Starwars Battlefront inspired, or just pure space vehicle combat, it would be really nice, and refreshing.
Then that person should get booted from the match and a Cr penalty for being a dirty teamkiller. I wouldn't mind a slight Cr penalty per betrayal either.Thagomizer said:This is an awful idea. Every objective game would turn into "betray the flag carrier"
m0ngo said:Why can't we just have a play list for each game type?
Community Segmentation has negative impact towards the life of a game over time.m0ngo said:Why can't we just have a play list for each game type?
We need some sort of Custom Game Search/MM thing. Just select which Game Type you want to jump into, and it will try to put you into any open game thats playing the gametype.Alienshogun said:It's a shame there isn't a "social" playlist where it's just a "fun" hopper and people can join in progress or quit whenever, quitters are really ruining this game for me.
Here's hoping the next iteration of Halo, whatever we get, has better thought out multiplayer in terms of drop in drop out.
I like it better where you can vote and continually switch up gametypes/maps within the same circumstances of players (4v4, 8v8, 2v2v2v2v2v2).m0ngo said:Why can't we just have a play list for each game type?
That was me driving! :lolDevin Olsen said:
Yeah and I don't know what the solution is. I like the flexibility playlists give Bungie and how easy it is (or appears to be) for them to change things up. But on the other hand the playlist system does force people into playing game types they don't want to play.vatstep said:It all goes back to the Halo games not really letting people play exactly what they want to play at that moment... I know it creates variety and encourages players to learn other gametypes, but a lot of people just don't want to do this. I never quit, but I would ultimately prefer it if, when I wanted to play Stockpile, I could go and play Stockpile, and not just hope it pops up as a voting option. I'm pretty sure most people feel the same.
Raide said:It splits the player base too thin and some gametypes end up with 3 people playing it...like Team Snipers. :lol
Exactly what I was thinking :lolAlienshogun said:I never understood this, if the mode isn't popular, then why keep it?
Raide said:It splits the player base too thin and some gametypes end up with 3 people playing it...like Team Snipers. :lol
Alienshogun said:I never understood this, if the mode isn't popular, then why keep it?
I'm one of those people who think CTF/territories/Death match should have their own playlist.
There is no reason to subject those who don't want to play oddball, or other objective games, to them, if the mode isn't popular, that's for a reason.
xxjuicesxx said:Wheres this piece of data from? Team Snipers has always been pretty popular...
My troubles on Exodus were really three parts.Letters said:I grabbed a warthog, gave the Sgt Major dude an FRG, he hopped on and then we got this badass looking soldier that was walking around without a helmet to jump on the turret and we destroyed the covenant in that area.
The final run up to the button that activates the AA guns was a bitch though since I was on foot and had to do that section a bunch of times because I kept getting oneshot killed by the FRG chieftain in the last room.
Because certain modern shooters have taken over a lot of peoples mind, so they expect killing someone to be easy. Gametypes like that allow people who aren't good at Halo's gameplay to just rack up ranks and kills as quickly as they like.Ramirez said:It's sad to me how popular all of the spin off gametypes are compared to the real Halo stuff, it's like people don't want to play actual core Halo at all, they want to play garbage like Swat, Snipers, Grifball, Rocket Race, & Infection. I would almost guarantee that if each of those gametypes had a playlist dedicated to it, they would be more popular than everything aside from Slayer, and some of them might even beat or match slayer.![]()
They removed it in Halo 3 because it didnt make the cut, I wonder why they didnt put it in reach.Hey You said:We need some sort of Custom Game Search/MM thing. Just select which Game Type you want to jump into, and it will try to put you into any open game thats playing the gametype.
It would be a pretty cool addition when Bungie's done and moved on.
:lolDevin Olsen said:
Raide said:Thats why they tend to keep certain modes lumped together. I like Bungie and the Community coming up with new gametypes but they do not always replace Slayer, which is the standard game for just about everyone.
If nobody plays it, then Bungie will either move it to another playlist that suits the gametype, or remove it all together.
Alienshogun said:I don't think you are quite understanding me. You seem to be disagreeing with me, while restating what I said.
If it isn't a popular mode, then it should be removed, people shouldn't be forced to play it.
Lumping less popular modes into popular gametypes is idiotic IMO. If people weren't forced to play gametypes they don't want to play I'm betting quitting would occur less.
Some people want to JUST play CTF, some people JUST want to play SWAT, some people JUST want to play what they want to play. The play list should reflect that. Lumping a bunch of crap into one play list doesn't do anyone favors.
If 30 people like race, then maybe that mode should be removed, not lumped into a playlist in which people are looking for slayer.
Raide said:Mainly people here moaning about Snipers or SWAT. :lol
I felt this way at first until I realized that you can just pick up any weapon and it'll have unlimited ammo fuel rod gun madness! Looks like they're rectifying this in Sniper Attack (in Score Attack) with this week's playlist update, but not Sniperfight, so if people want to keep voting for it, I don't really mind.Deware80 said:I agree to a certain extent. I don't know how many times I have to put up with sniperfight instead of regular firefight.
Maybe so it wouldn't take away people from the Regular Matchmaking playlists?wwm0nkey said:They removed it in Halo 3 because it didnt make the cut, I wonder why they didnt put it in reach.
xxjuicesxx said:That was just people not wanting to be forced to play it. The fact that it was getting the majority vote means more people wanted to play it than didn't. Plus a lot of players on GAF can't aim Snipers or DMR's that well so they prefer AR and vehicle playlists.
I think SWAT and Snipers is just as much Halo as Slayer is Ramirez its been there in MM since I started. Now if Infection or Rocket Race had higher numbers then I would be worried.
GhaleonEB said:My troubles on Exodus were really three parts.
The first was a series of very bad checkpoints. In general, the checkpoint system in Reach has been pretty good to me, but I've definitely had more terrible or skipped ones than the last couple outings. Not frequent, but they really jump out when they happen. The example I mentioned before was the worst: the Chieftain toward the end of the jetpacking sequence, where he's overlooking the area from a balcony, a pack of Grunts below. Took me forever to kill him - it's Legendary, it should - and no checkpoint. Then I clear out the area after that of Grunts and Jackals. No checkpoint. Then the long surrounding balcony of a few Brutes. No checkpoint. Then I engage the huge Brute pack down in the center of the building, and die, and am back facing the Chieftain. It's a YMMV situation, but when it happens, it 's really frustrating.
Wrath Rant
The Wraith AI in Reach lets them know where you are, exactly, and shell that location even though you are 1) not in their line of sight and 2) have never been in their line of sight.
This was one of my 20 deaths to the Wraiths on the last section of Exodus, approaching the area where you are arming the AA guns. At that point I didn't even know there was a Wraith over the hill.
The blue poof on the bridge is the shot it took; it knew where I was, naturally.
This is the kind of enemy AI that other games do; it's not what Halo has done and I'm disappointed to see something so cheap in the game. It's a poor way to balance Legendary.
As for why I wasn't using the Warthog: my friendly AI had been, shall we say, less than helpful to that point. Plus, I don't really like using the Warthog when I don't have to. Having the option of doing an encounter on foot is one of the great things about Halo's design, usually. And by the time I realized what was up with the Wraith AI, the 'Hog was toast and I'd hit a checkpoint.
Finally, thing #3, most of the level, my Marines were acting like this. It didn't capture the feeling of storming the enemy entrenchments with a pack of soldiers when they were all disconnected from the action.
[/end rant]
There are big sections of the campaign on Legendary I'll be playing again solo, but Nightfall and Exodus will prevent me from doing a solo run through the entire game again. This last mission was a miserable experience. And again, on Heroic, I think it's an excellent mission.
Raide said:It splits the player base too thin and some gametypes end up with 3 people playing it...like Team Snipers. :lol
Gui_PT said:I just got the assist challenge in the luckiest way possible.
While playing Invasion, everyone on the other team but one guy quit. Everyone spawn camped. I just used the plasma pistol as soon as he spawned :lol
Alienshogun said:I don't think you are quite understanding me. You seem to be disagreeing with me, while restating what I said.
If it isn't a popular mode, then it should be removed, people shouldn't be forced to play it.
Lumping less popular modes into popular gametypes is idiotic IMO. If people weren't forced to play gametypes they don't want to play I'm betting quitting would occur less.
Some people want to JUST play CTF, some people JUST want to play SWAT, some people JUST want to play what they want to play. The play list should reflect that. Lumping a bunch of crap into one play list doesn't do anyone favors.
If 30 people like race, then maybe that mode should be removed, not lumped into a playlist in which people are looking for slayer.
Gui_PT said:I just got the assist challenge in the luckiest way possible.
While playing Invasion, everyone on the other team but one guy quit. Everyone spawn camped. I just used the plasma pistol as soon as he spawned :lol
Whata champ.
Raide said:Ahh, sorry, I miss-understood you. I see what you're saying now.
Great minds think alike. As if we want to torture ourselves with an AI wraith without using the jet-pack. :lolSai-kun said:I cheesed the FUCK outta this part. Jetpack? Check :lol Mongoose for fast travel? Check. 'goose it over to the first AA thing, jetpack up, activate, jetpack down, goose it over to the second, jetpack up, activate, jetpack down, then goose it over back to where you started and then to the big red button, jetpack into the room, bam. I tried what you did for a long time and eventually I was like "screw it"
Alucrid said:Whata champ.
Make them loose 1000cR if they quit (disconnects wouldnt count)Gui_PT said:Surprised he didn't quit.
This just illustrates the quitters problem =\
Then turn off friendly fire for objective gametypes.Thagomizer said:This is an awful idea. Every objective game would turn into "betray the flag carrier"
GhaleonEB said:[rant]