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Reminder: EBGames to have new PS2s in-store this Friday/Saturday (reserves only)

Kumiko Nikaido

As you know, specialty-electronic stores like EB and Gamestop will be getting the new PS2s a full 2 weeks early before every other national retailer (Best Buy, Target, etc.). Those retailers will get their new PS2 units during the first week of November (which is the national roll-out).

If you preordered the new, redesigned PS2 through EBGames, they'll have the units in-store on Friday or Saturday. These units will go to those who preordered during the first shipment, which closed on the end of the business day on Tuesday, Oct. 5th. If you preordered the unit after that date, then you'll get your unit during the second alloted shipment, due to arrive on the week of Oct. 24th.

Minimum/partial payment customers who didn't pay off their PS2 in full will only be allowed a 48-hour hold on their unit. If you don't pick it up within 2 days, your unit will be sold in order to move out the product.

If Sony allocates additional units, then more preorders will be fulfilled the sooner.

* Source: EBGames Conference Call (10/11/04)


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
DMczaf said:
WTF? the website is sending them out tomorrow. Bah!

Yeah, exactly
they ship them via Ground
I was just about to make a thread asking if PSTwo is REALLY coming out on the 14th (all we have to go by is EB's word, no official word from Sony). Good to hear, can't wait to get my PSTwo...got so many kick ass games waiting to be played, and GTA:SA is out soon. Life is good.


BTW, thanks alot for the info Kumiko. I'm happy that I decided to put some money down on the PSTwo a few weeks ago, I would be really pissed if I didn't have a PSTwo on the first shipment.

Kumiko Nikaido

Wow, sooner than I thought. Nice job, Kumiko.

Pedigree Chum said:
BTW, thanks alot for the info Kumiko. I'm happy that I decided to put some money down on the PSTwo a few weeks ago, I would be really pissed if I didn't have a PSTwo on the first shipment.

No problem, guys. :) I'm so getting one of these small beauties myself. Bye bye old PS2! ^_^


If you haven't preordered by now, you're SOL.

Unless someone doesn't pick theirs up, of course.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
I'm glad I didn't pre-order one. Now the temptation is gone. :) I want a Japanese model though; don't know if I'll be able to wait...


Pedigree Chum said:
I was just about to make a thread asking if PSTwo is REALLY coming out on the 14th (all we have to go by is EB's word, no official word from Sony). Good to hear, can't wait to get my PSTwo...got so many kick ass games waiting to be played, and GTA:SA is out soon. Life is good.



I will get that after 2 conditions have been met:

1. A mod-chip comes out, so I can play imports.

2. They tell me what they are gonna do about the HDD.

Once those 2 conditions have been met, then I will get one, because it does look nice.


My PS2 just ate the shit so I have to get one of these before GTA:SA comes out. Looks like ill have to wait.:(

Where the hell did they fit the cooling fan on that though?
aparisi2274 said:
I will get that after 2 conditions have been met:

1. A mod-chip comes out, so I can play imports.

2. They tell me what they are gonna do about the HDD.

Once those 2 conditions have been met, then I will get one, because it does look nice.

I'm thinking that a swap mod would be insanely easy to do with this model, givien that it's a top loader.

as for #2, uhh...doorstop maybe?


I was thinking about getting a Network Adapter, but I might as well go for this new model instead. My PS2's lens is about to die anyways. :D


aparisi2274 said:
2. They tell me what they are gonna do about the HDD.
They're going to drop support for it like the useless pile of waste it is.

I thought that was made pretty clear.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
aparisi2274 said:
I will get that after 2 conditions have been met:

1. A mod-chip comes out, so I can play imports.

2. They tell me what they are gonna do about the HDD.

Once those 2 conditions have been met, then I will get one, because it does look nice.

I think it's pretty safe to assume that HDD support is dead. Other than FFXI and RE Outbreak, there's no other real reasons to have it.

Does anyone know if EB takes in HDD in trade? If I can get over $100 for my PS2, HDD, and Network Adaptor from them, I'll get a new model PS2...


Does anyone know if EB takes in HDD in trade? If I can get over $100 for my PS2, HDD, and Network Adaptor from them, I'll get a new model PS2...

I took my network adapter to EB, got $10. The HDD and PS2 went to Ebay and got me close to $150. :)

EB told me I could get $25 for the HDD and $70 for the PS2. Meh, Ebay!
AeroGod said:
Where the hell did they fit the cooling fan on that though?

Sony better have not cheaped out and not put fan in there or OH (overheating) will become the new DRE.

*gets 2 years extended coverage*

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
DMczaf said:
I took my network adapter to EB, got $10. The HDD and PS2 went to Ebay and got me close to $150. :)

EB told me I could get $25 for the HDD and $70 for the PS2. Meh, Ebay!

In that case, I'll just sell it back to my own store; I can get more than that easily and will see if an EB will give me a new PS2 model early. >:^)
Leshita said:
Preordered mine last week, can't wait to pick it up so I can finally play MGS2: Substance, Ico, and Katamari. :D

Heh, I've got the following waiting:

BO3, Viewtiful Joe, Gradius V, ICO, Amplitude, ZOE2, SSX Tricky, HSG:Fore!, Mark of Kri and Katamari. That's a whole lot of PS2 goodness, plsu GTA:SA soon. Factor in Halo 2 and MGS3 and... :D


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Great Wasabi Man said:
I'd get this if I did pick up a dell DJ last week :( EB gives you 70!? for the older PS2...what about gamestop?

It was $85 yesterday.
It was $100 till they annouced the new ps2
Yeah, I was thinking about this yesterday as well.
I couldn't really see a fan from the photos of the unit nor do I recall any article talking about this.
Leshita said:
Yeah, I was thinking about this yesterday as well.
I couldn't really see a fan from the photos of the unit nor do I recall any article talking about this.

Exactly. At least Sony fixes PS2's for free, but I still hope this won't be an issue in the future. That would really blow, especially after having my last PS2 mobo crap out on me.


Maybe Sony of Canada are just assholes then because they basically told me I had to pay to get it fixed/replaced or I'm screwed.

I had a defective GameCube too and Nintendo gave me a new system for free without even asking for a warrenty. Wish it was always that easy.
Mercurial said:
Maybe Sony of Canada are just assholes then because they basically told me I had to pay to get it fixed/replaced or I'm screwed.

I had a defective GameCube too and Nintendo gave me a new system for free without even asking for a warrenty. Wish it was always that easy.


Read that, then argue with them and see what happens. I'm Canadian too, so I'd be interested to see if they did it for free. I've just heard that it's free repair from people, maybe they were only sued in the US, it might just apply there, who knows. It's worth a shot at the very least.


Well, it's too late now. Afterwards I gave my system to EB and used the credit towards one of these new PSTwo's. I wish I'd known about this earlier. Bastards.
Mercurial said:
Well, it's too late now. Afterwards I gave my system to EB and used the credit towards one of these new PSTwo's. I wish I'd known about this earlier. Bastards.

Damn, that sucks. Stupid Sony.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Contrary to what Kumiko Nikaido reported, I was able to walk into my local EB today and pre-order a new-model PS2 for $20. They told me I could come pick up the system on Friday, and that I could get $80 in credit for my PS2 alone. They also have a deal going on that gives you $150 for a PS2 and any five PS2 games; if they REALLY mean "any," I've got some cheap old games I'd be glad to trade in. :D

I'm going to have to get a Japanese PStwo as well...I know I can get at least $140 for the two Japanese models I currently own if I trade them into my store....

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
I think I asked this once before, but since the new PS2 is a top-loading system, does that mean that the coverter discs used for the PS2 top-loading shell mod for playing imports would be able to work with this system?
Spike said:
I mean the release day. My local EB store keeps saying they aren't stocking it until November 1.

I asked my EB Canada today and they told me they're probably going to get it in the week of GTA:SA. Fucking sucks, hope their wrong though.
Pedigree Chum said:
Heh, I've got the following waiting:

BO3, Viewtiful Joe, Gradius V, ICO, Amplitude, ZOE2, SSX Tricky, HSG:Fore!, Mark of Kri and Katamari. That's a whole lot of PS2 goodness, plsu GTA:SA soon. Factor in Halo 2 and MGS3 and... :D

No Ace Combat IV or V? Ack


Junior Member
Pedigree Chum said:
I never liked the PS1 Ace Combat games...only thing holding me back.

Neither did I nor am I much of a flight game person but AC4 on the PS2 is just a high quality game. You are missing out.
Alright, I'll give it a shot then. Kept eyeing AC4 used for $20 at my local mom&pop, guess I'll pick it up next time I'm there.

One more Q, does the game have anime cutscenes?


Pedigree Chum said:
I asked my EB Canada today and they told me they're probably going to get it in the week of GTA:SA. Fucking sucks, hope their wrong though.

Well, better than November 1, I guess...
Spike said:
Well, better than November 1, I guess...

I seriously think they are wrong though, cause wehn I asked the employee to check the comp it said Oct 13th. Then I got a remark, "That's werid, I doubt it's coming out tomorrow, we would have heard more about it". Well, it might not come out tomorrow, but I wouldn't be surprised if I got a call in a few days saying my PSTwo reserve is in.

Kumiko Nikaido

Lyte Edge said:
Contrary to what Kumiko Nikaido reported, I was able to walk into my local EB today and pre-order a new-model PS2 for $20. They told me I could come pick up the system on Friday, and that I could get $80 in credit for my PS2 alone. They also have a deal going on that gives you $150 for a PS2 and any five PS2 games; if they REALLY mean "any," I've got some cheap old games I'd be glad to trade in. :D

I guess you lucked out then, Lyte Edge. :D

And they only gave you $80 dollars for your old PS2? That's odd. Trading in your old PS2 should have netted you $100 dollars in store credit.....this offer runs to all the way to Oct. 31st. And there's an additional $10 bonus trade-in credit coupon in this month's EB catalog....so in essence you should have gotten $110 dollars in credit for your PS2. I recommend going back to your EB and start a ruckus.

As for the $150 dollars for your PS2 and 5 games, there's an "exclusion list" of titles....meaning you can't ditch-off old sports games and some other titles.
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